Who wants to watch three hours of squash matches and promos about tater tots?
I'm not saying it needs to stay three hours. Surely USA and WWE have numbers guys who could make a case for a shorter show being more conducive to selling the product.
Millions of dollars from a company making more money than it has in years?
Yet the ratings are lower than they have been ever at times, recently.
The only thing I could see happening, is if the TV deals become less, and less lucrative, and the Network gets Disney, Coke, and other major companies(Or at least more Network ads) to advertise on the network. Then I could see them going back to the old Studio format that NXT is using, and no more fly by the seat of your pants live shows.
Honestly with broadcast TV slowly dying. This might be the eventual outcome.
Yep. We can only hope.
new paige