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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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A while ago I couldn't reply cause chrome kept giving me malware warnings about gaf.

Oh well.

Del Rio got buried tonight by Santa

I miss 2000 era WcW
He's the chosen one

The king of the mountain

These morons Punk and Cena can stand to learn a thing or two from Jeff.
The kids these days don't know how to pull off a perfect strut like he does. Jeff Jarrett should be called "The Man of 1000 Struts." He just about knows them all.




WCW Thunder 4/26/2000

Happenings on Nitro: DDP won the title from Jarrett in a cage, Kim asked for a divorce from DDP, The Brood gave Sting a blood bath, Kidman pinned Hulk Hogan in a handicap match after a powerbomb through a table from Mike Awesome and a top rope splash through a table.

TO THE BACK. Jeff Jarrett, Eric Bischoff, Kim, and David Arquette arrive in a Cadillac. David has been held hostage since Nitro it seems.

They all go straight to the ring. DDP and Kanyon come out, but Jeff will break David's neck if they get in the ring. Jarrett/Bischoff vs Arquette/DDP with the title on the line. That's what Jeff wants. And Jeff's way to force DDP's hand was have Buff and Shane Douglas stand at the top of the ramp. Team Package take them out. DDP and Kanyon hit the ring. Now it's just Kim and DDP. They argue, she slaps him, he puts her in a head lock, but lets her go. Then she low blows him.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Cat. Cat won't stop dancing. He's got Bam Bam tonight and Russo/Bischoff are mad at him for costing them the Hardcore title. Jeff/Eric/Kim have David in a boiler room maybe.

The Cat vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Cat asks for forgiveness. Bam Bam is his hero! It almost works until Cat says he saw Bam Bam's mom and his breasteses are bigger than hers. Ms. Hancock is out again. Tug of war with Bam Bam and Slick over a chair leads to Bammer getting kicked in the face. Cat wins.

TO THE BACK. Kidman and Torrie arrive in a BMW convertible. DDP is looking for David Arquette. Jeff and Eric are torturing David.

Shawn Stasiak vs Kanyon

Kanyon's random face turn is weird. Literally like 2 weeks before the reboot he was shitting all over DDP and David Arquette. But now he's back to being long time best friend of Page. Curt Hennig is out on color. Meat hits the FU! Perfect said "Tony Shitvonni". Meat taunts Hennig, who hits him with brass knucks, giving Kanyon the win. Hennig beats on Stasiak after the match. Mike Awesome is out to brawl with Kanyon. AKI game style German suplex to Kanyon. Who is also about the same size as Awesome. Actually, I think he's taller than Mike Awesome. Awesomebomb through the announcer's table! Awesome Meat beat on Hennig until DDP comes out. Diamond cutter OUTTA NOWHERE. Awesome strolls out as DDP goes to check on his bro. This makes DDP agree to the tag match for the title later tonight.

Kidman and Torrie head to the ring area.

Kidman vs HORACE HOGAN (Open Challenge)

Random shot of Johnny B. Badd and Ray Rinaldi in the crowd.


Pre match promo has Kidman talking about drawing, flea markets, and what not. He offers an open challenge to anyone. Horace Hogan comes out, to Hulk's music. No mention of the Flock. This is like a 1998 episode of Thunder. Eric is out. Horace with a big powerbomb. Chair shot. And now he's getting a table. Horace no sells a low blow from Torrie. Then Eric gets in the ring with a chair, kicks the ref, hits Horace with the chair, and Kidman does his tornado bulldog off the apron to the floor. Eric Bischoff is the bad ass that has physically saved Kidman twice now.

TO THE BACK. Tank heads to the arena.

Tank is out. He's going to fuck someone else up tonight. He goes after Rinaldi, which makes Johnny B. Badd jump the rail and now they're in the ring having a boxing match. The best part? Well, there were a few, but RIGHT AFTER Tony says that Mero doesn't even work here, the old Johnny B. Badd music hits. So they just had the music cued up for a guy who hadn't worked for them in 4 years? Also, he grew his mullet back. I just find that funny that he intentionally grew his mullet back in the year 2000.

TO THE BACK. Sting has arrived. He hasn't showered since his blood bath so he looks like your dog after you give it a bath. But with blood. DDP finds David Arquette.


The Wall vs Sting Tables match

Poor Sting. He tries to do a sunset flip powerbomb from the apron to the floor, but he just slipped and fell on his ass. He ended up powerbombing Wall off the apron through a table to win the match. Vampiro comes out. Wall and Vamp team up on Sting for a few seconds and Sting beats them both back. Twice.

