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Dark Souls Remastered |OT| Souls Remastered


Wow, you actually went and got the great scythe? That's impressive, getting that thing is a nightmare, haha.

It seems like, based on what you have said thus far, you can actually go two directions.




You'll know when you've gone up or down enough.

It seems like you have plenty more to do in dark root as well.

Are you still wearing Havel's ring?
I’m wearing Rusted Iron Ring(for the swamp)/Poisonbite or Ring of Evil Eye/Havel’s Ring for exploration. I switch between the thief set and the ninja set for poison res.


Got fucked by the spider. I admit I was a bit distracted but I found a strat not dissimilar to the Asylum Demon. Her left breast is the weakness. Well her left legs but it’s the same general direction anyway. Great Scythe is amazing as well. I get to reach her human body that I doubt my spear or sword could.
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Gold Member
Got fucked by the spider. I admit I was a bit distracted but I found a strat not dissimilar to the Asylum Demon. Her left breast is the weakness. Well her left legs but it’s the same general direction anyway. Great Scythe is amazing as well. I get to reach her human body that I doubt my spear or sword could.

didn't even know she had a weakness per se, and I'm playing souls since 2013 :D damn spider actually had me really struggling in my last randomizer run a couple of weeks back too.

pretty dope you got the Great Scythe already


didn't even know she had a weakness per se, and I'm playing souls since 2013 :D damn spider actually had me really struggling in my last randomizer run a couple of weeks back too.

pretty dope you got the Great Scythe already
Yeah, it was hell to get but I did it. It was a maze. I died like a dozen times.

It’s not a weakness but more like a blindspot. Her sword slashes go over your head if you stand really close to her front left side. Her fire breath misses you by like an inch. You’re close so you don’t trigger her running lunge attack.

The only thing you need to worry about was the lava floors and her aoe explosion just like that second Asylum boss.

Now I’m actually stumped. There’s so many ways I can pursue this. Forest, Drake Valley and now this volcano cave or something. There’s even that lake as well but noped out when I did 0 damage to those wraith like creatures. I can return to the Catacombs too. That gate where the fat dude was waiting near the blacksmith opened up as well when I rang the bell. So many choices!


Gold Member
There’s so many ways I can pursue this. Forest, Drake Valley and now this volcano cave or something. There’s even that lake as well but noped out when I did 0 damage to those wraith like creatures. I can return to the Catacombs too. That gate where the fat dude was waiting near the blacksmith opened up as well when I rang the bell. So many choices!

dude I envy you so, so much for experiencing this the first time now. I remember exactly what this feels like. Withoung sounding too doom&gloom, this kind of world design is sadly something they didn't yet replicate in this dense and exciting way.

great things lie ahead for you :)


Cleared the upper forest, I think.

It was not as relaxing as I hoped it’d be. Stone Knights were definitely easier with the Great Scythe. I don’t think they proc bleed but the range helps. It also easier to get the second attack going once the initial windup for the first hits. Important cause they stand still when they cast the slow spell on you.

Butterfly was alright. She’s pretty squishy and attacks are telegraphed enough. I killed myself and brought a bow since I couldn’t hit her from way over yonder. Spammed her once she got into melee range.

That locked door though. The one that needs the seal from the blacksmith is just surprise after surprise. Got gangbanged by the whole village once I entered. Got one shot by a freaking mushroom and rolled over by three cats. I should have sprinted into the tower in the distance and joined the covenant. Instead I circled around and got fucked by walking bushes instead. Once I got over the mushroom’s op damage, I just stayed out of range since the scythe outranges them. As for the cats, I went back and bought a bunch of arrows. I just sniped them from the cliff above and watched them roll into a wall repeatedly.

In comparison doggy was easy. For his humongous sword, it has terrible hit box once you hug his body. Just roll into him and watch all his swings miss you. Maybe he should have a swiping claw attack or something. He could have used an AOE explosion like the spider and the asylum demon.

Off to lower forest I go.
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Gold Member
You already beat Sif? Not bad mate, not bad.

Sif was such a pain for me the first time around. I still really didn't know what I was doing and I vividly remember hating this fight so. so. so. much :D but yeah, he's not that big of deal once you figure out your positioning.

