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Dear Sucker Punch, here are the top 5 things I want to see in Ghost of Yotei


Gold Member

Here’s an idea: let’s take a break from weighing in on the virtues of manhood and weigh in on our hopes for gameplay!

Dear Sucker Punch, here are my TOP 5 gameplay / design upgrades I wanna see in Ghost of Yotei.

1. Bare minimum believable stealth.

Either shift focus away from stealth or rework entirely. Please no more invisible mode when in small grass or on a rope just above enemies' heads or leave that for casuals story mode. Add prone, new ways to hide and maneuver around the scenery and more use of the environment. Girl needs to move like ninja, enemies need to be more aware, feel like they see and hear, and planting a wakizashi through guard's brainskull gargling with blood shouldn't be the go-to safest strat when there is another standing 2 meters next to it. More use of decoys and diversion. More effective use of nighttime and playing with light sources. More focus on semi-alerted state gameplay, where you need to act fast and smart to get back to stealth.

2. Different economy and back to the drawing board with crafting

Please stop making me pick up all this shit (my pet peeve in open world but still) metal, cloth, fucking bushes etc. Just no. Like 80% less, make stuff harder to find and feel rewarding and meaningful, like silk in GoT. Make me upgrade my stuff at a vendor for rare 5 pieces of junk not common 45. Push environment storytelling as a mean for exploration rather than collecting stuff that really just changes numbers in the inventory.

3. Double down on grounded realism of the campaign.

Trigger alert - realistic, fully animated and detailed interactions with the game world (yes that includes pickups, if in doubt check point 2.) I'd love to see lethal mode that is persistently lethal, not excluding bosses but that requires duel combat system rework much expaning use of block and defense, just a deeper combat system please. Detailed hit reactions, gore and dismemberment. And smarter NPC companions, reading and reacting to your actions, like dodging AOEs instead of facetanking them god mode on and breaking all immersion.

4. Triple down on balls to the wall arcade madness of Legends.

Well integrated and working in parallel to the story, basically making the most of all core mechanics and flipping the script with all kinds of magic and supernatural, snappy animation and much faster-paced action gameplay. Multiple classes but then way more build variety and ways to specialize and synergize with others. Many more types of different Onis with giant health bars, Onis requiring co-op tactics. Multiple wild superpowers for ghosts, like oni transformations, traversal magic skills, you name it, shifting level geometry and co-op challenges. New much expanded RAID like story mode based on mystique of the area and era, sky is the limit.

5. Make Legends GAAS-lite.

Ok just hear me out. Legends of Tsushima was basically a GaaS-like project, updated and expanded upon but then 100% free with no monetization whatsoever. I don't think anyone ever expected how well it will land roadmap-wise and all devs were quickly moved to making Yotei. I'd be more than happy for Yotei Legends MP to be just much bigger with a long-time support plan, keeping that modest vibe of a niche MP game made for the fans rather than a product of a committee tasked with maximizing engagement forever. I'd be shelling out for battle passes, new raids new raids payed updates and cosmetics etc if this is the route they will take. Just leave that stuff out of the campaign, that should be self-contained and complete.

Those are my 5. Now give me yours.
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I'd like to see good sidequests, a much better world design with more interesting locations and less reliance on going from A to B via a wind GPS and more involved traversal instead of Uncharted style autoplilot climbing.

Keep the visual style, storytelling style and combat (though add more enemy variety)
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both the combat and the stealth in the first game were serviceable but ultimately very mediocre.

the combat was underwhelming both due to attack animations feeling weightless and due to the "switch stances to win" design.

stance switching should not be forced to defeat certain enemies for basically free. it is entirely unintuitive that a random 3x triangle combo in water stance can break the block of shield enemies, especially when that combo is literally just 3 sword swings. meanwhile Wind stance has a charged kick, which is a move that I think intuitively feels way more like a shield block breaker than a sword swing, but said kick will just be deflected away 100% of the time by shiled weilders.

the "boss" fights were also a low point. limiting combat further by locking you into slow movement and locking away some moves and all items.

the stealth issues brought up by OP I fully agree with too. I mean it is kinda funny in a way how stupid the enemies are in the first game, as I just sprint around and quickscope people with arrows left and right on Hard. but thematically I don't think their goal was to make it feel and look funny. so if they want stealth to feel like actual stealth they really need to stop leaning on all the Ubisoft cliché mechanics
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Unfortunately, the game is probably far enough into development that a lot of gameplay features are locked in. Hopefully, they had time to respond to the criticism of the first game and not try to do the typical sequel approach of "first game + even more BS."


