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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

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Hanson is Handsome shooting all over the goddamn place.

I have zero idea which indy jobbers he's blabbing about, nor do I give enough of a shit to find out


I was watching this Awful promo of Michael Elgin and suddenly in the comments box...


Alucard...come on

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And not wrestling related but this is the coolest thing I've seen today

It's like a new playable race in a video game riding their epic dog mounts or something.
i'll still remember it and goddammit that's all that counts

unrelated I saw a Titus Andronicus CD at my record store for $3 used. still too much imo so i didn't buy it

The Ron Swanson gimmick ran dry real fast on Parks and Rec, and it's kinda weird the actor is running with it everywhere else.

I think that's just how he is, minus the over-the-top libertarian stuff

...unless i'm getting worked
Just let him do the gimmick. The lazy entitled millennials need their version of Larry The Cable Guy, too.


Based on earlier in this very thread, shouldn't it be

I will not continue the bullying of Sister Crayjay for an honest mistake.

Last couple of seasons of that show have been terrible. Same with Community.

They both had their moments but started to wear thin. I don't know why my tolerance for WWE is so high when I'm pretty merciless with every other TV show.
Side note: How the fuck did Rocko's Modern Life get away with 1/3rd of the shit they pulled? There was some downright filthy stuff in there that wasn't subtle at all


The word "carny" being in every other post is getting old real fucking fast. You guys are like when WWE ran the Fandango theme into the ground.


I'm over here watching old Christmas commercials. Out of nowhere a old Clash of the Champions commercial comes on. It was weird seeing a young Cornette reading "night before christmas" with names like Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Road Warriors, and Freebirds within the same passage.
Nash's legend contract has been suspended. When officers tried to take photos of his injuries Nash said "get a subpoena"

Oh Captain, My Captain.
Expected but noteworthy. From this week's Observer:

Morale in WWE, which wasn’t good before, has been noticeably different according to several sources since the Austin/McMahon interview. The basic feeling is that McMahon crapped on just about everyone in the locker room except Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns and Wyatt, and made it clear those were the only ones he saw with top star potential. The obvious points about nobody for years being willing to reach for the brass ring hit home with the guys who have had stop-and-start pushes and never were booked in a manner that would have made them anything but mid-carders. The key points brought up were the burial of Cesaro, particularly since he looked to be a guy, and was even thought by management ten months ago as being a guy, who would be a top babyface. This fell apart when they turned him heel and booked him like a mid-carder, the brass ring comment, and the comment about how they didn’t have anyone except Lesnar who could have beaten Undertaker.

After morale got bad because of that interview, HHH stepped in and gave a speech to the entire roster which was described as an attempt to do damage control that backfired. As a general rule, the guys in NXT love him, but on the main roster, whatever he said lost him a lot of credibility, particularly with those who have been there for some time. Admittedly, he was put in a bad position, trying to come up with a positive spin on what Vince said to a locker room that he buried and are frustrated because most were done in by the stop-and-start booking and a promo style that gets almost nobody over.
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