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David Jaffe sets Twitter on fire after calling Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom “bland and old looking”


I know people love Nintendo and Zelda, but Jaffe is right here.

Nintendo is charging the $70 "next-gen" price for a game that's releasing on the current-gen (last-gen?) Nintendo, and that looks like a game released in the 2000s for consoles.

From everything I've heard, the gameplay is fantastic so that deserves the praise. But at the same time, it also deserves to lose a few points because of poor visuals and performance.
Come off it no it doesn't, This game would look amazing for an open world game released for the PS3. GTFO with that 2000s shit.
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The bear of bad news
The fact that it looks as good as it does, while being as large at it is, and with the physics system it has.

This game is a technical marvel for the switch. Sure it’s on aging hardware but that’s not the games fault, it’s making the most of the hardware it’s on. What a weird take.


This guy doesnt know wtf he's talking about.

The game is graphically great. Especially when run on a PC with 1440p.

But the artstyle in itself is already a great thing.


Come off it no it doesn't, This game would look amazing for an open world game released for the PS3. GTFO with that 2000s shit.
That generation had Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto V, LA Noire, Far Cry 3 and 4, Metal Gear Solid V, and Batman Arkham City amongst others, all I'd argue which look at least slightly better or significantly superior to this.

Obviously graphics don't matter as much here, but no one should genuinely be saying this is technically impressive when this only looks marginally better than BOTW, and that was a up-ported Wii U game.


That generation had Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto V, LA Noire, Far Cry 3 and 4, Metal Gear Solid V, and Batman Arkham City amongst others, all I'd argue which look at least slightly better or significantly superior to this.

Obviously graphics don't matter as much here, but no one should genuinely be saying this is technically impressive when this only looks marginally better than BOTW, and that was a up-ported Wii U game.
There are a couple things true here--one, the game is 100% technically impressive considering the hardware it's running on. On the other hand, the game does look like shit when compared to anything even remotely modern. When I got to the point where you first go outside and see the yellow trees/grass, the "shadows" on the grass were absoulutely jarring. But oddly enough, playing it in handheld mode seems to make it slightly more palatable.
Now I'm not saying Nintendo did a bad job with the graphics, they've basically created a miracle visually with how well the game runs overall on very dated hardware, but for people to act like the graphics are great... seems a little odd to me.


The game is awesome and looks very good too, I think it's on 97 at open critic at the moment, this guy is just an attention seeker, like the idiot that left the 6.5/10 review.... People vainly hoping a little negativity stands out more, in a sea of unanimous praise, and awesome reviews.

David Jaffe needs to try harder me thinks. ;)


That generation had Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto V, LA Noire, Far Cry 3 and 4, Metal Gear Solid V, and Batman Arkham City amongst others, all I'd argue which look at least slightly better or significantly superior to this.

Obviously graphics don't matter as much here, but no one should genuinely be saying this is technically impressive when this only looks marginally better than BOTW, and that was a up-ported Wii U game.
I don't think anyone is saying it's technically impressive though, I don't think any reviewer mentioned this as a positive. I'm one of those people that wishes it was on a more powerful system believe me BUT for the Switch is the Switch and there is almost no point complaining about its graphics capabilities at this stage. It's like giving Donkey Kong Country 3 a shit review because Super Mario 64 has already been released and why can't the SNES do 3d.

This is basically PS and XBOX and PC gamers completely jealous that a non technically impressive game is going to beat out all the next gen systems for game of the year.

At the end of the day do people not believe this is a game worth the money?
This line of thinking has been a real headache for Nintendo games since the Switch released. With Pokemon and Advance Wars and games like Link's Awakening I'm 100% with you but not with this.


The bear of bad news
The game is awesome and looks very good too, I think it's on 97 at open critic at the moment, this guy is just an attention seeker, like the idiot that left the 6.5/10 review.... People vainly hoping a little negativity stands out more, in a sea of unanimous praise, and awesome reviews.

