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Dead or Alive 5 |OT| Put a little bounce in your sidestep!


We didn't review it - a week's too little time - but here's our detailed thoughts on the game.

An extract:

I spent about 20 hours with the game so far and I encountered a handful of glitches, some worse than others. For example, the language setting reverts back to English every time you boot the game up. I also had a weird issue in training mode where all the practice settings screen were on screen but I was still controlling the action in the background.

During online play I had a situation where I couldn’t do anything after a character’s winning animation. Normally just pressing the X button would bring up a menu. Nothing happened this time. I eventually took a break from playing online after I was greeted by a black screen after joining a lobby. Resetting the game or unplugging my Ethernet cable were the only ways to resolve these problems.

It’s possible that the day 1 update fixes the online issues I had but I haven’t played online long enough to see if that’s actually true. However, I did notice that the game would literally pause mid-match during netplay sometimes. This occasionally occurred in 1-on-1 matches but it most frequently happens when another player joins the lobby.

Even worse, the game pauses mid-match during offline play if you enable Throwdown challenges (which are fight invites from other players). This is a gamebreaking bug and it’s one I only see getting worse once more players get their hands on the game. You have to disable Throwdowns after selecting a Fight mode or else you’ll always have this problem. It’s unacceptable that such a workaround even has to be considered.

Dead or Alive 5 is now available in North America and releases in Europe on the 28th of September. Expect a full review soon.



In the end, Dead or Alive 5 is a success. While it features about as much blatant ‘fanservice’ as you would expect, it lives up to its “I’m a Fighter” motto thanks to a diverse roster, the reasonably in-depth training mode, and generally good design. Does DOA5 obliterate the competition? No, but it definitely stands beside them as a viable rival. Those willing to put up with a few initial problems and adjust to some quirks will find this is an enjoyable 3D fighting game, one that deserves a fair try.

The only review that matters.
is the netcode actually worse than DOA4? if it is, then I think I'm gonna skip out on this one...

I've had some matches that ran perfect(arguably better than DOA4), but some that ran not so perfect(worst than DOA4), but still quite playable. Right now, I say the online play is solid. I don't think it is as good as TTT2, but so far it is better than Tekken 6. This is the PS3 version btw. Not sure about X360 version.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Even worse, the game pauses mid-match during offline play if you enable Throwdown challenges (which are fight invites from other players). This is a gamebreaking bug and it’s one I only see getting worse once more players get their hands on the game. You have to disable Throwdowns after selecting a Fight mode or else you’ll always have this problem. It’s unacceptable that such a workaround even has to be considered.

I don't quite understand this complaint. Does the game completely stop, causing you to restart the console here? Or does it pause in prep for the incoming online match? If its the latter, that's not really a problem. SF4 does this as well (the game hitches when you fight a new challenger, so you basically know not to bother finishing the fight).

Want a laughable review? Check out GameInformer's.
What do you believe are the point of reviews?

They are opinions, but so many people will treat those "professional" opinions like legitimate facts. I rather play the game to see if it is as good or bad as they are saying. I will read them for information though. I knew some people who refused to try out a game unless it scored at least an 8.0 or higher which is crazy imo.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
For those of you who have played the game online already, did you have to install a patch? If not, isn't there supposed to be a day one patch that addresses the net code issues?
If you have no major complaints with the text of a review, just ignore the score. Different reviewers are going to weight different negatives and positives differently. As the reader of the review you can usually tell if a stated negative is going to effect you much or at all. Like for example, if you aren't planning on playing the game online and most negatives are about netcode.

The sooner you can get beyond metacritic averages and what have you, the better. I went through a few years of adjustment to this stuff on GAF and I'm much happier on the side of 'not giving a shit about scores'. Read the text and ignore the score. You'll get a much better idea of if you're likely to enjoy the game yourself, and you won't get so mad about something as trivial as an attempt to distill every element of a game down to a single number.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
That's because fighting games reviewers need to increase their level of knowledge and skill, in order to provide the readers some reliable service.
The Gamespot review's synopsis is ridiculous and also the Eurogamer's score left me really puzzled and disappointed.

They just need to step up and accept the fact you need to give the fighting games genre the same treatment that - let's say... - danmaku shooters have got.

You don't read anymore (or, at least, not as often as in the past) stupid 4/10 reviews of Cave shooters because 'Jeez, they are so full of bullets it's unplayable! Shiiieeeeeeeeeee...'
When dem games get covered, it's usually by people who are able to get them, play them properly and reward them with a fair verdict.

