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Demo PlayStation VR at Select Best Buy Stores (Every weekend through December)


Any VR Demos in Canada yet?

It says Canada but my searching isn't coming up with anything.

Also, does vr do 3d? If not it feels like I would just be looking at a screen.

They really should have explained the controls.
Yeah, the rep at the location here passed instructions through the line. Boosting in EVE would definitely change the experience if you didn't know how the first time around. The controls actually weren't very intuitive. Got carried away at one point and almost hurled myself into one of the larger ships. Hehe, minor panic set in.

I think I was the only one in the group up to that point who really tried to push things. I was looking into stuff and touching my ears to my shoulders to test rotation, snapping left and right trying to break the tracking. When I took the visor off, the rep was grinning and asked me what I thought. I didn't see that reaction with the others.

My wife told me I looked like a dork though and wouldn't go near the demo.

That was absolutely fantastic. Actually so excited to record my podcast today so that I can talk about it.

It's so good guys.


You don't need that first statement there. Just because his opinion his different from yours doesn't render it any less valuable

I understand where you are coming from...but I was more responding to this statement.

"On tv, it looked 1080p, but in the headset, looked like 480.
I was like..................eeewwwwwww."


What is the 3D effect like?
My only experience of 3D is the 3DS and 3D cinema.

I've never really understood this question in relation to VR. I mean it's there, but I think it just becomes part of the environment. Part of the thing with 3DS or movie/tv 3D is that you get this "pop out" effect of something expanding out of a 2D plane and that looks "novel" (I suppose), but you don't generally walk around in everyday life marveling about how the world is in 3D around you because - well that's the real world.

Same thing with VR, the entire experience is 3D to create immersion so it's just there the same way it is for the world around you.


The back and forth of these impressions and people outright contradicting each other's statements is infuriating. :(

Not sure who to believe.
Managed to escape the VR Zone. Definitely impressed with it and sad that it's long sold out. I ended up trying EVE and I was going to play The Deep, but watching it 4 other times on the TV screen made me want to try something else so I went with Headmaster (which no one seemed to pick, PS rep even said he'd only seen one other person try it in the past two weeks).

-Screen door effect seemed minimal. I only really noticed it the very first time I put the headset on. By the time the EVE demo had properly started, I didn't notice it again.

-Head tracking was pretty solid. Definitely seems like that's not going to be an issue here.

-Headset felt super comfortable. Might've wanted to adjust it a bit further from my eyes and we were given instructions on how to, but I didn't want to mess with things too much.

Definitely worth taking a look at if you've got a store doing the demo nearby. Probably going to go back next weekend with some friends and try a different demo.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
The back and forth of these impressions and people outright contradicting each other's statements is infuriating. :(

Not sure who to believe.

I feel like there are more people posting concerns about negative impressions than there are actual people posting actual negative impressions.
got a chance to try it out today and have to say the experience was absolutely amazing. I'm totally fucking sold on VR now and will pick it up along with PS4K when it comes out. I can't wait to see what kinds of worlds devs are able to create for us.
Hehe no one seems to do the Heist demo. I had a lot of fun with it (granted it was my only exposure). Opening the car door and peering out while driving, reloading the machine gun with the move controllers, etc. was all very cool. :)
Just played Eve - my impressions:

Overall i was very pleased with the fit and feel of wearing the headset, even with glasses it was good. Slight bleed of light from the outside, particularly from below but once I situated the headset myself it wasn't much of a problem in a brightly lit Best Buy.

The visuals were pretty good. Nothing mind blowing. Image was fairly clean but with your face planted directly in the screen there is noticeable aliasing, however, that did not detract from the experience.

Slight screen door on solid colors like text/hud elements but nothing crazy. I also feel this isn't a big deal.

Tracking was spot on. VERY fast. I didn't get the feeling of any motion sickness from making quick turns with my head as I was chasing fighters.

