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Democratic National Primary Debate #1 |Tokyo2016| Rise of Mecha-Godzilla

GAF Definitive Conclusive Scientific Online Poll of Who Won

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Sanders is going to need to keep his temper in check. Dude is passionate, but I get the feeling that someone might get under his skin and that passion might leak out a little too hard.

He also needs to prove that he can deliver something other than the same stump speech he's given for the past several decades.


Well then I guess I'm glad my vote doesn't matter anyways, hurray Electoral College! I probably won't vote for Hillary but probably would vote for Bernie.
How well did that work out in 2000 for "gore is too corporate /moderate" people who voted Nader instead?

Especially in swing states like Florida. Those people deserve just as much blame for Bush and his policies as much as the Republican base who voted for him.

Chris R

How well did that work out in 2000 for "gore is too corporate /moderate" people who voted Nader instead?

Especially in swing states like Florida. Those people deserve just as much blame for Bush and his policies as much as the Republican base who voted for him.

I don't live in a swing state. I wish I did though.

I'll still vote, it just might not be for the Democratic nominee.


OP could be a little more descriptive, IMO.

I thought the OP was good.

But if you're an undecided voter and you want some more fair and balanced information, I got you.

Hillary Clinton

Keywords: too old, flip flopper, liar, unlikable, emails, corrupt


Well-Respected Newspaper said:
“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

Well-Respected Newspaper said:
“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“F— off,” she replied.

Hillary Clinton said:
Stand down, Panetta. That's an order.

Facts about Hillary's emails.

Bernie Sanders

Keywords: leader, strong, honest, dedicated, efficient, experienced, well-groomed, likable, youthful, historic, powerful


Recent headlines:

Compared to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders is doing better among African Americans

Bernie Sanders eviscerates Hillary Clinton in election polls

Lincoln Chafee

Keywords: metric system, charismatic, front-runner, well-funded campaign, popular


Video of him talking about the metric system.

Martin O'Malley

Keywords: Villain in The Wire

Jim Webb

Keywords: Blahblahblah

There you go!


I don't live in a swing state. I wish I did though.

I'll still vote, it just might not be for the Democratic nominee.
Will you still vote Democrat down ticket? Presidency is the "sexy" campaign to focus on but the very local positions such as education board, local state reps are just as significant in the long run.
There's still time to venture back in time to compare and contrast how things go down versus the last time one of these primary debates actually served a purpose in terms of interesting candidates/outliers:


I think that was the first one of the key cycle...time'll tell just how differently Sanders fares versus the particular treatment that Gravel especially, and Kucinich almost as much, endured.

Also, apparently Gravel is now the head of a medical marijuana company....so that's a leg up on what I guess is Kucinich's fate?


you can't put a price on sparks
interested to see what happens.

i feel like bernie and clinton wont have much of a change in their numbers relatively, but the other candidates will get noticed so it might steal some from them.
Quite frankly the trajectory this country is on this country will be lit ablaze in 20 years if it doesn't change course immediately(2016). A couple of Supreme Court justices aren't going to save this country. There are so many bigger issues that will be tackled when Bernie is President plus the SC justices. If you want more war, if you want more corporate greed, if you want to keep fucking over the planet we live on....yeah, vote Hillary those SC justices aren't going to stop those things.

I'm not even sure Hillary can win the General Election. If she continues to slide down the polls and barely wins the nomination she may be forced to put Bernie on the ticket with her just to have a shot at the General Election. Hillary is losing in matchups in Iowa and NH to the Republican candidates. The people who should know Hillary16 the best so far are those people and they'd rather choose the clown car candidate.

Hillary supporters have blinders on. Ignoring her awful votes from war to the surveillance state to her work as SoS paving the way for the shitty TPP. Responding to Keystone with I'll tell you my stance when I'm president. She's flipped her positions so many times she's a walking John Kerry/Mitt Romney.


Quite frankly the trajectory this country is on this country will be lit ablaze in 20 years if it doesn't change course immediately(2016). A couple of Supreme Court justices aren't going to save this country. There are so many bigger issues that will be tackled when Bernie is President plus the SC justices. If you want more war, if you want more corporate greed, if you want to keep fucking over the planet we live on....yeah, vote Hillary those SC justices aren't going to stop those things.

