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Defiance |OT| If Borderlands was a B2P MMO with a SyFy TV-series half-sister


Had my first major Arkfall events tonight. Fought one of those enormous Hellbug things like the one on the show, but bigger. Had maybe 50 people all running around it which was totally insane to see, all guns going off at once. Total madness.

Kind of disappointed that all the character models reverted to the default though. It'd be so much more impressive if everyone kept their model for the big battles like that. Oh well. I'm on PS3 by the way. Makes me wish I had a high-end PC or that this could get a PS4 release.

Damn fun game though. I understand a lot of the complaints because they are totally valid, but the fact remains that I'm having a lot of fun and that's all that matters.


maybe tomorrow it rains
so its $29 on GMG with code GMG30-BH67J-TILO5

I've been on the fence, is it worthy of me jumping into now?
I went for that deal this morning. Runs well on my incredibly modest laptop, and it seems like it has a lot of potential. I didn't have much time to invest, but the 30 minutes or so I played were enjoyable. So far it's a very basic TPS, but it definitely shows hints of depth. If you do pick it up, we should play some missions. I only have one friend who has it.

Do you have any interest in the show? I'm finishing up the first episode right now and it's cheesy fun. Terrible CGI, but I dig the style. Much like the game, it feels like an average start with the potential for something better. Julie Benz's performance so far gives me hope.


Loading up every vehicle perk possible.
Joining Shadow War.

I had a wonderful triple kill where I killed two players attacking a point and decapitated another player arriving on a quad.


Do we have a community thread for this or anything? I didn't see it, but maybe I'm blind.

I'm getting on PS3 in like 5 minutes and will be on for an hour or two. Character name is Danyelley, PSN handle is UnoILLNino

Look me up and let's go Ark Hunting!
Well I'm gonna bite the bullet and pick up a used copy of the game today in about 2 hours. Just wanted to get a heads up is there an online pass system or anything? Is the community still strong on the PS3? And any other tidbits you can give. I'm gonna be off the next 2 days and wanna crack out on something and this maybe it.
I've seen more than a few gaffers in this thread who have bought the game on PS3, we just need to compile them all in one place.

Reminder, if you quote the second post of the thread, you'll find a link to a google document in which you can add your Defiance name/platform/region.
I'm on PS3 if anyone wants to add me. Not sure how to update that list.

PSN: Illumina-XIV
Character: Falsetto
Region: North America (Canada, EST)
Guild: N/A


Good news,I hope they keep adding stuff so people keep playing,obviously it wont stay at 1 million but still...


''Within one month of release Defiance has gathered over one million registered users across all platforms. Rift, Trion Worlds' other MMO, similarly broke into the seven digits within weeks of launch. Unsurprisingly, both games had launches that are regarded as smooth by MMO standards. While other companies have struggled to have one solid launch, Trion Worlds has managed to do it two times in a row.''
Trying to find people to team with is hard for some reason. People are very helpful but I'm trying to find a clan or group.

PSN: Riovane
Boss Riovane
EGO: 230


Whats the point of shadow wars it just seems like alot of players hanging around doing bugger all, am i suposed to be doing something?
Some details about the upcoming 1.020 patch and the first batch of DLC:

Usually, one would argue that’s not a bad thing and we’re thankful for you coming back again and again, and, more importantly, staying with us. We’ve had a number of posts on how we’ve addressed our issues and offered insight into those we still have left.

It’s good to see that we have made great progress since launch and we have teams continuing to make improvements and fix bugs. At the very least, the feedback and numbers indicate that you are happier. No, we haven’t forgotten about keycodes drop ratios, extended downtimes or Freight Yard. We know we aren’t perfect yet.

But what’s stated by players and critics alike, whether they love or hate us, is that we’re taking known concepts and doing something new, we’re fun, and we have potential. That’s not an excuse for not being perfect, but I’m certainly not going to complain about trying something new, fun and having potential.

“Defiance is the game that everyone will love” - Said nobody. Ever.

Some comments I&#8217;ve even enjoyed quite a lot and yet I&#8217;m happy that sentence never came up. It&#8217;s not us. We&#8217;ve been likened to a good <em>B-movie</em>, being about as deep as a bag of chips but great fun. As having issues, but always dragging you right back in for more &#8230; I have no problems with these, because we knew Defiance would be polarizing. We aren&#8217;t part of any mold, but we can always do better. Personally, I&#8217;d like to get to the two-bag of chip depth category or at least, add some salsas for various textures. We&#8217;ll be a party in your mouth before you know it. Your favorite B-movie.

