He's old enough to be a grandpa when you think about it.Come on now, Batfleck ain't that old.
He's old enough to be a grandpa when you think about it.Come on now, Batfleck ain't that old.
He's old enough to be a grandpa when you think about it.
He's old enough to be a grandpa when you think about it.
I enjoyed Gal's scene with Affleck, more than that Amy Adams scene. I just could never buy into Amy Adams being Lois Lane.
Someone made a comment about Amy when MoS came out and it has been stuck in my head ever since. Actually I think it was Grace Randolph that said the casting of a redhead as Lois was a mistake because they basically casted Lana Lang to be Lois. I know it's a super nit picky fanboy compliant but I would be lying if I were to say it didn't bother me. Also I guess I have a bit of a bias toward Amy Adams because she does not fulfill my dream casting of Mila Kunis as Lois Lane. Otherwise, Amy's performance was fine. I personally dig the spunky LL even if all her lines weren't all there.
Someone made a comment about Amy when MoS came out and it has been stuck in my head ever since. Actually I think it was Grace Randolph that said the casting of a redhead as Lois was a mistake because they basically casted Lana Lang to be Lois. I know it's a super nit picky fanboy compliant but I would be lying if I were to say it didn't bother me. Also I guess I have a bit of a bias toward Amy Adams because she does not fulfill my dream casting of Mila Kunis as Lois Lane. Otherwise, Amy's performance was fine. I personally dig the spunky LL even if all her lines weren't all there.
I dont understand the Lana Lang comparison here..
Man, Ben is really hauling ass.
Online, everyones like, Oh, theyre doing an R-rated in reaction to Deadpool, and youre like (laughing), We didnt just shoot it last week, and we also didnt edit it last week.
I love it. Having Junkie XL contribute was an excellent call. Makes Zimmer sound that much fresher.
Lana is traditionally a redhead.
Idk, it doesn't bother me at all.
I have this feeling Ben is a broken man. Maybe it's because of the divorce. He just looks so... joyless.
Now that'd be a fun take on the creator cameo thing. Have Zack die in every movie.
Lana is traditionally a redhead.
Idk, it doesn't bother me at all.
Well, for a lot of the general public who've even heard of the character, Lana Lang is dark haired and half Chinese.
You're psychotic.That last moment the Lois scene was genuinely great. Adams is a great actor, but MoS didn't do her justice. Hopefully she gets to stretch her legs a bit (lol) in this.
lol that Bruce Diane scene. What does he think he can do to her? I'm guessing he doesn't who she is?
I don't think he does, thats why we have the is she with you line It seems nobody knows of her, probably people think WW is a myth or legend told by WW1 soldierslol that Bruce Diane scene. What does he think he can do to her? I'm guessing he doesn't who she is?
Oh I bet you he does. It's Bruce Wayne, he has taps on everything and everyone.
Now that'd be a fun take on the creator cameo thing. Have Zack die in every movie.
"Oh, what strong grip you have."I like the look Diana gives to Bruce's hand when he grabs her.
Well, for a lot of the general public who've even heard of the character, Lana Lang is dark haired and half Chinese.
Oh my god I accidentally stumbled on the new footage on youtube. Eisenberg is absolutely going to slay this role.Bruce x Diana
Isn't Lois also?!
I finally gotten the strength to stop lurking in the BvS spoiler thread... but I can't help but watch every piece of footage they throw at us.