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This (fake) John Cena phone scam is SOOOOOO FUNNNNNY: http://media.z104.com/a/67368183/phone-scam-john-cena.htm
That was good, got some smiles from my stoic face.

This (fake) John Cena phone scam is SOOOOOO FUNNNNNY: http://media.z104.com/a/67368183/phone-scam-john-cena.htm
I've heard rumblings that DDT4 was booked way in advance. mostly for the Briscoes sake. So that might explain it.
Aiii said:Teehee.
Just another reason why New Japan is superior - biggest show of the year, $35 bucks, live worldwide;
You just HAD to remind me. I'm so goddamned hyped for Wrestle Kingdom. GOD. SO HYPED. Gonna be amazing.
Not when he calls Punk a fruity loop.
Oh yeah, PWG have had trouble with the Briscoes no-showing a bunch of times before, right?
The best part about this isnt even Okada, its fucking Gedo, his bandana and him screaming at something
Lol, from the ROH newswire today;
"Everybody in the Briscoe family is safe after an unruly Christmas party that saw Mark Briscoe almost lose his hand."
Oh, Dem Boys. It'll be interesting to see what happens when their ROH contracts expire early next year, as I feel they've done pretty much everything there is for them to do in ROH - they, more than anyone else on the roster, could really benefit from a change of scenery. Also, Dem Boys are pretty much a perfect gimmick for WWE.
I'd rather see them in TNA where they can still be dem boys.
Okado? I think you guys mean Okato from tna?
Remember Cryme Tyme's debut vignettes? horrific.
I buy very few wrestling DVDs nowadays, as I mainly go for iPPVs and MP4 downloads - PWG (and a handful of smaller indies) are the only promotion I still buy DVDs from, and only then because their MP4 downloads are so slow to release. Digital is the future.
Oh, nice - CHIKARA student show Wrestling is Fun! are running an iPPV this Saturday, priced at just $4.99;
http://www.smvod.com/premium-video/wrestling-fun-december-29-2012-allentown-pa-ippv - $4.99
- 'Mr. Touchdown' Mark Angelosetti vs Fire Ant
- Hallowicked & Frightmare vs The Devastation Corporation
- Jaka vs Saturyne
- Lance Steel vs Juan Francisco De Coronado
- Green Ant vs STIGMA
- Latvian Proud Oak vs Obaryion
- assailANT vs Dasher Hatfield
- Los Ice Creams vs Kodama & Kobalt
- Jolly Roger vs Oleg the Usurper
Looks like a fun card, I'll definitely be watching for such a low price after they gave the last two WiF! iPPVs away for free. Should be a good main event between Touchdown & Fire Ant, and I'm looking forward to seeing if Hallowicked & Frightmare can take down The Devastation Corporation - I watched the Wresting is Awesome! debut event last night, and the Corporation just absolutely murdered 3.0. Jaka vs Saturyne is a complete mismatch, but I'm looking forward to seeing the jungle warrior do his thing. Juan Francisco De Coronado has been impressive on both WiF! & WiA! shows, and while the Latvian Proud Oak is the strangest gimmick I've seen in recent years, he's pretty hilarious. Shame there's no Jervis Cottenbelly on the card though.
Who's gonna watch the last iPPV of 2012? Only $4.99! It'll be fun, I promise.
The CHIKARA roster is going to have some nice new additions in the near future. I'm really looking forward to seeing the Devastation Corporation in a competitive match and of course that hot new sensation Latvian Proud Oak.
One thing I love about WIF is it brings back the sillier "throw anything at the wall and see what sticks" gimmicks that Chikara used to do. Their current method of having almost every new gimmick be tied in with their big storyline or with an existing faction is fine but feels limiting and overdone, especially recently with the Gekido despite the fact I am a fan of that storyline.
What does Chikara do when a guy goes down or no shows when they had him penciled in a year in advance for some show or part in the story?
Yes, I said that months ago.Speaking of the Rumble and of Kane, you Kane fans realise that the 2013 Rumble will be where Ryback breaks Kane's record for most eliminations, right?
Speaking of the Rumble and of Kane, you Kane fans realise that the 2013 Rumble will be where Ryback breaks Kane's record for most eliminations, right?
Feels bad man.Yes, I said that months ago.
That would soften the blow at least.Kane will probably break hbks record as well
Feels bad man.
That would soften the blow at le
I wonder how Kane and Bryan will interact in the RR match? should be fun.
Yes, I said that months ago.
At this point, I'm expecting Kane to work the concession stand at WM.Kane will get eliminated by Ryback too
That's. . . . . . genius.What if Kane has an angle where he starts making his own fan art?
What if Kane has an angle where he starts making his own fan art?
At this point, I'm expecting Kane to work the concession stand at WM.
When he retires, it'll be on Superstars, and he'll job to Roman Reigns. Then, during his non-televised retirement speech, HHH will come out, spit in his face, pedigree him, and Kane will just walk out while HHH is celebrating in the ring. Afterwards, GGG will work as a member of the ring crew until he's 90 (and he'll set up the ring at multiple shows each day).
One day, at age 83, he'll climb onto the top rope when no one is watching, and execute a perfect top rope clothesline. He'll then stand up, dust himself off, shed a tear, and go back to work before Mr. Stephanie McMahon fires him. At age 90, he'll die after breaking his back lifting a turnbuckle stand, and the only thing that will be found on him will be a wallet full of pictures of his family. The WWE will then throw his carcass in their storage warehouse.
EDIT: And people will still be posting fan art of him that will go unnoticed by the company.
Jeff Hardy draws his fan art on his own face.
Is there a way for a mod to have this playing in the background in the January thread?
Would you log onto Steam already?
D'aaw I don't know what to say! Thanks Sunflower, thanks for all your help this year too.
Fuck yes! I love that cheesey 80's/early 90's stuff.
At the Royal Rumble PPV, they need this playing in the background while it shows wrestlers standing in front of a blue screen doing 5-10 second promos saying how they're gonna win the rumble!!