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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date



Looking good sunny

I play Madden

See i'm wondering now. I have some games I'm not going to play to trade in and I'm wondering if I get Madden or Super Mario Bros U for me Wii U


We don't FULLY press with our fingers. We tap with the edges or tips. It sucks but much like being left handed, we adapt and deal with it as best we can. Scissors were a pain in the ass in grade school, especially for my mitts.

I'm a left. I had to adapt to do a lot of things with my right, mostly sports and guitar (although left handed guitar makes no sense to me since you do all the fret work with your left hand anyway), but I still can't use scissors and have terrible penmanship. If I have to write something, it looks like a 5 year old did it. It usually looks worse the more time I take to try to make it look nice.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a left. I had to adapt to do a lot of things with my right, mostly sports and guitar (although left handed guitar makes no sense to me since you do all the fret work with your left hand anyway), but I still can't use scissors and have terrible penmanship. If I have to write something, it looks like a 5 year old did it. It usually looks worse the more time I take to try to make it look nice.

Life sucks man. Let me give you a left hand shake to let you know you're in good hands here, though.

Fuckin righties!

Also doing a TON of GWF work while at work today. I want the New Year Show to be incredible.


No the reason you lose to the guys like the Broncos is because they're actually a good team while the Raiders suck!

Eh possibly

well, I found out the wii u version doesn't support the new physics engine which I liked from the demo on 360

but it does have this


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Looks just like what they tried with 2k on the Dreamcast. Hidden playbooks were dope.
Thought I'd do a write-up of the latest AIW show released, as it was a pretty good card and a very fun show...wall of text incoming;

AIW - 11.23.12 - Hell on Earth 8

01. First up, we have Biff Busick (who used to be known as Vortex in Chaotic Wrestling out of Massachusetts) taking on Jaka from Beyond Wrestling. I haven't seen Busick for a few years, but he seems to be in excellent shape and the crowd responds well to him (or maybe just to his entrance theme; Pennywise's Bro Hymn). Jaka keeps impressing me, I really enjoy seeing his jungle wildman character and the intensity he shows with his ring work. They start things off and Busick takes early control after a nice step-up drop kick off the ropes, but a swift elbow from Jaka sends Busick to the outside and Jaka follows up with a big springboard cross-body. Back in the ring, Busick goes for a wheelbarrow, but Jaka drops him right over the ropes and then takes Busick down with a big headbutt to the chest, but Busick gets his foot on the ropes. Jaka goes to work on the arm, but Biff powers through the pain and shows good intensity, taking the fight to Jaka with chops and kicks. Jaka whips Busick into the ropes, but he floats over Jaka's back and hits a HUGE half and half suplex, but Jaka gets straight back up, only to be levelled by a big elbow from Busick that busts Jaka's nose open. Biff tries to ram Jaka's skull into the turnbuckle, but the jungle warrior's head is impervious to pain! Jaka hits some big chops and hangs Busick on the middle rope, sending him to the mat with a chop to the side of the skull and following up with an awesome crossbody for a near-fall. Busick is slow to get to his feet, but when Jaka goes for the Jumanji Bomb Biff counters with an excellent float-over blockbuster for a near, near fall. Busick tries to follow up, but gets caught in Jaka's Jaws of the Jaguar triangle choke. He kicks at Jaka's head to escape, but the jungle warrior gets back up and scores with the Jumanji Bomb, only for Biff to kick out! Jaka goes again for the Jumanji Bomb, but Busick escapes and scores with a high kick. He tries to hit his half and half suplex again, but Jaka dismantles him with a series of precision chops and locks in the Jaws of the Jaguar to pick up the win via submission. Fun opening match, the crowd weren't all that familiar with either guy, but were definitely in to it at the end. - 3.00

. Promo from some beer drinking country dude named Jock Samson, who is in need of a partner and eventually finds one in Marion Fontaine. "I called Bill Watts, but he ain't got back to me yet."

. Good promo from 'All Ego' Ethan Page, smooth delivery. "I'm going to beat the alcohol out of Colin Delaney."

