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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


I love how I read from somewhere right now this:

Was York's line questioning where they find these guys a shot at some of the former ROH wrestlers that management has perceived had big heads over the years?

I'm not sure TNA thinks that deep.


I liked TNA when I watched in 2005. It was a simpler time, we were all younger then. TNA still had the hexagon ring, which we all called the mexigon hexagon ring. You'd see people from the WWE and go 'oh yeah, I remember them' and then they'd have some wrestling.

It was a good time with all those extra turnbuckles and Stinger would show up occasionally and you'd say to yourself 'Oh it's the stinger from the WCW, he's here now. Good ol' Stinger' and you'd watch and listen to what Sting had to say, still putting on his facepaint after all these years. Then he'd do some wrestling.

They'd even show the PPVs for free a couple days after the event, it was good because you'd get a good match with Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe and you were satisfied. They'd wrestle and you were elated when Joe finally won.

'That Joe is very agile for a big fellow' you'd say to your friend at the end and he'd agree with you. And that was that you left satisfied with a bit of wrestling.
It's so sad watching Hulk Hogan give a promo in the middle of the ring, and the camera is so tight that you can see the people in the audience yawning. Yet if he returned to WWE on Monday, the crowd would be going nuts.


So after Aces and Eights beat the crap out of Anderson in the past. He might help them out because they offered him a 3 way. Sounds logical.
With the exception of the Knockouts match that was actually a decent match, this was hands-down the worst, most bland wrestling show I've ever watched.

Those Nitro/Thunder recaps in this thread put this TNA show to shame. I'd take David Arquette winning the title over "boring dude 1" vs. "boring dude 2" anyday.



So not worth it
So, they ruin Bully Ray, they still have these inner monologues for Hardy. I don't know how long guys like Aries and Kaz & Daniels can keep me from once again stop watching Impact.


Bit weird to see Kaiju Big Battel getting involved with wrestling now when a few years ago they seemed to think they were different to/above it.
Bit weird to see Kaiju Big Battel getting involved with wrestling now when a few years ago they seemed to think they were different to/above it.

Yeah, they started offering Kaiju shows on demand over at Smart Mark Video earlier in the year, and Kaiju have promoted with CHIKARA in the past, so I guess they see some potential for cross-over between the audiences. I'm not really that familiar with them, to be honest. They seemed to want to make clear that it wasn't wrestling, so I wasn't interested.

Mr. Sam

I'm watching Raw and it is amazing. If there isn't a gif of Booker T yelling "Do it for Santa!" in Cena's face, I don't want to live on this planet any more.


So not worth it
Haven't found one of that.

This segment though, it's just a gif-goldmine:




Nobody can match Bryan's facial reactions.

Though Darren Young did some great despair when he heard about the grim future of Santa, guy's world just fell apart:



WCW Western Union's Western Union Presents Western Union WCW Slamboree Presented by Western Union's Western Union. 5/7/2000


TO LAST WEDNESDAY. Recap of Macho Man popping in out of the blue and Ric Flair winning the battle royal.

A bus has pulled in. It is the Millionaires Club. The New Blood are watching this.

Chris Candido vs The Artist WCW Crusierweight Championship

Skip does his crazy face first back drop to the floor bump. I can't give a shit because TAFKAPI is involved. They have the old school ramp to the ring and Skip got back dropped on it. It sounds like someone is running a shop vac somewhere near a camera. Jesus. Really sloppy. From both guys. Very loud YOU SUCK chants come up after a series of botched moves. Tammy kind of hits both Prince and Paisley with a chair. Chris pins and the bell rings and his music hits, but it was actually only two. Sunny even got in the ring to celebrate and had to quickly get out. Skip then hits a piledriver and diving headbutt for the win. I don't really know why the chair shot didn't end the match. This whole match was a botch. The men botched, the women botched, the ref botched, the bell ringer botched, the guy who plays the music botched. Just a whole lot of botching. I should send this match to Maffew.

A recap of Terry Funk taking big bumps and getting hit in the head with things.

TO THE BACK. Terry Funk is walking around in the back and asks for Norman. The crew points to the bathrooms. Funk kicks in the stall door and grabs someone, but Norman shows up from behind with a fire extinguisher. I think he called Funk a son of a bitch!

Terry Funk vs Norman Smiley/Mystery Partner WCW Hardcore Championship.