I think fighting games deserve this change in perspective too.
Does this really surprise anyone though? Fighting games are so damn hard to get into. That is always going to effect a reviewers opinion. The barrier of entry into the fighting game genre is a valid criticism. It sounds like Skullgirls had the right idea with treating their training mode as the point of entry for brand new players explaining the different concepts of fighting games.

At the very least though, if you guys aren't satisfied with the DoA5 reviews we can all put our faith in DoAX3 in the meantime.


I don't quite understand this complaint. Does the game completely stop, causing you to restart the console here? Or does it pause in prep for the incoming online match? If its the latter, that's not really a problem. SF4 does this as well (the game hitches when you fight a new challenger, so you basically know not to bother finishing the fight).[/URL]

The game literally pauses for about 6-10 seconds. Nothing happens after that. You don't get a match. You don't join anything. There is no prompt to do anything nearly every time. If an actual challenge appeared that would be a different story.


I'm not going to say I base my purchases on reviews only, but certainly these scores will hurt sales. I think the game looks awesome, and I've always enjoyed the DOA franchise, but I will hold off on a purchase until later on. I know everyone who purchased day one will enjoy the game regardless of the naysayers, and whether you personally enjoy the game is all that really matters. Happy fighting!


Does this really surprise anyone though? Fighting games are so damn hard to get into. That is always going to effect a reviewers opinion. The barrier of entry into the fighting game genre is a valid criticism. It sounds like Skullgirls had the right idea with treating their training mode as the point of entry for brand new players explaining the different concepts of fighting games.

What's funny is that DOA is one of the easiest games to get into - but that is often a negative point in the reviews.


Worships the porcelain goddess
The game literally pauses for about 6-10 seconds. Nothing happens after that. You don't get a match. You don't join anything. There is no prompt to do anything nearly every time. If an actual challenge appeared that would be a different story.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.


Sup peeps. Sucks to hear about these mixed views on online. Watching Arts stream right now though. That soundtrack. Good lord. Game looks real good though. Keep up the fight! I'll have the game within the next month I reckon.


I'm not going to say I base my purchases on reviews only, but certainly these scores will hurt sales. I think the game looks awesome, and I've always enjoyed the DOA franchise, but I will hold off on a purchase until later on. I know everyone who purchased day one will enjoy the game regardless of the naysayers, and whether you personally enjoy the game is all that really matters. Happy fighting!

I don't think reviews will make or break any sales for a fighting game at this point of the generation. Casuals aren't going to pick up this game to see what their shiny new console is capable of and DoA doesn't have the nostalgic value of a Street Fighter or a Tekken. Only DoA fans and fighting game fans in general will care for this game, so streams and tournament footage will sell this game much more than any review.


Ooft, someone is on the attack.

Also, that is a summary, you sausage. You can call it a list of highlights if you want (Which it isn't, because they're not direct quotes, they're the key points), but it's still there to summarize.

You can't summarize with a bullet-point list the nature of a game which is simply... average. Being an average game is not a defect per-se, and the review clearly states this.

So, if you look at the pro/cons and could not correlate them to the rating this is because they CAN'T justify a rating by themselves.

lol ok buddy. I'm sure there's a huge difference in one of those split hairs.

Well, to me, yes. :)

Pro and Cons are additional information which can't summarize a review properly.

[ITA]Wolfgang;42523960 said:
Basically in that box you have just what is very bad, the review covers the rest, describing a good but not exceptional game.

This, exactly.

So, what's the point...?

Seriousy, don't be so picky with some word... I guess what alot of people here meant (me included) was pretty much clear.

Yep, what's clear to me is that some people here is looking for a comment in the wrong place. :)
For those of you who have played the game online already, did you have to install a patch? If not, isn't there supposed to be a day one patch that addresses the net code issues?

I installed an update when I first put the game in before I started playing, but I do not know what it did. I also installed the game to my hard drive.


I'm very happy to know that this game seems easy/okay to pick up and play for newcomers. I'm horrible at Fighting games but the learning curve seems very decent for me (hope this is not a bad thing for DoA hardcore fans).

I'll be joining all fellow GAFfers next week on the PS3 with my Collector's Edition, plus getting the CE for ultra cheap was the best news to me. Love when stores honour their prices (misprice or not).

I'm also curious for the Story mode, any news on the lenght of it? Thanks in advance.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
They put
in the story mode!?

Also the story mode is good but story-line-to-fight-wise kinda weak. Like
Kokoro and Lisa only fight because Kokoro gets angry at Lisa for berating her, really?

Edit: I forgot, banned image host. Oh well, let's just say OH MY GOD.


You can't summarize with a bullet-point list the nature of a game which is simply... average. Being an average game is not a defect per-se, and the review clearly states this.


