For memorable PG wrestling
For memorable PG wrestling
I really, really hope the Hardy Boyz don't come back to the WWE. The last thing the WWE needs is more has-beens coming back to take time away from the up-and-comers.
Hardy Brosperhaps a name change to Hardy Men?
YES! I would take this over what the WWE has now anyday.
I want to watch a film, I don't know what to watch. There are too many films, and I only have so much time in which I can watch films. What should I watch?
Isn't that what Chris Jericho was doing earlier this year? Was Punk any more over during that?
I want to watch a film, I don't know what to watch. There are too many films, and I only have so much time in which I can watch films. What should I watch?
I'd honestly rather see more DX segments than "The Shield" at this point.
I'd honestly rather see more DX segments than "The Shield" at this point.
I'd honestly rather see more DX segments than "The Shield" at this point.
So I think I've recently discovered Maffew lives and work in the same area as me. Interesting.
I'd honestly rather see more DX segments than "The Shield" at this point.
I want to watch a film, I don't know what to watch. There are too many films, and I only have so much time in which I can watch films. What should I watch?
I want to watch a film, I don't know what to watch. There are too many films, and I only have so much time in which I can watch films. What should I watch?
Yeah, you're right G-Fex. We should hate new guys that are great in the ring!
Grinch-Fex. AMARIGHT?!
Or Beef. Doesn't really matter, both are just being negative for negativities sake I guess. What else is new?
I don't understand their gimmick Why. WHY.
In other news TEW2013 Public Beta released next weekend.
Or Beef. Doesn't really matter, both are just being negative for negativities sake I guess. What else is new?
Beef likes Ryback
What does he know about anything?
Guess it's hard to move on. When you get to the point where wrestling makes you sour, you should just move on, but maybe they can't?
Lol, even the WWE Marks are turning on this storyline. No wonder they're bailing out.
That's a good point
To prove my non-weabooness, JRPGs are so fucking boring. Japan should just focus on exporting wrestlers.
And Ys games. Those are okay.
General or Christmas related?