I'm not even sure Hillary can win the General Election. If she continues to slide down the polls and barely wins the nomination she may be forced to put Bernie on the ticket with her just to have a shot at the General Election. Hillary is losing in matchups in Iowa and NH to the Republican candidates. The people who should know Hillary16 the best so far are those people and they'd rather choose the clown car candidate.

Hillary supporters have blinders on. Ignoring her awful votes from war to the surveillance state to her work as SoS paving the way for the shitty TPP. Responding to Keystone with I'll tell you my stance when I'm president. She's flipped her positions so many times she's a walking John Kerry/Mitt Romney.

I do not think it's fair to even assume that Bernie will make it better. I'm of the opinion whoever we get, things will get worse before they get better.

None of these candidates have yet to be grilled by the scary reality of technology unemployment, which will be the developed world's greatest problem after climate change. That's an issue no motherfucker running has a firm opinion on.

Then there's the oligarchical establishment which has almost become a barrier to what the people want if it's not in the interest of companies..
I'm still suprised Webb didn't switch to be a republican. I bet he would have gotten a good 10% of the polls. Hes a stand up person, has military experience, etc. Just leans more liberal on social stuff.

Hes running for a cabinet position mostly, I think.

Chris R

Will you still vote Democrat down ticket? Presidency is the "sexy" campaign to focus on but the very local positions such as education board, local state reps are just as significant in the long run.

I have in the past and will continue to do so. It's just that my vote for President has never mattered.
Quite frankly the trajectory this country is on this country will be lit ablaze in 20 years if it doesn't change course immediately(2016). A couple of Supreme Court justices aren't going to save this country. There are so many bigger issues that will be tackled when Bernie is President plus the SC justices. If you want more war, if you want more corporate greed, if you want to keep fucking over the planet we live on....yeah, vote Hillary those SC justices aren't going to stop those things.

I'm not even sure Hillary can win the General Election. If she continues to slide down the polls and barely wins the nomination she may be forced to put Bernie on the ticket with her just to have a shot at the General Election. Hillary is losing in matchups in Iowa and NH to the Republican candidates. The people who should know Hillary16 the best so far are those people and they'd rather choose the clown car candidate.

Hillary supporters have blinders on. Ignoring her awful votes from war to the surveillance state to her work as SoS paving the way for the shitty TPP. Responding to Keystone with I'll tell you my stance when I'm president. She's flipped her positions so many times she's a walking John Kerry/Mitt Romney.

A little dramatic there, buddy. "Vote for Bernie or America is doomed!"


I thought the OP was good.

But if you're an undecided voter and you want some more fair and balanced information, I got you.
NY Post is definitely not fair and unbalanced. It's pretty much the mouthpiece for the crazies wing of the Republican Party.
Seriously, though. If Bernie Sanders ever has a sexual harassment claim lodged against him, it'll really sour the whole #FeelTheBern thing, huh?
Humor me, how would such a policy get passed in a Republican congress when the more moderate Obamacare was barely able to pass in a Democratic one?
Would it happen in 2016 or 2017? Definitely not. Within several years after that? Probably not. But showing that it's not electoral poison and giving someone passionate about the issue the BIGGEST PLATFORM IN THE WORLD should go a long way to influencing changes on the lower levels so it will happen sooner than it otherwise would.


Mecha-Hillary just seems so right, like Mecha-Streisand. Bernie's picture wasn't working so I'll guess he's Mothra.


I thought the OP was good.

But if you're an undecided voter and you want some more fair and balanced information, I got you.

Hillary Clinton

Keywords: too old, flip flopper, liar, unlikable, emails, corrupt




Facts about Hillary's emails.

I lol'd. AND I learned something. I never paid much attention to the NY Post but I always kind of assumed they were reputable. Well now that I've seen those Hillary articles, I know better.

User 406

Debate predictions:

Candidate: "I don't see it the same way, my approach would be..."

Debate predictions:

Candidate: "I don't see it the same way, my approach would be..."


Can someone explain to me the Lana Del Rey gifs that are always in Bernie/Clinton related threads?


No Laurence Lessig?
Apparently Lessig doesn't qualify according to debate rules, which is polling at some percentage for at least three polls before the debate. Ironically this means Biden would qualify even if he's not in the race, but Lessig does not.


No Scrubs
Apparently Lessig doesn't qualify according to debate rules, which is polling at some percentage for at least three polls before the debate. Ironically this means Biden would qualify even if he's not in the race, but Lessig does not.

Lessig is better off, he'd be ripped to shreds on anything not campaign finance reform.
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