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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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The fact that LoT had a shorter season than Flash/Arrow alone made me enjoy it more. It never dragged on due to filler. I can't really recall the lowest point in the season either, maybe part one of the pilot. That was pretty meh.

Idk I haven't caught the last few eps but for a while there they were making zero progress towards their goal, only managing to put out fires they had themselves started. To me that feels quite fillerish.


I thoroughly enjoyed this first season. Sure, it was all over the place and I guess that's what happens when you base it around time travel that way, had some dips but overall very entertaining. Some characters also grew on me in ways I didn't expect (Heatwave and Captain Cold)... and yeah, I am also glad the Hawk couple is gone. And after that ending I'm really excited for the next season!


Can Black Sieran (Katie Cassidy) join season 2 please

Black Siren is canonically a member of the JSA before her daughter is.

I can easily see her being brought in. Would be pretty cool.

Idk I haven't caught the last few eps but for a while there they were making zero progress towards their goal, only managing to put out fires they had themselves started. To me that feels quite fillerish.

Yeah, and it could have been much worse with 24 episodes.

8 - 10 episodes would have been the sweet spot.


Black Siren is canonically a member of the JSA before her daughter is.

I can easily see her being brought in. Would be pretty cool.

Yeah, and it could have been much worse with 24 episodes.

8 - 10 episodes would have been the sweet spot.

It is a question of perspective. There are shows with 8-10 episodes where half are filler as well, while there are 24-episode shows that don't make it feel like a slog. Current Game of Thrones versus old Vampire Diaries for instance, they just messed up on the way they did filler.


Just watched the finale. So Mick and Sara were completely capable of killing Savage themselves, alone, the whole time? :lol

Felt like this ep summed up the whole season: lots of fun moments with the cast, who have a great dynamic together (especially when the Hawks aren't around), constantly offset by some really stupid nonsense writing. Oh well. I was definitely planning on dropping the show after this, and I can't say I'm all that hooked by the JSA ending (I've never really cared about that team), but no Savage and no Hawks for S2 has me interested.

MVP goes to Sara. She looked killer, kicked ass, and I think Caity put in some of her best acting so far.

Idk I haven't caught the last few eps but for a while there they were making zero progress towards their goal, only managing to put out fires they had themselves started. To me that feels quite fillerish.

I feel like that could describe at least half the season.
Just watched the finale. So Mick and Sara were completely capable of killing Savage themselves, alone, the whole time? :lol

Felt like this ep summed up the whole season: lots of fun moments with the cast, who have a great dynamic together (especially when the Hawks aren't around), constantly offset by some really stupid nonsense writing. Oh well. I was definitely planning on dropping the show after this, and I can't say I'm all that hooked by the JSA ending (I've never really cared about that team), but no Savage and no Hawks for S2 has me interested.

MVP goes to Sara. She looked killer, kicked ass, and I think Caity put in some of her best acting so far.

I feel like that could describe at least half the season.

The meteors made Savage Mortal, anyone could have killed him at that point


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Just watched the finale. So Mick and Sara were completely capable of killing Savage themselves, alone, the whole time? :lol
No, they explained that it would only work during this specific event and I still think one of the Hawks landing the final blow in one of the time periods was necessary.


I'm honestly going to say Darkseid.

I strongly doubt that Darkseid is going to be a tv villain a year before shows up in the Justice League movie.

The meteors made Savage Mortal, anyone could have killed him at that point

Wasn't Savage always killable, but then capable of coming back to life afterward? Or did the meteors make him weaker too? That's what I meant by capable of killing him -- that Mick or Sara could physically overpower and beat Savage to death now, when before Rip always seemed to give the impression that Savage was too strong for anyone to take on.

Barry and Oliver also managed, he just came back in an unexplained manner.

Wasn't that with some artifact though? Oliver and Barry didn't punch him to death.


