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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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The success of Rebirth let DC claim higher marketshare and revenue than Marvel comics for. the first time in three years. Obviously that is inflated by sales of first issues, but it must be encouraging to DC management to see 2nd and 3rd issues selling well also.
So far (from last week)...

ASB - 4/5. It's not surprise that after 5 years of writing him Snyder owns a "voice" for Batman and his supporting cast, but his primary toys were the Court of Owls, Joker and Riddler. It's really cool to have this series because, imo, it proves he's still got something to give with the character, but I'd definetley like him to try someone new at some point. JRJR's art is meh though. The positions of people look un-natural and plain wrong at times.

Batman #4 - 3/5. I know some people are really down on King but I'm quite enjoying it. Gotham and Gotham Girl feel interesting, but I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to have them appear periodically over the first year or so because since their arc will be done in 5 issues across about 10 weeks or so it feels a little compressed.

Deathstroke Rebirth - 5/5. Priestly can write the fuck out of Deathstroke, imo. Slade clicks from the off and it's cool to see him really carry through with his notion of Slade being a total prick with few if any redeeming qualities (his parenting skills for example). Forget who the artist is but the fights at the end of the issue, even if they are single panel shots, give a sense of how skilled he is.

Got Det, Nightwing, Superman, Superwoman and WW coming up soon.


A bit late this week, but my thoughts on each issue:
Action Comics: 3.5/5 - much better this week. Not just 22 pages of punching, which was a nice change of pace.

All Star Batman: 4/5 - good comic, although the flashbacks felt a bit forced and overdone to start off the issue. Not sure I love some of the things they're setting up, but interesting to see it play out.

Deathstroke: 3.5/5 - I thought this looked great visually and the story is interesting. I like that they're making Slade a bastard and not someone that we really root for.

Detective Comics: 4.5/5 - This is still one of the best series going in Rebirth (along with Green Arrow).

Hal Jordan and the GLC: 3/5 - I like this quite a bit more than the other Green Lantern series, although I'd like it more if it focused a bit more on the GLC and a bit less on Hal.

New Super-Man : 4/5 - This remains a fun and solid title. I think there's a chance that it can scratch some of the same itches that Ms. Marvel scratches in terms of introducing a new culture, being funny, and showing a character that is both in over his/her head, but also surprisingly resourceful. It's not done as well as Ms. Marvel, but few comics are, IMO.

Superwoman: 3.5/5 - Hard to tell what's next, but this was a good issue.

The Flash: 2.5/5 - Some decent moments in this (better than the earlier issues), but overall this series has been one of the worst in Rebirth.

Wonder Woman: 3.5/5 - I like this series so far (after hating the rebirth issue). For a moment I got a bit mixed up between this and the Earth One Wonder Woman story, but otherwise I'm a fan of what they're doing.

Looking forward to Supergirl and Blue Beetle over the next two weeks, particularly Blue Beetle, which was my most anticipated Rebirth title.

Ein Bear

Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.


Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.

I have only been reading the Superman stuff, but can say I have enjoyed all of it. Theres a lot of nostalgia for the 90s return of the Supermen storyline.
Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.

Consistent/Best: Green Arrow, Superman, Detective Comics, Wonder Woman

Good and would recommend but inconsistent: Batman, Flash

Not enough to tell but first issues were good: Batgirl, Birds of Prey, New Super-Man, Superwoman, Titans

I could be forgetting some but those stand out to me right now.


Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.

Green Arrow, Detective Comics, and Superman are all very good.
Batman and Wonder Woman are good.

New Super-Man is only two issues in, but has been very good.
All Star Batman, Superwoman and Deathstoke seem good, but have just started.



Yo DC, anytime Now!
Let's see. This week's haul:

Suicide Squad: Katana's presence remains completely unexplained, at least they didn't decide to make her a villain. Surprisingly good issue given how mixed I was personally on Rebirth. The end tag about anyone can die is bizarre though, there's like all of 2 people on Suicide Squad atm who can die so its either deliberately misleading or we're going to get the world's most predictable death of an expendable. Issue could have used an actual climax.

Nightwing: From my perspective this issue is just weird.
It's like Nightwing is the only Gotham character the author gets. That or editorial forgot to pass on some notes about Rebirth continuity. Bab's has been Oracle again , so having her be judgy about stealing from criminals to fund good stuff is even weirder than her being super judgy about being labelled criminal while being a vigilante. And the idea that Batman wouldn't have pulled a similar deception to Raptor and left his allies in the dark to make things believable is weird because that's exactly the sort of thing Batman does at times.
I mean this may all end up making sense but taken at face value the real conflict in this issue is an incoherent mess.