02. Next, The Submission Squad take on Jock Samson, and his 'mystery partner'. HUGE pop for Marion Fontaine. He and Jock will be known as The Old School Express. Fontaine slaps the shit out of the Squad's 3rd member, Gary Jay, knocking him flat out. Evan Gelistico starts things off with Fontaine, but runs screaming from his old-timey boxing style. Pierre Abernathy comes in, but Fontaine hits a series of chops and armdrags. The Submission Squad try to double team Fontaine, but the bell rings and Fontaine sets up a stool in his corner, evidently running this match with rounds, lol. Samson gives him a pep talk, but the Squad rushes them. Samson hits a double noggin knocker, and Fontaine follows up with a double side Russian. Samson and Fontaine go to work on Abernathy. They hit a big double hip toss for a near fall. The Squad eventually isolate Fontaine with some awful, awful offence. Samson finally gets back in, and the 3rd Squad member Gary Jay re-enters the match, only to get taken apart by Jock. Fontaine hits a big cross-body to the floor and the crowd chant "FLY JOCK FLY!" but Gary Jay stops Jock, only to get hip tossed over the top rope! Samson hits a HUGE lariat, but the ref is distracted by Abernathy & Fontaine who have brawled to the back and Jock only gets a 2 count. He goes for a splash in the corner, but Gelistico steps out of the way and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes for the 3-count. Fun match, Samson's not great or anything, but I like his character. Fontaine's old-timey boxer gimmick is AWESOME. The Submission Squad are the drizzling shits. - 1.50

03. Third match in, and it's Davy Vega of The Submission Squad against Josh Alexander. Oh, apparently Louis Lyndon is in this too. And the crowd goes...mild. Fun opening sprint. Alexander is a beast, but is taken down early after he charges into the ring post. Vega & Lyndon have a real nice exchange. When Lyndon's flippy-do shit works, it looks pretty great. Alexander gets back in and hits a deadlift slam Lyndon, followed by a HUGE lariat on Vega. He goes up to the top, but Lyndon locks in a submission. He throws Louis to the mat, and Davey Vega tries for a huricanrana, but Alexander catches him and just powerbombs him off the top rope onto Lyndon! He charges Lyndon, but gets sent over the top, coming down hard with his chin on the apron. Lyndon hits a high knee to Vega on the apron, and then springboards into a mid-rope Asai Moonsault without ever looking to see if Alexander was in place on the outside (he was, barely). Lyndon goes to work on Vega back in the ring, but Alexander eventually gets back in and hits a massive full-nelson suplex, only for Vega to send him to the outside with a drop-kick and then a baseball slide sending Alexander into the crowd. Vega hits a suicide dive on Alexander, but to no effect as the big man just fucking obliterates him by charging him back first into the guardrail. I think Vega might be broken. Alexander tries for the lariat on Lyndon, but he hits a big reverse rana out of nowhere! Lyndon goes for a moonsault, but lands on his feet as Alexander moves out of the way. He charges off the ropes and Alexander elevates him and then fucking catches him into a 360 tombstone piledriver for the 3-count! Holy shit. That was a pretty fun sprint. Alexander is very impressive, very strong and did a good job of selling his early shoulder injury throughout the match. Davey Vega is OK, and Lyndon didn't over do it here too much. - 2.50

04. Next up, 'All Ego' Ethan Page against Colin Delaney...I can't believe this guy was ever employed by WWE, and given more of a chance than Colt Cabana. Saying that, he's pretty crisp in the opening here, hitting some nice arm drags to send Page to the outside. Delaney goes for a suicide dive, but Page catches him across his shoulders. Colin scrambles free and sends Page into the post, but he thumbs the eye and gains control of the match. Page goes to work on the mid-section, but the crowd aren't really into this. Nice inside-out ace crusher from Page for a near-fall. Delaney sends him to the outside and hits a suicide dive armdrag, followed by a monkey flip into the guardrail. Man, this is dull. Some time later, Page's girl throws alcohol into Colin's face and Page hits an awkward looking spinning rock bottom for the 3-count. Meh. - 1.00