As for the cats, I went back and bought a bunch of arrows. I just sniped them from the cliff above and watched them roll into a wall repeatedly.

Oh man fuck these cats, I love them, they're awful. I think I ever only fought these fuckers successfully in melee combat maybe once or twice, and that was probably in some randomizer with ridiculous uber gear. I remember the performance on PS3 sucking badly there, so you had like 15 fps and while trying to fight one of these pussies it rolls up and fucks off while another one rolls straight into you outta nowhere and messes you up :D great fun

Once I got over the mushroom’s op damage

man I love these cute horrible abominations. Might legit be one of my favorite monster designs, both visually but also in terms of their behaviour.


I'm absolutely LOVING vicariously going through it for the first time with you.

IMHO from went in the wrong direction with the other souls games. They are wonderful but the interconnection from souls 1 is something that is only really in {maybe} kings field 2?

Anyhow, I bought remastered and am doing another run. Probably pyromaxxing claymore broing it up


Finally killed the hydra. Got a shield that increases stamina regen so it helped when I blocked stuff like the water balls or their head lunge attack and still have enough stamina to cut their heads off. Fought a golden golem as well and rescued someone. Climb up some ladders and noped out once I saw it was the rolling cat area.

Went even deeper still and got to valley of drakes. Woke up a huge dragon and noped out back to firelink shrine. At this point, I’m thinking of going to the catacombs but needed some upgrade mats and souls for the divine upgrade. Knowing typical game lingo. It should do more damage to skellies. I’m thinking it would do well against the ghosts in new londo as well. I really need it cause I don’t do any damage to them.

Might as well go to this huge gate that opened up. Enter Sen’s Fortress. Traps galore. I got pancaked multiple times, hit by arrows and spikes from walls, ceiling spikes, eaten by a mimic, fell and panicked only to find myself surrounded by lightning demons in a tar pit. Exploited arrows here a LOT. Not gonna risk myself getting in a trap while fighting. Saved a big hat dude and went back to firelink shrine to buy some elemental enchants for bow. The ungrateful bastard won’t even teach me anything. What do you mean I’m unable to learn anything. Go on, ask your apprentice.

Anyway, I basically shot an arrow at anything I saw moving and aren’t near me. All those arrows spent allowed me to reach the top where I fought a huge ass knight. It was easy for the most part cause he kept staggering when I hit his toes.

Wow! Anor Londo is so beautiful.

I just continued to do the same strats and arrow spammed the huge knights and found a bonfire and met a firekeeper that isn’t insane or mute.

I think I’ll stop for now. I don’t want to ruin how great it feels to reach Anor Londo. It’s so amazing how the lighting of the setting sun looks too. I don’t know if I wanna go back to Catacombs or New Londo after seeing this. I think I’ll explore here first when I play again.


Gold Member
Finally killed the hydra.

Fuck that hydra. I actually didn't manage to kill that shit on my last rando, most likely because I'm retarded. I swear to god the hitboxes and hit detection on this thing are awful. I know you're supposed to lure it, but that's easier said that done if THAT FUCKING THING JUST WON'T COME DOWN AND KEEPS SPITTING AT YOU. Good for you for managing.

eaten by a mimic

From now, until the end of times, you will never open a chest again without striking it. I played some Dragon Quest XI the other day - even in this fucking game I won't open a single chest without hitting it first. Thanks Miyazaki.

What do you mean I’m unable to learn anything. Go on, ask your apprentice.

I don't know if you consider this a spoiler or not, but there's a technicality involved here the game will not tell you about (because fuck the player). It's something you will probably not figure out on your own, especially since it's not essential and thus the game doesn't even really consider giving you a hint.

You need like 10 or 12 intelligence, otherwise he considers you too stupid to learn magic

Wow! Anor Londo is so beautiful.



Got sucked in a painting and found the boss from Demons’ Souls. Cool callback. Sniped some dragon and fought wheel dudes underground. I think I like this place. It’s so easy to farm souls.

Met a woman. I couldn’t kill her. She looks so pure. Still kinda confused though. What does she mean peaceful people in this place when everybody tried to kill me?