Batman: More revelations. Twist at end is wtf but hopefully more answers next issue. Authors should probably stop trying to commit to futures for characters they are only writing temporarily though, it's either walked back , retconned or a cheap stunt to get sales that's wrapped up fast. I isl give points though, the way the setup is done wis great at making me want to get the next issue to find out more.

Justice League: Many pages , of which a selection of ~3 would give you every actual relevant beat that happened this issue and 2 of them are from the end. And there's still confusing bits (
Who on the current Justice League is Stars and Magic (Wonder Woman?) ?And if noone perhaps you should show who's power tbrt were stealing ?

This is probably my lowest rated week so far overall.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Excited to read Superman & Supergirl on my commute home today.

Is this the last chapter of Superman's opening arc? Or do we still have a few more issues to go?

Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.

Superman & Detective Comics


Would someone mind giving me a quick overview of which books are generally considered to be the highlights of the relaunch?

I've been out of comics for a couple of years, and this feels like a good time to jump back in.

I recommend Green Arrow, New Super-Man, and Detective Comics.


For me this week:

Birds of prey 1: Pretty meh start. The art is hit or miss and I feel like there is a little difficulty for the writers to get the characters voices and differences down without shouting it out or being super obvious. Batgirl and Huntress probably suffer from this the most. Still like the book and I hope it finds its rhythm soon.

Green Lanterns 5: I really like Simon and Jessica and thought it was a pretty good issue.

Nightwing 3: I admit I was super annoyed with how much Batgirl appeared in the book. She's been in every issue so far and my hatred of the Dick/ Babs relationship makes me groan when she shows up. However, I think this issue shows best why she's there.
It's simply to contrast how different she and Dick are in the way they think, especially after his time in Spyral. Babs is very black and white and the page that pointed out their class difference was pretty interesting too.
Pretty good issue and things are picking up.

. Nightwing: From my perspective this issue is just weird.
It's like Nightwing is the only Gotham character the author gets. That or editorial forgot to pass on some notes about Rebirth continuity. Bab's has been Oracle again , so having her be judgy about stealing from criminals to fund good stuff is even weirder than her being super judgy about being labelled criminal while being a vigilante. And the idea that Batman wouldn't have pulled a similar deception to Raptor and left his allies in the dark to make things believable is weird because that's exactly the sort of thing Batman does at times.
I mean this may all end up making sense but taken at face value the real conflict in this issue is an incoherent mess.

I always felt like Babs has always been kinda of a judgy character and that even ignoring that she and the rest of the family seem to put Dick at different standards than they do Batman or themselves. I mean everyone was super mad at him faking his death and shocked that he would do such a thing even for good reasons.
For me this week:

Birds of prey 1: Pretty meh start. The art is hit or miss and I feel like there is a little difficulty for the writers to get the characters voices and differences down without shouting it out or being super obvious. Batgirl and Huntress probably suffer from this the most. Still like the book and I hope it finds its rhythm soon.

Green Lanterns 5: I really like Simon and Jessica and thought it was a pretty good issue.

Nightwing 3: I admit I was super annoyed with how much Batgirl appeared in the book. She's been in every issue so far and my hatred of the Dick/ Babs relationship makes me groan when she shows up. However, I think this issue shows best why she's there.
It's simply to contrast how different she and Dick are in the way they think, especially after his time in Spyral. Babs is very black and white and the page that pointed out their class difference was pretty interesting too.
Pretty good issue and things are picking up.

I always felt like Babs has always been kinda of a judgy character and that even ignoring that she and the rest of the family seem to put Dick at different standards than they do Batman or themselves. I mean everyone was super mad at him faking his death and shocked that he would do such a thing even for good reasons.

Wait , what. Birds of Prey is out this week ? How did I get BoP Rebirth but not #1. Will have to check it out.

I'm kinda in the opposite boat, I have a soft spot for Dick/Babs due to my exposure to BTAS as a kid and starting reading comics seriously around 2004. But it's still kinda weird in that the age difference they'd kinda vague timelined away pre-Nu52 seems stronger since Babs is written in a way that makes her seem significantly less mature than Dick (even though I'm pretty sure they are both supposed to be somewhere between 20 and 25) which is compounded by Dick being the 'senior' vigilante, so the overall dynamic seems like a teacher hitting on a student.

