That's what she said, man.Maybe her mother put a hit out on ol' Siegy with those dying words of hers 'cause he was getting his onion peeled by someone else in Lordran? I think I'm onto something.
All my effects are suddenly flickering... I restarted my PS3 a few times. Tried different loads/characters. Constant, really distracting, flickering on all magics, bonfires, fog gates, etc.
Seems, I'm not the only one.
All my effects are suddenly flickering... I restarted my PS3 a few times. Tried different loads/characters. Constant, really distracting, flickering on all magics, bonfires, fog gates, etc.
It happened on the DLC areas too when it came out but was eventually fixed I think? Server side issue?
I guess... seems not to be an issue so far in offline mode.
How annoying.
I might have an SL20 around, that should be in range. When are you available to play?So is anyone with a low level character willing to help me beat Ornstein and Smough on pc? I'm trying to do a low-level challenge (i'm at level 10 right now) but this fight just destroys me.
I might have an SL20 around, that should be in range. When are you available to play?
Oh, I'm on PS3... sorry, missed the "on pc" part.![]()
Whenever you want, maybe add me on steam?
Well, now that Im at NG+ and I got Sunlight Blade on NG, is finally time to go for Darkmoon Blade. Hows the droprate of the harpies? Getting souvenirs from invading seems low.
Some say it's slow, I say it's pretty fast. You can run to the tower in seconds, kill the harpies, use a bone and repeat. Only thing is that the harpies can be a bit tricky every now and then.
It's those damn resonance rings, every time they fix them everything else goes belly up!Between this framerate and the massive flickering issue (which is actually getting worse as the hours pass) what a damn mess this game is right now.
Framerate will never get fixed, but I hope they get their shit together on the effects flickering. It's basically broken all online play.
Holy shit is the final boss of the dlc hard as melee. The summon partner is pretty useless and its hard to get away when he does his combo. I beat him after my 6th try but it was too close for comfort. The other big bad of the dlc wasn't bad at all once I learned his combo.
I also see a video of someone two hand killing him no damage taken in like 40 seconds. I need my havel's armor to make up for my terrible dodge timing, but I'm sure I could do it with enough practice, just not patient enough to keep doing the boss over and over until I learn how to read all his animations.
It's those damn resonance rings, every time they fix them everything else goes belly up!
They fixed it pretty fast last time iirc, so it shouldn't be too long hopefully.
I thought it was a really easy fight, actually. All you need is a good high stability shield with 100 physical (I used Greatshield of Artorias) and a lot of Estus. All attacks besides the grab combo are slow and easily blockable and if you get caught in the grab combo, there's plenty of time to heal afterwards. Just need to have decent HP too. He also is very predictable and gives you plenty of time to hit him between his attacks.
I hear the same thing from pretty much everyone. About the highest stability shield I can get is eagle shield with my build (I'm at 30 vit/30 end/16 strength/12 dex/40 faith/10 int sl 80 something right now). Honestly I should have just stopped being a baby and practiced dodging his attacks with light armor, but I just wanted him dead so I went havel's armor.
What really killed me was his big combo, I understand it happens after he roars but I couldn't backpedal fast enough away.
Holy shit is the final boss of the dlc hard as melee. The summon partner is pretty useless and its hard to get away when he does his combo. I beat him after my 6th try but it was too close for comfort. The other big bad of the dlc wasn't bad at all once I learned his combo.
I also see a video of someone two hand killing him no damage taken in like 40 seconds. I need my havel's armor to make up for my terrible dodge timing, but I'm sure I could do it with enough practice, just not patient enough to keep doing the boss over and over until I learn how to read all his animations.
I wish you could still be invaded after killing the boss area. IMO its a point to coming back to an area, to do some pvp.
You can always invade or put your red sign down to get PvP. Most Darkwraiths kill the area boss then start invading so their invasions won't get interrupted. You can still be gravelorded after you beat a boss, and invade the gravelord while hollow, so there is that too.
Running PS3 version here and I am getting lots of flickering effects. The bonfire, item pickups and dropped souls are all flickering. Also, enemies that fire magic are now firing invisible magic!! WTF is going on?!
I am in Dukes Achieves.
Darkwraiths can kill bosses? Doesn't that really mess things up for the player? Like regarding drops and just their game experience in general?
They broke the fucking game. Been like this -everywhere- for days. Play offline to get a smoother experience, of course that severely reduces the fun of the game.
Ouch. Have they said that they're working on a fix?
You can always invade or put your red sign down to get PvP. Most Darkwraiths kill the area boss then start invading so their invasions won't get interrupted. You can still be gravelorded after you beat a boss, and invade the gravelord while hollow, so there is that too.
When someone invades your game is it someone around the save level as you? Some guy spawned and killed me and he had a 11 on his head and I'm level 3 .
Huh? He had a number on his head? Wat.... do you see the other player's levels on the PC version or what?
They don't show levels on PC either. It was probably the damage indicator, maybe he took damage right before invading, or he's poisoned. Or.. he's hacking, when people use cheat engine for infinite health a number shows above their health bar.
This flickering shit is truly annoying. :|
I got past Anor Londo, and I had already done most everything in Darkroot Garden and Basin, except for killing Sif and the Hydra, which I promptly achieved.
I guess my next destination should be New Londo Ruins, but I can't hit them ghosts. D: I have only crafted one boss soul weapon so far, Queelag's Furysword. I'm still sitting on Sif, Lunar Butterfly, Smough souls as well as the Golem Core, any suggestions? My character is a melee one, I've been raising STR, VIT and to a lesser degree END.
I've used the Zweihander sucessfully and mine is currently +14 and really good. I can't quite use my Demon Machete yet which is what I'll replace the Zwei with.
But I heardyou can save him, dunno how, She killed him in my playthrought
I'm sure you can 2h the DGM, you only need 27 STR to 2 hand it. Also, if you are using big strength weapons you should be 2 handing almost all the time. The DGM actually has decent defensive stats for blocking-stability and physical resist. So, if you don't land first hit and stagger then murder your mob enemies, you can block then swing and murder them that way. Getting used to blocking with a shield then quickly switching to 2 hand your weapon is an invaluable skill to learn and get good at for heavy weapon strength builds. You almost always want to be swinging your weapon 2 handed.
Another thing you should try more often with huge strength weapons is jump attacks, you can close the distance pretty quickly and most of the time one shot enemies or pancake them into the ground then finish them off. It's a different playstyle, but Strength weapons are entirely viable and devastating in PvE and PvP.
Yeah I've never really done two-handing weapons, I feel in danger all of the time due to lack of shield. Do you still block in the same way you would a shield?
Yep, you hold the weapon up as a shield. The DGM has 70% phys resist and 44 stability, which is actually really good when you can swing right back after you block. Best bet though is to block with shield, 2 hand weapon, then start swinging. 2H swings are faster and much stronger than 1 hand on most Strength weapons. Also, 2H attacks are quicker to stagger because they poise break harder than 1 hand attacks. Give it a try and practice, you'll see the results soon enough.
If i leave the Gravelord Servant covenant through the guy in the gargoyle tower do i still get the miracles penalties?
You'll loose a rank (actually it's a %) when you re-join but you won't be added to the book of the guilty.