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December Wrasslin' |OT2| I dec-declare this territory owned by the Holy Roman Empire

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I'm trying to see where's the PO Box for his fan club located...

Let me know if you find it. I'd like to send him a fruit basket.

Man, I can understand why people would not like Tanahashi due to booking, but if you just look at his performances in a vacuum, he's really fucking good at what he does. Everything is just perfectly fluid and his timing is impeccable.
Ok guys, need some more matches to put on the list for my friend. Remember, he wants entertaining matches and stiff stuff, so give me some recs!


You mother fucker

You can witness the wonder of The Young Bucks.


And it's all free this Friday on http://rohwrestling.com/tv/current

Don't miss it, fans.


The thing with Tanahashi is how the internet portrays him. He gets labeled as the NJPW version of John Cena but people fail to see he lives up to main event status. Dude can adapt to any match like a sponge and make every wrestler look good...compared to Cena where it's hit and miss....mostly miss :/
If I was Sony I'd realize that North Korea is just sabre rattling and release the movie. They aren't going to risk war over a fucking film.

Sony are mainly worried about money. The major cinema chains refused to run the movie so they were going to lose out by pimping it out next week in 7 tiny arse theatres. Releasing it VOD means losing a shitload of cash on it too, especially since people are saying the returns from that would be less than just shelving it and taking the insurance payout.

Plus if they did release it and someone was killed, even if it was just some nutjob unrelated to the hackers/NK, the public image of Sony would be fucking destroyed.


I can't believe you Alucard. Answering me with an ROH shill. That brings you to cunt status for the foreseeable future.


I can't believe you Alucard. Answering me with an ROH shill. That brings you to cunt status for the foreseeable future.

Sorry, bro. Here's a rainmaker gif I just made to cheer you up.


You can see this and more in the NJPW: Road to Tokyo Dome review I just wrote and published. It's right here:


Conclusion: A weird show to watch without commentary, graphics, or any type of time killing visuals during intermission. However, that also allows you to focus on the wrestling, which was okay on this show. The final three matches were typically solid, and there were some funny moments in the first three, be they intentional (Taichi) or unintentional. (Tenzan)

If you’re a New Japan fan, you’ve probably already watched this. If you’re someone who’s never watched the promotion, this isn’t a great first show without the bells and whistles and not a singles match in sight. However, it’s certainly a different experience, and that’s something. Still, this is only recommended for hardcores and those who only care about ring work and not about the pre-match stories between characters.


TNA looks like what people who don't watch wrestling would imagine it looks like if tjey think only rednecks watch it.


This is absolutely stupid and life threatening to his health. I cringe to see his MRI in a few years.

He does it every match. He also usually does 2-3 (sometimes more) falling headbutts. You'd think after all the guys that had serious issues after doing the diving headbutt as a regular move that he'd go full bore like he does.


I feel like the diving headbutt really isn't dangerous unless you make it dangerous. Like you'd have to be enough of an idiot to smash your head into the mat for real. I assume most people don't do that.

I've heard it causes neck problems, which I believe. But I don't buy that the headbutts cause CTE and make people kill their family or whatever.


I feel like the diving headbutt really isn't dangerous unless you make it dangerous. Like you'd have to be enough of an idiot to smash your head into the mat for real. I assume most people don't do that.

I've heard it causes neck problems, which I believe. But I don't buy that the headbutts cause CTE and make people kill their family or whatever.

It's not the smashing your head into stuff that is the problem. It's the rattling caused by taking the bump over and over. Your brain is bouncing around in your head every time you take that bump, no matter how safely you take it. And he does it ALL THE TIME. He's done it to the floor before.


It's not the smashing your head into stuff that is the problem. It's the rattling caused by taking the bump over and over. Your brain is bouncing around in your head every time you take that bump, no matter how safely you take it. And he does it ALL THE TIME. He's done it to the floor before.
Wouldn't that also be true for any top rope bump though? Or is it just that most guys don't bother putting their hands up when they do it?
It's not the smashing your head into stuff that is the problem. It's the rattling caused by taking the bump over and over. Your brain is bouncing around in your head every time you take that bump, no matter how safely you take it. And he does it ALL THE TIME. He's done it to the floor before.

