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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Ray, Kendra and Carter love triangle is so bad. Why isn't Ray with Felicity? They actually had good chemistry in his flashback. And Kendra's character development went backwards, which is fucking baffling. She has spent the last couple episodes saying that she doesn't want to be fated to be with someone and wants to choose. So she just drops that at the sight of a brainwashed Carter? I mean...okay?

What type of asshole is Rip? He deserves a mutiny after fucking Jax over like that.

Usually I don't mind flashbacks, but the ones here just felt like padding.

And Ray opening up the cell to get into a fist fight? Come on. The only way I would have been okay with that scene is if he killed Ray for it. But he just knocked him out because...laziness? And Kendra didn't kill Savage because? He needs to be alive for them to exonerate Rip? Isn't the robot evidence enough? Does this show even what it's doing anymore. Savage working with Time Masters has to be the most telegraphed twist ever.

Man, sorry to be so negative but this shit was straight up garbage. I hope they go back to drawing board next season. I don't even feel like watching the rest of this season.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

I have to agree with everything they said there. Mick and Snart made sense and were the only ones calling out Kendra for wanting to keep Savage alive because of someone who can reincarnate, and Rip for being a dick. That score is more generous than what I would have been. I wasn't entertained, just frustrated. Constantly frustrated. If you have to make people do dumb things to advance the plot, then you're writing a shitty story. It just smells of laziness.

We rarely get to see Savage be badass or clever, so how about they do it here. Instead of doing the same tired bullshit of having Ray let Savage out of the cell for a fist fight, why not spend 15 minutes thinking about a more clever way Savage could escape?

Rip intentionally risked Jax's life and he gets to slide on that? Ummmm, no. There have be repercussions for something like that. That was more fucked up than anything Savage has done recently. Shit, Savage was in a position to snap Ray's neck and he didn't.

I like the idea of Sara being captain of the Waverider because she's the best on here. But that was about the only positive. The rest was literally a waste of time. The only person that was in any type of danger has the ability to reincarnate.

"The Magnificent 8" episode was sorta pointless, but at least it was a new setting and there were some fun moments. This was cheap, rushed, and padded. I'll leave now lol


I am Korean.
Well, that wasn't shocking at all. Is Rip really this stupid? The body that's been doggedly defending Vandal Savage defended him?!?

Vandal Savage invented a time travel machines from nothing.
He basically founded the Time Masters.
How strange that they'd pop him back to his timeline!

Why didn't Kendra just split his skull with the mace as soon as she found out Carter was ok?


I am Korean.
Because then the season would end two episodes early.

Eh. They would've still had to deal with the fallout with the Time Masters etc. Also if Savage was time traveling too, then they could potentially keep encountering him doing stuff before his ultimate demise.

So dumb giving Savage plot armor in a situation where it's not necessary if the writers just thought stuff through.
I was going to say that Ray catches so many L's that the time stream should retroactively change his legal name to Lay Palmer but then he can't even get that far with Kendra so only half of his name would even be accurate... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Also, do you think we'll learn at some point how Eobard got Gideon?
It is probably some publically available tool that Barry sold after he invented it.

Also, what is up with all those cells without toilets? Lian Yu, the Particle Accelerator cells and now this.
Barry, CW Barry? Inventing Gideon?! I can't see that happening lol

Also, maybe people don't believe in pooping or peeing in the CW DCU? Maybe toilets are the cause of all these Ls and madness.


So I went ahead I made this just because.



For fuck's sake, only Snart, Rory, and Sarah behave like semi intelligent people.

Which is funny with two professors like Stein and Ray on board. Jax also behaves appropriately, he is a bit bad on the human side but he is a college dropout repairing time travel drives.
This season reminds me a lot of Arrow's first season. It's enjoyable but not great. It does seem like it could have the foundation to have a great second season, just like Arrow did.


