Some people here should like this
holy shit
and cm punk
Some people here should like this
How much money have you spent on wrestling this year?
Rough estimate: $10,745
Just under $6,000 in event expenses (includes Rumble, Chamber, Mania, Extreme Rules, and Survivor Series PPV's, also 1000th Raw)
$1330 in Axxess tickets (all the VIP's, two were marked up Stubhub tickets)
$2400 in merchandise (included a WWE replica belt that I had signed by all the VIP's at Axxess & the two 1/1 paintings WWE auctioned off the week of Mania)
$85 for a Flair Meet & Greet two weeks ago
$65 for Ultimate Warrior Meet & Greet in March
$520 in PPV's (roughly, figuring 10 WWE PPV's at $44.95 & WM at $55, 1 ROH PPV at $14.95)
$300 on CM Punk & Cena Meet & Greets again for Chicago Comic Con
$45 on a Lita Meet & Greet ticket for my sister
I'm probably missing something too...trying to think. Travel costs were included in the event costs as I had to stay overnight for the Rumble & 1000th RAW (both in St. Louis) and Mania obviously.
Not included: Already in the hole for just north of $4700 for a Mania 29 travel package.
holy shit
and cm punk
Rough estimate: $10,745
Just under $6,000 in event expenses (includes Rumble, Chamber, Mania, Extreme Rules, and Survivor Series PPV's, also 1000th Raw among many other shows)
$1330 in Axxess tickets (all the VIP's, two were marked up Stubhub tickets)
$2400 in merchandise (included a WWE replica belt that I had signed by all the VIP's at Axxess & the two 1/1 paintings WWE auctioned off the week of Mania)
$85 for a Flair Meet & Greet two weeks ago
$65 for Ultimate Warrior Meet & Greet in March
$520 in PPV's (roughly, figuring 10 WWE PPV's at $44.95 & WM at $55, 1 ROH PPV at $14.95)
$300 on CM Punk & Cena Meet & Greets again for Chicago Comic Con
$45 on a Lita Meet & Greet ticket for my sister
I'm probably missing something too...trying to think. Travel costs were included in the event costs as I had to stay overnight for the Rumble & 1000th RAW (both in St. Louis) and Mania obviously.
Not included: Already in the hole for just north of $4700 for a Mania 29 travel package.
Rough estimate: $10,745
Just under $6,000 in event expenses (includes Rumble, Chamber, Mania, Extreme Rules, and Survivor Series PPV's, also 1000th Raw among many other shows)
$1330 in Axxess tickets (all the VIP's, two were marked up Stubhub tickets)
$2400 in merchandise (included a WWE replica belt that I had signed by all the VIP's at Axxess & the two 1/1 paintings WWE auctioned off the week of Mania)
$85 for a Flair Meet & Greet two weeks ago
$65 for Ultimate Warrior Meet & Greet in March
$520 in PPV's (roughly, figuring 10 WWE PPV's at $44.95 & WM at $55, 1 ROH PPV at $14.95)
$300 on CM Punk & Cena Meet & Greets again for Chicago Comic Con
$45 on a Lita Meet & Greet ticket for my sister
I'm probably missing something too...trying to think. Travel costs were included in the event costs as I had to stay overnight for the Rumble & 1000th RAW (both in St. Louis) and Mania obviously.
Not included: Already in the hole for just north of $4700 for a Mania 29 travel package.
Went to an indie show in COFFEYVILLE KANSAS tonight - Hometown Heroes II. Great time, there's a guy - Mr. Nasty, he wrestles as a pimp. Keep an eye out for him, because he has some REAL talent. Amazing heel.
Dude, a lot of those guys are in my fed. We've had Nasty twice lately and I fully agree. From what I can tell he has it all including good size. He's a very nice dude too.
When are you coming to a show in Sapulpa?
Does PWG have any company-only talent, or is it basically a mish-mash of ROH and Dragon Gate guys? What's the idea behind the promotion? (I'm loving BOLA 2007 Night Three...Cima vs. PAC was wicked)
He's amazing, he's got it all. Saw a handful of others - Russ the Bus, Shane Cortez, Tarantula, etc etc - keep me updated when there's a show going down in Sappaloopa and I'll make it if I can. I'd love to see you guys. You working Luchapocalypse this December w/Elote?