As proof of us striving towards being better we have another major update coming, known as the TV Tie-in or Patch 1.020, and it&#8217;s coming out this month. It has further bug fixes, improvements, as well as new TV Tie-ins - one of which will utilize a new open world game mode called Sieges. Details are obviously slim, but it&#8217;s a crossover event so that should give you an indication of what this game mode entails in future DLCs.

Which incidentally this blog is intended to be about, the future. That potential.

We do our DLCs a bit differently with Defiance. Every time we do a DLC, of which we have 5 planned this year, we have a free component, a paid component and a store update. The free part is for everyone. We want people to be playing with their friends; we don&#8217;t like to isolate players.

That doesn&#8217;t mean there won&#8217;t be exclusive content in the DLCs, quite the contrary. The difference is that you can usually bring your friends with you. The catch is that they can&#8217;t directly benefit from all of it, like DLC specific loot or gain abilities.

Here is an example: The first DLC which we delayed to address live issues but is now en route I am calling: ENTER THE CASTITHAN till marketing comes up with a better name. Why Castithan? Why, it&#8217;s because you&#8217;ll be able to play a Castithan. Nifty. Here&#8217;s the tentative list of items:

(or imagine flashy name that evoke deep emotions)

You get this when you buy the DLC for $10:
- Access to play the Castithan Species
- Access to a new Story Mission Line with new Battle Arena Game Mode
- Access to the new Castithan Battle Arenas
- Castithan Charge Blade & Ceremonial Mask as a reward from Story Mission Line
- A unique version of the Raptor, a new 4 player truck of doom
- A unique Castithan version of an outfit
- A Charge Weapons Starter Pack
- Access to New Pursuits
- New Xbox and PS3 Trophies and Achievements

You get this in the DLC for free:
- Access to the new Charge Weapons Class and Castithan Blades
- Access to Sieges, a new Open World Game Mode
- Access to the new Monolith Major Arkfall
- Access to a new PvP Map - Military Academy
- Join a friend into the Battle Arenas Game Mode
- Duel your friends and neighbors in the Duels Game Mode
- Enemies, lockboxes, and events can drop Charge Weapons
- Select a new voice for you character
- Multitude of game improvements from UI to content

You can buy these individually from the store:
- New Mods that tint the color of your Castithan Blade
- Lockboxes have a chance to get Charge Weapons
- More versions of the Raptor, the new 4 player truck of doomed compensation
- Character Customization changes: Appearance change, name change, or everything change

This should give you a good idea of how we build up our DLCs and how we separate them into a free, paid and store component. And that&#8217;s on top of the improvements we do, like the redoing of the Salvage Matrix. That thing is like performing autopsies right now. Which &#8230; I wouldn&#8217;t know how to do of course.

But you get the idea. We take in feedback, we&#8217;re agile, we adapt. Things I talk about will change. That I do promise you. Doing the right thing for Defiance is more important than a line item in a discussion between you and me in a blog two months previously. But we prefer this discussion to be more open and liberal. You might not be used to that so I figured I&#8217;d point it out. Thanks for letting me share some insight with you, now comment away!

Ave Arkhunter,


Nathan Richardsson

Executive Producer Defiance
I knew castithans and blade weapond would be the first DLC, and am looking forward to some free DLC with my season pass:

You get this when you buy the DLC for $10:
- Access to play the Castithan Species
- Access to a new Story Mission Line with new Battle Arena Game Mode
- Access to the new Castithan Battle Arenas
- Castithan Charge Blade & Ceremonial Mask as a reward from Story Mission Line
- A unique version of the Raptor, a new 4 player truck of doom
- A unique Castithan version of an outfit
- A Charge Weapons Starter Pack
- Access to New Pursuits
- New Xbox and PS3 Trophies and Achievements

You get this in the DLC for free:
- Access to the new Charge Weapons Class and Castithan Blades
- Access to Sieges, a new Open World Game Mode
- Access to the new Monolith Major Arkfall
- Access to a new PvP Map - Military Academy
- Join a friend into the Battle Arenas Game Mode
- Duel your friends and neighbors in the Duels Game Mode
- Enemies, lockboxes, and events can drop Charge Weapons
- Select a new voice for you character
- Multitude of game improvements from UI to content

Sounds good stuff.
I hope they add some way to race change with the additions of new races over time. That said, I can't help but feel it's a little early to be adding a paid expansion to the game. Maybe that's just me though.
I hope they add some way to race change with the additions of new races over time. That said, I can't help but feel it's a little early to be adding a paid expansion to the game. Maybe that's just me though.