It turns out the villains/anti-heroes are the smarter people out of the crew @_@

They always gotta make the heroes be the dumb ones ;_;

It actually makes a bit of sense. Those with powers who make them better than average human beings, are dumb. See Firestorm, ATOM, The Flash and others. Compared to those without power like Sara, Snart, Oliver, ... There is more danger in it for them.
It actually makes a bit of sense. Those with powers who make them better than average human beings, are dumb. See Firestorm, ATOM, The Flash and others. Compared to those without power like Sara, Snart, Oliver, ... There is more danger in it for them.

I know -_- Can't be having Firestorm manipulating everything willy nilly, Flash one-shotting Rogues, etc.


It actually makes a bit of sense. Those with powers who make them better than average human beings, are dumb. See Firestorm, ATOM, The Flash and others. Compared to those without power like Sara, Snart, Oliver, ... There is more danger in it for them.

Oliver has magic tattoos, Snart has a cold gun and Sara is immortal


One man's junk is another man's treasure
This show is so aggravating. Ray and Rip are the two dumbest people in the fucking universe.

I can tolerate a lot of stupid decisions but Ray fighting Randal drove me over the edge. I was literally yelling at the screen.

It feels like the writers use Ray's unwavering optimism as an excuse to constantly crap on him and have him make horrible mistakes. Take Kendra for instance, Ray should have seen this coming a mile away, he was in a very similar situation in the last season of Arrow with Felicity.

It seems like Ray can't go more than one episode without getting an L.


Unconfirmed Member
BTW, that jab from Savage about Laurel to Sara was pretty good. Sara doesn't know her sister is dead yet and Savage knows all too well. Also, when they return to 2016, are they going to just pop up right when they left in January or are they going to show in real time? Cause that's kinda messed up if it's the latter seeing as how Jefferson didn't let anyone know where he was going.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
BTW, that jab from Savage about Laurel to Sara was pretty good. Sara doesn't know her sister is dead yet and Savage knows all too well. Also, when they return to 2016, are they going to just pop up right when they left in January or are they going to show in real time? Cause that's kinda messed up if it's the latter seeing as how Jefferson didn't let anyone know where he was going.

Yeah, that actually was a nice move on Savage's part. I'll give him that.

Rip promised that they would be taken back to the exact moment they left in 2016 after the mission ended. But I'm willing to bet the farm that they end up 5-9 months ahead of that timeframe for Timey Wimey reasons. My best guess is that it will be because of where Jax got sent. Maybe Stein didn't put exactly when in 2016, just 2016. So eventually they all just go to that point in time.


BTW, that jab from Savage about Laurel to Sara was pretty good. Sara doesn't know her sister is dead yet and Savage knows all too well. Also, when they return to 2016, are they going to just pop up right when they left in January or are they going to show in real time? Cause that's kinda messed up if it's the latter seeing as how Jefferson didn't let anyone know where he was going.
They will come back a couple of months late.
wow this episode was awful, they literally took the old trope of everyone goes 1 by 1 to the captive who tells them some bullshit they actually believe despite their better judgement and of course happenstance just makes it so everyone feels reaffirmed in it.

Can't get more cliché.
Rip Hunter: "I'm here to justify them."

Um... You didn't know he was a time traveller when you set out to stop him. In fact it was your interference which caused him to gain access to that very technology, which was the very thing which led to your family's deaths.

Also, I lol'd at them navigating the time space continuum using paper maps.

Arrow has showed me how well that will end here

That pairing actually works and seems more natural than the... y'know what? I won't get into Arrow all over again.


Sara pairing up with anyone works. It worked with Oliver, Nyssa, Felicity in that flirting scene, the 50s nurse, ...
I know different reviewer thus opinions and all that but same grade as the last episode of The Flash, really?

I've given up on AV Club at this point. Their review scores are a joke at this point.

That said, this episode did suck. Such bad writing, even for the low standards of this show.

I'm struggling to think of another show that has such wild swings in quality (within the same season).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I really hate idiot plot and the last episode was nothing but. Snart wanting to kill Savage was the only sensible thing the entire episode.
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