These enemies that are sniping me on a walkway that is like 2 inches is making me go insane.


I had to think about a second whom you could be refering to, but it's probably the fool's idol. Never seen someone make that comparison before, but yeah, I see your point :D
Didn’t even think about that but that makes sense too lol.

I was thinking about the Phalanx.

Pretty much mastered the art of parrying in this section of Anor Londo. Still haven’t got 100% parry for the sword knight but the spear knight is barbecue chicken. Met the giant blacksmith and oh boy, I love using bows but those arrow prices are something else.

The boss fight though. Pretty much my hardest yet. My weakness is multiple bosses. This and the bell gargoyle fight were my kryptonite. Today I learned how op poise is. Equipped the poise ring and the phy def ring. Wore elite knight and just wished for good rng. Took out the fatty first and got thunderblasted to oblivion afterward. What happened after was worth it though.

Gwynevere, I love you.💕

Want me to replace Lord Gwyn? Why yes, I will. Anything else? Want some cookies with your milk? Ehem, ehem.


Just gonna go farm in the painting. The dude near the boss drops upgrade mats frequently. I need that divine upgrade asap. Getting ready for catacombs.


Gold Member
I was thinking about the Phalanx.

ooh that makes so much more sense :D!!

My weakness is multiple bosses.

I am of the very (maybe rightfully so) unpopular opinion, that 95% of boss encounters with multiples bosses are bullshit and people just let themselves be gaslit/conditioned to believe otherwise ~~ So I kinda hate O&S on principle, but music/animations/design/coordination is obvl very impressive. Congrats on beating them!
Sadly From likes to pull that bulllshit and I think it's cheap most of the time. Gargoyles from Demon's Souls maybe being an exception (because the bullshit is kinda the point of the fight) and "four guys". It gets much worse in that regard in later games.

Gwynevere, I love you.💕
you've maybe already seen this, but maybe someone hasn't yet

Also, how did you like the arrow gank session in the anor Londo balcony type area?
good times!


Did you see any of the "huge chest ahead" type messages from other players?

Also, how did you like the arrow gank session in the anor Londo balcony type area?
I was actually anticipating a huge mimic fight.

What do you mean like? It hurt my soul. I have to sad boy walk to that area again and again from the lower bonfire area.


Traversed New Londo.

It’s pretty alright except for the fact that there are no bonfire so the trek back to the boss fight is a serious test of patience. Speaking of the boss, I had to read the item description of everything I had. Amazing boss fight. Oh look it’s a spiral staircase that leads to you falling to death. I thought my game was bugged 😭

Lost my souls to the library dragon as well. I can’t even go back for it. It respawned me in a cell. Miyazaki!!!

Now I’m stuck in this ice cave falling to my death countless times. Someone save me 😭


Was watching dark souls videos while I’m getting my mojo back to go in that crystal cave again.

First comment I see, is that Dark Souls keyboard players are playing on hard mode.

I’m playing on KBM. Not by choice but because my controller has stickdrift. Should I go buy a new controller?
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Gold Member
I’m playing on KBM. Not by choice but because my controller has stickdrift. Should I go buy a new controller?

Honestly, people can get pretty good with kb/m. I couldn't play Dark Souls for a single minute without a gamepad, but then again I would extend this to pretty much any third person game.

People are playing Genshin Impact with kb/m and they're insane with it, in regards to their movement. Biggest deal is probably adjusting your camera, especially in quick moments, so if you're able to manage that reasonably well I don't actually think kb/m would have much disadvantage.

As I said, I could never manage that, but you came this far. It's a question of preference mostly and maybe you prefer kb/m?


Was watching dark souls videos while I’m getting my mojo back to go in that crystal cave again.

First comment I see, is that Dark Souls keyboard players are playing on hard mode.

I’m playing on KBM. Not by choice but because my controller has stickdrift. Should I go buy a new controller?

