Hogan was always a sore loser in the Rumble.
Cena had been having a lot of Hogan moments lately (even more than usual)
When he cost Ziggler the title, that was pure Hogan.
Merry Christmas! I went to Freedoms tonight. Amazing death match show. The last match had only boards on the ring. Those were removed on a section towards the end then a guy got package pile driven through the hole. Absolutely amazing. More thoughts probably later on this one. Going to hot springs and Ribera tomorrow!
Cena has jealous eyes.
David Arquette had a better title reign than CM Punk
Bookmark this ish, it'll be running all day unless the internet goes out:
WrassleGAF's 24 Hour Royal Rumble Marathon!
Check in periodically to see new Rumbles and new people!
Why does Macho Man look so dirty?
His contract expired, and they couldn't agree on an extension. That's it.remember hogans last run in the wwe? question regarding that, he had this off mr. america gimmick and then just one day got very abruptly fired in kayfab. what was the story there? it didnt seem like a normal future endevour thing, seemed like a vicious burying by mcmahon.
His contract expired, and they couldn't agree on an extension. That's it.
nope tonight or tomorrow
no you can't come over and play my wii u
Thanks for Sunflower for the Rumble stream so I have some wrasslin' to watch during this Christmas day.
Someone who played Sleeping Dogs- the Bruce Lee and other costumes aren't dlc right?
dude get a jacket you have a claim to one!!!
I will try, we heard they don't do them as much now though. I've got my license with me and some pictures queued up!
Glad you guys are enjoying the stream! Hope everyone's having a fantastic day or evening! Slow day for wrasslin!
If you missed it, the GWF Christmas Invitational went live last night, with Aiii defending the TV Title! Have a look...
So beef is a black agumon cosplayer? Fucking. Hilarious
I got the Raw 100 blu ray as Christmas gift. A quick review.
cons: the Raw 100 feature is weak. Some of the interviews in the segment ruin it. For example instead of showing the "are you ready for some wrestling?" skit, Alex Reilly recits the lines from memory.
Pros: The bonus features contain the entire episode of Raw 1000 and a 90 minute Legends Round Table episode.
Some of the Raw 100 segments are the same ones used in the weeks prior to Raw 1000. Overall the blu ray is an reason to release the anniversary episode with lots of bonus features. Which I'm fine with.
Sato had the biggest face turn of all the Karate Kid movies
He went from having X-Pac heat to mid-card face.
Yeah, she's great.You got a cute daughter, SoulPlaya.
You on that no fap diet?Merry Christmas WrassleGAF! Hope you all have had a good Holiday.
Damn it, why must you guys do this to me?! HNNNNGGGG!