. Veda Scott and some weird looking dude named Southside St. Clair are out to cut a promo. I can't make out everything she's saying, some dude keeps screaming "YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT!", lol. Seems to be complaining that Greg Iron hasn't got his title shot, so this will be his last match in AIW. Oh wow, Greg comes out to Punk's old music, Misaria Cantere. Holy shit, he's cosplaying Punk's teary-eyed farewell match in ROH! Greg tries to cut a promo, but the crowd is all over him. He says he was just diagnosed with throat cancer but will battle through it...ok. Crowd are really booing him now, some dude near the camera is losing his shit. Greg demands his title shot, but was not expecting...

05. AIW Tag Team Champions The Batiri, who are seemingly managed by an S&M Veronica Ticklefeather in AIW. The AIW commisioner dude announces Veda Scott & Gregory Iron's title match will be against the tag champs. They get things started as Veda goes for a wristlock on Obaryion, but he just licks green paint all over her face. She tags in Greg, but Obaryion quickly gets the better of him, hitting a twisting European uppercut off the top rope. Greg quickly tags Veda back in. She charges Obaryion and he gets her in a waist lock, but gets distracted by sniffing her hair, lol. Veda is creeped out and tags Greg back in, but he gets double teamed with a sick drop-toe-hold over the knee. Veda makes the save, but the Batiri isolate Iron. Veda again has to make the save, and she takes it to Kodama with some forearms that have little effect. She goes for a wheelbarrow, but Kodama just fucking suplexes the shit out of her and kicks her to the floor. Obaryion hits a big fireman's carry slam for a 3-count on Iron, but Veda reminds the ref that you can only pin the handicapped hero with a 4-count! He tags in Veda, but the Batiri just flatten her with dropkicks and a cannonball in the corner. She kicks out at 2, and hits a jawbreaker on Kodama, making the tag to Greg. He gains control and hits Pay Dirt on Kodama, but it has zero effect. Veda gets back in and starts firing off with a series of kicks, but Obaryion sneaks up behind and picks her up in a torture rack, before throwing her down into an alarm clock kick to the back of her head from Kodama! Fucking sick. Greg breaks it up at the last second and sends Obaryion to the floor. Southside steals Veronica's baton and throws it to greg, who clocks Kodama and then Veda hits a bridging side-suplex for the 3-count! New tag champs! Not a great match, but the Batiri's offence looked excellent, as did Veda who did very well taking some of those hits. Greg Iron's heat is molten, but that cancer comment was pretty tasteless and ill-advised. Liked the Punk cosplaying though. - 2.00

06. Just about half-way through here, as the AIW Women's Champ AK47 Allysin Kay takes on KC. I haven't seen KC before, but Kay has been impressive in what I've seen of her work in SHINE. Wow, Kay has given KC absolutely nothing here, beating on her for a good 5 minutes, but she takes too long jawing with the crowd and KC gets going with...some ugly-ass slam. Allysin quickly locks in the gogoplata hold and forces KC to tap. A real nothing of a match. - 0.50

