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DC Extended Universe |OT2| A League of xX-=DaMaGeD=-Xx Gentlemen

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Well fuck me - IT WORKED! Downloading SD version through Flixster as we speak.

So basically - nab a UV code from eBay, redeem in Vudu, re-link or link your UltraViolet and Flixster accounts, and then go to Flixster!


Do you have a link for where to get the code from ebay? You can PM it to me if you think that's best.




Is there precedence for that? I imagine they might want to drop it early (apparently digital retailers got their copy today) so as not to lose out on a ton of sales.

Will not hurt sales.

People will still buy the bluray to get the real bluray quality. You don't get that with compressed ripped torrents.


Whole list of changes. Yeah, spoilers.

Bruce saves more than one kid at the Black Zero event. He’s the BatDad we deserve.
More violence shown in the village. More dialogue from the African man Lois was interviewing.
The KGBeast burns the bodies of the men he shot to frame Superman for the killing. An actress hired by Lex confirms that Superman was the one who did it.
Jimmy Olsen say “I’m Jimmy Olsen”. Him and Lois’ first exchange is funny.
The CIA attempts to bomb the village with Lois still held captive. Clark intervenes.
Insignificant: When Clark first starts his investigation in Gotham, there’s male couple kissing in the background on the ferry.
Clark goes investigating in Gotham, he’s supposed to be there to write his article on the football game, but instead goes to interview the actress Lex hired. She’s not there, but his investigation in The Batman begins here.
We see 2 different opinions on Batman. A woman claims the only reason to be frightened of Batman is if you have a reason to be. A man says implies that Batman has changed, now everyone should be afraid. “He’s angry and he’s hunting.”
More Clark/Lois interaction. He’s worried about her investigation into the bullet. He says it’s too dangerous. She says that’s why she didn’t tell him about it.
Lex has more of a background presence. Clark is assigned to the library benefit because ‘someone requested Clark Kent cover the event’. So clearly Lex already knows who he is from the beginning. Meaning he wanted Clark and Bruce to meet.
Insignificant: Perry calls Clark a nerd.
More Lex dialog with Finch. “Maybe if I keep everything the same Dad will come back.” He talks about his Dad almost as if he’s not dead.
There’s a quick Bruce Wayne shower scene. Yes, we see Ben’s ass. Yes, it looks good.
Clark calls his mom after the watching the Senator Finch interview. He asks why his dad never left Kansas and ask why can’t life be more simple. Martha responds nothing was ever simple.
We see Lex pulling the strings more and more. He has the man Batman branded kill while in prison. Then he has the pics sent to Clark.
There’s a new scene with Jon Stewart roasting Superman.
Jena Malone plays an unmade forensic scientist.
Extended scene with Diana she’s talking with a Curator about the sword on display.
The Knightmare scene is longer. We see all the trucks arriving at the compound Batman is at. There’s a longer shot of Batman walking to the truck. Also an extended scene of Batman fighting the Superman soldiers.
There’s a scene with Clark trying to find out what happened to the man who was killed. He talks with his girlfriend outside of the GCPD. She tells him words won’t stop Batman, only fists.
Longer moment between Clark and his mom, she’s giving him advice.
The actress Lex hired sees the KGBeast waiting outside her apartment as she gets off the bus. She stays on the bus.
She goes to see Senator Finch to tell her the truth before the senate meeting. The pieces of the African plot line start slowing falling into place.
Lois realizes the entire thing was a setup. She tells Perry to run the story. Lex set the whole thing up, it was an ambush for Superman.
Senator knows everything. Lex threatened and coerced that actress into lying about Superman. She realizes Lex has been using the senate, playing them like puppets.
The KGBeast pushes the african actress in front of a subway car to silence her.
When Finch says “Today is a day for truth.” she was talking about Lex setting up Superman. That’s when she sees ‘granny’s peach tea’. In the context of the UE at that moment she realizes she’s been played when she sees Lex’s empty seat.
After the senate explosion, victims are being treated on the steps outside. Superman is flying victims out of the wreckage. He’s helping. He’s saving people. He sees all the damaged caused, of the dead bodies and blames himself. He locks eyes with Lois, and flies away. (Ok so I legit teared up bye)
There’s a scene with Alfred chopping wood. Out side the Wayne residence. He goes inside looking for Bruce and sees what happened at the senate meeting. The returned checks from Wallace sit on a coffee table. He seems to realize that Bruce is about to do something reckless. He turns to face the lake, worried.
We see Lex watch footage of Batman breaking into Lexcorp to steal the Kryptonite. He smirks. All according to plan.
Longer montage of Bruce weaponizing the Kryptonite and a little bit longer of him working out. (God…)
We see people blaming Superman for the attack on the capital. News outlets are saying if he’s so powerful, why couldn’t he stop a bomber a few feet away from him? There’s a protest where they hang and burn a Superman doll in frustration.
Longer scene of Clark in the mountains. He walks by a group of men by the base of the mountain. As he walks by they say “He knows the mountain is not passable. He’s come to die.”
Lois is watching the news. Lex apparently planted bomb materials for investigators to find in Wallace’s apartment. Superman has not been ruled out as a co-conspirator. We cut to Lex on the helipad as the news channel still talks about evidence pointing to Superman being involved. He smirks.
Lois goes to Wallace’s apartment. It’s completely changed from the scene where we see Lex give him the wheel chair. Anti-Superman graffiti everywhere. Bomb making material on the desk. Lois realizes that Wallace had just bought groceries. She conclude he didn’t know he was going to die that day.
She call’s Jena Malone’s character again. That bullet from the desert? Wallace’s new wheel chair? Both made from the same metal. The same metal Lexcorp manufactures. Also the wheelchair was lined with lead. So even if Clark checked, he wouldn’t have known it was a bomb.
We see the full Lois kidnapping scene. (Her being dragged out to a truck)
After the BvS fight, Alfred tells Bruce where Martha Kent is. Bruce says “I don’t deserve you Alfred.” “No, you don’t.” is Alfred’s response.
When Clark goes to confront Lex he says “You lose.” Lex says “I don’t know how to lose.” Clark says “You’ll learn.” Lex mockingly says “I’ll learn! I don’t hate the sinner, I hate the sin. And yours, my friend, is existing.” So basically this whole scene is like 2 minutes longer.
There’s a scene of Martha getting rescued by the GCPD after Batman saves her from the warehouse.
There’s a scene with Lex in the Kryptonian ship communicating with what is presumed to be Steppenwolf, 3 mother boxes, and an outline of Earth’s solar system. This scene was also released on YouTube back in March.
The end montage is longer. Metropolis is shown to be empty, leaves blow through the street. Business’ are closed. The Daily Planet shut down. Why? Because everyone in Metropolis is attending Superman’s funeral.
The Daily Planet staff attends Clark’s funeral in Kansas. Pete Ross and Lana Lang from Man of Steel are also there.
The priest presiding over Clark’s funeral reads a passage about resurrection and the “Earth giving birth to the dead”.
In the prison scene, Lex makes it abundantly clear that he knows Batman is Bruce. Lex says “Look at us. This is how it all caves in. Civilization. Wayne Manors. Out the window. But who would believe me? I’m insane. I’m not even fit to stand trial.” He laughs. Bruce says “That’s right, we have hospitals to treat and heal with compassion. But that’s not where you’re going. I arranged for you to be transferred to Arkham Asylum (Suicide Squad cameo confirmed?) in Gotham.” Lex quickly stops smiling.

