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Dem donors: Warren VP pick could dry up Wall St donations

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Again that is the problem.
How can you now know the real reason behind a decision?

That is the nature of conflict of interest.

I'd agree. But the tenor of your posts seems to allege that you do know the reason behind her decision. The reason being Clinton does not want to irritate her donors.
Most likely an empty threat, but still a great move to publicly state this if only for the optics.

It forces her to either pick a VP with no strategic electoral value or else she'll be viewed as a corrupt puppet. Win/win for Trump.
So now if she doesn't pick Warren for whatever reason, the crazies will swear up and down she did it due to Wallstreet money.

Yeah, this part annoys me, because I never figured Warren was a realistic or strong pick for VP. She has her strengths in other arenas. If anyone would get tapped I would think it would be Kaine.


"Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions"

“They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”

But I'm sure Wall Street has no influence on Democrats and Hillary...


Well, unless you can show that Hilary would have chosen Warren if Wall St did not make this threat then this particular instance does not prove that Wall St has influence over the democrats and Hilary. Wall St is obviously trying to influence the democrats, but that is not the same as actually influencing someone.

I have no doubt that Wall St does influence politicians, just like all loby groups do, but this instance certainly isnt some prove that Wall St is influencing who Hilary nominates for the VP.


Most likely an empty threat, but still a great move to publicly state this if only for the optics.

It forces her to either pick a VP with no strategic electoral value or else she'll be viewed as a corrupt puppet. Win/win for Trump.

Or she could pick whoever she wants and reject any Wall Street money.


I feel like this actually increases the likelihood that she picks Warren just to avoid the bad optics of listening to some donors' demands.


The donors have no leverage. Clinton's machine is going to be sizable, period, and their alternative is TRUMP.
"Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions"

“They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”

But I'm sure Wall Street has no influence on Democrats and Hillary...


So either she chooses Warren or she obviously listened to the Wall Street Donors?


The fact that this threat can be made and it actually holds weight in our political system just shows how completely fucked we are.


Heh. This story doesn't even have a single named source, does it? All I see are "a Wall-street donor" listed, which could literally be nothing, or "a guy I know who does a little day trading and gave $10 to Hillary".

Its interesting to me that the same people who rail against the Main-stream media and its "bias" are the same ones who buy into stories with no meat behind them (because they play into a narrative they want to hear I guess).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Doesn't she have more than enough to run the general? especially against Trump? She can pick Warren, win anyway and then Wall Street would be really screwed after they tried fuck over HRC lol.
Heh. This story doesn't even have a single named source, does it? All I see are "a Wall-street donor" listed, which could literally be nothing, or "a guy I know who does a little day trading and gave $10 to Hillary".

Its interesting to me that the same people who rail against the Main-stream media and its "bias" are the same ones who buy into stories with no meat behind them (because they play into a narrative they want to hear I guess).

It's funny, in making the threat, they've effectively forced her to make the pick. Her greatest weakness on the left is the perception that she's corrupt. Now, if she DOESN'T pick Warren, for any reason, the narrative will be that she kotowed to big wall street.

I almost suspect some 11 dimensional chess shenanigans. Lotta Wall St. types would love to see Warren out of the Senate
"Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions"

“They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”

But I'm sure Wall Street has no influence on Democrats and Hillary...


This isn't the first time you've made this claim. Since you can't prove a negative, the onus is on you to prove that any donations have directly influenced her actions. Otherwise you're just shitposting.

So where's the proof? And remember: Correlation does not equal causation.
If she doesn't pick Warren this surely will be far from the only reason or the main reason, but it's not far-fetched to assume it is one of the reasons.
Heh. This story doesn't even have a single named source, does it? All I see are "a Wall-street donor" listed, which could literally be nothing, or "a guy I know who does a little day trading and gave $10 to Hillary".

Its interesting to me that the same people who rail against the Main-stream media and its "bias" are the same ones who buy into stories with no meat behind them (because they play into a narrative they want to hear I guess).

yup exactly. They are only against the media when it's going against their narrative.
As stated before, because of recent polling, she does not the Bernie or Bust crowd to win.

