Red Seed (jap vers.) no framerate issues, same like 360.
Incredible they even was able to worst something ALREADY runs well on the same
lol. I wouldn't say Red Seeds Profile ran well on the PS3. It was clearly inferior to the Xbox 360 version. The thing that stood out most in the original PS3 version were the audio issues. Stuttering and echo. Some (if not all) of those issues seem to be intact for the Director's Cut.
But, anyway, I've only played through the first two chapters in the Director's Cut, but I think game is fine. No, it doesn't
run fine. Believe me, I'm one of the biggest framerate whores for console games out there. But considering how janky Deadly Premonition was originally, I don't think it detracts from the experience that much.
It's not like the framerate really affects the gameplay that much, because the gameplay wasn't very compelling in the first place. The controls are better than they were originally, and the combat is way easier.
The story is still there. The writing is still there. The characters are still there. The soundtrack is still there (and the bad audio mix is still there!). These are the things that Deadly Premonition was celebrated for. It was never the graphics or gameplay.
I can understand that maybe this is disappointing for first time Deadly Premonition players. It seems they've been victims of the hype.
I'll keep playing. I'll come back if my opinions drastically change.