Yeah, it would be worthwhile. I was gonna say just wait till ng+ but then realized you haven't done the dlc area

It isn't so much a skill/difficulty thing to me as much as it is a pleasant experience thing. I don't like to play souls with kbm, and I don't like to play fps with controllers.
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As I said, I could never manage that, but you came this far. It's a question of preference mostly and maybe you prefer kb/m?
I honestly don’t know. I mean I do play a lot on both consoles and PC but I separate them like the comment below
It isn't so much a skill/difficulty thing to me as much as it is a pleasant experience thing. I don't like to play souls with kbm, and I don't like to play fps with controllers.

I have had zero Souls experience on PC until I played Dark Souls. I played Demons and Elden Ring on console so controllers mostly.

I don’t really know if I’m having difficulties or not cause I haven’t tried using controllers yet. I know I didn’t like playing character actions like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta on keyboard.

What I do know are some commands are more difficult to pull off just mechanically speaking. Like shift+MB2 for parry. When it’s just one button for a controller. I sometimes do a block instead of parry this way.
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Gold Member
I don’t really know if I’m having difficulties or not cause I haven’t tried using controllers yet. I know I didn’t like playing character actions like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta on keyboard.

What I do know are some commands are more difficult to pull off just mechanically speaking. Like shift+MB2 for parry. When it’s just one button for a controller. I sometimes do a block instead of parry this way.

You know how some people can relatively well use both their left and right hand for stuff like writing with a pen, cutting food or jacking off? maybe you're that but with kb/m and gamepad.


Finally got through that cave with the help of prism stones. I hope I got everything. Those invisible pathway makes it that I’m not exactly sure.

Found a new pyro teacher in blighttown. I don’t know how I missed her but she was near the spider lair sitting down near those boulder monsters in the middle of a poison swamp. Just why would you stay there. I wanted to buy stuff from the cat-clan merchant near the wooden elevators but they’re gone. Must have been because I joined Gwenevere’s covenant. Found fat knight. Gave some herbs. Found a good farming location for green upgrade mats except I don’t exactly know what type of upgrade they’re for. I haven’t exactly used one yet.

Went to fire cave. Killed giant lava monster and wow. Is this place just full of bosses? Lava still sucks ass and killed me within seconds. Got invaded in a cliff between like a bunch of capra dudes. I fell of course. Is that a chest? Boom! Surprise worm party. A giant door to nowhere so before the boss door. Seems ominous. Went past it. Killed another Asylum demon variant. A bit harder than the last though. Faster and has a few more moves with aoe. Found an elevator to spider lair and stopped for now.

Might go to Catacombs next. I was a bit intimidated by the low visibility, narrow pathways and reviving undead so I was holding off on it but after blighttown, sen’s fortress, and crystal cave, I think I’m ready. I think DLC was mentioned earlier. How exactly do I access the dlc and when is it appropriate to go there? Is it end game or can I do it anytime?


Gold Member
Found a new pyro teacher in blighttown.

I was puzzled why you went back to blighttown. Is it because you need to get to the flame world? I only have hazy memories of my first playthrough, but I don't remember going back there. I don't think I could've activated a bonfire I could warp to, since iirc that would require me beating lava worm thing, which would be difficult without the orange ring. Maybe I just missed her.

My point being, how you noticed her in the first place is amazing. Maybe Elden Ring conditioned you? Maybe I'm just trying to cope with how I only found her in like my 3rd playthrough and only because a guide told me she'd be there :D

Also, while we're at the topic of you blazing through stuff I'd be sure would pose more of a challenge: You figured out in Anor Londo after the lift that you had to walk up to that broken window? This is one of the memories that imprinted itself very vividly with me. I stood there for like 2 hours, probably more, because I refused to look it up in a guide. This was sooo outside of the norm of any video game back then. I'm not saying it's like some genius Miyazaki iq200 game design move, I'm just saying this is nothing I would've EVER considered because that rail upwards looked like background mesh you'd slide off instantly.

I love that part.

Must have been because I joined Gwenevere’s covenant

Didn't you kill her people in the forest earlier? I'm too lazy to look it up now, but iirc she(he? actually?) objects to that.

Is it end game or can I do it anytime?