Maybe she doesn't. But the DNC, and downticket democrats need every single ounce of help they can get. We do not have the house or the senate. If there is a voting block that can be courted and help us gain as many seats as possible they should do it. We can't afford to be too exclusionary here imo. Not everyone who like's warren or Bernie is a Bernie or bust,

If the Sanders wing/progressive people can be welcomed in and their interests seen as more apart of the democratic party rather than a fringe insurgency, it will be a bonus. As long as we are smart about it and don't let it take over like the Tea Party has taken over the GOP. But there isn't anything wrong with extending olive branches where possible.

Cat Party

Heh. This story doesn't even have a single named source, does it? All I see are "a Wall-street donor" listed, which could literally be nothing, or "a guy I know who does a little day trading and gave $10 to Hillary".

Its interesting to me that the same people who rail against the Main-stream media and its "bias" are the same ones who buy into stories with no meat behind them (because they play into a narrative they want to hear I guess).
Yup. Just like the Trump will drop out for $150 million "story."


"Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions"

“They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’”

But I'm sure Wall Street has no influence on Democrats and Hillary...


It's clear to you why this is not sufficient evidence of influence, right?

I'm annoyed about this because now if Hillary doesn't pick Warren people will argue that it was because of corporate influence, rather than because of having two women on the ticket or because Warren's more valuable in the Senate rather than in the VP's office.

I don't really care who she picks as VP and I'm not sure why anybody else does. Maybe people didn't notice but VP is not a real job.
The fact that these fuckers are threatening with money is why money should be completely removed from politics.

It's the perfect example. You get no money if you select this person. Fuck that shit.
I doubt Warren even wants the spot. She's always been vocal about the fact that she can get more done as a senator than as a president. She'd get even less done as a VP. She'd only do it if it helps Clinton's chances but I doubt she needs that kind of help anyway.

From your link:

Additional emails collected from Hillary Clinton’s personal server only hint at her possible involvement in Fernando’s selection to the board. The records request for documents about Fernando’s appointment produced a chain of correspondence from 2010 with the subject line “ISAB” -- or International Security Advisory Board. In those, Mills writes, “The secretary had two other names she wanted looked at.” The names are redacted.

So again, where's the direct proof? Because claiming she was bought is a hell of a claim and will take more evidence than "she might've possibly maybe been involved in hiring this guy who has donated to her."


This seems... Extremely short-sighted.

She can do more damage to them in the senate than she can as VP- Unless they believe that she's going to somehow help shape policy with Clinton, which I don't see.


Yes, Warren will do alot to get Bernie supporters to come over.

Most of his supporters are already on board and would have supported the nominee no matter who it was. The remainder wouldn't vote for a non-Bernie candidate no matter who was selected as VP, and the Democrats neither need those people in order to win, nor do they really want them anyway.
Also I don't think people saying Warren was never going to be the VP choice have been paying attention. She wouldn't be currently vetted above previously thought favorites like Castro if she wasn't being seriously considered. Hillary wouldn't be hugging her as closely as she has been Obama ever since she endorsed her. Harry Reid wouldn't have retracted his "Hell no" answer to idea of any Senate Democrats in GOP governed states being VP. And Warren wouldn't be so viciously on the attack, more vocal than any other Dem fighting Trump, going on TV demonstrating she clearly wants the job.

Now I'm not going to say that if she ends up not being the VP that this is ultimately the reason, however if my guesses are right and she is currently the favorite, I really hope that Hillary and the dnc do not allow this threat to play any part in their decision or else much of the criticism they have faced this primary will be proven correct.
This article would not have been written if Warren wasn't in serious consideration for VP. If Hillary is elected she is going to be one of the most powerful politicians in DC. Whether it's in Hillary's administration or as a leader of the Senate. All the fools saying that Hillary isn't progressive will be eating crow 2 years from now.


If you want Warren to be effective against Wall Street, VP is basically the last place you want her. Not sure why Wall Street wouldn't push for her to pick Warren, unless this is some reverse psychology BS where she feels forced to pick her lest the narrative change to HRC not going against her corporate overlords.

Is that the Teddy Roosevelt story? Hide him at VP?

boiled goose

good with gravy
This isn't the first time you've made this claim. Since you can't prove a negative, the onus is on you to prove that any donations have directly influenced her actions. Otherwise you're just shitposting.

So where's the proof? And remember: Correlation does not equal causation.

So you agree with Citizens United then?
If no clear examples of quid pro quo then there is no influence right?