TO THE BACK. Russo and the tag champs head to the arena. Sting is walking out of the building. Still in his gear, still covered in blood.

Russo and the champs come out. God, Russo's music is awful. It starts out as Iron Man and turns into what sounds like Iron Man, but with random bars played backwards. Buff is sick of hearing about Lex Luger. Because they've been hearing it for years and years and years and years. Well, Shane Douglas had been wrestling years longer than Lex. Buff's glasses fall off his hat while he laughs. Shane makes sure to let us know that IT'S A DAMN SHOOT! HA HA! Team Package comes out to the stage. Russo anticipated this and has security surround the ring. "I can't talk for Hulk Hogan, but I can say this for him..." Wait, what? Since 1985, Sting has been going OWWWHHHOOOO and the crowd has been going OWWWHHOOO, and Lex has been going *rips shirt opening and flexes and grunts* and the crowd has been going *rips shirt open and flexes and grunts* and I've gone *struts* and WHOOOO and the crowd has gone *struts* and WHOOOO. This was hilarious for some reason. Then Flair calls Russo a MARK for the business, Flair, Luger, and Sting. And there is only one franchise of WCW. His name is Sting, not Shane Douglas. Flair name drops Kerry Von Erich, Bruiser Brody, Piper, Sting, Luger, Hogan and says he's pissed away more money in bar tabs than Buff, Russo, and Douglas will ever make. Pumped up crazy Ric Flair is the best. He goes on to say the spot lights aren't lights, they're stars, and if you want to touch greatness, let's see if your balls are big enough.


Flair will agree to a match with Douglas as long as Russo promises to give Flair 5 minutes after the match. "I guess this is the part of the show where I'm supposed to be the chickenshit heel, right?" "I'm not Wahoo, I'm not Dusty, I'm Vince Russo and it is my time!" Lex talks about Buff begging for rides with Lex and Sting and sleeping on cots. "I'm real happy to see that you survived that fatal car crash known as the LEX EXPRESS!" Vince went through contracts and found that Liz's contract belongs to WCW, which means she belongs to him. He sends security to take her, but Lex and Flair take them out and easily break through the ones left at ringside. Russo grabs Liz in his arms and runs up the ramp with her. I was actually amazed he was able to do that. You wouldn't think a dude that looks like him would be able to carry a squirming 120ish pound human up an incline like that. I thought he was going to drop her, but he didn't.

DURING THE BREAK. Security puts Russo in the car and Russo takes off with her.

TO THE BACK. DDP takes David to the trainer. David says he's fine and wants to do this.

Sunny vs Paisley.


Not sure why they brought Sunny in to wrestle. Paisley low blows Sunny. Then Sunny hits a Stone Cold Stunner and dives onto the men. Skip jumps in the ring and tries to clothesline Paisley, but she does the splits and low blows him. The WORST handspring elbow of all time from Paisley. Amazing. She completely stopped and stood there for a second after doing the flips before doing the elbow. Paisley wins with a Northern lights reversed into a DDT. This was odd.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Booker. Major Gunns interrupts the interview. She wants to ask some questions. She asks about Mike Awesome. "Mike Awesome, straight off the independents." Lol. Fuck ECW! Steiner sees it and runs after. DDP is still trying to convince David not to take this match.

Booker vs Mike Awesome.

Steiner and his YAKS are out before the match. God I hope he is on color for this match. Mike Awesome does a sweet catching belly to belly, but other than that he gets man handled for a while until he makes a come back on the floor. Brain keeps trying to get Steiner to beat up Mike and Tony. Top rope lariatooooo. Booker hits the axe kick and goes up for the missile dropkick, but Steiner knocks him off with the belt. Mike Awesome then hits the running Awesome bomb for the win.


Scotty then puts Book in the recliner. Lash LeRoux and Chavo try to make the save. Now Humorous and Van Hamer are out now also. Took all 5 of them to make the save. Tony says something about how weird they are dressed, but they're all dressed like they normally are, so I don't know what he's talking about. It's like they were supposed to be in camo, but Tony had to get the line in even though they weren't.



Scott Hudson had an interview with Bret Hart in his home yesterday. This is over Hulk ducking him since 1993. All Bret wanted to be was the best, for real, and Hogan took that away from him by never having a match so he could it a win over him. And then when Bret goes down injured, Hogan shows back up. Scott Hudson asks if Bret is susceptible to mind games, using Hogan in the early 90s and Vince McMahon and HBK as examples. Hogan just wouldn't pass the torch. He ran off and went to the WCW instead of pass the torch to Bret. He can't do anything without thinking about Hogan. Bret details his brain injury and it doesn't matter if he can't wrestle, he's going to make Hogan pay.