It's definitely end game, especially the bosses. But honestly, the way you're blasting things, might not pose much of a challenge :D I would guess you already obtained everything you'd need to access the dlc, but I'm not sure and I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll be exceedingly careful

very vague
If you have a certain key item (which I guess you do), there's something new to find for you. You haven't played MP yet, so I'll spell this out: look for a summon sign

location, roughly

location, exactly
forest, before the hydra

key item location, roughly

I'll be honest: I had to use a guide back then. But I do love how they implented this stuff. I really look forward to play King's Field once day, because apparently that's even more obscure and I look forward to go insane on that.


I was puzzled why you went back to blighttown. Is it because you need to get to the flame world? I only have hazy memories of my first playthrough, but I don't remember going back there. I don't think I could've activated a bonfire I could warp to, since iirc that would require me beating lava worm thing, which would be difficult without the orange ring. Maybe I just missed her.
I was actually looking for the fat knight. He said he was going down. I just came back from New Londo so it’s obviously not there. There’s only Blighttown and Sewers left. At least close to it. If he wasn’t there, I was going to go to the forest. Teleported to the spider lair and right in front of the entrance of the lair in the distance is someone sitting down.

Also, while we're at the topic of you blazing through stuff I'd be sure would pose more of a challenge: You figured out in Anor Londo after the lift that you had to walk up to that broken window? This is one of the memories that imprinted itself very vividly with me. I stood there for like 2 hours, probably more, because I refused to look it up in a guide. This was sooo outside of the norm of any video game back then. I'm not saying it's like some genius Miyazaki iq200 game design move, I'm just saying this is nothing I would've EVER considered because that rail upwards looked like background mesh you'd slide off instantly.

Oh, believe me I was stumped as well. I didn’t get bored since the view was amazing. Honestly that gargoyle fight clued me in that this location is important. The only other path aside from it is blocked by golden fog. The key thing that made me go through the roofs was seeing a broken window. Other than that, I just looked at the buildings that were close. I also did some light farming with the giant knights there when I got bored.

Didn't you kill her people in the forest earlier? I'm too lazy to look it up now, but iirc she(he? actually?) objects to that.
Yeah, I killed them then I joined. Once I died in the next few encounters, going through that covenant area was fine since they all lost aggro and was just standing around. I don’t think I’ve killed any of their npcs since.

It only seems like I’m blazing through the game because I just played all day the past few days. I might not even be able to play this much until the weekend again. The game is honestly all that’s in my head lol. I’m even contemplating on whether I’ll do NG+ or go straight to DS2. Hopefully, I’ll be done when DS3R gets released.
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I'll be honest: I had to use a guide back then. But I do love how they implented this stuff. I really look forward to play King's Field once day, because apparently that's even more obscure and I look forward to go insane on that.
I played Kings Field 2 and 3 (just Kings Field and Kings Field 2 in the usa, I think) and I REALLY loved Kings Field 2 (japan) - I beat the whole game by memorizing the layout rather than looking at maps and LOVED it. The combat is dull and slow as molasses, so the self imposed map memorization thing made it more interesting. The map design is cool, akin to DS1. It was one of my favorite gaming experiences Ive ever had - though, to be fair, it wasnt the same as that first time dark souls 1 magic/

I havent beaten KF3 (Japan) because I don't like the world of it as much - it is more like Dark Souls 2 and 3, horizontally sprawling rather than 3 dimensionally sprawling.

Also, I had to use a guide to get to the DS1 DLC too, lol.


I played Kings Field 2 and 3 (just Kings Field and Kings Field 2 in the usa, I think) and I REALLY loved Kings Field 2 (japan) - I beat the whole game by memorizing the layout rather than looking at maps and LOVED it. The combat is dull and slow as molasses, so the self imposed map memorization thing made it more interesting. The map design is cool, akin to DS1. It was one of my favorite gaming experiences Ive ever had - though, to be fair, it wasnt the same as that first time dark souls 1 magic/

I havent beaten KF3 (Japan) because I don't like the world of it as much - it is more like Dark Souls 2 and 3, horizontally sprawling rather than 3 dimensionally sprawling.

Also, I had to use a guide to get to the DS1 DLC too, lol.
I don't know how you could play Kingsfield. I checked it out once and I thought it would make me go insane. At least the PS1 port will.