Fans pop big for a mini wiggle. Norman is beating the fuck out of Funk. Mean Gene's interview gets knocked down. Norman's partner is on top of carpets throwing empty boxes. Funk has that crazy aim where he throws chairs without even looking, yet drills this dude even on top of a bunch of turf. And not folding chairs, either. This is a wacky and pretty fun brawl so far. All 3 guys are shitting all over this mystery partner for sucking so god damn much. It's pretty funny, actually. They're finally making it to the stage area. Norman is still down somewhere, but Funk is dragging the mystery partner onto the ramp. Madden suggests it might be Bubba the Love Sponge. IT'S RALPHUS! Norman drops a ladder on Funk's head from the second rope. Landed perfectly. BIG WIGGLE! Might gif if just for the weirdness.


Ralphus wants to do the big wiggle to Funk.


He does it, but Funk hits him with a chair. Then hits him for real stiffly as fuck. Funk rolls up Norman for the win. This was actually pretty fun. I wonder if Jericho still has any contact with Ralphus. Is Ralphus even alive?

TO THE BACK. A limo arrives and Gene is there to talk to WCW Champion David Arquette. Gene is particularly orange tonight. DDP doesn't think David is a wrestler, so he had to come on his own.

Shawn Stasiak vs Curt Hennig

I think Perfect is hurt going into this. He's walking like his back is hurt and stretching it even before a move has happened to him. The MIA are sitting at ringside. Stasiak has a pretty good looking top rope lariatttoooo. Perfect tries to slam Stasiak on the ramp and just kind of let go while holding him selling the back, but I can't tell if it was for real or not. Whoever recorded this PPV must not have liked Mark Madden since he muted once Madden started to go on a rant. Crowd is weirdly into this. Stasiak wins completely clean with the Perfect Plex.

TO THE BACK. The New Blood get ready. Steiner really doesn't like it when Russo touches him.

Humorous vs Scott Steiner WCW US Championship.

No more Hugh Morris. Bischoff game him that name and he doesn't want it anymore. So, it was kind of like his slave name. He's now going to go by his real, African name: Hugh G. Rection. Captain Rection, for short. Midajah's giant fake boobs are not nice to me. But the YAKS get up on the apron and distract Hugh. I guess you could say he had a huge erection. Spinning heel kick from Boner! Macho Elbow! He went for the moonsault, but those damn YAKS tripped him, sending him into a tree of Joey Lawrence. Scott is throwing Hard On around like a bitch. Bear hug turned into a belly to belly. Steiner keeps going to the floor to yell at fans. Steiner almost hits a tiger driver 91. He couldn't really get Cock over and just kind of dropped him. Then he went for a tombstone, which was reversed into an Owendriver.


He goes for another moonsault and the YAKS are involved again. He did the moonsault anyway and Steiner rolled out of the way. But not all the way out of the way, so Dick's knees and legs DRILLED Steiner right in the fucking head. It looked rough.


And so was the OwenDriver. I wouldn't be surprised if Steiner had a concussion or two after this. But this was a shockingly good and decent match. "Whatever, I was looking at their, their hooters, quite frankly." The MIA jump the rail to get Hardon out of the recliner, but security caught them. Booker T hits the ring to save Schlong.

Mean Gene with Kanyon. Kanyon considers DDP a brother.

Mike Awesome vs Chris Champag ne Kanyon Suicide Match.

I think Awesome's music is a remixed version of the Revolution's theme, was was just a JHV of The Beautiful People. "He's just playing for the wrong team right now" has a different meaning in light of Kanyon coming out as enjoying the Hugh G. Rections. Awesome hit his crazy tope which basically turned into a spear.


Awesome is stuck up against the post and Kanyon did a baseball slide into him. Then he did a flipping canon ball off the apron. Super lariattoooooooo. Mike bends a chair over Kanyon's kidneys. Mark Madden is so obnoxious. Brawling in the crowd now, complete with ECW chants. Slingshot splash. Kanyon hits that weird fire man carry face slam thing that is still in WWE games despite no one having done that move ever on WWE TV to my knowledge. Alabama Slam! Kanyon is MURDERED with a powerbomb. Holy fuck. That was scary.