07. Next up, for the tag titles no.1 contendership, it's Irish Airborne vs Youthanazia of Josh Prohibition & M-Dogg Matt Cross. I'm a fan of the Airborne, they've improved a lot in the past few years. Haven't seen much of Prohibition, but Cross is OK, despite the idiotic name. Prohibition & Dave Crist start off with some nice mat wrestling and a pin exchange. Prohibition goes for his Drunken Driver powerbomb, but Dave huricanrana’s out of it, sending Josh to the corner. Cross and Jake Crist tag in and they go at it fast. Jake counters a monkey flip and places Cross on the top. Cross kicks him away, but Jake charges, only for Cross to escape with a cartwheel across the top rope! Cross ducks the lariat, grabs the waist lock and hits a disgusting reverse fisherman suplex that just dumps Jake right on his neck for a 2-count. Youthinazia take control of the match, isolating Jake. Dave makes a hot tag and surprises cross with a big lionsault crossbody, and then it’s the Airborne’s turn to isolate Cross, hitting a big double team bow & arrow double-stomp! Cross eventually floats out of a suplex and rolls to his corner to makes the hot tag to Prohibition, only for Dave Crist to hit an ace crusher through the ropes followed by a high kick to the head. Cross jumps in on Jake with a double-stomp of his own, but gets flattened by a big waist-lock suplex and all four men are down. Jake goes for the assisted tombstone, but Cross bicycle kicks Dave off the top rope! Prohibition lifts Jake into a fireman’s carry and Cross hits a double-stomp across his back, followed by a death valley driver from Josh for a near-fall. Eh, that probably should have finished it. Dave sends Cross to the floor, then runs across the mat and for some reason ignores Cross entirely and jumps over the guardrail to hit a huricanrana on a huge security guard, seemingly injuring his leg in the process. Jake stalls in the ring awkwardly, but Prohibition hits him with an ace crusher, followed by the Drunken Driver pile-driver for the 3-count. Not a bad match, but it started out slow and got a bit aimless at the end. - 2.75

08. Damn, this is a long-ass show. But I’m looking forward to this one, as ‘Unbreakable’ Michael Elgin takes on Johnny Gargano. Big hometown pop for Gargano, getting a “King of Cleveland” chant from the crowd. Elgin’s making his AIW debut here, but the crowd seem evenly split between both guys as they start things off, Elgin’s power showing immediately. Gargano goes for a waist lock, but Elgin hits an elbow that sends Gargano flying. Johnny gets Elgin in the corner and takes him to the mat with a series of closed fists to the skull, but Elgin’s right back up as Gargano comes off the ropes and gets floored by a shoulder block. Gargano tries to leapfrog Elgin, but gets caught in a powerslam. Gargano gets placed on the top, kicks Elgin away and scores with a double-stomp followed by a rana. He goes for a tornado DDT, but no dice as Elgin just powers out of it into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Elgin then slowly begins to dismantle Johnny, hitting a series of nasty chops across the apron, but Gargano kicks out at one. He tries again to punch Elgin into submission, but gets vertical suplexed for his troubles. Elgin tries for a piledriver, but Gargano counters and manages to elevate Elgin to the outside. Johnny stalls a dive as Elgin rushes back in, but Johnny springs onto the apron and hits the Gotcha! Spear on Elgin. Both men struggle to their feet and Elgin charges Gargano, who moves aside sending Elgin crashing to the floor. Johnny hits three suicide dives, rolls Elgin back in and follows up with his springboard DDT. Gargano goes for a bulldog, but Elgin escapes and hits Johnny coming off the ropes with a big black hole slam for a near-fall! Elgin runs Johnny into the ropes, but gets caught in an STO and both guys are down.

They get to their feet at the count of five and Elgin locks in a crossface from nowhere, but Johnny rolls it into a pin for a near-fall. Elgin goes for the crossface again, but this time Johnny tries to lift the big man and gets hit with a effortless looking deadlift backdrop driver! Elgin follows up with a charging forearm in the corner and then hits a fireman’s carry buckle bomb! They put on an awesome counter exchange, as Elgin locks in the crossface and Johnny counters into the GargaNo Escape forcing Elgin to crawl to the ropes. Gargano goes for a sunset flip, but Elgin just picks him up and buckle bomb’s him! He goes for his spinning powerbomb finisher, but Gargano jacknifes him into a pinning attempt for 2. He superkicks Elgin’s skull for a near, near 2 count. Gargano foolishly tries to lock in a full nelson, but Elgin just levels him with a sick lariat and then hits a huge deadlift bridging German, but Johnny just barely kicks out. They exchange forearms and kicks in an excellent strike exchange that ends with Elgin lariating Gargano to death, but he’s unable to make the pin. Elgin goes for his deadlift superplex and the crowd go wild, but Johnny counters with knees to the skull and tries to sunset flip him off the top, but Elgin’s going nowhere so Gargano kicks his knee out, hits a rope assisted STO and then somehow gets Elgin up for the Hurtz Donut? but Elgin kicks out at 2! Huge cheer from the crowd, who are obviously impressed by Elgin here. Elgin counters a superkick and hits a big forearm to the back of the head, followed by a spinning backfist, a buckle bomb into the corner and then goes for the spinning powerbomb, but Gargano flips out and locks in the Garga-No Escape to force Elgin to tap! Great finishing stretch there, although Gargano always takes so much damn offence in his matches. Elgin is seriously amazing though. He’s going to have an excellent 2013 for sure. - 4.00

