This is one impression I'm anxious to hear.Frosty from Collider is seeing it tonight.
Yeah, I also think it will be better received than MoS if only for the fact that all indications are Terrio knocked it out of the park with his script.
This is one impression I'm anxious to hear.Frosty from Collider is seeing it tonight.
Didn't Fantastic Four had positive early screening reviews as well?
What would make the Superman statue 100x better is if he held the world on his shoulders, like Atlas.
At the very least I think it will be better received than Man of Steel. I think that would be a reasonably safe bet to make.
I think it will be better than MoS, but still not particularly good, and that the critical consensus will reflect that.
We'll see in a few days, though.
I saw F4nt4stic Four on Tuesday. It was a mistake.
And I love the FF...
Oh that is my prediction as well. But.... you never know with these things. Lets all hope Snyder has learnt from his mistakes and has learnt how to combine stunning imagery with a little bit of character depth and good pacing.
Lol why would you do that? That movie could turn anyone off CBM's all together.
I just wanted to see it out of curiosity...but you could tell like less than 5 minutes in that it completely missed the point of F4 (I don't say that as an expert, just someone who loves them) altogether in ways even so called misfires like MoS don't.
Also....holycrap just heard "Is She With You" good.
Oh that is my prediction as well. But.... you never know with these things. Lets all hope Snyder has learnt from his mistakes and has learnt how to combine stunning imagery with a little bit of character depth and good pacing.
I think everyone probably hates doing the press junkets as their own miniature hell on Earth. At least he didn't go Bruce Willis.
That'll also be on the screenwriter(s).
I think everyone probably hates doing the press junkets as their own miniature hell on Earth. At least he didn't go Bruce Willis.
I take it like this, if the movie was terrible we would've known by now. So at the very least, it seems to be decent? Certainly not the trainwreck some made it out to be.
Oh that is my prediction as well. But.... you never know with these things. Lets all hope Snyder has learnt from his mistakes and has learnt how to combine stunning imagery with a little bit of character depth and good pacing.
Lol why would you do that? That movie could turn anyone off CBM's all together.
What was the mindset behind the film being PG-13 in theaters but R-rated on DVD?
DEB Online, everyone's like, "Oh, they're doing an R-rated in reaction to Deadpool," and you're like (laughing), "We didn't just shoot it last week, and we also didn't edit it last week."
ZACK The why of that is [the DVD version] is a half-hour longer, and some of that additional material is some of the stuff we took out for the rating. I was like, "Cool, I can put it back in for the director's cut." There was nothing by design. This was the material I just put back in, and then when [the MPAA] looked at it again, they were like, "Oh, now the movie's rated R." And, by the way, it's not a hard R. There's no nudity. There's a little bit of violence. It just tips the scale.
Snyder confirming that additional 30 minutes for the R cut:
Snyder confirming that additional 30 minutes for the R cut:
I wonder why they submitted the director's cut to the MPAA, do they plan on doing a limited-run of screenings? Typically when a studio puts out a PG-13 movie's director cut that would've been R, they just call it "Unrated." You have to spend a pretty penny for an MPAA rating, I believe, and depending on the store, the movie is going to be age-gated at the register now.
I wonder why they submitted the director's cut to the MPAA, do they plan on doing a limited-run of screenings? Typically when a studio puts out a PG-13 movie's director cut that would've been R, they just call it "Unrated." You have to spend a pretty penny for an MPAA rating, I believe, and depending on the store, the movie is going to be age-gated at the register now.
Isn't that an additional $25K just to resubmit it for certification?
What did Bruce Willis do?
To be fair, Cavill didn't come across that way at all. Seemed genuinely excited to be there
So using the RT average critics rating and the last few cbm flicks from each studio where could you see it ending up?
TDKR: 8/10
DOFP: 7.6/10
Ant-Man: 6.8/10
AOU: 6.7/10
MOS: 6.2/10
Amazing Spider-man 2: 5.8
FF: 3.4/10
Collider didn't post clickbait garbage like every week about this movie. They act a lot more professional when it comes to that stuff.So did WB pretty much tell Hitfix, BMD, i09 and any other site/blog that featured negative stories or features to fuck off for their junket? lol
Just wondering because other sites that didn't have that sort of coverage over the last 2-3 years like Frosty over at Collider is there and doing cast interviews. lol
wow the average rating for AoU is not that far from MoS.
Gaf was talking so much shit about DoFP before it released, that movie was so great. Apocalypse is going to be just as good, in Singer I trust.
I didn't even realise people were talking shit about DoFP. That movie was so good.
I think of his junket interviews for Red 2 like this.
So did WB pretty much tell Hitfix, BMD, i09 and any other site/blog that featured negative stories or features to fuck off for their junket? lol
Just wondering because other sites that didn't have that sort of coverage over the last 2-3 years like Frosty over at Collider is there and doing cast interviews. lol
DoFP is probably my favorite X-men movie.
It was mostly the marketing, not the movie itself after release. Apocalypse's marketing has been pretty mediocre too but Singer makes pretty good movies so here's to hoping.
Didn't Fantastic Four had positive early screening reviews as well?
Zack Snyder WW cameo as a WW1 soldier apparently lol
Seems like GJ is a big part of the DCEU.DEB Zack and [DC chief creative officer] Geoff Johns have outlined a timeline of where everybody is based off of, where our characters go in Justice League.
Zack Snyder WW cameo as a WW1 soldier apparently lol
Zack Snyder WW cameo as a WW1 soldier apparently lol
Zack Snyder WW cameo as a WW1 soldier apparently lol
Zack dropping truth-bombs about how the general audience sees the DC vs Marvel "battle" and the "2edgy2dark4me" complaints. Great interview.