David Jaffe needs to try harder me thinks. ;)
Doesn't really matters what a couple people say this is white static noise my freinds

Gonna to sells 40 millions copies
win 2023 GOTY
many will consider it the best game ever (TBH 2nd place isn't evens close)

Nintendo called it Tears of the Kingdom because of the rest of the peoples that'll cry about it



The defining feature of videoGAMEs is GAMEplay. To me, it's really sad when a game puts gameplay away to prioritize other stuff like graphics, narrative, animations or presentation as a whole. TotK is a landmark title that is achieving something that has never been done before and, as a SW developer myself, I can say that having the physics and chemistry systems working flawlessly, in such a huge world, with the building (UltraHand) engine, the thousand possible item combinations, the many player (and NPC) interactions and have everything working so smoothly is a technical achievement that dwarfs any tech to put more pretty pixels on the screen. Really, the Nintendo devs are running laps around the industry at this point.

To me, this should be the standard when judging videogames: Your game looks pretty? That's nice, but it won't get you above a 6/10 unless you can back the experience with some real meat (gameplay).

BTW, don't forget that this guy was criticizing Metroid Dread for it's "poor level" design...
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Doesn't really matters what a couple people say this is white static noise my freinds

Gonna to sells 40 millions copies
win 2023 GOTY
many will consider it the best game ever (TBH 2nd place isn't evens close)

Nintendo called it Tears of the Kingdom because of the rest of the peoples that'll cry about it

When you play the game it looks fine, I loved exploring the great sky island, the art style is very good imho. Like you say this is going to sell more than BOTW... which is already the best selling Zelda game of all time.
Switch games look bad when played on a big screen, but TotK in particular is gorgeous if you play on handheld or a smaller screen (I'm switching between a PC monitor and handheld).

TotK graphics are among the best ever in terms of crafting and artistic quality. I'm actually impressed by how Nintendo created such an immersive and beautiful open world in an obsolete hardware.


The defining feature of videoGAMEs is GAMEplay. To me, it's really sad when a game puts gameplay away to prioritize other stuff like graphics, narrative, animations or presentation as a whole. TotK is a landmark title that is achieving something that has never been done before and, as a SW developer myself, I can say that having the physics and chemistry systems working flawlessly, in such a huge world, with the building engine, the thousand possible item combinations, the many player (and NPC) actions and have everything working so smoothly is a technical achievement that dwarfs any tech to put more pretty pixels on the screen. Really, the Nintendo devs are running laps around the industry at this point.

To me, this should be the standard when judging videogames: Your game looks pretty? That's nice, but it won't get you above a 6/10 until you can back the experience with some real meat (gameplay).

BTW, don't forget that this guys was criticizing Metroid Dread for it's "poor level" design...
People said Dread looked bad as well.... and its a 2d game and not worth the full price.

I mean with all the AAA games coming out in bad shape on "next-gen" systems as they are.. I know what I'd rather have...Games working well on Day 1.


Gold Member
It's annoying when you see the game running on emulator and it looks soooo much better ... the possibilities for what these awesome nintendo games running on competitive hardware are tasty ... come on Ninty pick up your hardware game!

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
It's annoying when you see the game running on emulator and it looks soooo much better ... the possibilities for what these awesome nintendo games running on competitive hardware are tasty ... come on Ninty pick up your hardware game!
I prefer my game to be officially updated.


I played it a bit over the weekend, and watched my kids play a lot of it. The game is alright, but I dont think I will finish this one like I did BOTW. Its just more the same. Just different ways to complete puzzles. The physics engine is cool and all, but not really. I was hoping for more story, more something else. Maybe thats me. I want old school Zelda. Not whatever this is. The graphics were outdated with BOTW, and are now even more outdated, and I need at least a modicum of good graphics. It will garner GOTY and thats fine with me. Its not a 9/10 or 10/10 for me. Its a 7. A solid 7.
Off course it is, dude!

The Switch is 2 generations late. It can’t be anything else than dated in every ways. If that’s Okey to Nintendo fans, that’s cool dude!


Well, it's his opinion and that's......, fine.

But besides that, is Jaffe actually....., relevant? I know his GoW work and it is amazing, but why all the controversy? It's just a guy who doesn't like the graphics of TotK and nothing more.