09. Next up, some group called #NIXON take on Team AIW of Eddie Kingston, BJ Whitmer, Tim Donst and a mystery partner. Nixon are apparently Bobby Beverly, Aaron Ryan & Ricky Shane Page and they also have a mystery partner...The Necro Butcher! BJ’s out first for Team AIW, followed by Donst and Kingston, who are unsurprisingly having trouble getting along. Their mystery partner turns out to be Chris Dickinson, and Team AIW are seriously unhappy about this for some reason, complaining bitterly to AIW commissioner guy. Kingston & Necro immediately start going at it and the whole thing turns into a big-ass brawl. Kingston gets the ring bell and rings it on the noggins of Nixon, Necro’s already busted open. Donst suplexes Beverly over the guardrail and he lands hard on the floor. Necro throws a trash can at whitmer and then goes back to brawling with Kingston. Dickinson hits a nasty-ass delayed vertical suplex on Ryan, crashing down hard to the floor. Kingston cuts Ryan open with a can and his forehead just starts pissing out blood. Ricky Shane Page is busted wide open too. Some 8 year old-looking kid in the crowd seems kinda shocked, lol. This match is a mess. Necro’s slamming the shit out of Kingston on the floor. His poor knees. Dickinson takes it to Necro with a series of kicks, punting Necro right in his ear. Necro just headbutts him and sends him flying, blood spraying everywhere. Man, Dickison just fucking rocked Necro with a sick European uppercut. Necro bends over and in about 3 seconds there’s a huge pool of blood on the floor beneath him, fuck. Donst goes for a senton off the apron, but lands hard on the floor. Whitmer suplexes Page, but his foot slips on some blood and Page lands very badly. Action turns to the ring for the first time in the match, although Donst is being isolated by Nixon on the outside. Necro punches the shit out of Dickinson, while Kingston gets worked over by Page. Beverly charges off the apron at Donst, but misses and eats the guardrail. Kingston sets up a guardrail in the corner, but gets suplexed into it by Page & Necro while Donst does nothing to help. Nice touch. Dickinson goes to shake Whitmer’s hand, but instead hits some disgusting looking pumphandle backdrop driver, turning on Team AIW! Necro hits a stunner on the ref. Page hits a DVD on the replacement ref, and this one is thrown out as Nixon dismantle Kingston & Donst. Gargano runs out to make the save, hitting the lawn dart on Beverly, followed by a Hurtz Donut? on Page. He tries to make the 3-count, but there’s no ref. One runs down, but he’s wearing a Nixon mask and DQ’s Team AIW for Gargano’s interference! That was sloppy as hell and pretty aimless, but also kinda fun. - 2.50