Texture warping all over the place. Couple this with old school first person dungeon crawler that seems monotonous in design and I feel like I need pen and paper to map shit up.

I don't have much time to play souls for now so I'm weighing watching souls content on youtube instead. What I want to ask is, is it alright to watch lore videos or do I finish the game first? Not gonna lie, I tried watching one of vaati's and got blindsided when he mentions stuff from DS3. Now I'm scared of watching anything as I'm open to be spoiled by even DS2 and DS3 lore.
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I don't know how you could play Kingsfield. I checked it out once and I thought it would make me go insane. At least the PS1 port will.

Texture warping all over the place. Couple this with old school first person dungeon crawler that seems monotonous in design and I feel like I need pen and paper to map shit up.

I don't have much time to play souls for now so I'm weighing watching souls content on youtube instead. What I want to ask is, is it alright to watch lore videos or do I finish the game first? Not gonna lie, I tried watching one of vaati's and got blindsided when he mentions stuff from DS3. Now I'm scared of watching anything as I'm open to be spoiled by even DS2 and DS3 lore.

Wait till you finish 1, then try and find more vids for just 1. You may have to go back a few years (maybe even up to 10?)

You're gonna be safer with the ds2 lore as opposed to 1 - speaking of which, lots of people hate on dark souls 2 but I like it a lot, sometimes more than 3.


That is such a basic bitch build. It is not even the best in damage at that level. It sucks that there is no respecs in the game because that build would get boring fast.
It’s a meme build yeah lol. I’ve been watching quite a few of these giant dad build. Apparently, it was a response to min-maxers and patching of the dark wood grain ring. Specifically for people who were wearing Havel’s set while still jumping around like a monkey.

It’s a shame I can’t experience it. Probably the same feeling people get when they see people boasting beating Radahn pre-patch or Armored Core 6 Balteus. Maybe Blasphemous Blade, Moonveil or Rivers of Blood nerf felt the same as.


It’s a meme build yeah lol. I’ve been watching quite a few of these giant dad build. Apparently, it was a response to min-maxers and patching of the dark wood grain ring. Specifically for people who were wearing Havel’s set while still jumping around like a monkey.

It’s a shame I can’t experience it. Probably the same feeling people get when they see people boasting beating Radahn pre-patch or Armored Core 6 Balteus. Maybe Blasphemous Blade, Moonveil or Rivers of Blood nerf felt the same as.

I recently beat post patch balteus and was somewhat shocked by how easy he went down, compared to pre patch balteus.

I kinda wish I could have the old version back.

Also, zwei builds are great fun and you can easily have a fun run with just zwei. Basic bitch is fun in souls, that's part of the magic.


Been playing this last couple days around an hour or two each day so I couldn’t commit to exploring. Just something to ease me and relax after a workout so I just farmed stuff. I was planning to do NG+ so I looked up essential things to do before doing NG+. Basically, buy all spells and get the weapons you want cause farming will be harder in NG+. So I did that. I farmed weapons and armor that I didn’t have yet.

Arrested Development Mistake GIF

How many times do I have to kill this freaking giant skeleton for it to drop the curved greatsword that I want. Damn it.
How many times do I have to kill this freaking giant skeleton for it to drop the curved greatsword that I want. Damn it.
Why don't you just get the guaranteed drop from Shiva of the East? (Shows up by talking cat in forest after joining hunter covenant. Also sells stuff in Blighttown after. Has invisible bodyguard.)

P.S. I would not bother farming for the rare ghost knife either. Absolute trash.
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Just about done with my farming. I think I spent 15-17 hours overall on it. Managed to buy all spells and upgraded the pyro hand to max.

Does upgrading pyro give more stuff to spells? I use Flash Sweat and Power Within. Will I have more resistance and damage?
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Just about done with my farming. I think I spent 15-17 hours overall on it. Managed to buy all spells and upgraded the pyro hand to max.

Does upgrading pyro give more stuff to spells? I use Flash Sweat and Power Within. Will I have more resistance and damage?
Power Within will amplify your pyro damage but resistance and duration will remain the same for Flash Sweat. You can use Crown of Dusk/Crown of the Dark Sun and Bellowing Dragon Crest Ring to boost pyro damage. If you have not already joined, I recommend joining Chaos guild behind a false wall a floor below Queelag's boss room as the Chaos pyromancy is the best in the game.