Awesome pulled the mats up on the floor. He's going to attempt an Awesomebomb to the floor, but Kanyon slipped out. But he didn't get out of the throwing German suplex. Then he tries to Awesomebomb him off the ramp to the floor, but BIG SEXAAAYYY comes out and makes Aike Awesome his bitch. The A-Team of the New Blood hit the ring, then the Millionaires come out, then security. Flair, Sting, Kanyon, and Nash stand tall. One of these is not like the other. This was another pretty good match, minus the scary powerbomb.

TO THE BACK. Russo has Liz in the back. He owns her and tells her to change her table cloth she's wearing.

Buff Bagwell vs The Total Package.

Lex looks so sad posing with no Liz to rip his tear away clothes off.


They again talk about how all these personal rivalries make the titles meaningless right now. Hudson tries to say it is ridiculous, but Tony and Mark have made this point two shows in a row now. This match isn't bad at all. In the back, Liz comes out from changing, but she didn't change and shoved Russo back in his chair before knee capping him with the bat. She comes to the ringside area. Liz tries to hit Buff with the bat, but he catches it. Lex spins Buff around and gets hit in the balls I think, then in the leg with the bat. Buff climbs up for the blockbuster, but Liz hits him for real this time, sending him crashing to the mat. Torture rack for the win. Crowd popped huge for the finish. Post match, Chuck Palumbo attacks Lex. He's wearing the same tights and knee pads as Luger. Chuck puts Lex in the torture rack! And Buff has Liz again. She probably should just not come to shows when she gets free.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Shane Douglas. Excuse me, the Franchise. Shane shouldn't be clean shaven. It makes him look older and fatter.

Shane Douglas vs Ric Flair.

Flair is again in slacks and a t-shirt. Flair calls Shane a dipshit pre-match and says he's going to kick Shane's ECW ass, pal. WHOOOO. Tony talks about having an online argument with a fan over Flair's first title win. I wish Tony would get on Wrasslegaf and argue with us. ECW really destroyed Shane's body. Flair looked to be in better physical shape (although not visually) despite Shane being 38 and Flair being 53. And Flair having a full ten years more in wrestling. Shane was just broken down. But he puts Flair in the figure four. HEADBUTT TO THE DICK! Flair with a blatant low blow. Shane does probably the stiffest suplex I've ever seen to Ric. I tried to gif it, but it didn't at all capture the speed and violence of it. Shane gets the chain out. Then he hits the 3 Amigos. Now we're going to school. Tony and Madden are talking about how brutal and mean these guys are, but other than the crazy suplex and a few chops, this is a pretty normal match. Flair is about to slap on the figure four, but Buff runs in. He takes care of Buff and fake Sting fan hops on the apron to hit Flair with a bat. Shane inside cradles Flair for the win. Post match beat down continues. Including a punch to the dick with a chain. Win or lose, Ric Flair was supposed to have 5 minutes in the ring with Russo. Lex comes out and makes fake Sting get in the ring, but Russo is behind Lex and hits him with the bat. Fake Sting breaks a statue of liberty on Flair. It is....DAVID FLAIR! SWERVE. DAVID FLAIR HAS TURNED ON HIS FATHER! You know, I don't think I can really blame him for this considering how Ric has treated David for the past 4 months. Kevin Nash very slowly strolls out. Nash tries to powerbomb Russo, but Daffney hits him with a bat or in the balls, couldn't really see. This guy again mutes when Mark Madden starts talking.

Recap of the Sting/Vampiro weirdness.

Vampiro vs Sting.

They start the match on the ramp. Sting with a missile dropkick? And then a top rope plancha to the floor. Sting is motivated tonight. DDT on the floor. Sting is dominating so far. Vamp makes a come back with a punch to the dick. Now he's laying in to Sting with a lead pipe. Back to the ramp. Back to the ring. Sting hits a superbomb!


Now Sting has the pipe. Those 20 pipe shots didn't matter. The pipe might as well be giving clotheslines. Death drop! A second Death drop! Sting pins Vampiro. Again. Pretty easily. Again. Sting comes back in the ring just to whack him with the pipe again once Vamp started to get up. This feud has been terrible for Vampiro. He's been consistently dominated the whole thing. And any time he gets a one up on Sting, he gets the fuck beaten out of him for it. I don't understand why they didn't continue with Vampiro teaming with Sting and being a face, since he was probably the second or third most over guy on the whole roster in the span of a month and a half. He could have turned on Sting later. It was stupid to blow through that angle after about two weeks of them being bros.

