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David Jaffe sets Twitter on fire after calling Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom “bland and old looking”


Sure Jan GIF

The resemblance is uncanny.

Astral Dog

Gamers always claim Nintendo titles are overrated, but not many developers can do the same thing as them or match them when they try

And i can see why Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom is not going to be everybody's peak gaming experience or cup of tea, but neither games like Elden Ring ,God of War or anything Naughty Dog are to me🤷‍♂️

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I was just talking to my friend about it the other day. Nintendo doesnt get that all their hardcore fans are now in their mid to late 30s if not older and can easily afford to pay $399 or $499 for a switch pro. They fucked up big time by not releasing a pro console. Easy money wasted there. I am not even a nintendo fan and i wouldve gladly paid $399 for a switch pro. maybe even $499. Not because i want it, but simply because i can afford to.

And yeah, they need to follow Phil's lead and release two SKUs at launch. They already have a handheld only switch lite that cant be docked. Technically they are already releasing two skus. No point handicapping one version because of the handheld TDP limit.

The Phil strategy failed for Xbox but would work brilliantly for Switch since handheld hardware is a different audience

I never use my switch as a handheld. I only use docked, and I would easily pay $499 for a Switch 2 pro that can do 4k60 of Nintendo games

Doesn’t need to be bleeding edge tech either, I would hope for PS5 level hardware but I’d take Series S power

There’s definitely an older audience for it, and Nintendo is already porting their games to support two hardware configurations - time to make the gap bigger


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The Phil strategy failed for Xbox but would work brilliantly for Switch since handheld hardware is a different audience

I never use my switch as a handheld. I only use docked, and I would easily pay $499 for a Switch 2 pro that can do 4k60 of Nintendo games

Doesn’t need to be bleeding edge tech either, I would hope for PS5 level hardware but I’d take Series S power

There’s definitely an older audience for it, and Nintendo is already porting their games to support two hardware configurations - time to make the gap bigger
The leaked specs show 1.5 tflops handheld and 3.0 tflops docked. As the series s shows, even 4 tflops isnt enough to do 1080p in the most demanding next gen games. Matrix was hitting sub 530p, metro went as low as 512p, albeit at 60 fps, and several games have had to skip RT only to settle for 720p.

If their 1.5 tflops GPU targets PS4 quality visuals at 720p then the 3 tflops would only be able to do 1080p. Lets say it supports DLSS 3 frame gen, framegen only really works well with 60 fps as the baseline. Its not taking a 720p 30 fps zelda game and turning it into 4k DLSS at 60 fps.

Docked will need to be its own separate SKU like you said. Just a bigger, thicker proper console like the Wii U. Charge me an extra $200 for it if you must, but double the power only gets you double the resolution, and for 720p games, thats 1080p, not 4k. They will need 4-5 tflops minimum for that second sku to be able to use DLSS performance to take that 1080p base image and make it look acceptable on 4k tvs.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
It was the Jaffe that gave the game a 6/10.
i know you're joking but jaffe likes the game.

And so do I, despite my issues with the visuals. I disliked zelda but this might even be my goty. I dont know why we have to be so binary about discussing games. You can like something and still discuss its shortcomings. We are not on twitter limited by 140 characters. I thought forums were about discussing views instead of just bandwagon hating/loving games like people do in youtube comments, reddit and twitter.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
i know you're joking but jaffe likes the game.

And so do I, despite my issues with the visuals. I disliked zelda but this might even be my goty. I dont know why we have to be so binary about discussing games. You can like something and still discuss its shortcomings. We are not on twitter limited by 140 characters. I thought forums were about discussing views instead of just bandwagon hating/loving games like people do in youtube comments, reddit and twitter.
certainly the game is incredible, but on different HW it could look better. But for what it is doing on 8 year old phone tech is amazing.


He is 100% correct.

If his post upsets you to read or you feel an overwhelming urge to insult him cause of it you most likely a sycophant. Its ok to critque this games visuals. Trust me you will be ok.


I think the guy just likes to talk, I mean, he does have a pretty active YouTube career, so I can understand him engaging on other platforms.

I don't even think what he said is "controversial" by any means, not like he said the game was trash or something. He actually said quite the opposite. But I get where he's coming from, especially since the majority/mainstream tend to hop on the graphics/visuals train before hoping on anything else.

That being said, it IS on the Switch, so I don't think anyone was expecting to go in and be visually captivated by its graphics. But for what the Switch is, it IS really impressive from the look and performance route.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
He's 100% right, Nintendo is getting a free pass here. Since when do graphics get graded based of the console power alone and not the market at time of release?
Even the wii u didn't get that same free pass when it was released as an underpowered system. But I guess if you say it's a handheld all expectations are put aside.
He’s right, but that doesn’t make the game inherently bad. But if I were to write the graphics alone, they would be somewhere near the 2 to 3 region.


Zelda has been one of my favorite series. I am enjoying TOTK and loved BOTW—there are times in the game, where I wish it looked better.


I mean he is right. When playing in portable mode, the game looks like complete trash when out in the world. Only play on my TV because of it


It looks terrible and the resolution scaling is pretty bad so is the drop to 20 fps.

Not sure what the big deal is....it's on switch...


I have a 3080 with a 11700k and I thought about it, but my friend with the 2080 said the fps is just 10 so I said fuck it and bought the game.

