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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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So usually my relatives would give me money for Christmas and lottery tickets because for some reason they're really into that, as I guess most old people are. Well this year they just gave me lottery tickets. I won $6. Can you believe that carny shit?


get a paperwhite instead of the regular

Just don't get the tablet ones. I have an older epaper one, but the white's probably the best. Just avoid Fires because they suck as ereaders.

Thank you bros.
And on the subject of distracting women in movies we're watching



Yeah she was, yay google.


Where does WrassleGAF stand on e-books? Considering getting a kindle or some shit. I don't know...... Gift card mentality.....

My sister on my birthday this year got me a Kindle Paperwhite. Renewed my love for leisure reading. I take it and my 3DS everywhere and usually I read way more on the road than play with the 3DS.

Also, with the Harry Potter Books that I always wanted to read you can't get them on Amazon and only through Pottermore. Thankfully, you can rent e-books through your public library on a loan for 21 days (all thanks to Overdrive).

Wrestling books I've read so far on the thing are...

The first two Jericho books
Bret Hart Book
Death of WCW 10th Anniversary edition

Next books on the wrestling genre I want to read are the book by the Deadspin writer and Jericho's third book which I hear is pretty good.

But yeah, Paperwhite is awesome birthday/Christmas/whatever present. Should be 120 bucks. The sequel to it, the Voyage, looks great but is at 200 bucks. I think most people would be fine with the Paperwhite though.


Great awards and winners. Glad to see roh didn't dominate the shit out of them and make wrestling fans look bad. Idc if the entire roster can do a moonsault. Doesn't make them better workers and it sure as hell doesn't change the fact that they're performing in vfw halls and high school gymnasium.

ROH doesn't do high school gyms anymore, man. And it's all wrestling. And some wrestlers from ROH are better than WWE wrestlers, and some from WWE are better than those from ROH.

I rarely watch sequels to movies anyways, so I'm fine on that front. Like I don't even like Aliens or Terminator 2.

And I'm surprised WCW never ran an angle with Vader dressed as Santa then powerbombing Sting and ruining all the little Stinger's Christmases

My man. I'm also in the "Alien and Terminator are better than their sequels" club. I don't get the Aliens love-in at all. I mean, it's a cool enough action flick, but Alien is so much better as a narrative.
Just wanted to pop in and give a hearty "Merry Christmas" to all you dumbass marks. Not wanting to get into some conversation about your mark awards gimmick. But I actually respect the Boots, so I'll respond to this:

Technically, Seth Rollins won. Sami Zayn is an NXT Superstar and, as the promotion of the year award clearly shows, NXT is a separate entity from the WWE.

It's a grey area. Sami Zayn worked a match on Raw, so a case can be made that he exists in the central WWE Universe™ too.


Back to business...


Wow. She was 56 when that last picture was taken and now she's 60? Looking pretty good, I'd say.
In other news, according to a text from my dad, John Cena is going to be on Neil Cavuto on Fox News like in a minute.

...it's absolutely true that John Cena doesn't know what to do in his free time.
Watched Vader & Bam Bam vs The Steiners. Unsurprisingly it's awesome, not the perfect tag match but the crowd freak the fuck out for everything all four guys do. Even Scott botching. He gets a ton of sympy, as Vader lays his shit in to the degree that the crowd buy into a half dozen nearfalls before Scott finally gets a freaking huge hot tag to Rick. Finish is a bit abrupt, but features Rick's freakish strength. I never fail to be amazed by him just effortlessly throwing dudes around.





According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE officials have been worried that Reigns doesn’t have the mic skills, even after taking acting classes while he was injured, or the ability to work a long singles match. Fans have also seemed to grow tired of Roman Reigns. The crowd was heard chanting “boring” during his Monday match with Big Show and booing the former Shield member.

Meltzer is reporting that WWE has decided to change the outcome of the Royal Rumble match and have Dean Ambrose win and challenge Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Many feel that Ambrose is a better worker and has the mic skills to be a top star. While nothing is set in stone, this adds a little uncertainty in an otherwise predictable Royal Rumble match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Now that I'm back I'm going to give my analysis of the Carnies Awards.

- Male WWE Superstar of the Year - Sami Zayn

A nice try, but the WRONG answer. Seth Rollins should have been the one. He's the sole REAL heel who has managed to stay hot. Show some fucking appreciation. Perhaps NXT needs to be considered non-WWE in total, or maybe the other way around, for the Fourth Annual Carnies.

- Best Non-WWE Wrestler - AJ Styles

God damn right.

- Tag Team of 2014 - The Young Bucks

I can't argue this, because they were. Absolutely disgusted that Mizdow is even on the list, much less a very hot #2. Shame on yall.

- Best Women's Wrestler - Charlotte

Interchangeable with my current favorite, Sasha Banks, who is amazing and very young. Both have such bright futures.

- WWE Match of the Year - Daniel Bryan vs HHH

It was great. My vote actually went to the worst-performing pick of the nominations, Team Cena vs Team Authority at Survivor Series. I fucking loved that. It was actually legitimately epic and entertaining.

- Non-WWE Match of the Year - AJ Styles vs Minoru Suzuki

It was the best.

- Promotion of the Year - NXT

It wasn't NJPW, so there's the mistake. Still, a very bright and promising future for NXT. I do enjoy it.