Vandal Savage never really seemed physically stronger, they just didn't do real damage in the first 14 episodes until Hawkgirl attacked with her mace.
Just watched the finale. So Mick and Sara were completely capable of killing Savage themselves, alone, the whole time? :lol

Nope. The ritual he was performing on the meteors temporarily turned off his immortality. In that window, anyone who could take him in a fight could beat him permanently. Outside those very specific circumstances, you needed a Hawk wielding an item doused in the meteroite radiation that belonged to them at the time of impact.
Black Siren is canonically a member of the JSA before her daughter is.

I can easily see her being brought in. Would be pretty cool.

If you build up her path to darkness, you can turn her back to the light.

For example, we know on Earth 2 that Oliver died on the Queen's Gambit and Robert survived to become the Hood. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that Sarah died, as well.

Now lets say Earth 2 Quentin never pulled himself out of the bottle and ended up drinking himself to death. You have a version of Laurel who lost the three people closest to her, and reason to blame Robert Queen for her losses.

Along comes Zoom, seeing the darkness of her hatred and he cultivates it to turn her into hes soldier.

Finding out that all three of the people she lost are still alive in this world, and on the other side of the conflict might give her reason for self reflection, to make an effort to be a hero in order to reclaim a version of what she lost on her world.
I can't watch this show, I feel like they could have named this show the L's of tomorrow and it would have been more apt. They essentially caught every possible type of L for 16 episodes straight in an effort to make an underpowered villain seem menacing only to finally catch a W in the final episode. Now I'd be cool with this if the way they get that W in made any fucking sense but it doesn't. I know time-travel and timey-wimey nonsense. But If you've got 2166 Savage traveling back to 1958, 1975, and 2021 he clearly has to do so in reverse order right? I mean you clearly can't go to 1958 tell that Savage to blow up earth and expect to travel to 1975/2021 to deliver another comet unless he fails? But 2021 Savage also got ashed by 2016 Team Arrow so he can't go there first?(unless his respawn timer is really short.) Furthermore it appears to be 2166 Savage in the 2021 fight, which is what you'd have to assume because otherwise there would be 4 savages in play and the team wouldn't have won shit by killing three of them. So that lends further credence to the fact that he didn't do it in reverse order. But that also means he's going ahead with a plan he knows has failed twice already in 2021 because earth is clearly not blowed the fuck up. His plan is, in essence, to create the worlds most meaningless timefart, in order to enable his own death by MacGuffin, somehow. Not only that but the team could be sure he wasn't blowing up shit in 1958 or 1975 because of his presence in 2021. So they could have just had hawkchick stab him with the magic dagger there with the entire team present as backup which would have probably been an easier fight?

I also believe Rip Hunter is the biggest fucking asshole in the entire universe, and throughout history and the Team should stop this lunatic at once. Because he's clearly so far up his own bell-end, that he's traveling back in time through his colons to find out what he ate for breakfast this morning but that's just my opinion. An opinion based on factually correct, scientifically supported, and empirically validated information but it's an opinion nonetheless. I mean he essentially destroyed the goddamn sun and quickly warped the team out of there so they wouldn't find out. Those seem like the actions of a mentally disturbed individual to me.


He can't blow up Earth unless he detonates all three. Doing two isn't enough. The others attack him at the same moment so future Savage doesn't get it until it is too late as he wouldn't have yet processed his failures as it takes time for time to set.


Nope. The ritual he was performing on the meteors temporarily turned off his immortality. In that window, [anyone who could take him in a fight[/B] could beat him permanently. Outside those very specific circumstances, you needed a Hawk wielding an item doused in the meteroite radiation that belonged to them at the time of impact.

Right, but the point is that up until then they'd always had trouble taking him in a fight in the first place. Seeing Sara and Mick go toe-to-toe with him and win was thus the classic comic book power level inconsistency.

