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Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut |OT| Day One, there's no but. So says Mr. Stewart.

PR Manager for the game was in my stream on Twitch and said Rising Star is looking to patch the game when he was asking me questions.


they could maybe reduce the fov a bit and scale back on the overbearing foliage to improve the framerate but the sound glitches take priority


I´m really enjoying\loving this game
So changing/shaving is just an aesthetic huh?

Any tips for a beginner? something without spoiling that could help me a lot further in the game?


EDIT: Is there a way to pause cutscenes???
I´m really enjoying\loving this game
So changing/shaving is just an aesthetic huh?

Any tips for a beginner? something without spoiling that could help me a lot further in the game?


Kind of, but it does give you "Shaving" bonus points, which does something to your score/money at the end of a chapter. Its not really a huge deal though.
Any tips for a beginner? something without spoiling that could help me a lot further in the game?

Is there a way to pause cutscenes???
I'm a beginner myself, but I've read that you should complete the side quests from the sheriff as soon as possible to gain the ability to fast travel.

You can't pause cut scenes as far as I can tell, annoying I know. Some of the scenes and dialogues go on for quite a while and even pressing the PS button doesn't pause it.
Hope they can fix the FPS on the PS3. I'll hold off on replaying it till they get a patch out. Stuff like this makes me mad though. They knew this shit was broken before it left there door. Have the guts to delay it till you fixed it
Having played the game before, I found hitting select + start will skip cut-scenes. Unless there is a cut-scene with an interactive element attached, those you have to watch.

And I'm only skipping the scenes in the first few hours of the game because I've seen them so damn many times. Excepting of course, the new stuff which doesn't add up to much anyway.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I'm on chapter six and I'm not liking the game, and the few amusing conversations aren't worth the tedium. The sidequests seem like a hassle too, what with chapter skipping and time and weather specific events, and while it seems that a bulk of the enjoyment comes from driving around Greenvale and completing the sidequests, I'd prefer not to be glued to a guide. If I just follow the story am I going to be missing out? Does the game get significantly better as it progresses?


Hope they can fix the FPS on the PS3. I'll hold off on replaying it till they get a patch out. Stuff like this makes me mad though. They knew this shit was broken before it left there door. Have the guts to delay it till you fixed it

I hate having broken physical media on my hands. When I can't download the patch anymore years later I'm fucked. Rushed it for what reason.


The damn menu music was just popping and cutting out.

It is weird because the voiced lines can go from sounding fine, then starts echoing and is fine again in the same sentence. Other than that, the framerate is not as bad as I thought it would be. There were a few minor instances of game hitching while in interior areas but they happened as I assume the game was loading in a new section as they occurred at the same time the HDD access indicator was flashing.
Kind of, but it does give you "Shaving" bonus points, which does something to your score/money at the end of a chapter. Its not really a huge deal though.
Such a shame that the effects of not changing are gone now. I loved it how people refused to talk to you when going around in dirty clothes. I guess it was too big of a chore to most gamers.
Such a shame that the effects of not changing are gone now. I loved it how people refused to talk to you when going around in dirty clothes. I guess it was too big of a chore to most gamers.

Tangentially related, driving in the rain without the wipers on no longer raises your stamina level.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Are the side missions missable?
Are there any missable trophies?
I'm really undecided if I should buy this or not. I already played through the 360 version and hold this game very close to my heart, so I'm stoked for the new content and to just own the game as a collector's item.

But there is no excuse why this director's cut does not run at 60 fps or at least a stable 30. Easier difficulty (the game was never hard to begin with) and sound issues also do not get me hyped. Swery, you could have done a better job here. :(

To quote myself, after watching more of a let's play, I think by far the biggest fuckup is not fixing the zoom of the world map. What the hell? Such an obvious flaw in the original.

edit: Wait, there is a new and better map when hitting SELECT?
To quote myself, after watching more of a let's play, I think by far the biggest fuckup is not fixing the zoom of the world map. What the hell? Such an obvious flaw in the original.

edit: Wait, there is a new and better map when hitting SELECT?

Select while on foot/driving in the overworld brings up a bigger, transparent minimap. It shows a bit more of the surrounding areas but still isn't really big enough or good for showing where you need to head. Why they didn't change the actual map is one of the bigger confusions I have about this release. As you said, they knew about the complaints and it's still awful. Replaying has reminded me that the worst thing about it is it rotates so you get lost while using it. So awful, thank goodness for the radio.