But according to the law of pro-wrestling, if you aren't white, you have a hard head gimmick. So he's fine.


Wouldn't that also be true for any top rope bump though? Or is it just that most guys don't bother putting their hands up when they do it?

It's a stupid bump and a stupid move even in kayfabe. Why would you do a headbutt to the shoulder from the top rope? Almost anything else would be more effective and safer. A stomp. An elbow drop. A knee drop.


It's a stupid bump and a stupid move even in kayfabe. Why would you do a headbutt to the shoulder from the top rope? Almost anything else would be more effective and safer. A stomp. An elbow drop. A knee drop.
On a related note I feel bad for Fandango getting stuck with a top rope leg drop. I guess as a total jobber heel he has the advantage of not having to do it much. But that's got to fuck up your tailbone short term and probably your spine long term.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why hurt yourself off the top rope when you can kill the other mother fucker?

Rick Rude ain't gonna do no headbutt. He's going to murder you with his knee or fist or forearm.


I've been catching up on some old Stone Cold podcasts and he mentioned something that stuck out to me. He said that WWE has always been a promotion based on a single babyface that basically carried the company. Everything revolved around the top babyface and everything else was basically secondary.

On the other hand, NWA was a "heel" promotion, where the heels were the top dogs and the faces were always fighting to try beat the heels. Considering the time Dusty Rhodes spent in NWA, I think his booking philosophy for NXT borrows a lot from that concept. That's why we see the champs almost always become heels, and why R:Evolution wasn't allowed to have a "happy" ending. I wouldn't say that that's necessarily the only reason why I enjoy NXT more than WWE, but that booking style avoids the pitfall of having the same babyface winning the same types of matches the same way for an entire decade.
Why hurt yourself off the top rope when you can kill the other mother fucker?

Rick Rude ain't gonna do no headbutt. He's going to murder you with his knee or fist or forearm.

Rude can destroy a mans soul just by giving him the perfect smarmy look, before flexing the great body in the world right in their face.

Damn I miss Rick Rude :(
That kind of booking is usually so the babyface can get the all important "you deserved it" title reign instead of just having placeholders until the top guy wins it back
On a related note I feel bad for Fandango getting stuck with a top rope leg drop. I guess as a total jobber heel he has the advantage of not having to do it much. But that's got to fuck up your tailbone short term and probably your spine long term.

First time I saw him doing it I thought "if he keeps doing that, he won't be able to walk by the time he retires".

Man God

Non-Canon Member
That...or when he started doing all those drugs, getting suspended, coming back, doing more drugs, getting suspended.
Remember when they re-hired Marty Jannetty in 2006 for the ECW relaunch then they fired him because he fucked up again, but he SWORE for six months that he was still under contract and they must have gotten him confused with The Boogeyman's release because his real name was Marty Wright? He held on to that story forever.


We tried giving North Korea democracy with the slow burn method of giving them professional wrestling, but it looks like that hasn't worked. Time for the old fashioned way if "sanctions" don't work.


You know, if he doesn't defect again.

Remember when they re-hired Marty Jannetty in 2006 for the ECW relaunch then they fired him because he fucked up again, but he SWORE for six months that he was still under contract and they must have gotten him confused with The Boogeyman's release because his real name was Marty Wright? He held on to that story forever.

No, I don't. I thought the last time they hired him was for the HBK/Kurt feud and he was going to stick around for a while, but ended up not being allowed in some of the states they travelled to...

Come on, even Scott Hall is allowed in all states.


The best thing about Arn and Tully (but especially Arn) is that you know they were guys who went to the bar after every show and ate what they wanted and were still bad mother fuckers who would ruin your night in the ring.


I see that WWE is finally getting desperate about their all time low ratings lately.

Daniel Bryan is being promoted for his appearance on Tribute to the Troops. #StruggleVince

The best thing about Arn and Tully (but especially Arn) is that you know they were guys who went to the bar after every show and ate what they wanted and were still bad mother fuckers who would ruin your night in the ring.

What was Arn like outside the ring? I never really looked into it, but from what little I've seen he seems like a pretty nice guy
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