10. Finally, the main event - and it’s a 30 minute Iron Man match as AR Fox takes on ACH! This has been a long show, and the crowd seems to have thinned out a bit unfortunately, but it should be a good match nonetheless. ACH is shocked by all the blood at ringside, lol. Fox refuses to shake his hand and they start things off fast with a nice series of counters. Fox goes for Lo-Mein Pain early on, but ACH has it perfectly scouted and goes to work with some nice matwork, before showing off his speed and getting the better of Fox with a roll-up to score the first pinfall! 1-0 to ACH. Fox in enraged and hits a big enziguri that sends ACH to the corner. Fox goes for his skin-the-cat dropkick, but ACH tips him back over the ropes and he lands back-first on the apron. ACH springboards over and goes for an Asai moonsault, but Fox moves out of the way. ACH lands on his feet and Fox runs him into the apron, before hitting a 619 with the bottom rope followed by a big crossbody dive to take ACH down. Fox feints another dive and then hits his SSP off the ringpost. Fox takes control of the match, throwing ACH about the outside before hitting a leg drop off the top over the apron for a near-fall. Fox puts ACH in the tree of woe and hits his skin-the-cat dropkick, followed by his SSP senton, but ACH rolls to the floor. Fox whips ACH into the corner and charges, but gets elevated to the floor. ACH scores with a baseball slide and then hits a big suicide dive! ACH gets Fox back in the ring and puts him in a tree of woe, before hitting a headstand dropkick off the top turnbuckle. ACH locks in an abdominal stretch chin lock, and then grounds Fox with a side headlock. Fox fights back to his feet and breaks free, but eats a HUGE leg lariat from ACH for a near-fall. Fox hits a series of drop kicks to turn the tide in his favour, but ACH drops him to the mat and then hits a Texas cloverleaf giant swing forcing Fox to tap out! 2-0 to ACH! Fox makes it to the ropes, but ACH remains in control, working over his midsection. He hits a big side slam and then goes for the 2nd rope 450, but Fox knocks his legs out from under him and hits the Lo-Mein Pain to score the 3rd fall! 2-1 to ACH, the final score of their previous Iron Man match back in April.

AR Fox quickly goes to work, with 15 minutes remaining he hits a HUGE swanton bomb, but only gets 2. He works over ACH’s back and slams ACH to the mat, before going for his springboard 450, but ACH gets the knees up! Very nearly 3-1 to ACH there, but Fox kicks out at the last second. ACH places him on the top and then hits a freaking Guile flash kick to the chin of AR Fox! He superplexes Fox, but hangs on and goes for a package DDT. Fox fights out of it and floors ACH with an Emerald Flowsion, before scoring with the 450. He goes back up to the top and hits CIMA’s Meteora finisher to score the 4th fall! The score is tied at 2-2 and both guys are exhausted, but still pick up the pace. Fox scores with a bridging blue thunder bomb, but only gets a near-fall. ACH does a roll through into an STO and scores with a big frog splash, but Fox kicks out. Fox sends ACH to the floor and goes for Lo-Mein Rain, but gets pushed back inside. He clocks ACH with an enziguri and goes for another 450, but rolls through as ACH moves out of the way, only to score with a smooth springboard dropkick sending ACH to the floor. Fox hits Lo-Mein Rain, but seems in more pain than ACH. I hate that move, so reckless (it’s an imploding springboard front-flip to the floor). He gets to his feet and goes for the ring post SSP, but ACH has moved out of the way. Fox charges him and ACH just powerslams him right into the guardrail. Fox barely answers the 10 count, and the score remains 2-2 with 10 minutes left. Fox & ACH exchange blows in the centre of the ring, but ACH takes the advantage and hits a weird fisherman buster variation for a near-fall. Fox rolls to the floor and ACH goes for another suicide dive, but there’s nobody home as ACH crashes into the guardrail! Fox hits a swanton over the top rope just as ACH is about to get back inside, but hurts his knee in process, with 3 minutes left. Both guys crawl to the apron. Fox hits an enziguri, ACH replies with slaps, but is clearly out of it. Fox goes for a sliced bread off the ring post and scores! ACH is down and fails to make it back in for the ten count, which occurs just 3 seconds before the end of the match. The winner, with a score of 3-2, AR Fox! Post-match, ACH challenges Fox to an hour long Iron Man match, saying he’ll be damned if he loses again. Great match, a lot of fun and remarkably restrained given the competitors, but I would’ve preferred to see it end in a pin-fall rather than a count-out. - 4.50

Overall, this was a fun show, well worth the money for ACH vs AR Fox and Elgin vs Gargano alone. Pretty long though, clocking in at over 3 and a half hours.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shit, musta hit the character limit, but that show looks like hitting just a couple particular matches is the way to go. Don't want to watch any Submission Squad ever again.

