is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
Oh my god, YES.
is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
They really had to cut budget fot costumes after all the effects in the first two episodes, huhFrom DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
They really had to cut budget fot costumes after all the effects in the first two episodes, huh
That's a bucket. It's literally just a bucket holy shit.
Rest of the episodes is just going to be Lego and action figures isn't it?
Link to an image of said character in the spoiler tags
A better look
A better look
Spoiler tags are really more of a suggestion anyway.
Who needs spoiler tags, amirite
Oh right I didn't know. I don't know how I feel about this.
From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
So wait, that helmet is literally just acooking pot with holes cut out of it?
Woah, didn't know Solaire Of Astora existed in the DC universe.
is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
Fixed it
Where's this gif from?
Young Justice season 2.
btw, did Rip look into the camera before the black?
Oooh! I thought that this was. Interesting.a hint for Dr. Fate, didn't know about her
Or, rather, Young Justice Invasion, a title change that caused my DVR to ignore new episodes. I'm sure that was by CN's design, too.Young Justice season 2.
We really do needin one of these shows.Dr. Fate
Well he is Arrowverse canon
I died at that master race jab. Love you Heatwave
I'd say Damien Darhk was the MVP.Just saw the episode and OH MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING
I really enjoyed the pilot but this was SO much better! This episode made me go from loving Stein to LOVING Stein. What an awesome dudebro, easily the MVP of the episode!
Awesome action, really awesome comedy, and some nice character moments. Best episode of the 3 this week for me (with Arrow being the best episode of last week for me)!
From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
is apparently going to be in a future episode.Ma Hunkel aka the original Red Tornado
This has potential to be awesome or .... really wrong
But then again, what is a time travel show without some prejudice against minorities, right ?
From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
It must be Diggle's new helmet.From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
Holy shit.
Wow.From DC's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/BBJGyISuUNh/
This has potential to be awesome or .... really wrong
But then again, what is a time travel show without some prejudice against minorities, right ?
OR Dahrk actually bought Vandal Savage's house at some point. Even maybe from himself. After all, Savage probably has many security measures and secret shit in there that could be useful for Dahrk's conquest of Starling. I mean, we know they know each other.To really put in perspective how they save money on these shows. So they can get away with higher CG budgets.
OR Dahrk actually bought Vandal Savage's house at some point.
OR Dahrk actually bought Vandal Savage's house at some point.
Different cities unfortunately.
He moved it with magic. People in real life manage to move it with just tools.Different cities unfortunately.
Sara was always awesome on Arrow. But it is mainly the advantage of being able to do a fresh take on a character.How is it that Arrow females are so shit on Arrow but outside of Arrow they're awesome?
Sara is awesome in this, one of the best characters on the team. What little they had of Laurel was better than she's been on Arrow in years. Felicity in season 1 Flash was fun (though not in the season 2 crossover she was terrible there).
Uhm, uhm, MAGICAL moving house? D:
Okay, I'm beat :,(