He´s right about the graphics, for sure, and he´s also considering the hardware it was build on. He´s just shouting out to the gaming community complaining about every game that´s not a stable 60fps raytraced beauty. What I find most intriguing is the fact that the game is selling like hotcakes, even with it´s outdated look. Gameplay beats graphics and maybe, just maybe, we should reconsider what we really want in gaming. Of course great gameplay with high standard graphics is top tier, but this also means expensive development, crunch times, and many good looking games are having a lot of bugs in the beginning because many times, you just don´t have the menpower for both.

Maybe I´ll eat crows for this in a few years, but I´m pretty sure that we will start to see lesser graphic powerhouses, but with more focused gameplay mechanics in the future. If something is beautiful, but has no soul and heart - are the looks just a distraction of that?


All the people defending the "art style" is hilarious. The game looks bad but is fun. It's ok to say that this game looks underwhelming, because it's true. Even BOTW had areas devoid of any real charm or life and reminded me of the games of old.

What the hell are you talking about? The majority of people who have played and reviewed it have no problem with the art style. If anything, it's the people who call it "ugly" that are in the severe minority here...but it's the internet, who needs facts?


Mediocre! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

These joke post are hilarious!
If anything it shows exactly how that person is.

I don't own Nintendo, never had. I'm always curious about the Swich but never bought one.

People getting all worked up because it scored higher than pretty much any other game.


The bear of bad news
What the hell are you talking about? The majority of people who have played and reviewed it have no problem with the art style. If anything, it's the people who call it "ugly" that are in the severe minority here...but it's the internet, who needs facts?
The game is bootiful my friends and has gotten industry wides praise for its graphics but this thread is good because it helps the 10 people on GAF who cant afford the game cope about the GOTG and 2023 GOTY

Cringe Reaction GIF

This post should win Virgin of the Year.
lol I'm married but I sees the truth got a reaction out of you



He's not really wrong, it does look mostly just like the 6 year old game which already looked like a years-old game at launch

It's an amazing game, but we do grade Nintendo on a steep curve on the graphical front. Even other handhelds can emulate it at better resolutions and filtering quality already.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
What are you talking about? Your schizo side is showing. In the case of God of War, it is a one track brawler style is highly repetitive, the puzzles are mediocre at best and its superb story and presentation are integral to it because they serve as an extra motivation to go complete the game. The game is a solid 9 as it is. It definetly is not that if stripped of its story and presentation.

All im saying is that gameplay always triumphs graphics. Its why Zelda TotK can afford to have mediocre performance and technical graphics. God of War cannot.

Schizo? LOL! You have incredibly reduced God of War to being a movie game with button mashing moments. You must be sick. Most people completely disagree with you for obvious reasons.

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Flashless at the Golden Globes
They are literally all open world games and 2 of them are pretty open ended, especially mgs5.
Insane post. Guy is living in an alternate reality.

John from DF gave a passionate defense of Zelda's visuals saying that it is impressive for the hardware its on. Comparing it to xbox series x or even xbox one games is unfair he said and called into question the sanity of people criticizing the visuals. Ok so unfair to compare it to a 12 tflops gpu or even a 1.3 tflops GPU when switch has roughly 0.190-0.390 tflops. Ok, but can we compare it to the 0.190 tflops PS3 or the 0.250 tflops XBox 360? Or even the 0.350 tflops Wii U which ran games like Arkham City, Darksiders 1 and 2, AC3 and AC4 Black Flag.

I am now convinced that switch is the main reason why we got the initial BOTW downgrade. The Wii U was clearly more powerful. This thing was running on a Wii U:

Notice how the game says 2015 release date and then shipped 2 years later to coincide with the Switch release. I am sure they downgraded the shit out of it in those two years just to get it to run on the switch.


What the hell are you talking about? The majority of people who have played and reviewed it have no problem with the art style. If anything, it's the people who call it "ugly" that are in the severe minority here...but it's the internet, who needs facts?
It's called nostalgia and massive love for Nintendo franchises.

Most of the reviewers were playing N64 marios and OOT, hell, likely even super nintendo. Nobody has built nostalgia like Nintendo has given they have had the same franchises since the early 90's maybe even 80's?

