Can anyone please list all of the difficulty settings in depth?
Like for instance, easy, normal, hard, apocalyptic, then nightmare.
I'm trying to decide which difficulty to play on, for recording and uploading it, and whether that should be a feature/focus of my series.
(eg: Darksiders 2 Walkthrough on Apocalyptic: Part 1)
Gamespot livestream is starting in a few mins
Screen tear every time the camera pans around. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Really ruins the gorgeous art style.![]()
All I know is apocalyptic was locked until after you completed the game on the first Darksiders. It wasn't all that hard either, especially with all the upgrades carrying over.
Balance Restored
Defeat the game on NORMAL
Unlocked: Dec 27, 2010 12:24am
A True Horseman
Defeat the game on APOCALYPTIC
Unlocked: Dec 27, 2010 12:24am
Screen tear every time the camera pans around. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Really ruins the gorgeous art style.![]()
Gamespot livestream is starting in a few mins
Are they showing 360 version or PC with 360 gamepad?
I would not recommend the Gamespot stream as its a dungeon that's really important story wise
Way to much spoilers here, this is a main questline dungeon. Dont wanna see.
In 8hrs game will be released on US Steam!
PC Version. I'm guessing they forgot to turn on vsync. BTW, OMG gotta stop watching now because it'll spoil the rest of the first game for me (seeing all the cool new features and stuff). Back to epic Darksiders 1 gaming session now.
vpn trick doesn't seem to work for me. steam gets stuck at updating and then stops responding when tunnelbear is activated. is there a way to fix this?
What Splatterhouse game? Its more like a combat heavy Zelda than a GoW game though.I've been hearing about this game a lot lately, can someone tell me if it's more like God of War or the Splatterhouse remake?
Is this unlocking at midnight EST or PST?
It was mentioned on the previous page that tunelbear does not respond anymore with Steam. I have borrowed paid version of VPN software, and it works for me [it switches to $ and shows US times].
That's a in-game weapon. And it's not a sword it's a axe.
That sword looks like an Axe.
Death can wield ZERO swords in the game.
Do we know if GB is doing a quick look?
I hope the tearing is from the capture somehow (GS stream). It seems to tear even when the camera isn't moving around.
Can't wait to start playing, but since I had to go with PS3. I guess I'm going to have to deal with the tearing. I was so pumped when earlier they said no tearing it all on console versions, then watching videos and streams you clearly see it does tear. Oh well. Patch please?
damn those big sites make it hard for normal streamers to get any success,lol.
Why the **** does Gamestop closes at 6pm on a Tuesday!? Now I can't go get my copy until Wednesday!
Damn it all!
Why the **** does Gamestop closes at 6pm on a Tuesday!? Now I can't go get my copy until Wednesday!
Damn it all!