Are you saying there is shimmering even at 4k? How does it run on your PC? What are your specs?

I have no idea what your friend is doing but either he has the wrong version of the emulator installed or he has it configured incorrectly.

This game runs better on a Steam Deck than it does on Switch hardware in most scenarios. Your 3080 will run it well if you want to go down that route:



Marlboro: Other M
So he "doesn't care", but is triggered that nobody else does?

Man, can't this guy go back to make games and shut the fuck up?
Hahahah. This is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Another desperate attempt by Jaffe to stay relevant by creating controversy


I know people love Nintendo and Zelda, but Jaffe is right here.

Nintendo is charging the $70 "next-gen" price for a game that's releasing on the current-gen (last-gen?) Nintendo, and that looks like a game released in the 2000s for consoles.

From everything I've heard, the gameplay is fantastic so that deserves the praise. But at the same time, it also deserves to lose a few points because of poor visuals and performance.

Digital Foundry says it runs well overall. Also the game is a massive open world yet has very few if any glitches/ bugs. Not many other publishers can pull that off at launch. So no, they shouldn't lose points on performance.
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Writes a lot, says very little
How is this news? BotW was already bland as hell.


I'm an old school Zelda fan as I love the concept but I just couldn't connect anything with Breath of a wild it just felt like a Ubisoft open world rip off of them trying to copy all the popular trends instead of actually making a Zelda game.

It felt completely soulless and by the numbers. So if this is just more of the same, its an easy skip

So just because I like the property before it doesn't mean I'm going to fucking continue to buy it just because they slap the name "Zelda" on it.... So I'm pretty much done with the series so long as it doesn't support the original concepts. I think gamers have this problem of thinking you cannot call out a property on being bland or boring or old looking simply because it's a prestigious name but that doesn't fucking mean shit, that doesn't mean it's impervious to all criticism or something..

So let's be pretty fucking honesty if any other publisher put out a game like this And it wasn't called Zelda...would we be really trying to praise it?

What original or brand new concept did it invent that we would be praising some revolutionary idea over?

To the rest, I don't think he is trolling, I don't think he is "triggered" and I don't think he is just saying it to remain "relevant", I think its likely David's real, true opinion regarding this title. I mean, the man is a designer, he develops games, if I'm just a gamer and I can see how meh this actually is, I'm sure he can see even more questionable things that are getting passes for the name of the IP, that otherwise wouldn't get some praise if it was by some other publisher and a new IP or something. As far as I can tell, nothing new or interesting is happening with this title.
I'm sorry but I just gotta say this. It's something that if you have any negative critique about any Nintendo game even while still praising the gameplay, you still get destroyed on the Internet simply because you dared to say something negative about a Nintendo game. Nintendo should get criticized the same way Microsoft and Sony do. Its not like he said the game looks dated so it sucks. He still praised the game overall.


Gold Member
I'm sorry but I just gotta say this. It's something that if you have any negative critique about any Nintendo game even while still praising the gameplay, you still get destroyed on the Internet simply because you dared to say something negative about a Nintendo game. Nintendo should get criticized the same way Microsoft and Sony do. Its not like he said the game looks dated so it sucks. He still praised the game overall.
He blasphemed!


Personally I dont think he's wrong. I think a majority of people, when talking about ToTK, will be talking about the sandbox and not graphics. It is bland but its due to hardware limitation. I dont see the problem.



Game looks fine to me. I don't recall people bitching about BOTWs overall look/aesthetics or its art style (not talking resolution or performance) , and if anything TOTK makes several improvements so I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Like I said the game looks fine to me...and if it was truly so atrocious looking it wouldn't be getting nowhere near as many 10s.


Can anyone explain to me why games like Horizon: Forbidden West, God of War: Ragnarok, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom all have had similar scores to their predecessors, despite being largely similar/identical, but other other sequels, like Far Cry 6, get dragged down specifically for being too similar to its predecessors (despite actually being more different from one another than the aforementioned games)?

Far Cry 3 has a 91 on metacritic. Far Cry 4 dropped all the way down to an 82. Far Cry 5 maintained an 82. Far Cry 6 dropped even further down to a 79. If you actually read the content of the reviews, the biggest complaints seem to be that 6 just feels like more of the same.

Where are those complaints for these other games?


Aah, playstation man say something mean about my Nintendo!!! No choice but to cry about it on twitter and harrass him because im insecure and have the eq of a 6 year old!

Its bs that nintendo gets a pass for uggo visuals
Does it suck that much that Tears of the Kingdom is better than whatever your fav. game is? lol :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Why do people like you act as if a game looks great, then that means the gameplay is bad?
What are you talking about? Your schizo side is showing. In the case of God of War, it is a one track brawler style is highly repetitive, the puzzles are mediocre at best and its superb story and presentation are integral to it because they serve as an extra motivation to go complete the game. The game is a solid 9 as it is. It definetly is not that if stripped of its story and presentation.

All im saying is that gameplay always triumphs graphics. Its why Zelda TotK can afford to have mediocre performance and technical graphics. God of War cannot.


Gold Member
For sure. You figure that on a forum that counts pixels and frames and says "another one" when their favorite box has .2 better res and 2 more frames, most would be in agreement. The Switch is ancient hardware.
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