It's frustrating how they keep asking Bernie for specifics, and he just repeats content-free talking points again and again. "How will you get climate change done?" Hillary - Detailed answer. Bernie - Aspirational statement about how we need to deal with the problem, but no actual plan to accomplish this. Answer the question! "We need a political revolution" is not a policy answer. Of course he's right that this nation would be in a far better place if we had a political revolution, but just saying "we need one" doesn't make it happen, and in the voting so far he isn't showing a revolution among the people, just support for a liberal candidate. I know Bernie is running more on message than specifics, but you should know the actual policies a president is saying they will do with politics as they are, not just what they wish they could do if they could have the congress they want.
... Maybe this is one reason why I support Hillary over Bernie, but anyway. When I first heard that "we need a political revolution in this country" line last year, I thought it sounded good -- yes, we do, that'd be great. But how do you do it? Now that we are actually voting, we need details. And he hasn't provided them, he's still just repeating his talking points.