- Best on the Mic - Stephanie McMahon

She has been an expert at diverting and adjusting the crowd to play into her hands, I have to give her credit. Enzo Amore in a close #2 is encouraging, as well. I voted Jimmy Havoc, because he is an incredible cunt and has managed to sell that 100%.
Watched Vader & Bam Bam vs The Steiners. Unsurprisingly it's awesome, not the perfect tag match but the crowd freak the fuck out for everything all four guys do. Even Scott botching. He gets a ton of sympy, as Vader lays his shit in to the degree that the crowd buy into a half dozen nearfalls before Scott finally gets a freaking huge hot tag to Rick. Finish is a bit abrupt, but features Rick's freakish strength. I never fail to be amazed by him just effortlessly throwing dudes around.



In a "nuh-uh I'm going to murder you first" match



wasn't it always understood that WWE never plans long term and basically changes decisions last minute anytime they feel like?

Also.. Ambrose against Lesnar would only end up with a buried Ambrose. Him winning is never gonna happen. I doubt they gave up on Reigns already. And realistically all they have to do is giving him some decent match ups to make him popular.. Rollins would be ideally the guy to carry him through a decent match(and yes he needs to be carried by another guy)


Dragonzord, I don't know why you mentioned Raven/Dreamer in relation to good story telling in wrestling. That feud is fucking awful. The story itself (Dreamer and Raven fighting over a fat girl from summer camp) was stupid, the promos were garbage, and the matches were even worse.


That shit wasn't from Meltzer.

This was tho

With the Smackdown tapings on 12/21, the only house shows were on 12/20. The 12/20 show in Sioux Falls, headlined by Reigns, drew 5,500.

Main event saw Reigns pin Kane with Ric Flair as referee. Flair was more over than any of the wrestlers on the show. Flair is really inexperienced as ref and counts slow. The finish saw Kane shove Flair around, and Flair came back throwing chops, and Kane was stunned and hit with the Superman punch and nailed by the spear.


Now that I'm back I'm going to give my analysis of the Carnies Awards.

- Male WWE Superstar of the Year - Sami Zayn

A nice try, but the WRONG answer. Seth Rollins should have been the one. He's the sole REAL heel who has managed to stay hot. Show some fucking appreciation. Perhaps NXT needs to be considered non-WWE in total, or maybe the other way around, for the Fourth Annual Carnies.
Absolutely agreed. Dude is the future and my favorite of the former Shield guys.
fuck Ambrose and his old lady smoker voice.

Fuck anybody with any discernible talent! Am I right boys?

A nice try, but the WRONG answer. Seth Rollins should have been the one. He's the sole REAL heel who has managed to stay hot. Show some fucking appreciation. Perhaps NXT needs to be considered non-WWE in total, or maybe the other way around, for the Fourth Annual Carnies.

Seth has put on some okay matches but as a heel he's had to depend on nobies as lackeys and still hasn't achieved shit. Tell me how Seth's told a story anywhere near as compelling as Sami's and I'll head you out. As it stands he was part of a hot stable, then turned on them, then achieved nothing.

How about the main roster tried to build up a character anywhere near as entertaining as Sami, Tyler, or Enzo? Fuck, NXT managed to make Finn more enjoyable than Seth hass been since he's left the S.H.I.E.L.D by dressing him up in anime con shit.


is 5,500 a good draw for house shows?

I'll give you guys a little more

Attendance was down in September, up in October and way down, really to the lowest level in years, in November domestically, although the November European tour was above the recent years due more to playing more larger newer arenas.

As far as singles main events on domestic house shows, over the three months, the numbers were John Cena vs. Kane averaged 3,971 paid; Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins averaged 2,750 paid; Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton averaged 4,650 paid; Dean Ambrose vs. Kane averaged 5,050; John Cena vs. Seth Rollins averaged 4,500 and Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt averaged 4,000. It should be noted that most of the Ambrose main events were actually shows sold with Reigns as the top star when tickets were put on sale and for WWE, most tickets are sold the first few days.


A nice try, but the WRONG answer. Seth Rollins should have been the one. He's the sole REAL heel who has managed to stay hot. Show some fucking appreciation. Perhaps NXT needs to be considered non-WWE in total, or maybe the other way around, for the Fourth Annual Carnies.

Bleh. Good wrestler, but I have yet to give a shit about anything since the heel turn. Before I stopped watching RAW, he had about as many clean match finishes (win or lose) as Fandango after his debut. Rollins in 2014 is synonymous with 'DQ finish because Kane' and bad mic skills. If he's still getting crowd reactions, good for him (and any other new talent that follows him) but I just don't care any more.

Absolutely disgusted that Mizdow is even on the list, much less a very hot #2. Shame on yall.

Can't disagree. Mizdow is idiotic, but it's also one of the very few things on WWE (the only thing half the thread watches) that isn't consistently unentertaining or repetitive.

Best on the Mic - Stephanie McMahon

She has been an expert at diverting and adjusting the crowd to play into her hands, I have to give her credit. Enzo Amore in a close #2 is encouraging, as well.

She's gotten better and is damned good, but I didn't vote for her because she still sometimes steals heat from other women by talking down to them (heels and faces alike) without giving anything back. Happened last year, happened back in June or so and happened recently with Lana, whose client was on her SS team. Wouldn't bother me if there was ever a point to it (like there was in her Bellas feud), but there isn't.
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