Controls (EVE) - they suck. Definitely would swap left/right analog sticks. 99% of the time you look/turn with the right analog in 1st person games but in EVE it's the left to control the ship and the right analog simply rolls left/right. Very jarring to control. Had a rough time.

Self-Awareness didn't take long for my brain to switch from the real world to VR, especially thanks to seeing your own body in EVE. Sold the feeling of being in the ship.

3D - very good. No complaints.

FOV was great. Aside from some slight bleed from the bottom around the nose everything was solid. You can easily look around with your eyes and your head. There is a "sweet spot" but your eyes can stray a bit instead of looking dead forward. Panning full tilt left/right with your eyes reveals some blur but if you just look around normally as you would in real life it's a clean image.

A slight feeling of vertigo set in the moment the ship launched from the hangar as the 3D effect is very nicely achieved and you're blasting out of the hangar quickly. Got the same feeling as if launching on a roller coaster. Not queasy, just very convincing.

All in all after a few moments you stop noticing the aliasing and slight screen door. I can only assume with a better set of 7.1 cans and properly setup lenses on the headset in a dimly lit room the experience will be much more convincing.

Will buy ASAP and I was on the fence about VR, excited as heck and hopeful but still kept reserved. If the games are there for it - this will be a very good thing moving forward for the industry.

I can't wait to play RIGS if a quick demo of EVE in a not-so-optimal setup at Best Buy is anything to go by. Even with the minor IQ issues of slight screen door and resolution - the feeling of being there existed - which is the most important thing VR needs to achieve. I would easily be able to play games that looked like PS2 games if the immersion exists no problem.
My rep said they will be doing these up until launch and beyond.
Nice, I hope they expand their locations to include some in DC. I'm on the fence with keeping my pre-order.

One f the biggest games I was interested in before the other VR headsets released was Eve. But I hear online is pretty empty and the customization isn't as vast as it was portrayed in marketing.

I would still love to experience VR for myself.
PSVR has a potential userbase of 40,000,000 players. Even 1% PSVR's sold (and I'm expecting them to sell more than that) would be huge for devs as there will finally be a good userbase to develop for and a userbase that will actually buy content.

Funny thing is by the time PSVR launches there will be 50,000,000 PS4's and what comes next is the big holiday season boost. What worries me most is that Sony will have huge shortages on PSVR. They even already confirmed in an interview that they probably won't be able to produce enough quickly to keep up with demand.


For those that got to Play EVE, what did you think? I left unimpressed. I'm gonna try and find a gamestop to play the heist demo
Right now, devs are having a hard time developing for this medium as the userbase is just not there. The highest "selling" VR experience per SteamSpy is The Lab which was made by Valve and is free and you can see just under 200k owners for it. Games like Hover Junkers which is an amazing VR experience has not even broken 30k sales.
Oh, wow. Hopefully PSVR can move more software than that for y'all… <3

The back and forth of these impressions and people outright contradicting each other's statements is infuriating. :(

Not sure who to believe.
Those looking for something to criticize have an easy target in the resolution, which I would describe as "totally workable." It certainly wouldn't be described as crisp, but with sensible game design, it shouldn't cause any issues in terms of playability. I'd just say to have reasonable expectations and an open mind, and try it for yourself. Hyperbole aside, it's pretty nifty.

Here's a diagram showing the range of the camera when tracking the headset and controllers. Sitting too close with the DS4 too low would certainly cause an issue.
lol Yeah, I found the same diagram, and I'll be heading back out there in a bit. ;)

For me with vive, objects close up are very clear and compellingly solid and 3D. Way more so than I remember quake. But that rapidly falls off in the mid distance as objects dissolve into a mush of a few pixels. Not helped by the subpixel arrangement either.
I've played all of the demos now, and I didn't really notice too many problems with longer distance. Perhaps with extreme ranges in Battlezone, but The Heist always seemed reasonably clear, and I didn't really have any problems in Valkyrie either, but I suppose the targeting computer helped out there. I'll pay closer attention today though. I also want to make some better observations WRT apparent pixel density across the FOV. It sorta seemed like density was higher looking forward and/or down, but I got distracted just as I thought to pay attention to it. lol