Off topic. The first GOT was great, a classic, so I'm not worried about the graphics, levels, and combat. Sucker punch has a very good development team.

For me , is what I don't want too see.

I hope I will not see any influence from that plague and poison to the gaming industry, Sweet baby inc or any group with same agenda. I hope they will not push and force again some narrative of twisted DEI and twisted woke agenda in the game.


Gold Member
More weapons. They showed so far kusarigama, dual swords and tanegashima, which is a good sign, but I want more.

Better coop and even some pve.

Better climbing mechanics.

Dialogue choices with consequences. Infamous evil x good choices were great, I would love more of that.

Combat improvements. Less Assassin's Creed inspired and more Nioh inspired please.


I want to be able to pet the dog and I want to be able to hug the dog and I want to be able to play fetch with the dog and I want to be able to teach the dog stupid pet tricks and I want to be able to ride the dog.
They better not kill the dog.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I want more emergent things in the open world. It's one of the better realized open worlds, but still not quite at the level of BOTW or Elden Ring.

I also wouldn't mind dungeons/temples/puzzle areas and bosses.

Just something to add more variety to the game than just action.
Only point I fully agree on is stealth. Its not even so much a criticism of the original GoT, but just stealth games in general. They play the same, hide in grass or some type of "safe zone". If you get spotted enemies react but if you then go hidden for a set amount of time they act like nothing happened. Wish games in general would bump it up in terms of how the Enemies react. Hell, something as basic as then hearing arrows or hearing you move through grass would go a long way.


1- More weapons with full movesets and stances (Looks like thats taken care of tbf)

2- Better/More climbing mechanics, grappling hook should be able to attach to any surface.

3- Some kind of hideout, upgradeable maybe,customisable.

4- Greater emphasis on stealth, need to be able to move bodies,more sources of noise,more distractions and interactions with the environment. Once alerted even if enemies lose sight they remain edgy and aware.

5 - More full fledged Legends mode which includes campaign co-op. Just Legends 2.0 with support for the foreseeable future. If they want a GaaS this really should have been it.


I'm confident in the end product as long as they keep the awesome swordplay and environmental storytelling. I have zero doubt that any political shit will be handled well considering they already did stuff in the first game.


I'm confident in the end product as long as they keep the awesome swordplay and environmental storytelling. I have zero doubt that any political shit will be handled well considering they already did stuff in the first game.
After what they saw from Ubisoft and Sony's experience with Concord along with allot of flop games and movies with force and pushing for narrative of twisted dei and twisted woke agenda, I believe Sony learned from that.


Gold Member
Thank you for letting us dream a little Bartski Bartski .

I wouldn't be against a radical change in gameplay.
Lean heavier into stealth, a surprise Tenchu.
Start the game as a samurai... eventually becomes a ninja. She loses one of those swords. Would give GoY a unique footprint in the series that I think would be appreciated. A ninja and a dog.


1. For stealth, I would put Splinter Cell into the game.
I think having that reference point or frame of mind when creating Yotei’s stealth is an interesting idea to explore. The mechanics/moveset that make sense.

2. Bring the world in
Camera placement matters. The ability to see more around me lessens the tension and sensory engagement I want from Stealth games. (The idea of not knowing what is around the corner)
They won't bring the camera in but I would like to feel closer to the game world.
IRL, not wanting to be seen inherently carries with it this immediate weight of tension. Your body feels this. I would like for them to translate that into Yotei's stealth.