The game is great, but it IS ugly, they could have changed the art style to match its hardware's capabilities and be more appealing and clean. It looks muddy, and the colours looks washed out.

This by no means the game is bad, we know its great (regardless of me, personally, not liking BOTW), problems are just ignored by reviewers.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Insane post. Guy is living in an alternate reality.

John from DF gave a passionate defense of Zelda's visuals saying that it is impressive for the hardware its on. Comparing it to xbox series x or even xbox one games is unfair he said and called into question the sanity of people criticizing the visuals. Ok so unfair to compare it to a 12 tflops gpu or even a 1.3 tflops GPU when switch has roughly 0.190-0.390 tflops. Ok, but can we compare it to the 0.190 tflops PS3 or the 0.250 tflops XBox 360? Or even the 0.350 tflops Wii U which ran games like Arkham City, Darksiders 1 and 2, AC3 and AC4 Black Flag.

I am now convinced that switch is the main reason why we got the initial BOTW downgrade. The Wii U was clearly more powerful. This thing was running on a Wii U:

Notice how the game says 2015 release date and then shipped 2 years later to coincide with the Switch release. I am sure they downgraded the shit out of it in those two years just to get it to run on the switch.

WOW! That does actually look better than TOTK. I totally forgot that the WiiU is more powerful than the Switch.


his argument is nonsense. he's saying every switch game automatically has to get a lower score because it is on the Switch.

he's also saying games made on past consoles now all have to be scored lower because their graphics aren't as photo realistic as the PS5.

And he's also saying games on console can't get as high of a score as the pc version because pc hardware is more powerful.

if you want to know why Nintendo is still here after 40+ years in vidgames, it's because they don't practice the same nonsense.
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Gold Member
Insane post. Guy is living in an alternate reality.

John from DF gave a passionate defense of Zelda's visuals saying that it is impressive for the hardware its on. Comparing it to xbox series x or even xbox one games is unfair he said and called into question the sanity of people criticizing the visuals. Ok so unfair to compare it to a 12 tflops gpu or even a 1.3 tflops GPU when switch has roughly 0.190-0.390 tflops. Ok, but can we compare it to the 0.190 tflops PS3 or the 0.250 tflops XBox 360? Or even the 0.350 tflops Wii U which ran games like Arkham City, Darksiders 1 and 2, AC3 and AC4 Black Flag.

I am now convinced that switch is the main reason why we got the initial BOTW downgrade. The Wii U was clearly more powerful. This thing was running on a Wii U:

Notice how the game says 2015 release date and then shipped 2 years later to coincide with the Switch release. I am sure they downgraded the shit out of it in those two years just to get it to run on the switch.

The downgrade was most definitely real. I remember the discussion around it at the time.


It's called nostalgia and massive love for Nintendo franchises.

Most of the reviewers were playing N64 marios and OOT, hell, likely even super nintendo. Nobody has built nostalgia like Nintendo has given they have had the same franchises since the early 90's maybe even 80's?

The game is great, but it IS ugly, they could have changed the art style to match its hardware's capabilities and be more appealing and clean. It looks muddy, and the colours looks washed out.

This by no means the game is bad, we know its great (regardless of me, personally, not liking BOTW), problems are just ignored by reviewers.
No it's called objective standards. Pokémon Scarlet/Violet can be considered ugly and technically offensive.

People are calling TOTK many things but "ugly" is not generally one of them. Sure the game is not as technically impressive as games running with 8 Terraflops or whatever but it's still using a visually pleasing art style and has many other graphical effects that hold up just well enough for a 2015 tablet.

If you think its uglyn fine thats your opinion, but the majority of people do not and has nothing to do with nostalgia when half of those people were born after 2000. This ugly talk is a case of the few but loud, with some being hyperbolic and controversial for the sake of it.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
The fact that it looks as good as it does, while being as large at it is, and with the physics system it has.

This game is a technical marvel for the switch. Sure it’s on aging hardware but that’s not the games fault, it’s making the most of the hardware it’s on. What a weird take.

Zelda BOTW & now TOTK have more impressive physics than nearly all AAA games of the past decade. It's crazy what they've done. A lot of games aim for pure visual quality but are very static in the end.
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