It just made me realize that I'd like a second camera port on neo so you can (optionally) use two cameras for more robust tracking
That'd be nice. One of the SixSense guys talked about the possibility of a hybrid system that uses a camera or whatever to track the headset, and then having a SixSense base station in the headset itself to track the wands. That should be very occlusion resistant while only needing a single camera. Anyway, the Move wands already have a 6DOF magnetometer for tracking the North Pole, but apparently it's prone to interference. Could they just put a "powerful" electromagnet in the headset to use as a kind of local North Pole for the wands? Are the magnetometers in the SixSense any different from the ones in Move?


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Hehe no one seems to do the Heist demo. I had a lot of fun with it (granted it was my only exposure). Opening the car door and peering out while driving, reloading the machine gun with the move controllers, etc. was all very cool. :)
Sadly the move controllers weren't set up correctly for me to try the heist. I reallllly wanted to play it.
Right now, devs are having a hard time developing for this medium as the userbase is just not there. The highest "selling" VR experience per SteamSpy is The Lab which was made by Valve and is free and you can see just under 200k owners for it. Games like Hover Junkers which is an amazing VR experience has not even broken 30k sales.

We devs still have to earn money and that's hard right now on PC-based headsets and hell even, on Gear VR.

PSVR has a potential userbase of 40,000,000 players. Even 1% PSVR's sold (and I'm expecting them to sell more than that) would be huge for devs as there will finally be a good userbase to develop for and a userbase that will actually buy content.
PSVR has a user base MUCH MUCH smaller than Vive or Rift: its user base is zero. Doesn't really matter what the potential user base is, when the users have to buy a $500 item that is sold out (though for comparison, the potential user base of Vive and Rift is something over 9 million, considering the percentage of Steam users who have a GTX 970 or above, so PS4 does have higher potential...currently).


For those that got to Play EVE, what did you think? I left unimpressed. I'm gonna try and find a gamestop to play the heist demo

I'm just curious why some were unimpressed with EVE.

now mind you, I LOVE space shooters... used to love Star Trek, Babylon 5, Colony Wars etc just for the epic space battles. Being able to fly along the side of a HUGE ship.... looking over... it reminded me of those old Star Wars, Buck Rogers moments of looking around in the cockpit of a fighter.

Alot of stuff is going on in EVE.. and I thought the graphics were great for a VR title that ran at a high framerate.

again though, EVE was the first ever PSVR game I played. And that was last year at PSX. I think I'll try it again to see if I'll feel different about it.
I'm just curious why some were unimpressed with EVE.

now mind you, I LOVE space shooters... used to love Star Trek, Babylon 5, Colony Wars etc just for the epic space battles. Being able to fly along the side of a HUGE ship.... looking over... it reminded me of those old Star Wars, Buck Rogers moments of looking around in the cockpit of a fighter.

Alot of stuff is going on in EVE.. and I thought the graphics were great for a VR title that ran at a high framerate.

again though, EVE was the first ever PSVR game I played. And that was last year at PSX. I think I'll try it again to see if I'll feel different about it.
So maybe you can help me. I just tried out Eve and I was just lost. I figured out how to shoot my machine gun, how to do a barrel roll, and that's about it. I couldn't really control forward acceleration, and I could never tell if I was actually hitting anyone.

I don't typically play space shooters, so I might just not know how it's supposed to work.
I'm just curious why some were unimpressed with EVE.

now mind you, I LOVE space shooters... used to love Star Trek, Babylon 5, Colony Wars etc just for the epic space battles. Being able to fly along the side of a HUGE ship.... looking over... it reminded me of those old Star Wars, Buck Rogers moments of looking around in the cockpit of a fighter.