Well this Saturday is the next Sapulpa show. I represent all the belts now. My heavyweight is putting his belt on the like in match 5 of a best of 5. It's also my birthday so that should go well. Won't be working luchapacolypse because I'll be on my Japan trip.
I know Shane, I think Miserio was there tonight. Were the KC wolves of Luke Langley and Graham Bell there?
I spent $210 on ACW tickets for myself and friends this year.
Probably around $350 for beer and food at the Mohawk and Hooligans during ACW shows.
I've spent around $90 on WWE event tickets this year.
I bought a t-shirt from Athena that looks like an old X-Men cover for $25 IIRC. Probably another $120 on other ACW-related merch and swag from their touring talent. So that's $145.
I bought around $150 in iPPVs.
So about a grand. That's amazingly low for what I've done in the past, flying around to ROH, PWG, Mania, ect and staying in hotels.
Don't regret one cent spent on ACW. And most other stuff I thought was fun too.
No worries. Maybe next year then. Not sure where I'm heading in the new year because our main feud is blowing off but it'll still be fun.I'll try to come out next weekend but I'm pretty booked up - 2 jobs, makes it tough - was lucky to come up for this.
Didn't see Luke Langley or Graham Bell - possible I might have missed it though. I had to duck out for a couple because the building was SWELTERING HOT.
No worries. Maybe next year then. Not sure where I'm heading in the new year because pur main feud is blowing off but it'll still be fun.
Absolutely!Hey I may still make it out, don't count me out! Just saying it's unlikely. It'd be cool to meet you and boo the shit out of you (assuming that's what you need me to do!)
1:30 or some crazy shit right?Any so cal peeps staying up to watch Championship from hollywood?
From all of your posts and writeups, ACW sounds like some of the most fun ever.
Wait, we're counting food too? Because in that case, damn that taco truck at PWG shows.
I like how in the conspiracy pictures in the opening there's a pic of Scottie Pippen for some reason.
PWG is trending on twitter. Suck it vince
Kevin Steen died. Adam Cole is our new lord and savior
Sorry for the delay but it's from 1:00 am-2:00am. This Weeks a repeat of last Weeks show. So they're showing the ladder match again1:30 or some crazy shit right?
Some people here should like this
The green ranger should be in WWE, with his fighting skills he'd be a great asset.
I literally just now realized the unfortunate implications of the White Power Ranger.
I've been catching up on segments from before I got back in.
Fuck me...I can see why you all hate Cena. BORING! The Rock fued is a joke.
He made The Rock as dry as he is. Why bring back The Rock and have him be neutred.
I've heard Stone Cold might be coming back?
I've heard Stone Cold might be coming back?
Cold Stone wants to fight Punk and Cena.
I don't think Stone Cold gives a fuck about Cena.
Why would SCSA fight Punk? I mean, Punk is great and all but he doesn't have the staying power that Cena does. Nor is Punk going to be a lifer. Hasn't there been rumours Punk may retire from wrasslin soon?
Why would SCSA fight Punk? I mean, Punk is great and all but he doesn't have the staying power that Cena does. Nor is Punk going to be a lifer. Hasn't there been rumours Punk may retire from wrasslin soon?
All that Punk said on his retirement date is that he has an idea of when it is, and he doesn't want to wrestle if his body is breaking down. So he'll probably be retired by the time he's 40, which is six years away. People started taking it as though he said he'd be retired by the end of the year.
But really, he will retire when he feels there's nothing left for him to do as a wrestler, he's the kind who never wants to stay still in his career.
He said the only thing left is to main event Wrestlemania. After that, he's "done." He also said there aren't many "interesting wrestlers" for him to fight. I figure main eventing WM and fighting Stone Cold are the only things left on his list.
Green ranger in Gokaiger was the worst one on the show until Silver ranger.
Both of them made me stop watching that awful show.
Before we get into the IPPV action we have to touch base on Mr. Touchdown killing The Mysterious and Handsome Strangers feral pigeon Sapphire.
Mr. Touchdown kills Sapphire
Remember when The Rock Rock Bottomed British Bulldog into dog poop?. Amazing Cole commentary.