I don't know who it is but Germain Lussier (critic at I09) liked that tweet so I'm assuming he at least agrees with it.Don't think that's a real reaction. Could be but I don't think.
I don't know who it is but Germain Lussier (critic at I09) liked that tweet so I'm assuming he at least agrees with it.Don't think that's a real reaction. Could be but I don't think.
I don't know who it is but Germain Lussier (critic at I09) liked that tweet so I'm assuming he at least agrees with it.
I don't know who it is but Germain Lussier (critic at I09) liked that tweet so I'm assuming he at least agrees with it.
#WonderWoman is hands down the best DCEU Film to date! Film is SO GOOD. I absolutely loved it! Bravo @PattyJenks @GalGadot @GeoffJohns 👏🏽⚔️
Happy to report 'Wonder Woman' is a blast and @GalGadot is fantastic. Her chemistry with Chris Pine is magnetic. Absolutely recommended.
Best part of ‘Wonder Woman' is the film has really funny parts and an optimistic and heroic protagonist. Great step forward for DC Films.
Wonder Woman is the DC movie I've been waiting for. It's exciting, inspiring, funny, and has some truly awe-inspiring action scenes.
There are certainly some issues, like a mismatched 3rd act, but I'll discuss that in a longer review. Overall though, Wonder Woman rules.
Germain Lussier
Wonder if Campea will still insist that Gadot is terrible.
Wonder if Campea will still insist that Gadot is terrible.
Are cheerfulness and jokes really what pushes some people's buttons?
I can accept I'm the weirdo. Man of Steel is one of my favorite modern CBM. And too many forced jokes just piss me off.
He will. He decided to die on that hill a long time ago. She could somehow be nominated for one of the many awards and he'd still talk shit about her.Wonder if Campea will still insist that Gadot is terrible.
Well... I'm glad early critical impression seem good. We'll see how that works out for reviews, I remember seeing a lot of 7/10 Rottens for BvS.
Honestly, while I do appreciate a srs bsns comic book movie (else I wouldn't be here, obvs.), as long as it doesn't venture into Avengers 2 "step on your own dramatic tension" levels of compulsive quippiness I'm alright.
Avengers 2 was just such a weird movie. It didn't get to the second Thor level of literally sacrificing any drama for a cheap sitcom joke but it was close. Especially after that "strings" trailer.
And that last confrontation between Ultron and Vision proved it was perfectly capable of characters genuinely going through an arc and emote, it just chose not to. Much like the bar scene in Suicide Squad.
It's DC. People are getting desperate to validate their prejudices.Will I look like a dick if I say some people in that thread are sounding salty? "IGN is alright but its no Vulture!"
Mayimbe calling it the best DCEU film. Hands down..
ed: ^ Agreed completely with that.
Definitely waiting for reviews because so far all of these have had good "first impressions"
That said, would be lying if I said one didn't catch my eye
Easily the best of the DCEU. And I liked MAN OF STEEL. It's part CAPTAIN AMERICA: FIRST AVENGER and part "fish out of water" THOR 1.
This has probably sold me more on giving the film a chance than any of the trailers and any promo material except one poster. (Although the MoS compliment obviously has me wary.)
WW will have to be a game changer to be better than BvS:UC ;p
Also seeing the DCEU still doomed anyway because Justice League posts have started.
This isn't directly targeted to you, but it's something I have seen.
You say the MoS has you a bit wary. I think that's something we have to kinda disassociate from a bit. Certain people may like certain things I don't like.
That doesn't make his opinion less credible. Again not targeted at you, but it's just something I've noticed when people try to cast doubt.
At least no one will say the critics is against all DCU movies now.Saw this in the comments of the Batman News article:
Can we have the bvs Twitter impressions from the same critics to compare with? Though I do think the fact that they are all comparing it to the rest of the DCEU and saying it's much better says a lot
At least no one will say the critics is against all DCU movies now.
Are cheerfulness and jokes really what pushes some people's buttons?
I can accept I'm the weirdo. Man of Steel is one of my favorite modern CBM. And too many forced jokes just piss me off.
I do think there's an inherent hate on against Snyder. SS was just bad.
what a chapdat office
Review culture is lame, period.This is something I've seen done a lot and it never really makes sense. Not unless you have comprehensive knowledge of that person's tastes and how they relate to your own.
So for example:
Critic says he liked Man of Steel so reader finds that troubling but reader doesn't take into account that critic having views on other movies that line up with the reader's.
I talked about this in some Suicide Squad thread I believe. Our favorite ripping rock, Dash, discredited some early fan review of Suicide Squad as being invalid because that reviewer liked BvS. But that same reviewer loved Winter Soldier/Civil War (which on GAF are usually touted as the gold standard (hi Mads) of the MCU) so does that then re-credit that fan reviewer's opinion? It's nonsense to compare such things in that manner.
dat office
Honestly don't even give a shit if the movie hits critically but it would be nice if Gal gets praise simply for how disgusting a lot of the criticism towards her has been.
I was gonna go on a wait list for a showing about an hour away until I realized I'll flying out of town for a wedding... Oh well, guess I'll be avoiding all social media and gaf until release to avoid spoilers.Guess I'm gonna crawl my butt to... New Jersey to see this next week
Pray for me!