This is the movie we deserved. WB owes a big, long apology to Zack Snyder, whose reputation got tarnished to no reversal.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Fuuu, so whose dick do I have to suck for this? Just send me the file bruh.


I'm not expecting this UC to fix a lot of the problems I had with the movie...but holy shit (if true) how did they think some of that was ok to cut?!? Like the whole courtoom- Superman set up - Lex's plan stuff (which is pretty crucial to the movie) with that cut out was shredded up to hell.
I'll wait to see how it all works in the larger picture, but reading that, it sounds as if it fills in the cracks and holes of the theatrical. More or less what I expected.

It's amazing how little scenes seemingly change the context of other scenes. Makes certain character seem different between the cuts.


I forget who it was but someone asked Bo from the other thread if anything about Clark investigating Batman was made more apparent and said "absolutely not" but it's all right there in those spoilers so I'm confused.


I'm not doubting the spoilers. Just wondering why Bo thought there was nothing added to that plotline.
Bo hadn't seen the theatrical cut. He probably thought it was too little for the buildup or whatever. He said the whole thing was "A blur of bad", so you know the kind of viewer he is. (Not saying he's wrong, just that he's one of those who hated this obviously divisive movie)


I'm only like half an hour in and screamed F U WARNER at my screen so many times lol

It's the same story, sure, but feels very differently paced. So much more room to breathe from the word go. TC was absolutely crazy fast and messy in comparison. This takes its time more. They really restored the "connective tissue" that was missing.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member

Now confess and may He forgive your sins.

In the name of the Snyder, the son of Krypton and and the Holy Batman. Amen.