3. Sound Design (Presence) 3D Audio
Really solid sound design. Placement, quality.
Quiet nights in Edo Period Japan... I want to hear the crickets. Being in a quiet field at night is an experience. You don't just hear through your ears. You feel presence, pressure, scale. There are layers and layers. I want them to create that experience of silence.
(Up in the rafters) A muffled conversation through a paper door. The *clink* of a tea cup being placed back on its saucer. Shuffling of socked Geisha feet. The drunk banter of businessman.
I want to hear a humid Edo Autumn night or hear my heartbeat through my temples.

Its a PS5 game. The graphics didn't look leaps and bounds better. I hope they went for density in the experience.
It would be wild if they tapped into that old school Sucker Punch Sly Cooper DNA.


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You nailed my biggest issue with the first game in your first point. On top of that, for the love of god, give me better outpost/level design. No more copy pasted bullshit or bandit villages that end up just a shitty mash of small buildings. AC shouldn't beat it out there. If it has those, it'll be a 10 for me.


Get rid of the mentally unstable lunatic that's playing the main character. I don't care if she's female, just change the voice actress to someone normal. That would make me buy the game.

But we all know it's not going to happen.


1. No modern audience gender or feminist politics pushed in any way shape or form throughout the whole game.

2. Don’t turn it into Mulan.

3. No specific climbing spots, do free Assassin’s Creed climbing.


I'd be ok with more of the same, but with the added possibility of being able to urinate/take a shit. Never once has a piss or shit in the original.


1. No modern audience gender or feminist politics pushed in any way shape or form throughout the whole game.

2. Don’t turn it into Mulan.

3. No specific climbing spots, do free Assassin’s Creed climbing.

Assassin's Creed also has specific climbing spots. just A SHITLOAD of them.

I feel like they could add DMC like wall kicks, and Ninja Gaiden like wall running (maybe toned down to feel more realistic) and get rid of climbing spots entirely. only have ledges you can pull yourself up to.
that would open up actually interesting platforming moments.

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
The first game was OK, but I feel like this one can improve upon it by providing a more diverse cast, like why are there only asians? why isn't there black people, Arab's, Indian's or Latino's? all of those should be included, but not white people obviously.


Assassin's Creed also has specific climbing spots. just A SHITLOAD of them.

I feel like they could add DMC like wall kicks, and Ninja Gaiden like wall running (maybe toned down to feel more realistic) and get rid of climbing spots entirely. only have ledges you can pull yourself up to.
that would open up actually interesting platforming moments.
They could do both, regular platforming and also climbing properly like in AC but you have to upgrade your gear first; wall run shoes, climbing claws, different tier claws so you can climb and do jump climbing and wire claw climbing and swinging and so on.
Would make it feel more rewarding to progress through the game.

But they’re likely in the polishing phase by now. I doubt they would add anything we talk about. Just hoping they don’t leave it as is, the original feels incredibly old because of the Uncharted-like climbing design, biggest flaw of the game for me.


They could do both, regular platforming and also climbing properly like in AC but you have to upgrade your gear first; wall run shoes, climbing claws, different tier claws so you can climb and do jump climbing and wire claw climbing and swinging and so on.
Would make it feel more rewarding to progress through the game.

But they’re likely in the polishing phase by now. I doubt they would add anything we talk about. Just hoping they don’t leave it as is, the original feels incredibly old because of the Uncharted-like climbing design, biggest flaw of the game for me.

sadly climbing and platforming in such AAA blockbuster type games is often used more as a tool to basically add filler that mimics gameplay variety. which is also why in Uncharted specifically you literally can not fail at 99% of the climbing and platforming parts, as the game won't let you do a jump to your death. it's just fluff, filler, padding that makes it feel less like a straight up shooter, even tho it really is just a 3rd person shooter with stealth options.

in Tsushima it wasn't quite as bad thankfully. but yeah, there's room to improve
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Non-boring sidequests please. Spare me the "slowly walk with me for three minutes while I tell you about how the mongols threw me in a hole"-stuff.
Come to think of it, even the main story in the first game was generic and boring as hell.

And fix or remove that weird weather/morale system.
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