Such a shame that the effects of not changing are gone now. I loved it how people refused to talk to you when going around in dirty clothes. I guess it was too big of a chore to most gamers.
Tangentially related, driving in the rain without the wipers on no longer raises your stamina level.
Interesting changes. It doesn't sound like they add much to the game but I wonder, if there are more changes like this, if it might be worth playing the 360 version as well just to see how the game was originally designed.
Interesting changes. It doesn't sound like they add much to the game but I wonder, if there are more changes like this, if it might be worth playing the 360 version as well just to see how the game was originally designed.

Believe me, it's a lot more fun to just read about them :p This release puts into perspective again just how awful the 360 version was. I went back to copy after playing this version and it really is just a terrible, unfun experience. Primarily in the combat and movement but still. And they did tighten up the car controls in general, and reduced how much grass slows you down. Framerate in the 360 version is more stable in the cutscenes but in general the PS3 version seems to be comparable outside of the red room bit at the beginning. If nothing else the PIP sequences now run at a pretty steady 30 FPS, where in the 360 version all of them ran in the 10s without exception. Really nice improvement.

Hopefully someone will eventually do a big, comprehensive comparison and list of the changes.
So... I should hold off on ps3 edition or?.....

It's certainly playable at the moment, the framerate problems aren't that much more bothersome than the 360 version and there are some significant improvements in places. Would say go for it but if they're releasing a patch soon than you might as well wait, especially if it is your first time playing. Still, perfectly playable right now with the most annoying issues being on the audio side.

Jay Sosa

Such a shame that the effects of not changing are gone now. I loved it how people refused to talk to you when going around in dirty clothes. I guess it was too big of a chore to most gamers.

Tangentially related, driving in the rain without the wipers on no longer raises your stamina level.

what is this shit?

I thought they wanted to improve the game not make it worse. Little things like that make games awesome, why would you remove that? Same with removing that your party can get sick in Persona, that was brilliant and added charm, just cause some people are too stupid to deal with things like that the rest of us has to suffer? /endrantmode

I totally didn't notice that in the 360 version cause I was always changing my outfit, never shaved though

Btw: Are we even sure that the framerate issues and the audio glitches will or even can be fixed with a patch?

the framerate problems aren't that much more bothersome than the 360 version and there are some significant improvements in places

I can't remember any big framerate issues in the 360 version tbh.


I´m really enjoying\loving this game
So changing/shaving is just an aesthetic huh?

Any tips for a beginner? something without spoiling that could help me a lot further in the game?


EDIT: Is there a way to pause cutscenes???

No you can't seem to pause cutscenes. The usually dependable 'press the PS button' trick just leaves the cutscene running underneath the X bar.

As for a tip: you can get
and a really powerful melee weapon from Chapter 2 if you want. The first in particular is a total godsend.

I think this game is the perfect antidote to infinitely higher budget games like Assassin's Creed and Far Cry 3. I loved them, but they claim to be full of side-quests, but there are like 3 types of side-quest and all 3 basically involve going to a given spot on the map and picking something up. This is a return to a setup where the side-quests aren't given to you upfront and there's a genuine diverse amount of variety to them. They're all interesting, engaging and worth doing. And there's an almost Morrowind (please don't laugh at the comparison) ability to get really powerful things very early if you want to do it that way, rather than have everything made bland and irrelevant through scaling.
I can't remember any big framerate issues in the 360 version tbh.

Every PIP/chase sequence ran at like 10 FPS, was horrible! Otherwise it was pretty consistent.

Not sure what is up with the wiper change, is odd. Was one of those cute little touches, it's not like leaving the wipers off raised the stanima very fast so it can't be something removed because it was considered too tough to deal with. Never knew people wouldn't talk to you if you were stinky either. Always changed suits when it came up and bought every one I could find.

Jay Sosa

Every PIP/chase sequence ran at like 10 FPS, was horrible! Otherwise it was pretty consistent.

were like 3 of them in the entire game, so imho no big deal
. The PS3 version sounds much, much worse.

Always changed suits when it came up and bought every one I could find.

yep. Btw: That's one of my biggest pet peeves in games, especially most JRPGs..when you run around in the same fucking clothes for sometimes several years.
were like 3 of them in the entire game, so imho no big deal
. The PS3 version sounds much, much worse.

True enough I suppose, they were somewhat lengthy though so it was always a noticeable loss in quality. The PS3 version in the framerate aspect really isn't that bad, outside of the beginning red room which is nigh vomit-inducing it's fine. The biggest issue is in some cutscenes it's clearly not consistently running at 30 and the syncing gets messed up.