On one side there is a glowing orb, on the other side there is a glowing orb. Then a path below opens to kill the boss. Every element destroyed is retained between attempts.
Okay got it. I already destroyed the orbs so I guess it should be easier this time.


Alright, I beat it. Took a couple more tries. Got swatted mid jump. Made it into the platform and thought I was supposed to go down and saw a chasm so I was about to go back when it unleashed a fire attack that pushed me over the edge. Got lucky when I made it in my last attempt. She just stood still and cast a long fire spell that allowed me to jump unscathed. Honestly, it was a bit anticlimactic when it went down. Understandable though. It would be too much if it included a proper boss fight after all that.
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Best of chaos is an extremely annoying gimmick boss, though the surfing bit is pretty fun.

I really hope that with the dawn of more advanced dark souls nodding capabilities, we get to see someone remake lost izalith and a few other areas.


lol the boss at the catacombs was a joke. I had a harder time with the whole dungeon and the wheel enemies than it. He got a menacing cutscene too :lollipop_squinting:


lol the boss at the catacombs was a joke. I had a harder time with the whole dungeon and the wheel enemies than it. He got a menacing cutscene too :lollipop_squinting:
Yeah, he deserved a better fight than he got tbh. Same with the witch of izalith.

Later souls games got the "big name bosses get cool boss fights" thing down a bit better.


From is diabolical with some of these areas. Who the fuck would put another hidden wall inside a hidden wall? There's a whole new area I didn't even know about and I've been playing for near 60 hours.

Honestly just found it while I was reexploring everything after I got the ability to kindle the bonfire a few more times. Now I have the urge to strike every wall in the game.


I never got cursed before in the depths but in the hollow I did. Damn. I thought the death mechanic in Demon Souls was bad. This is actually worse.

The Ash Lake was amazing though. I thought the place where Bed of Chaos is the lowest part of Dark Souls. I never thought there’s even a lake beneath it. The only bad thing around this area is there are no boss fights aside from another Hydra.

Went into the depths of Tomb of the Giants. I am confronted with my weakness again poor lighting and bad footing. Exacerbated by fucking Patches. I should have known this rat would betray me from my experience in Elden Ring. Giant skeletons are fine. I’m pretty much experienced with them from farming Murakumo in the grave near Firelink Shrine. Those dogs though especially in packs is something else. Gravelord Nito is fine albeit a bit too easy. The summons are a minor nuisance as they get killed by Nito’s attacks as well iirc.

I think I’m at the end game now after collecting all four lord souls so I figure I had to do the dlc. The guardian boss is fine. Its attacks are well telegraphed and easy to dodge. The stone knights in the area after this hits hard though and have pretty high healths for mobs. The rest of the enemies is pretty much just like Darkroot Garden. Met another dragon who acts similar to the Undead Burg dragon. Hopefully, no fire bridge this time.

Artorias is quite an okay boss and pretty easy to figure out provided you have a shield. Most of his attacks are blockable and with the great scythe’s range, I can chip one attack every block I make. The only thing I have to dodge is the overhead slash. It penetrates my guard and does absurd damage. He does even more damage when he kneels and is surrounded by miasma or something. I don’t know how to interrupt that. I tried getting close but he just pushed me back with a blast like attack so I just chugged estus flasks and regen stamina during that period.


Can’t wait to dive into the lore of this game. I just encountered enemies that looked just like the humanity items.

Fought Manus. Took a couple of tries. I can’t dodge or block that fighting game combo for the life of me. His hand attack is blockable though and I’m able to attack in the window after that.

I don’t know how to fight the dragon though he OHKO me as soon as go to the valley where he is. Can’t even reach the items that are farther away. This is harder than Undead Burg dragon.
I don’t know how to fight the dragon though he OHKO me as soon as go to the valley where he is. Can’t even reach the items that are farther away. This is harder than Undead Burg dragon.
By Artorias is a tower and in that tower an archer that can ground the Dragon upon request the next time you cross paths. If only you had the key...
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