I think that's someone just reposting "TheBoxOfficeZ"'s review from a few pages back.
I think that's someone just reposting "TheBoxOfficeZ"'s review from a few pages back.
I love, love, love this film. Just so beautifully shot, and I actually now appreciate the flash-backs. But the considered, careful tone of the film in the first half just brings the character to life for me.
And then I read the impressions above and see this...Until Zod arrives. It falls apart.
I love, love, love this film. Just so beautifully shot, and I actually now appreciate the flash-backs. But the considered, careful tone of the film in the first half just brings the character to life for me.
And then I read the impressions above and see this...Until Zod arrives. It falls apart.
Positive screening reactions? Better than MOS?
I want to believe, but...early screenings... ;_;
He posted everything on a public forum. Shouldn't be your issue.Oh.
MrBruceWayne seems a bit upset i might have made his posts too public.Sorry
Wonder Woman trailer before Suicide Squad or after ? Isn't the filming already done ?
Wonder Woman trailer before Suicide Squad or after ? Isn't the filming already done ?
I love, love, love this film. Just so beautifully shot, and I actually now appreciate the flash-backs. But the considered, careful tone of the film in the first half just brings the character to life for me.
And then I read the impressions above and see this...Until Zod arrives. It falls apart.
I think we get something at Comic-Con, so before.
If they're smart they have it attacked to Suicide Squad.
Filming goes until beyond may (which is funny because JL starts shooting in april, having her play the same character in two different films at the same time). But a trailer is probably coming at Comic Con, with a public premiere in Suicide SquadWonder Woman trailer before Suicide Squad or after ? Isn't the filming already done ?
Filming goes until beyond may (which is funny because JL starts shooting in May, having her play the same character in two different films at the same time). But a trailer is probably coming at Comic Con, with a public premiere in Suicide Squad
Filming goes until beyond may (which is funny because JL starts shooting in april, having her play the same character in two different films at the same time). But a trailer is probably coming at Comic Con, with a public premiere in Suicide Squad
I actually liked Affleck as DD. Howeverr this news, I was at first in disbelief, then confused then laughed!
I think WB has learned there lesson to just release the footage.
Everyone forgets X-Men is in May tooYeah WW will get some teaser footage at least. We've entered an age where they can start the hype train super early. We got squad trailer (though it was "leaked") more than a year early.
They probably won't have much cgi finished by the time SDCC rolls around though. JL will barely have anything but I'm hoping for some concept art.
I have to say I'm a little surprised we don't have more Civil War and Dr. Strange footage. I feel like only having one month to market Civil War is odd, maybe it's because I'm not as interested in it as I am in BvS.
I look forward to seeing two awesome movies within a period of 40 days, and then seeing Squad & Strange only a few more months away. Wish we had a third dc movie slotted for march next year but w/e.
Yeah WW will get some teaser footage at least. We've entered an age where they can start the hype train super early. We got squad trailer (though it was "leaked") more than a year early.
They probably won't have much cgi finished by the time SDCC rolls around though. JL will barely have anything but I'm hoping for some concept art.
I have to say I'm a little surprised we don't have more Civil War and Dr. Strange footage. I feel like only having one month to market Civil War is odd, maybe it's because I'm not as interested in it as I am in BvS.
I look forward to seeing two awesome movies within a period of 40 days, and then seeing Squad & Strange only a few more months away. Wish we had a third dc movie slotted for march next year but w/e.
Everyone forgets X-Men is in May too![]()
Glad this is coming first before Civil War and X-Men fatigue people.Everyone forgets X-Men is in May too![]()
Then actually TMNT 2 (I am and will always be a Turtles fanboy!)
Where? Pathé has bugger all for the past weeks but I haven't checked today.So, I was just making some food. Phone in the other room. Deciding to check Twitter, the tickets were available! Freaked the fuck out, almost dropped my phone. Try to order them, error.
Opened up my laptop, got 4 tickets. 2 for the midnight release, and 2 for the Sunday after. So fucking pumped, bring it! All great seats too.
So, I was just making some food. Phone in the other room. Deciding to check Twitter, the tickets were available! Freaked the fuck out, almost dropped my phone. Try to order them, error.
Opened up my laptop, got 4 tickets. 2 for the midnight release, and 2 for the Sunday after. So fucking pumped, bring it! All great seats too.
Where? Pathé has bugger all but I haven't checked today.
What did you make?
Crow for GAF, gotta start early.
The answer is steak
Laying in bed sick today but my S7 Edge will be here in a few hours. Hopefully my BvS shirt makes it in as well.
Civil War will pick up right around the time of BvS's release. There's no point having their marketing going 100% while Batman V Superman hype is at an all time high. It's similar to not hearing anything except a trailer for BvS when Star Wars was in full force.
Everyone forgets X-Men is in May too![]()
Wasn't there a special BvS version of the S7? Got that one?
OH FUCKRotterdam, Schouwburgplein. They posted it on Twitter and there they were. Should be the same in other countries that have Pathé.
Thursday midnight screening LET'S GO
Now to IMAX or not to IMAX that is the question...
I can go to Amsterdam Arena but that's like a 40 minute drive + parking.Which country/city?
I can go to Amsterdam Arena but that's like a 40 minute drive + parking.
Someone convince me IMAX is worth it.
Chris Terrio wrote not only this movie, but he wrote Justice League, and he also helped the long-term vision.
Did Chris sign on before you did or was it kind of a simultaneous thing?
Right around when I signed on. That was part of what was being talked about even though he hadn’t signed his deal yet.
I can go to Amsterdam Arena but that's like a 40 minute drive + parking.
Someone convince me IMAX is worth it.
Haven't seen the first one yet. How is it?
I've got to say that from those videogame movies, the only one I'm a little insterested in is Assassin's Creed, and only because of Fassbender.