You can buy these individually from the store:

New Mods that tint the color of your Castithan Blade
Lockboxes have a chance to get Charge Weapons
More versions of the Raptor, the new 4 player truck of doomed compensation
Character Customization changes: Appearance change, name change, or everything change

I thought i've read a tweet from a dev that race change is included
I hope they add some way to race change with the additions of new races over time. That said, I can't help but feel it's a little early to be adding a paid expansion to the game. Maybe that's just me though.

Paid DLC of this size and price is kinda to be expected in a non-subscription MMO.
I believe The Secret World is also releasing DLC at a semi-regular basis at the same price.
Personally I'm not that interested in the new race as that seems to just be an aestethic thing, but the blade weapons will be interesting for sure.
I think (maybe) that they are meant to release 5 DLCs over the first year (post-launch), all of which you get in the season pass.
DLCs spread out evenly would probably mean something in June, August, October, December, and February (+/- 1 month).


Sounding good. I love that they are also updating with more free additions, but I will likely be buying some of the DLC as well. This game is just so oddly addictive.


Whats the point of shadow wars it just seems like alot of players hanging around doing bugger all, am i suposed to be doing something?
Shadow Wars take place in the normal world. You'll still see everybody who isn't in them, and there's nothing stopping you from going far away from the objectives. Also it doesn't actually automatically teleport you if it's already going when you join.

So if it seems like nothing is going on, you're probably not actually in the Shadow War area :p
As much as I hate paying up front for promises, I think I might be in for the season pass. I've already put about 90 hours into the game and can definitely see myself coming back for more.
So far still loving the game. It looks as if this may be the first game I purchase a season pass for. Also I may be having a couple friends join in the "arkhunts" so I am excited.

I too got the season pass. I hate paying for content that I have no idea what it is but, it's almost impossible for me not to get my money's worth with it.


Wow just picked this game up from the GMG sale a few days ago and I'm pretty much hooked.

Really regretting that I missed out on the discounted season pass :p


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
So how's the online in this game? Good server connectivity/active players? Talking about the PS3 version.

Am able to get a copy for only $30 and the game has had my interest for a while. Is it as repetitive later on as most say it is?
So how's the online in this game? Good server connectivity/active players? Talking about the PS3 version.

Am able to get a copy for only $30 and the game has had my interest for a while. Is it as repetitive later on as most say it is?

It is indeed repetitive later on, but if you like the PVP in the game then that's not really an issue (Pvp is really fun imho, especially shadow wars). Even if you don't like the PVP, you got yourself a 20-30 hours of main story, fun race challenges, other challenges, side missions, and of course the Arkfalls (random zone events that tons of players need to beat).

At full price I'd be wary of recommending the game, but at half the price I think you should go for it.


How can I increase my inventory size, I somehow only have 12.
I saw you can buy slots with real money, (lol yeah....) any other way?
How can I increase my inventory size, I somehow only have 12.
I saw you can buy slots with real money, (lol yeah....) any other way?

Just keep leveling.
Afaik, you get an increase of your inventory size (alongside with new perk slots) at regular intervals, which I think are at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 4000, 5000 EGO.

If you're low on space still, then I suggest you focus on just 3-4 favorite weapons, and sell all other weapons & mods as they'll just clutter up your inventory. Keep no more than 1 grenade of each type, and no more than 2 shields (One with highest regeneration but low shield HP, one with low regeneration but highest shield HP). That would give you 8 slots available for your 3-4 weapons and mods - and unless the mods are rank 3 then I suggest you sell them as well.


Full Episode Mission quest line this week like the first week. The Irathian hellbug whisperer is featured. Kind of a neat end-of-quest reward.
Infector Grenade
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