I'm only like half an hour in and screamed F U WARNER at my screen so many times lol

It's the same story, sure, but feels very differently paced. So much more room to breathe from the word go. TC was absolutely crazy fast and messy in comparison. This takes its time more. They really restored the "connective tissue" that was missing.
Hi antonvolk. I heard WB is blocking the streams. So if you'd like to take some screens or notes for us (please do) make sure of not resetting the page.


Hi antonvolk. I heard WB is blocking the streams. So if you'd like to take some screens or notes for us (please do) make sure of not resetting the page.
I'm watching on Chromecast so I can't really take screens. I have the SD version downloaded on the Flixster app so in any case it should still work if WB takes it down.


Theory time but makes sense. Someone on twitter suggested BvS being cut down might be why Affleck decided to be a producer on Justice League. If the UE is indeed a positive for the film like we're expecting and seems to be from reports it's likely to protect Snyder from WB going forward. Word was that it was done to show support for Snyder but also to likely keep the suits away as Affleck is the man for WB outside of Nolan. That's also to protect himself without a doubt. They're not likely to want to piss him off. That might be what Nolan was able to do with Man of Steel. We know Nolan wasn't really involved with BvS other then having his name listed. So there is no telling what WB itself was able to do with BvS behind the scenes they likely weren't able to do to MoS or even the Nolan Batman films.

I said before I do think that three hour cut was approved and then they got cold feet. Snyder was very likely not in any position to fight that and the response for the film suffered. Nolan might have been able to stop that or even Affleck going forward when it comes to Justice League. Snyder by himself? Hell no. It's looking more and more like they screw him over.


Theory time but makes sense. Someone on twitter suggested BvS being cut down might be why Affleck decided to be a producer on Justice League. If the UE is indeed a positive for the film like we're expecting and seems to be from reports it's likely to protect Snyder from WB going forward. Word was that it was done to show support for Snyder but also to likely keep the suits away as Affleck is the man for WB outside of Nolan. That's also to protect himself without a doubt. They're not likely to want to piss him off. That might be what Nolan was able to do with Man of Steel. We know Nolan wasn't really involved with BvS other then having his name listed. So there is no telling what WB itself was able to do with BvS behind the scenes they likely weren't able to do MoS or even the Nolan Batman films.

I said before I do think that three hour cut was approved and then they got cold feet. Snyder was very likely not in any position to fight that. Nolan might have been able to or even Affleck going forward when it comes to Justice League.
Could be, they did remove Roven.


Yeah, I'm actually feeling REALLY sorry for Zack. His reputation won't ever recover, when this clearly was a studio butch job. He will never touch a CBM after JL.

On a scale from 1-10 what did you think of the original and how much do you think it improved? What score would you give the EC?I vaguely remember the Terrio false God Avater from you and I was wondering should Terrio be photoshopped into Jesus?

Also if you listened to this podcast:http://www.manofsteelanswers.com/lex-luthor-explained/

How much was he right? Kinda long but great analysis.
I don't know, maybe it's me, but those extended scenes still don't really give a concrete reason for most of those subplots to exist. The Africa and congress incident have pretty much no bearing on the plot as a whole, and don't really have any consequences.


well not really...yet
Snyder himself said that Nolan shielded him with Man of Steel and allowed him to do what he wanted for what it's worth.


Could be, they did remove Roven.

He produced Warcraft as well and while I enjoyed that film it too feels like it should have been longer, that there might be things missing and there is already talk from Duncan Jones (the director) about whether an extended version can be released.

Snyder himself said that Nolan shielded him with Man of Steel and allowed him to do what he wanted for what it's worth.

There we go.


I don't know, maybe it's me, but those extended scenes still don't really give a concrete reason for most of those subplots to exist. The Africa and congress incident have pretty much no bearing on the plot as a whole, and don't really have any consequences.
Characterization. Nor Lex, nor Lois, nor Clark felt properly developed, like they just stood up and said stuff. This brings the three of them together and adds to their character.
On a scale from 1-10 what did you think of the original and how much do you think it improved? What score would you give the EC?I vaguely remember the Terrio false God Avater from you and I was wondering should Terrio be photoshopped into Jesus?

Also if you listened to this podcast:http://www.manofsteelanswers.com/lex-luthor-explained/

How much was he right? Kinda long but great analysis.
I haven't watched it :p But I will at the shortest time possible. I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty, my preorder is locked in stone. Antovolk is watching it right now, so ask him first!


I don't know, maybe it's me, but those extended scenes still don't really give a concrete reason for most of those subplots to exist. The Africa and congress incident have pretty much no bearing on the plot as a whole, and don't really have any consequences.
Wait till you see the new cut tbh. Really really helps a lot imho.
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