For me the actual gameplay and combat improvements offset the minor framerate annoyances, it's just so much less of a hassel to actually play.


Believe me, it's a lot more fun to just read about them :p This release puts into perspective again just how awful the 360 version was.
Hopefully someone will eventually do a big, comprehensive comparison and list of the changes.
Ok, thanks. That doesn't sound so good :/

Yes a list would indeed be nice.
I just got my copy the other day. I can say most of the game is intact from the original but with some bumps in the road. Hope to get to it some more and get a review out sometime next week.

I'm definitely looking forward to it.
I expect to see many cups of coffee and sinner's sandwiches consumed and an appearance of the raincoat killer no less!
Over 7 hours in and I'm not even done with Chapter 1 yet. Really taking my time doing side stuff, and last night I had Lysander upgrade my Milk Barn van. Goodbye police car!

"Son... are you kidding me?"
what is this shit?

I thought they wanted to improve the game not make it worse. Little things like that make games awesome, why would you remove that? Same with removing that your party can get sick in Persona, that was brilliant and added charm, just cause some people are too stupid to deal with things like that the rest of us has to suffer? /endrantmode

I totally didn't notice that in the 360 version cause I was always changing my outfit, never shaved though

Btw: Are we even sure that the framerate issues and the audio glitches will or even can be fixed with a patch?

I can't remember any big framerate issues in the 360 version tbh.

they improved the most important thing in the controls and combat, the game is much less obnoxious to play now. i dont dread the otherworld parts here like i did on the 360.
so: did this game just not make it to canada yet? still 'not yet shipped' on my 'shipping may 3' amazon order, & still up for 'pre-order' on ebgames...


For everyone who has side mission anxiety like I had: It's actually not that bad.
I have only few quests left and didn't replay any chapters so far. Just continued the main game and did the side missions between chapters. I used the list from this guide for help:
Just skip down to the sidequests for a list of all in chronological order. This way you won't miss any and for the quest chains, there are enough chapters available so that you don't have to replay if you do one part of it each chapter.
The only tricky part are those tied to weather conditions. But since there's rarely any hurry you can just sleep in the hotel, eat dinner at the Sheriff's Department, check the weather forecast in the same room and if the weather is not correct, just sleep until the next day.
My preorder bonus says it has already expired or has been used?

It seems to be a widespread problem(I posted last night about it). I talked to an Amazon rep yesterday and they said they would forward the concern to the promotions department and will get back to me. I'm not getting my hopes up though. :/


I was just browsing the European PSN Store and saw that the pre-order for this game is only 22.50€ . I read everything but it didn't say if this was all I had to pay or just half or whatever. Does anyone know how this pre-ordering works? If it says 22.50€, will it actually charge me just that? Would be a steal at that price.

Edit: According to the description it's the game + pre-order items.
Was the Emily cat costume a preorder thing or unlockable? I don't think I ever unlocked it.

It must be a pre-order thing as in the dlc section of the main menu where you activate items there's a section just for Emily. Is kind of hilarious.

By the way, the op mentions a digital phone that can take pictures. Did that not end up happening? Reminds me of the Fatal Frame(Project Zero) 2 Wii thread where the OP mentions the First person and mission modes from the xbox version being in the game when they aren't :/


woah woah i'm at episode 2 ep 1-2 and i tried entering the milk barn...and it crashed on me

what the fuck?!
rebooted my ps3 and it won't start...

Your PS3 won't start at all? If so it sounds like a hardware issue, you getting the yellow light of evil? The game has some issues but I haven't experienced a single crash in 15 hours of play. Although you could certainly be unlucky I suppose.


Your PS3 won't start at all? If so it sounds like a hardware issue, you getting the yellow light of evil? The game has some issues but I haven't experienced a single crash in 15 hours of play. Although you could certainly be unlucky I suppose.
nothing, just stays at "shut down" mode with the button on red


It must be a pre-order thing as in the dlc section of the main menu where you activate items there's a section just for Emily. Is kind of hilarious.

By the way, the op mentions a digital phone that can take pictures. Did that not end up happening? Reminds me of the Fatal Frame(Project Zero) 2 Wii thread where the OP mentions the First person and mission modes from the xbox version being in the game when they aren't :/

Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. I have not seen the camera in game yet. It was mentioned as a added feature in the PS3 version in press releases.

It is still on the amazon page for this game too.

New item - in-game camera where players can take snaps as they play
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