Hmm. SL1 run... Tempting.
Gimme some tips!
I think I'm going to start an SL1 run today, not sure about what rules to impose on myself though. For example, you can just rush to the catacombs, drop down almost right away, summon Leeroy to distract the wheel guys and have him kill Pinwheel to get the rite of kindling before doing anything else. On one hand it seems like you'll need every advantage you can get, but on the other doing things like that feel counter to a challenge run.
SL1 with no qualifications isn't really much different then regular for an experienced player...if you allow yourself to max out your weapons and spells all you are really doing is reducing your defense a bit.....and if you rarely get hit as an experienced player....there is very little difference.
Although I never was so masochistic to limit my estus, nor use only starting equipment,
Real men do no upgrades SL1 at very least. It made the game fresh as you are forced to use only so much equipment and spells, and the rings you never use like the dusk ring become life savers. You will also use a crossbow more...I guarantee. Because I am not that great at bosses, I allowed summons only if they were also observing no upgrades rules...only had to use help for O and S and didn't do 4 kings personally at all as it took someone I knew was better than me 50 tries....but it is possible!!!

some people say no giant hammer, nor no downgrading the occult club to divine. but I allowed an idiot I didn't realize the giant hammer was twice as powerful as my divine club though as i forgot it had lightning as well as physical damage, and never used it regardless.
Can anyone recommend playing demon souls AFTER completing this game, I hear demon souls is a good game in its own right but more like an unpolished replica of Darksouls?
Demons was the original and better of the two in maintaining high standards all the way through for world creativity and lore. Despite some minor improvements, (better ability to roam and search out new areas/shortcuts) that fans asked for after Demon's, Dark really wasn't that much better in many respects. Both are high quality games that give the gift that keeps on giving, character after character after character, etc. Ironically there are possible improvements to both games that if merged would make DSII the ultimate in the series....but we can't hold our breath on that one.
Where is a good place to get sunlight medals on PC? Level 60-80 seems impossible to get summoned in. :/
The shortcut that you open by giving 30 humanity ot the daughter of chaos (or the bridge above the lava pits in Lost Izalith), if you have to come from behind, has those little sunlight maggots....each of whom drop one or two medals per wave with 410 item discovery. If you have the shortcut open use the chaos bonfire to reset.
Farm maggots in Lost Izalith/Demon Ruins shortcut. PC summons fail all the time.
With the DSCFIX I have not had any issues doing what I need to do by hiring friends. I made new friends at every stage with my new Lifehunt scythe chick, also BTW, so there are still enough players around. The last few nights in the garden the opportunity to either camp out as a host, or invade continuously has been available as well. Helped a player I squashed in the garden while a phantom to do 4 kings as he sent a friends request and I obliged....all summons are now instantaneous, and the players sign is always there when its supposed to be unlike in the past. Actually beats PS3 now for reliability. For obvious reasons, if the PC version is working, and it now is with DSCFIX, it is the better option....just stunning on my ISP 2560 x 1440 monitor.
So to the OP...all you have to do is A.)get DSCFIX (takes 3 minutes to drop some files.)
B.) post on here or preferably in the PC thread that you want help and someone will oblige.
C.) go to the garden and invade there, make friends, send friend request, voila you have AUTOMATIC summons that are ready and waiting the second you get to where you are supposed to meet...not one fail ever (barring deaths etc that are obvious reasons for a legitimate dropped summon....or some guy is uisng weird settings) Even with there being no guarantee someone you friend is the same SL in the garden, most of us have 10 character slots filled and can switch out with ease depending on what's needed.
You can friend me right now on GFWL if you wish and I know for a fact I have either a magic or faith based character at 66 or 80 that should be able to do whatever you require.:
edit: the last few days camped in the garden, my host and I have killed at least three hackers by getting them to chase us through Alvina's tower and out underneath..and then blown them of the cliff...very satisfying!