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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

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Just finished watching this superb match.

This was just tremendous. Both guys worked their asses off, and I'm with you on Shane. He had a good look and he had a lot of the necessary goods in the ring.

Fans chanting "Match of the year" at the end of this one felt fully justified. You're not going to see two guys go much harder than London and Shane did in this match. Goddamn.

glad you liked it, definitely one of the best ROH matches

now go check out my favorite ROH show, Glory by Honor V - Night 2
I'm not trying to complain about nominations, but Luke Harper did not belong on "most improved". Dude was legit the day he walked into the main roster.

this. guy has a ton of untapped potential as well. shame they wont do much with him.

listening to random shoots that happened on jerisho's podcast and god he always has to throw in his two cents and say something.


LTK's one of my favorites. Dalton!Bond just going TMF on everyone.
Also Wayne Newton is there for some reason if my memory is correct. But so are big rigs that can do wheelies and get up on two nine wheels and Q has a disposable radio broom and that decompression chamber scene.
Need to watch that again.

Only thing I remember about the Living Daylights is that it was a game mode in Goldeneye64 and the actor playing the main villain played another role in another Bond film:
American Jack Wade in Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies.


Bryan's 2014 journey was so satisfying that it's easy to forget that the stuff from when it started in SummerSlam 2013 up to the Rumble is some of the worst storytelling in any medium I've ever witnessed.

Pretty much. It's like having boring sex for 30 minutes, but then getting hype as hell for the final 2 minutes building to the climax when you suddenly realize "I'm having sex!"

Bryan's journey from NoC through the Rumble at least was AWFUL. I actually liked what they did at Elimination Chamber with him and Kane and Orton, and occupy Raw was cool, as was the HHH beatdown and Steph venom. But yeah...so much shit in this storyline.

Lone Survivor 2 starring HBK
I'm not trying to complain about nominations, but Luke Harper did not belong on "most improved". Dude was legit the day he walked into the main roster.

Pretty much. He's like a less good Cesaro who has a chance because he's American; great in ring charisma but limited promo ability. With that said they fucked him up with his split from Wyatt, his promo was a pretty good set-up but he instantly went from potential crazy Manson heel to IC jobber.


Miz and Mizdow getting so many votes is probably because of how shitty those choices were. That was the worst category just based on choices. Why so many people nominated them in the first place is kind of a mystery. They've had zero memorable matches. The only memorable things from them is Sandow being wacky, which is fun and playful, but as a tag team they haven't done anything in the ring. I'm pretty confident that a vote for Miz and Sandow was mostly a vote for team you dislike the least.

The thing with Sami is that winning the NXT Championship at a tiny building on a college campus in front of a few hundred people felt as big and rad as Bryan winning the WWE Championship in front of 70,000 people at WM.
LTK's one of my favorites. Dalton!Bond just going TMF on everyone.
Also Wayne Newton is there for some reason if my memory is correct. But so are big rigs that can do wheelies and get up on two nine wheels and Q has a disposable radio broom and that decompression chamber scene.
Need to watch that again.

Only thing I remember about the Living Daylights is that it was a game mode in Goldeneye64 and the actor playing the main villain played another role in another Bond film:
American Jack Wade in Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies.
Wayne Newton was selling the drugs for Robert Davi's character through his televangelist gimmick.
Miz and Mizdow getting so many votes is probably because of how shitty those choices were. That was the worst category just based on choices. Why so many people nominated them in the first place is kind of a mystery. They've had zero memorable matches. The only memorable things from them is Sandow being wacky, which is fun and playful, but as a tag team they haven't done anything in the ring. I'm pretty confident that a vote for Miz and Sandow was mostly a vote for team you dislike the least.

Preach Stro. Event within the WWE Mizdow doesn't have shit on the Rhodes brothers despite them fucking up momentously with the team.