Alot of stuff is going on in EVE.. and I thought the graphics were great for a VR title that ran at a high framerate.

again though, EVE was the first ever PSVR game I played. And that was last year at PSX. I think I'll try it again to see if I'll feel different about it.

The Shark Dive demon is Much better at selling the Concept of VR then Eve or even Battle zone(which was extremely fun BTW) I've see the Deep video on line dozens of times, but it's nothing compared to actually putting on the Headset and going through it yourself. Battle Zone, and Eve are much better "games" but the sense of presence I got from The Deep demo was off the charts.


Just tried battlezone at best buy.

Compared to my vive:
- The screen is dimmer
- The res is noticeably worse
- The sweet spot is just as small
- The FOV seems a bit smaller but it wasn't limiting while actually using it
- The lower rendering FPS is apparent when your head is turned perpendicular to the direction you're moving, or if something is moving around quickly
- There was some tracking jitter in the system dashboard but it wasn't noticeable in game
- Tracking on the DS4 is terrible. The move camera was on top of the TV so I may have been holding it at the edge of its FOV
- When I adjusted it to put the lenses as close to my face as possible, there were reflections or something at the periphery of my vision.
- It is more comfortable
- No SDE
- No godrays
- The cable was longer than I was expecting, but there is a little breakout box at like 2/3 of its length, which seems odd.

I don't know how easy it is to put on/take off since the demo lady did that for me. I assume its very easy.

Overall I think it is good enough to not give VR a bad name. I will probably get one along with PS4k depending on the quantity and quality of games that don't come to PC.
I waited over an hour to demo the headset, and chose to play EVE. Impressions:

I assume whatever was being used to sanitize the headset was leaving a residue, as my vision was blurry as heck. Even after adjusting. That kind of put a major damper on my experience.

The controls for EVE are not intuitive at all. The game was interesting, but it took a while to get the hang of. Watched demos of Battle Zone and Deep, kind of wish I switched my pick.

Also ended up with a splitting headache after the fact, I think that's due to the playing with blurry vision. All in all, I'm still #teamVR. But my hype is significantly tempered.


I'm just curious why some were unimpressed with EVE.

now mind you, I LOVE space shooters... used to love Star Trek, Babylon 5, Colony Wars etc just for the epic space battles. Being able to fly along the side of a HUGE ship.... looking over... it reminded me of those old Star Wars, Buck Rogers moments of looking around in the cockpit of a fighter.

Alot of stuff is going on in EVE.. and I thought the graphics were great for a VR title that ran at a high framerate.

again though, EVE was the first ever PSVR game I played. And that was last year at PSX. I think I'll try it again to see if I'll feel different about it.

I think it's just that people are thrown into it and by the time they figure out the most basic things it's over. Just something like a quick display of controls while loading would have gone a long way.


PSVR has a user base MUCH MUCH smaller than Vive or Rift: its user base is zero. Doesn't really matter what the potential user base is, when the users have to buy a $500 item that is sold out (though for comparison, the potential user base of Vive and Rift is something over 9 million, considering the percentage of Steam users who have a GTX 970 or above, so PS4 does have higher potential...currently).

if you are developing software for new platform, potential userbase is all that matters.
I feel like there are more people posting concerns about negative impressions than there are actual people posting actual negative impressions.

I agree completely, many posts in this thread from the people that demo'd it, are very positive. Of course there are a few posts that are more negative, or detail some concerns. Then you get the post where BlackBanditSho says "Sounds like PSVR is demoing very poorly."

I was like "Huh?" From reading this entire thread, it appears to be demo'ing pretty damn positively to me!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I ended up playing EVE. I was pretty impressed. I'll caveat that I have not played any other VR.