Yep, what's clear to me is that some people here is looking for a comment in the wrong place. :)
To me, that it's just like Skullgirls all over again. XD
I don't think reviews will make or break any sales for a fighting game at this point of the generation. Casuals aren't going to pick up this game to see what their shiny new console is capable of and DoA doesn't have the nostalgic value of a Street Fighter or a Tekken. Only DoA fans and fighting game fans in general will care for this game, so streams and tournament footage will sell this game much more than any review.

some people will pick this game up just to look at the models. can't deny that when reading through the DOA threads.


I don't think reviews will make or break any sales for a fighting game at this point of the generation. Casuals aren't going to pick up this game to see what their shiny new console is capable of and DoA doesn't have the nostalgic value of a Street Fighter or a Tekken. Only DoA fans and fighting game fans in general will care for this game, so streams and tournament footage will sell this game much more than any review.

You are probably correct, however, if DOA has any advertising campaign, on visuals alone I'm sure it would sell well. Being accessible to casual players is in my opinion a huge plus. When DOA4 was still some what new, my wife played the crap out of it just to unlock costumes, and she does not play games at all. Ever.


Heh. You almost had me there, but I believe IGN uses the 0.5 scale now.

Gonna wait for a final verdict on online. Seems a bit mixed so far.

This is an embarassing moment for you.

You can't summarize with a bullet-point list the nature of a game which is simply... average. Being an average game is not a defect per-se, and the review clearly states this.

So, if you look at the pro/cons and could not correlate them to the rating this is because they CAN'T justify a rating by themselves.
I'm not interested. That has no relevance to what I said whatsoever.


nycfurby (during a particular online match): Right now, it feels like some MK9 shit.


I trust his opinion on the netcode more than most people in the FGC so this disappoints me. I heard DoA5 gives people a certain trial period before they have to input the online pass so I guess I'll do that. It's time to make it international law that Namco/Arc give all fighting game developers the secrets to their netcode, for the benefit of the greater good.
The hell. When did IGN go back to 0.1 increments. It's good they did away with the individual ratings for graphics, sound etc. That always lead to confusion when the overall score didn't reflect the sub-scores.

Also nice that this got a great review from one of the big ones. That Metascore was looking really ugly.


irresponsible vagina leak
I love the collectors edition looks even better in person. Downloaded DLC, Online pass and now doing the patch.



I'm surprised by some of the negative reviews. Have we really shifted to the point where reviewers dock a fighting game for not having a dozens of hours of unlockables? How much does that really matter if the fighting engine is rock solid? I play SC5, SFIV, and VF5 for hundreds of hours because of their mechanics, not because of their single player modes.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
nycfurby (during a particular online match): Right now, it feels like some MK9 shit.


I trust his opinion on the netcode more than most people in the FGC so this disappoints me. I heard DoA5 gives people a certain trial period before they have to input the online pass so I guess I'll do that. It's time to make it international law that Namco/Arc give all fighting game developers the secrets to their netcode, for the benefit of the greater good.

Bad netcode will ruin this game for me. I'm hesitant to double-dip on it now. Might keep the 360 copy I get from Amazon sealed, but I know as soon as I get home it will be torn open and installed ASAP. SCV and TTT2 really raised the bar for netcode in 3D fighters, though.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I'm surprised by some of the negative reviews. Have we really shifted to the point where reviewers dock a fighting game for not having a dozens of hours of unlockables? How much does that really matter if the fighting engine is rock solid? I play SC5, SFIV, and VF5 for hundreds of hours because of their mechanics, not because of their single player modes.




Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Is this universal PS360?

Nofi plays on PS3, that site he linked/writes for is a PS3 fansite.

And if the fight request is what is causing lock-ups, that's weird. But then again I've gotten lock-ups simply playing offline, so I don't think that's the specific cause for leaving it on and going into an offline versus match. :/

Honestly guys: The netcode isn't too bad when you get a good connection. I think it's the same as most other fighting games: depends on who you're connecting to. But the fact the game doesn't slow down/"lag itself" in lag pisses me off. That's the one good thing DOA2U/DOA4 both had and why I regard those as THE best netcode for 3D fighters and Tecmo/Team Ninja just rips that out? Seriously?


I'm surprised by some of the negative reviews. Have we really shifted to the point where reviewers dock a fighting game for not having a dozens of hours of unlockables? How much does that really matter if the fighting engine is rock solid? I play SC5, SFIV, and VF5 for hundreds of hours because of their mechanics, not because of their single player modes.

Half the reviewers are saying it's too technical and the other half is saying it isn't enough. The tutorial couldn't be more simple. That requires actually playing the game though.
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