About to embark on a fresh game, y'all. I've decided that I really want me a Greatsword of Artorias and/or Abyss Greatsword, but my current INT/FTH stats are absolutely shot at SL 150, so I'm going back to square one.
What say you guys re: the AGS and GSoA? If I were to only meet the absolute minimum INT/FTH requirements and put subsequent souls into STR/DEX, which would you recommend?
I'm down with the Humanity modifier of the AGS, but the B/B scaling of INT/FTH for the GSoA has me a tad confused. Does it mean that if I pump souls into either INT or FTH, the additional 140 points from the Divine Modifier (Uncursed) will scale with a B rating?
The C/C/B/B scaling parameters of the GSoA seem a lot more appealing on face value than the C/C/-/- paramaters of the AGS (considering you need to level up INT/FTH for both, anyway), so I'm assuming the "balancing" comes in the form of the AGS having a much higher base damage... Correct? What exactly is the penalty for not having the required INT/FTH for the AGS, seeing as INT/FTH yield no damage modifications?
Fuck... I'm in too deep. Haha.
Also, what class would you recommend beginning as to reach said requirements the quickest, but also not spread myself too thin? I was thinking the Thief.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, guys. There's just so much to take in!