The class difference thing is a weird point though, Gordon wasn't particularly rich or influential pre-Commissioner and even after it his reach is a fraction of Bruce's. The class dynamic is actually pretty balanced as a result Dick was poor and then super wewlthy, Bab's on the other hand has more or less been on both sides of the middle class (arguable edging further each way).

Yeah , she is sorta judgy, I mean of the Gotham set Dick is probably the least judgy but it seems weird she'd be judgy about stuff she does and things Batman totally would do (saying Dick should do better than Batman in terms of that stuff though, would be more in character as I see it).
I'm about to make my Comixology purchases of the week. I noticed that there is a sale on all things Lemire. Is Justice League United any good? It seems kinda interesting.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just read last week's Flash. I think the twist is really obvious about who Godspeed is going to be.

That woman Flash just kissed and revealed his identity to


Unconfirmed Member
Man Green Arrow #5 is the fucking bomb. Such great art and an incredible conclusion to this arc. Best DC rebirth series to me so far, Percy is the man.
Birds of Prey is off to a pretty good start. The tone is interesting , a little darker than Batgirl but not so much that it breaks character. The writer seriously did their homework on this too, some very nice pre-Nu52 callbacks suitably altreted to reflect an Oracle that operated for a shorter term, with less connections and a smaller team, in a less established superhero community. Genuinely impressed.


Neo Member
I've just finished the DC Universe Rebirth one-shot and I'm not sure what to read next. Is there any order that the other Rebirth one-shots should be read, or doesn't it matter?
I didn't get people's complaints that the new Green Arrow run was cheesy as fuck until this issue. Percy was probably dribblin cheddar all over himself while he was writing this. It was painful.
I appreciate that stuff but more of a story person.
I'm guessing no then lol. I'll leave that one for later

I've given it up because it honestly felt like reading the same book for five issues. The art and action was cool though, especially if you're nostalgic at all for Doomsday. The story hints could be good but it's dragging it's feet.
Action and Superman both need to start giving me more actual plot. One is a giant fight against Doomsday and one is a giant fight against Eradicator.

Yeah I'm already tired of the Eradicator fight. Why has it lasted three issues now and why is it just bricks flying at eachother? I feel like barely anything is happening. I think I'm gonna switch to trades since it's not like I was super excited to read Superdad anyway.


I've officially quit Green Lanterns. There's only so many times I can open a book and see "My name is Simon Baz... I'm awesome...I hate my partner... did I mention I was in Guantanamo Bay?"
I've officially quit Green Lanterns. There's only so many times I can open a book and see "My name is Simon Baz... I'm awesome...I hate my partner... did I mention I was in Guantanamo Bay?"
Goddamn this is so accurate. I'm still going to be seeing each of these books through the first arcs...except Harley Quinn. That book is just drivel.
Yeah I'm already tired of the Eradicator fight. Why has it lasted three issues now and why is it just bricks flying at eachother? I feel like barely anything is happening. I think I'm gonna switch to trades since it's not like I was super excited to read Superdad anyway.

The fact that they are both twice a month helps a little. It would be unbearable if these stories were monthly.

Really though, one fight scene should never really last longer than an issue. There's no reason to have a single fight scene lasting more than one issue.


Red Hood #1

So I am re-reading this to figure out why this is a massive cut over Lobdell's average work, and I am still at a loss.

Story: Bafflingly readable.

-I am very happy that Lobdell continues to mine Jason's past and retoractively give meaning to his time as Robin
-Jason is definitely trying to be a hero here, but the story is obviously leading to him being placed in a position to disobey Bruce. The setup for that conflict is pretty solid thus far.
-I really like what seems to be an extended effort to examine Jason's relationship with his parental figures.
-All praise aside, the story is much too disjointed. I know Lobdell really wants to bring the team together, but he just chewed through a good 2 - 3 issues of story in one
-The base is cool, but I would have like more info as to how it came to be. Seems much too established for his operation

Artwork: Amazing.

-Red Hood's newer design is his simplest but most most effective thus far.
-Black Mask looks great. I know the look is controversial, but I really like what they are going for with it
-Artemis looks legit intimidating. Love her design.
-Ton of detail.
-Lovely coloring.
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