TO THE BACK. Tenay is with DDP and World Champion David Arquette. Mr. Cox is nervous. DDP has a plan for David. He is to stay out of Jeff's way, but climb to the top if other guys come out. Nash is angry and looking for Mr. Russo. Tenay is now with Kidman (with Torrie) and Bischoff (with Kim). Kidman can't lose with Bischoff as ref tonight.

Kidman vs Terry Bollea

Eric Bischoff is the special ref. Horace is out with Hulk. Eric sends Horace to the back. Hogan press slams Kidman on to an open chair. Probably hurt. Kidman did Mickie James' corner rana to Hogan, who took it right on his dome since he had never taken one before. Da Kid uses Torrie as a human shield. "If I were a hot woman, I wouldn't want to touch Hogan, either." "If you were a hot woman, I'd get out of town." Dad takes his belt off to whip son, but Mom (Eric) stops it. Now Son has the belt and he's strapping his father! Hip toss over the ropes. Eric won't count for Hogan. He even stops the big leg drop. Hogan punches Eric for it and hits the leg drop anyway. Eric tries for a chair shot, but Hogan catches it this time and hits Eric with a chair shot much harder than the one he would hit Kidman with. Hulk sets up two tables in the ring. A leg on one table breaks while he's setting it up. Hogan attempts to powerbomb Eric, but Kidman stops it with two chair shots. Crowd is super hot for Hogan. Hulk Hogan powerbombs Eric Bischoff through a table! He goes to get another table. Kidman tries to splash Hulk through it, but misses. Horace comes out and counts the three with Eric's hand.


TO THE BACK. Russo throws Liz in the bus, but Lex was in the driver's seat! Russo bails and steals a car as Nash sips a beer.

Recap of the Jeff Jarrett/DDP/David Arquette stuff.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Double J.

DDP vs Jeff Jarrett vs David Arquette Triple Cage WCW Championship

It is a Hell in a Cell with a slightly smaller than ring size cage on top of it, with a tiny cage on top of that, with the title above that. The title should probably be inside of the top cage, right? DDP is wearing the old school rib wrap, plus ludicrously big elbow pads that take up most of his arms. David tries to run away. Jeff plants DDP with a DDT. David misses a superfly splash.


The HIAC has so much give. DDP tries to get up to the next level, but Jeff back suplexes him from the ladder. Then DDP powerbombs Jeff from the ladder. DDP makes it up to cage 2, which is a hardcore cage. It even has a kitchen sink. DDP cuts the chain to the door and tried to get out, but Jeff caught him. They go through one side of the cage. DDP hits a powerslam through a table on the wobbly second level of the cage. They're fighting on the outside of cage two. It's about 8 feet wide. David climbs his way up to cage two. David is up at cage 3. Mike Awesome is now up there and he attempts a powerbomb to DDP. DDP reverses it into a Diamond Cutter that turned into a neck breaker because Mike didn't want to bump on his face on a cage. David is on top of the cage, DDP and Jeff are inside the 3rd cage which is full of guitars. David is standing on top of the top cage with a guitar. DAVID ARQUETTE HITS DDP WITH THE GUITAR! IT WAS A SWERVE! IT WAS THE ULTIMATE SWERVE! Jeff Jarrett grabs the title. New Champion!


Kanyon saves DDP from another Awesomebomb and gets thrown off the second cage on to the ramp. Kanyon is dead. Owen voices and all. Which was particularly tasteless considering this took place in the same arena Owen died in close to a year to the day of it happening. Someone taking a big bump like that is whatever, but that they did it with in 3 weeks of the anniversary of Owen's fall in the same arena is pretty crass, even for Russo.


Over all, this was a pretty enjoyable show. Nothing was bad except for the opener, even matches you'd expect to be bad (Buff vs Lex, Stasiak vs Hennig) were decent to good. It was mostly pretty fun to watch. Light years better than Spring Stampede. There was a Western Union logo on the TurnerTron and TWO on the ring mat.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What a show! And what a writeup - Kanyon should have been dead THEN, those are some fucking sick-ass spots for WCW to throw out on a televised weekly. RIDICULOUS.

Also I loved Midajah, felt she was the perfect counterpoint to someone like Steiner.
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