These are an all around improvement.
Even Jessica and Wally are improved.
Baz is still around? Why is Baz still around.
Probably because of Geoff Johns
These are an all around improvement.
Even Jessica and Wally are improved.
Baz is still around? Why is Baz still around.
So the trinity just straight up have their movie costumes now huh?
So the trinity just straight up have their movie costumes now huh?
So the new Superman is the pre-52 Superman? I guess this means the new 52 Superman dies? Or is he still around and doing his own thing?
what's going on with Superman's costume? Jim Lee still drew him with trunks...just trunks that match his bottoms? and the gauntlets on the sleeves don't match the top of the boots.
the collar is gone, which is great, but everything else doesn't match. might as well give him two different colored boots. maybe one glove.
the best redesigned Batman Costume was Volume 1 of Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated.
From creating controversy to being the book's artist. Rafa knew what he was doing.
These are an all around improvement.
Even Jessica and Wally are improved.
Baz is still around? Why is Baz still around.
I meant the Superman in the costume. The way they were talking about him, it sounds like it is Clark White in the new costume. The cover of Super Sons seems to suggest this as well. But who knows?No, no, Clark White's been around a while now. The 'new' Superman is Lex Luthor, whilst the current Superman is still around.
There is however also going to be a Chinese Superman, based out of Shanghai.
I suspect this is going to be one of the more confusing points of Rebirth.
Rafa cover on Batgirl:
Cuz Ms. Marvel is popular and DC needs their own Muslim hero.
I meant the Superman in the costume. The way they were talking about him, it sounds like it is Clark White in the new costume. The cover of Super Sons seems to suggest this as well. But who knows?
Is this teeny bopper Batgirl or has she been aged?
Yeah, idk what's up with Supes' new look. I kind of want to say the trunks are incidental.
I'm not sure. Who's the new writer on Batgirl?
Na Batman's is different
Yellow outlined symbol
Black belt with yellow outlines
Inside of cape is purple
Superman's costume doesn't necessarily need more red to break up the design. It needs different colored boots. If they don't want red boots, they could have gone with metallic blue boots to compliment the cuffs on the costume.what they did with Batman's new trunks, they should have done to Superman's, and make them red. You need the red to break up the costume, because batman has that huge utility belt, and it does just that. Superman has a flimsy belt, so he needs more red.
I never understood why they messed with something that really was't a problem. Kingdom Come Superman looks aces. Grant's and Rag's Superman from Action, worked really well.
And I'm afraid that the only reason why his costume isn't jarring, is only because Jim Lee drew a nice spread. What happens when you get a less talented artist like Brett Booth?
The only guy that does the best redesigns is Alex Ross. At one point, I had a problem with his Winter Soldier Cap suit, but it grew on me.
Na Batman taking fashion tips from Batgirls.I like that purple inner cape. It's like Batman is saying "See Joker I do love you bro"
Outlined symbol
Purple lined cape
So what are you jerks getting?
New Superman
WW maybe
Hope Larson
Na Batman taking fashion tips from Batgirls.
I disagree, if you don't do red trunks, then you need something Red around the waist that's thicker. He is an Alien, with an Alien costume, why try to make sense of it... Just create something asthetically pleasing.Superman's costume doesn't necessarily need more red to break up the design. It needs different colored boots. If they don't want red boots, they could have gone with metallic blue boots to compliment the cuffs on the costume.
It is her eternal suit, they just tossed on a black mask without eye or mouth holes(similar to her Batcowl)Cassandra Cain (Bring back her Batman Eternal Suit; that was banging)
It is her eternal suit, they just tossed on a black mask without eye or mouth holes(similar to her Batcowl)
Hipster Batgirl is most definitely staying. The character is still under Fletcher so I wouldn't expect her new status quo to change.
Oh, the picture was hard to make out on Bleeding Cool.
Thought they just gave her the Black Mask suit.
Still, I actually like her more without a mask.
for FUCKS sake
Venditti STILL on GL
It really looks like the new Superman is Clark White, the pre 52 Superman.
She needs the Black Bat mask if anything imo
or a scarf because she is in her ninja get up
She needs the Black Bat mask if anything imo
or a scarf because she is in her ninja get up
So the new Superman is the pre-52 Superman? I guess this means the new 52 Superman dies? Or is he still around and doing his own thing?
It really looks like the new Superman is Clark White, the pre 52 Superman.
What?It really looks like the new Superman is Clark White, the pre 52 Superman.
DC you really could have given us Wally, mang.
Both of these are fine.
The suit with the full mask is her worst and I am disappointed that they took cues from that.
Wait what? They're bringing back Pre-New52 stuff?
It really looks like the new Superman is Clark White, the pre 52 Superman.
Which two books?Hey you're getting Wally in like at least 2 books bro.
I'm saying what because I can't believe it.You just got this explained to you, lol.
Which two books?
Wait what? They're bringing back Pre-New52 stuff?
what's going on with Superman's costume? Jim Lee still drew him with trunks...just trunks that match his bottoms?
It worked for CapI don't get superman's new trunks
The classic Superman suit has too much red in it, I've always wanted the cape to pop more. I like the cuffs idea.Superman's costume doesn't necessarily need more red to break up the design. It needs different colored boots. If they don't want red boots, they could have gone with metallic blue boots to compliment the cuffs on the costume.
I think DC's major mistake was bringing back the silver age, and not progressing forward. I loved Hal and Barry, but we already had Wally and Kyle (and I despise Kyle)... And we then had Bart. The whole purpose of the Multiversity was to have your cake and eat it. Now we're having the same dish over and over again. What happened to lineage, passing down the mantle?DC you really could have given us Wally, mang.
They already did, Pre-Flashpoint Clark & Lois have been around since Convergence.
Pre-Flashpoint Superman, Lois and Jon Kent escaped into the New 52.
They currently have a book out.