I didn't see any screen door type pattern or anything. I guess I'd say it felt most like a lasershow or perhaps the old Star Wars ride at Disneyland when it comes to resolution. Text appears foggy, almost misty, and objects are jaggy. But that's only the first impression you get...then after a minute my eyes adjusted and it felt very natural. I would never say it appears "crisp," but it doesn't appear like a subHD Vita game after a minute or so. The cockpit area in EVE felt very real and very in front of me, and after a while my eyes focusing in the background gave the foreground a very nice, natural DoF.

After a few minutes I actually noticed I was ducking and dodging my head as I whipped around the side of the big spaceships.

My roommate did the shark tank demo. He liked it a lot. He complained that I was not looking around the cockpit a lot, so the outer TV apparently looked boring while I was playing...but I said I was trying to play the game. I don't normally look around while trying to shoot or whatever.

Anyway it really needs good software but the hardware is pretty neat. I gotta get a PS4K I guess. The device is VERY comfortable! I had no light bleed.
I dunno if my headset was calibrated properly; I felt like the screen was a bit too far from my eyes, as too much of my vision was taken up by what looked like black goggles and I felt the screen seemed out of focus. That said, the actual experience of playing Eve was really cool, especially with all the ducking and weaving. I'll have to go back next weekend and get some impressions on another demo; The Heist or Battlezone are what I'd like to do next.


I just played the Heist and my wife 'experienced' the deep sea / shark thing. I was impressed by the immersion of the Heist. The controls were natural and I was able to aim with precision.

I couldn't stop laughing during my wife's time jumping away from virtual sharks.

We both came away from it with a positive experience, but questioned if we would be able to spend an extended amount of time (more than 30 minutes) playing a game in VR.


I dunno if my headset was calibrated properly; I felt like the screen was a bit too far from my eyes, as too much of my vision was taken up by what looked like black goggles and I felt the screen seemed out of focus. That said, the actual experience of playing Eve was really cool, especially with all the ducking and weaving. I'll have to go back next weekend and get some impressions on another demo; The Heist or Battlezone are what I'd like to do next.

It's possible; your demo person should have explained that the headset itself is adjustable forward and backward in order to focus the image. If you do go back, make sure you adjust it that way, it'll help
I just finished demoing the eve and Battlefield demos. I was very impressed by the heist demo yesterday, but I've had a less positive experience today.

Had tracking on the battlefield demo was a bit Lackey for me. This was not an issue with the heist demo yesterday and I don't believe it was an issue with the eve demo either.

I was pleasantly surprised that you could see the controller in the game in the battlefield demo. That was very neat. I also liked that you could see your own body in the eve demo. That was very cool and interesting.

I did experience for the first time what others had talked about with regards to dizziness and a slight headache. The dizziness started when maneuvering in eve and persisted throughout the battlefield demo. I feel queezy now and need something to settle my stomach. could that be a lag / fps issue?

As background on me, I don't play shooters where you control the reticle with a thumb stick, so that likely resulted in poorer performance and more cameras swings.

The heist demo continues to impress people at the location I demoed. I think it's the vr combined with the move controllers. I really enjoyed that experience.

Edit: one more thing - the visuals were a-okay in my book. I looked for and saw the screen door effect, but forgot about it quickly. Not an issue for me.
I dunno if my headset was calibrated properly; I felt like the screen was a bit too far from my eyes, as too much of my vision was taken up by what looked like black goggles and I felt the screen seemed out of focus. That said, the actual experience of playing Eve was really cool, especially with all the ducking and weaving. I'll have to go back next weekend and get some impressions on another demo; The Heist or Battlezone are what I'd like to do next.
My ship moved so slowly - how do you speed it up?
I tried the heist demo it was pretty cool. I liked it most were playing the tank demo. I wanted to try another demo but the lady said to come another day. I was disappointed by that. It was a great experience. I want to try it out again. The lady said she was going to keep coming until October.
Couldn't try it out before, but I'm definitely going today. Which demo should I try? I'm thinking Battlezone or EVE Valkyrie.
If you like control stick based shooters, then I would go with battle zone. But really I think The Heist is the best demo especially because it uses the move controllers.
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