I love the Moonlight Greatsword on my sorcerer character.
Anyone got any pointers for a faith character? Are there any 'best' weapons/shield/armor/miracles for it? Atm I've put most souls into Faith and END, using a claymore +10 and some random shield+armor.
Faith characters are covenant based. and certain NPC's are very very important. You may want to read a couple wiki citations on the different covenants that center around faith....and similar to sorcery, all of the miracles come from interacting with NPC's, some of which are less easy to find and run into than for magic.
As mentioned by ixix, 30 faith is enough...but its your game....I have only went up to 50 once ...just to say I tried the most powerful lightning spear...but I like staying lower level to help in co-op so don't usually take it past 30...IIRC you can still one shot silver knights with great lightning spear at 30 faith (with crown and ring), so why go even more powerful? I then raise either DEX or STR, I find faith miracles to be fairly powerful, and as such focus more on the weapon than the miracles. If you were reading above, the skywalker build can thematically make use of emit force at 18 faith, which is a gimped version of Wrath of God, but it comes out at mid range and can be directed at spots, making it really useful in PVE. Its only slightly less damage than the lightning bolts, but its bonus is that it knocks lighter enemies down (which is really fun to use helping new players in the burg)....the trade off is its SLOW animation, and easy to miss getting it until halfway through the game if you don't know where it is.You will want to find the ring of the sun's first born, and dusk crown, the ring replaces the bellowing dragoncrest that is used when you do magic boost for sorcery characters...that one wont work for faith.
As for weapons, you can choose any you wish, but as mentioned by several, the Grant is a fun one to try if you go STR. I suggest two hand though, or your character will start getting pretty high in SL if you are uncomfortable leaving vitality or END low. (not a worry if you don't care about multiplayer.) You can still make a pretty viable PVP character by staying around SL120 but I rarely go there as I enjoy helping lower level players more than PVP.
Another faith specific weapon is the Darkmoon bow, which is a boss soul ascension only weapon. Moonlight arrows are best with this bow, but you will pay for them in souls at 500 a piece. You basically need to decide if you are going to keep a certain boss/NPC alive or kill said boss/NPC...either way, you will get an excellent weapon buff. Basically, you can go Darkmoon and invade, or go sun bro and help hosts (and get the bow by using the soul of the killed boss/NPC. ) Sunbro is a must at some point early inthe game as you will want to get the lightning bolts. I believe Darkmoon is the most powerful buff, but not by much over sunlight blade, or crystal magic weapon. These aforementioned buffs are faith dependent, but 30 is enough to get a good boost. I would suggest using buffs instead of making most of your weapons divine or occult; even if your faith buffs are more powerful, because sometimes it is better to switch to using resin for enemies that are weak to fire (Orn) or lighting (Manus), as opposed to magic. Never hurts to have one divine weapon maxed for the catacombs though ( I usually just downgrade the occult club, or use astora sword if still low level when going to the combs.)
As for shields, its simply your choice, its hard to go with anything but the grass crest shield just because END regen is important for any character, and since i like to two hand,the shield is irrelevant if not for the stat boosts it gives. Other stat boost shields are the blood shield which increases bleed resist, and the sanctus which gives a miniscule health regen. Along with the ring of the evil eye, It can help with power within or chaos blade drains. A consideration is that if you like to spam your lightning bolts and miracles, you will not be using your shield anyway depending if you put your talisman in off hand or not...off hand is the only way to buff weapons...but you can change around based on what you are doing at the time.
Choose your talisman wisely, as they are all slightly different...ironically the one you can get at firelink is good enough for 30 faith for the whole game. If you do decide to boost faith higher you can get more adjust with a talisman that gives bonus for higher faith.
There are a host of other unique miracles for helping in coo-op but ironically I never use them...its just not my thing to enhance healing potential when estus and humanity is preferred regardless, this was a gaff of the developers IMO. There are a couple other cool miracles that actually work, like karmic justice (awesome you tube of a parabomber build out there somewhere) albeit complex to understand. You may wish to look them up and figure out the situations in the game where they might be useful...but I haven't done them all and can't comment much past the skywalker build...which is what I play when doing faith and dex. Logans or cleric set, thief hood or no hood, katana or BSS, darkmoon or sunlight buff (Darkmoon is blue and more authentic, but depends what you want to do with the key boss for this stuff.)
geez that took longer than I realized...faith is a pretty complex build and you can take it several different ways, so again, this is one situation where if you already did your initial playthrough, a wiki may be
selectively consulted.