You're pretty liberal with your rating system in the past, BUT we've also had a pretty phenomenal year for wrestling so it's not a bad thing. Looking forward to that main event especially after your writeup.

RE: Madden on WiiU -

They should be doing asymmetrical multiplayer in Madden. Player 2 needs to be the player, Player 1 as the coach. Seriously.


It's not even just that, I thought I read somewhere that the system doesn't have enough juice to support more than one wii u controller anyway.

No kidding?


Man it's the underdog, I hope it succeeds.

It's the lower midcard face that needs to get over the big time jerks like Cena(360) and The Rock (PS3)


It's more like John Cena, everyone loves him even though he isn't even good at wrestling which is the whole point of the business he's in! Then he gets good merch sales so he sticks around way longer than anyone wants.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
BTW as I work on this, what other debuts for GWF are you guys wanting to see? Rule: you cannot nominate yourself.
Shit, musta hit the character limit, but that show looks like hitting just a couple particular matches is the way to go. Don't want to watch any Submission Squad ever again.

You're pretty liberal with your rating system in the past, BUT we've also had a pretty phenomenal year for wrestling so it's not a bad thing. Looking forward to that main event especially after your writeup.

The Submission Squad really are fucking dire, but they seem to get good heat for it, so they aren't a total waste, lol. And yeah, I try not to over-think the ratings too much - 3/5 is the standard for a match which I enjoyed and didn't find anything wrong with, and then I just add or deduct points based on sloppiness, execution, pacing, storytelling, excitement, etc.

Next up, I'm watching PWG's Failure To Communicate - Generico & Omega vs The Young Bucks, and Steen vs Ricochet vs Elgin, should be a great show.

Oh, and thanks again for running the Rumble stream yesterday. I watched through '88-91, real nostalgia trip for me as those were the years I first got into WWF :) Also, it was kinda amazing/sad to see the state of Jake Roberts each year, and how quickly Bulldog bulked up.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

but whose side will he be on?

Sting was already in last episode of GWF

The Submission Squad really are fucking dire, but they seem to get good heat for it, so they aren't a total waste, lol. And yeah, I try not to over-think the ratings too much - 3/5 is the standard for a match which I enjoyed and didn't find anything wrong with, and then I just add or deduct points based on sloppiness, execution, pacing, storytelling, excitement, etc.

Next up, I'm watching PWG's Failure To Communicate - Generico & Omega vs The Young Bucks, and Steen vs Ricochet vs Elgin, should be a great show.

Oh, and thanks again for running the Rumble stream yesterday. I watched through '88-91, real nostalgia trip for me as those were the years I first got into WWF :) Also, it was kinda amazing/sad to see the state of Jake Roberts each year, and how quickly Bulldog bulked up.

There's this weird limit between legit heat as a viewer vs. a "I TRULY wish they would STOP" that I feel sometimes. I think their heat is the latter mostly.

Glad you enjoyed the stream, it's STILL GOING. I'll be shutting it down later tonight. Right now we're at the... 1999 Rumble.

Tune in if you like:


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

What about Horace Hogan?

Need gaffers brah! I already have some surprised lined up, just wanna know what people want to see. I mean we got jaekwon15 and Strobogo last episode! Crowd-pleasers, they are.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
G-Fex will be called up to GWF "when the time is right" - I don't want to piss him away in a meaningless feud.


Luger and The Giant having a good big man match so far.

Dusty on commentary:
"The Giant is the most agile athlete in the world"
"Lex is in there with the largest person in the world"


Bizarre how over Luger is here.


I'm terrible, I was terrible in my own E-fed, I was terrible in PWF and jobbed really hard for two weeks or whatever that other E-fed was called.

I don't want to be in another fed

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I was happy when the Bengals put Bo out. He was a thorn in my Broncos' side for far too long.
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