There is evidence when data is taken in aggregate.
It is the same way things like systemic racism and discrimination are proven.
Can you prove an individual hiring or promotion decision was discriminatory in nature? It's not really that easy. You take aggregate data and clear trends appear. It is the same thing for the corrupting influence of money in politics.

It's clear to you why this is not sufficient evidence of influence, right?

I'm annoyed about this because now if Hillary doesn't pick Warren people will argue that it was because of corporate influence, rather than because of having two women on the ticket or because Warren's more valuable in the Senate rather than in the VP's office.

I don't really care who she picks as VP and I'm not sure why anybody else does. Maybe people didn't notice but VP is not a real job.

I'd agree. But the tenor of your posts seems to allege that you do know the reason behind her decision. The reason being Clinton does not want to irritate her donors.

Again, I agree you can't point to an individual decision one way or another. But the proof is clear when taken in aggregate.
Now sure, it is possible I guess that some politicians are corrupt and some aren't even though they all take money. Or the more likely option that everyone taking money is influenced one way or another.

We already know democrats are influenced by Wall Street Money. Barnie Frank frequently argues: "Would you rather Republicans get all the money?" What does this mean? It is CLEAR this means that if you don't play ball, you don't get the money. Everyone has to play ball.

So the only way to remove this clear conflict of interest is to not take money.
Now, I know that you guys will argue that Hillary's SC appointments would work towards this goal, and I don't disagree.
If you make the argument that you need to play ball now, that it is a necessary evil, we can have a nuanced discussion about the "greater good" and the best way to reach it with the current messed up system.

If you say that politicians are not being influenced now, then yeah, not buying it (and the data shows this)


Incredibly stupid given Warren is a poor choice for other reasons. Just more ammo for the crowd that thinks Clinton is the most corrupt evar.


Regardless of Bernie voters, showing some spine towards Wall Street donors would be a good thing considering Hillary's own populist messaging and tough posturing.

Unless of course she was only saying those things for political expediency.
Picking Warren to piss off Wall Street is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

She'd do far more in the Senate than as VP, as has been said. Wall Street would probably celebrate Warren as VP secretly.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was a Republican that pushed this story. It puts Clinton in a tough space where she can't win. Either they get rid of a thorn in their side in the Senate, or Clinton can be targeted as being in the pocket of Wall Street.
Picking Warren to piss off Wall Street is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
I don't want Warren as VP personally. Just want to see some real daylight between Hillary and the Wall Street she'd like people to think she's tough with.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was a Republican that pushed this story.
The sources were described as a dozen top Wall Street Democrat donors.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Pretty much. Not surprised at all Politico posted the story. Simply poisoning the well.

So if big donors are saying this they shouldn't report this because it makes Hillary look bad?

Picking Warren to piss off Wall Street is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

She'd do far more in the Senate than as VP, as has been said. Wall Street would probably celebrate Warren as VP secretly.

I wouldn't be shocked if it was a Republican that pushed this story. It puts Clinton in a tough space where she can't win. Either they get rid of a thorn in their side in the Senate, or Clinton can be targeted as being in the pocket of Wall Street.

To be fair, when it comes to WS regulation Trump is far worse than Hillary, so all she has to do is focus on that contrast.
Just because Republicans are far worse it doesn't mean democrats are free from criticism.
People underestimating what the VP role can be.

Warren wouldn't be actively auditioning for the job if she didn't want it or think she could increase her standing and influence in Washington if she had it.


The Autumn Wind
So if big donors are saying this they shouldn't report this because it makes Hillary look bad?
They've created a scenario where if Hillary doesn't pick Warren, this will be the reason given, regardless of why the decision was actually made.

boiled goose

good with gravy
They've created a scenario where if Hillary doesn't pick Warren, this will be the reason given, regardless of why the decision was actually made.

You didn't answer the question. How should this be reported?

She is free to explain her decision.
She could say no to the money and then not pick Warren.

Clearly, the money has conditions attached. You think this is the only condition?

Let's say Hillary changed her mind and said we should reinstate glass steagall. Would she still get the money?

Personally, I see problems in both cases.
Politicians changing their mind to get donor money. Clearly bad right?
Donors propping up politicians that agree with their views when they are different from constituents? Clearly bad right?
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