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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow |OT| Macho Man Vandal Savage - Thursdays 8/7c

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I had no idea this was happening! WHOA... Can't wait!



To counter TheOddOne's terrible, terrible post

- CinemaBlend: Legends Of Tomorrow Review: The CW Spinoff Is An Action-Packed, High Stakes Blast
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- Comicbook.com: Legends of Tomorrow Advance Review: The Best DC Pilot Yet


Can't wait for Ray vs the Rogues. He did try and get high and mighty against Oliver and then got absolutely clowned.

Oliver also got Barry with the throwing knife. He has very good aim at disabling people with that thing.

I had no idea this was happening! WHOA... Can't wait!

CW is officially my favorite station now. Arrow + Flash + Legends of Tomorrow. Trifecta of Awesome!



This really puts to emphasis how shitty the new costume is. The new one is better, but its way too bulky on Amell.

I don't know, the old one seems really clothy(?) to me. Probably just the hood which is established as sentimental rather than practical thing anyway. The only thing I don't like about the new one is the shoulder pads, they're a bit too thick.


I like the suit being leather and armorerd. Cloth is awful.

Just need to keep it slimish. Amell doesn't like to be too bulky anyway, he doesn't have the time to workout like he did for the pilot.

I wonder if we'll see on Legends
a new outfit to go with the goatee.


So here's my theory (or something I'd like to happen) for a certain guest star's appearance.

We see Green Arrow in a dark future where's he older, disheveled, with the full goatee and wearing Yao Fei's hood again. He's not very talkative because he's gone full TDKR Batman. Oh, and he's lost an arm. They fix some of the future shit, but Green Arrow is obviously still wrecked.

Then, on a future episode of Arrow, Oliver is in a fight with same badass with a sword. He's about to get his arm chopped off and we get a flash of light and The Atom just wails on the dude right before Oliver loses his arm and then disappears in a flash. Oliver's future saved.

Finally the Legends messing with the time stream causes a breach bringing the Wells-Reverse Flash back to life, who breaks out Slade and they team up to combine their powers into the Swag Force. This power gives them the strength to even raise the dead, so of course they bring back -

Maybe that last one isn't as feasible. Fuck it, anything in this universe can happen now.


- A|V Club: In DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow, more is less.
The groan-worthy dialogue’s a head-scratcher, as Legends Of Tomorrow was developed by the team responsible for Arrow and The Flash, while showrunner Phil Klemmer is a veteran of quippy favorites Veronica Mars and Chuck. But the bigger mistake here might have been creating a show starring characters who wouldn’t be compelling enough to anchor their own star vehicle. The Marvel team movies work because almost all of those characters stand strong on their own in solo adventures. But if nobody wants to see a Firestorm or Hawkman movie, it’s likely that nobody really wants to see those characters as a part of a ragtag team of superheroes either. The Legends’ total sum turns out to be inferior to its individual parts.



I've given up on AV Club reviews. That one starts by saying that Arrow and Flash have been "coasting along okay".


I've given up on AV Club reviews. That one starts by saying that Arrow and Flash have been "coasting along okay".

I've felt this way for a lot of recent AV Club reviews. They feel a little too harsh nowadays, and that goes for all my shows they review.




Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Quite literally half of the Avengers don't even have solo films to carry. Out of the other half, one of them needs his villain to carry his movies.

Bizzare that the reviewer would confuse an interconnected world where characters can play different roles as being able to support a solo adventure.


And even if you take his point at face value; every Avengers movie outgrosses every other Marvel universe movie by far. The group movies reach higher mass than the solo movies, people are more excited to see people tag up seeing as three of the four highest grossing Marvel movies are their only three group movies. People seem to be way more excited about superhero teamups than they are about solo movies. Even Marvel and DC realize that considering out of four super hero movies only one will be a solo movie, he seems to miss that.


AV Club is usually on point. Not everyone is going to like everything, and it's also important to have viewpoints from those who aren't too big on the Arrowverse stuff in the media as well.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
You guys watch too much, don't you have forums to post on?

I know this is meant half-jokingly, but I kind of agree with you.

It's obvious a lot of you don't even watch Arrow or the Flash. You have it on in the background while you're giving more attention to the internet.


I really like AV Club, BUT I tend to hold out judgement for comic book shows because it's one of the only areas that I disagree with them on a lot. They frequently dislike Gotham whereas I adore the show.


I know this is meant half-jokingly, but I kind of agree with you.

It's obvious a lot of you don't even watch Arrow or the Flash. You have it on in the background while you're giving more attention to the internet.

The Berlanti-verse is actually one of the few shows where I actively don't multitask. And look at who is complaining, the one guy that posts more in these threads than StaticJam and me combined.


The Berlanti-verse is actually one of the few shows where I actively don't multitask. And look at who is complaining, the one guy that posts more in these threads than StaticJam and me combined.
He only got ahead in Arrow and Flash threads cause I was banned for two weeks to be fair


I give these shows and these threads the attention they deserve. Which is why I rarely watch any other dramas up to date.
Im coming at Legends of Tomorrow with the idea that its supposed to be fun, loose and experimental

Why would you review it without those lens


Legends of Tomorrow casts Ray Donovan alum as Jonah Hex

Johnathon Schaech has been tapped to play DC Comics antihero Jonah Hex on Legends of Tomorrow, EW has learned.

In the comics, Jonah Hex is a legendary Civil War veteran-turned-bounty hunter with his own moral code about saving innocent victims. Known as the deadliest man alive, Hex has a horribly disfigured face, which is otherwise known as the mark of the demon.

On Legends,
Hex is a morally ambiguous gunslinger with a penchant for danger. Surprisingly, he knows a thing or two about time travel and the future, but is at home in the Wild West. He’s been battling outlaws and gangs for awhile now, and advises the team to be extra careful when they arrive in the small town of Salvation


Why does he wear the mask!?
EDIT:^^^ JONAH!!!!

This, Flash, Agent Carter and Brooklyn Nine Nine tomorrow, what a day.
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