I also thought it was kinda dumb and forced that they pulled this triple kill plan out of their rectum. They'd thought all along that one clean kill with the right weapon at a Hawk's hand would do the trick, so why bother with killing him three times if the magic meteor was mortalling him? I get that it made for a better finale, but I wish it were justified better: maybe let them get a Hawk kill in an earlier episode and show it doesn't stick, necessitating a more elaborate finale.


Sara and Heat Wave won because of Snart Force.

Legion related people have to show up on one of these shows already, even if I am down for them to pull back on the time travel.

Very unlikely Constantine will be in, but they did backtrack on the JSA.


For LEGION. They could use Vril Dox for Supergirl, Captain Comet or Adam Strange for any of the other shows. If I keep guessing on the latter; I might get right one day. He seems important for LEGION. For Justice Society of America, they have already done many members like Hawkman, Flash, Wildcat, Black Canary; and there will be those they can't use like Wonder Woman. But it is a chance to bring back Connor! The current Society is Dr. Fate, The Flash, Atom, Dr. Mid-Nite, Green Lantern, Hourman, and Black Canary if my Google-Fu is right. Can't expect Flash unless it is Wally or Jay, Black Canary is gone unless they use BLack Siren, Green Lantern of limits, 'Atom' will be Ray so Dr. Fate and Dr. Midnite. But in the end, it is way too much men and COnnor Hawke is the only one I really want.
Thank God the Hawk people are gone. Please never come back. Not even for a cameo, just pretend like they never existed.

Good finale otherwise, who was the guy at the end? And with two spots open on the team, surely it's time to bring in Constantine and maybe...umm...Malcom Merlyn.


Thank God the Hawk people are gone. Please never come back. Not even for a cameo, just pretend like they never existed.

Good finale otherwise, who was the guy at the end? And with two spots open on the team, surely it's time to bring in Constantine and maybe...umm...Malcom Merlyn.

Rex Tyler' Hourman. A superhero who can turn strong for an hour.


The season 2 team better have 2-3 female members I of the want a sauguage fest

Only Sarah is left

Time for Ma Hunkel


We got Jonah Hex, we saw Sgt. Rock maybe (the guy with the special helmet) and we got Hourman. So Ma Hunkel, Sandman are becoming possible.


They're already casting for at least one new female team member next season, and I believe they've said they want more.

I don't think anyone can fault them for getting rid of Hawkgirl, she sucked and the finale focused heavily on Sara anyway. They want more good female characters.


I'm glad this show exists, because while it's not amazing by any stretch, it does give us DC comics stuff that otherwise would never ever see the light of day on the big screen.

So yeah, bring on the second season. Glad that the hawks are gone. Ray/Kendra pairing was garbage .


They're already casting for at least one new female team member next season, and I believe they've said they want more.

I don't think anyone can fault them for getting rid of Hawkgirl, she sucked and the finale focused heavily on Sara anyway. They want more good female characters.

Curious to see who they'll end up with. It is really the only Arrowverse show where they'll need to cast for heroes. Flash and Arrow only need a villain, Supergirl most likely as well.
This season has been pretty mediocre throughout but that was a great ending!

Also Savage >>>>>>> Darhk. Savage commands some form of presence when he is there compared to Darhk who is a giant charisma hole. McDonaugh is trying but as par for the coarse with arrow they can
and will
fuck anything up.


Thank God the Hawk people are gone. Please never come back. Not even for a cameo, just pretend like they never existed.

Good finale otherwise, who was the guy at the end? And with two spots open on the team, surely it's time to bring in Constantine and maybe...umm...Malcom Merlyn.
I'd love Malcom on the show. Plus he could get a new hand.

"You don't understand Thea, I changed the timeline for you"
I hope they don't do time travel shit in S2. If you need to have idiot mcnoob in charge still, have the time ship break in episode 1 and not get fixed until the season finale.


Man how weird is it that the entire plot of the show is pretty much... Vandal Savage's quest for Temporal Rape.

What a dweeb
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