Top 5 Sellers

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Dean Ambrose
3. Mizdow
4. Sami Zayn
5. Cesaro

I've always seen Dolph selling akin to HBK jackass selling because it's over the top and utterly shit. Russev, Seth, Zayn, and Cesaro should be way above him.
Top 5 Sellers

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Dean Ambrose
3. Mizdow
4. Sami Zayn
5. Cesaro

dolph can sell but honestly he still doesn't make his opponents look that great. no better than the other four. he sells too much. him just coming out from being jobbed doesn't help either. I don't know what it is but he's just so back and forth on TV that it's hard for me to even see him as an attraction at this point.
Guys, bumping and selling are not the same thing. Bumping is making a move look good, selling is storytelling.

Dolph is amazing at bumping.


The thing with Sami is that winning the NXT Championship at a tiny building on a college campus in front of a few hundred people felt as big and rad as Bryan winning the WWE Championship in front of 70,000 people at WM.
Yep, and it's fresher in everyone's minds. For me, the deciding factor is that I think I'll be interested in the follow up to Zayn winning. When Bryan won, the follow up was Kane and injury.


All the things to be embarrassed about in wrestling and network pandering won? Its their job to shill. As annoying as it is its equivalent to a fly buzzing around your face. There is a wagon of shit that is WWE creative to worry about before even thinking of swatting the flies.
It's the manner in which it was done, they were shilling the network to people who already had the network, while simultaneously telling people who actually bought their PPVs how fucking dumb they were for buying their PPVs. Also, that $9.99 song can go fuck itself. They should have hired a PR firm.

Also, I couldn't in good conscience vote for Sami when he's had a total of three great matches in 2014 (maybe 4 if you count that match with Breeze, but I didn't like it as much as others). Seth's had more and also has had to work with a ton of bullshit from creative, he deserves it imo.

Oh, and belated happy birthday friend Beef :)
The Third Annual Carnies Awards

The fuck? You guys already ran the Awards? I only voted just now! >_<

Seth Rollins was my fav WWE main roster wrestler easily. Dude was a great chickenshit heel and turned shit material into gold.
Zayn was awesome but I really only got into NXT right at the end. Hope he becomes a huge star, great in the ring and once of the best they have.

Haven't seen much non-WWE stuff so I voted AJ due to enjoying his matches that were linked in here this year. Woo!

Dust Bros got my vote, highly entertaining gimmick and the in ring stuff has been fun too. Rhodes is still awesome and Goldie is still making a fucking effort after all these years! Gotta respect the hell out of that!
Mizdow is great but the actual matches are shit since all you are watching is the stunt double stuff. Can't wait for the feud to finally start.

Voted Sasha Banks, really enjoy her in ring stuff. Charlotte and Bayley are great too obviously.

NXT Revolution was my match of the year based mainly on how well it told it's story, in addition to the highly fun in ring stuff. I really gave a shit about Zayn winning even with barely any pre-event hyping.
Bryan's H match was also awesome too though. Would love to see him out in the ring again but it seems unlikely he will hit those heights again. Maybe he'll pull a SCSA?

Voted Lucha over WWE or NXT since I've seen every LU episode and loved all of them! From here on out I'll be watching NXT every week though.

Steph was best on the mic by a fucking mile. She killed it, the Authority angle was really spearheaded by her great promos. Still one of the best.
Didn't help everyone was saddled with fuckawful writing though.

Mizdow was the best gimmick due to how fucking good Sandow pulled it off, dude is a master. Rusev was great too though, 100% attention to detail and was always in character. Kidd is picking up steam too.

Seth was a better heel than H, H was all over the place while Seth was 100% a chickenshit heel trying to weasel his way out of shit. Use of J&J was fun as hell too!

NXT Revolution was top notch from start to finish. Loved it.

Marked out hardcore to Cena getting the fuck squashed out of him. So good. So fucking good. I hate smoking but felt like a smoke after watching that.

The roll up loss for Charlotte shits me more and more in retrospect. Just fucking stupid and indicative of how stupid WWE is right now.

GIF of the year was Dario/Konnan for my money. That will get a lot of use.

Balors theme is boss as fuck. Listened to that numerous times on Youtube already which is something new for me.


The tag division is god awful. Cody and Goldust are easily the best duo right now. Sandow and Miz problem isn't just match stuff, but promos. They're non existent. Outside Sandow doing his act, although hilarious, they don't do anything else. Uso's do the same match all the time and don't do promos.
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