TO THE BACK. Jeff/Eric head to the arena. David finally agrees to stay in the back.

Eric Bischoff/Jeff Jarrett vs DDP/David Arquette WCW Championship Match.

The winner of the fall will win the WCW Championship. There is no ref until we get out special ref to come out: IT'S KIMBERLY PAGE! WE KNOW WHO THAT IS!


Bischoff and Eric brawl to the back. DDP and Jeff stay in the ring. I just noticed that David is wearing the same clothes he wearing on Nitro. But Jarrett said he didn't grab David until earlier in the day. So he slept in and wore the same leather pants and sheer shirt the next day? That's weird. It's not like sleeping in jeans and a t-shirt. Kim is fast counting for Jeff, slow counting or not counting at all for DDP. Eric comes back out, seemingly having disposed of David Arquette. David comes back out! DDP kisses Kim, Arquette spears Bisch while Jeff hits DDP with the belt. Mickie Jay comes in and only counts the pin for David, even though he nor Eric were the legal men. DAVID ARQUETTE IS YOUR NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! This match was actually longer than the cage match on Nitro.


While it was dumb, I don't really have a problem with David Arquette winning the title. It had been in shambles all year so far. Vacated 5 times since December. And it will be vacated 2 more times this year. Three if you count Hogan's Bash at the Beach 2000 reign. I wasn't into Jarrett at all during this period (and I'm still not) and I really wasn't very into DDP at the time, either. He really lost something after winning the title the first time in 1999.


yeah, later wcw was absolutely fucked.

more interesting than current wwe by a fucking longshot, though. it just looked like absolute dogshit compared to the competition at the time. i'd take wcw 2000 right now in a heartbeat.
Russo had an obsession with making the non-wrestler women wrestle. That's why Kimberly randomly quit a few weeks after her heel turn. She said Russo was increasingly pressuring her into wrestling. She got sick of it and quit.


yeah, later wcw was absolutely fucked.

more interesting than current wwe by a fucking longshot, though. it just looked like absolute dogshit compared to the competition at the time. i'd take wcw 2000 right now in a heartbeat.


Hot damn, Kimberly <3
Happy Christmas, WrassleGAF bro's :)

I got me a bottle of Maker's 46 bourbon, it's going to be a very merry Christmas indeed! Might catch up on some indy wrestling before Christmas dinner (we're having goose this year, yum) as I picked up the MP4 of AIW's Hell on Earth 8 (AR Fox vs ACH in a 30 minute Iron Man match!) and AAW's Windy City Classic 8 (Elgin vs Richards rematch!).

What wrestling, if any, will you guys be watching today?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Happy Christmas, WrassleGAF bro's :)

I got me a bottle of Maker's 46 bourbon, it's going to be a very merry Christmas indeed! Might catch up on some indy wrestling before Christmas dinner (we're having goose this year, yum) as I picked up the MP4 of AIW's Hell on Earth 8 (AR Fox vs ACH in a 30 minute Iron Man match!) and AAW's Windy City Classic 8 (Elgin vs Richards rematch!).

What wrestling, if any, will you guys be watching today?

Why I think WrassleGAF, for everyone, will have a Royal Rumble stream on later for all to enjoy. It's the holidays.

Me, I'm going to be driving in freezing rain and ice and snow to visit my family, have them guilt trip me about not staying, and trying not to die while escaping home so I can get snowed in with my roommate and video games.
Me, I'm going to be driving in freezing rain and ice and snow to visit my family, have them guilt trip me about not staying, and trying not to die while escaping home so I can get snowed in with my roommate and video games.

Nice, have fun dude, and stay safe on those roads. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today, the weather is attrocious and we just got a flood warning for our town :/ Hopefully the flood siren won't kick in and ruin Christmas dinner, as we're only two fields away from the river, lol.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The stream may very well fall apart while I'm out braving the elements, don't take it as a sign of my death. I'm about to leave now. Have a good time, everyone!
Merry Christmas! I went to Freedoms tonight. Amazing death match show. The last match had only boards on the ring. Those were removed on a section towards the end then a guy got package pile driven through the hole. Absolutely amazing. More thoughts probably later on this one. Going to hot springs and Ribera tomorrow!
Fucking Hogan...did anyone else always see him as the heel in The Mega Powers feud? They tried to make Savage the bad guy, but I didn't buy it as a kid and I don't buy it now.

Thanks again for hosting the Rumble stream Sunny :)
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