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Democratic National Primary Debate #1 |Tokyo2016| Rise of Mecha-Godzilla

GAF Definitive Conclusive Scientific Online Poll of Who Won

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I was kinda shocked Sanders got such a lukewarm reaction after calling out the wealthy.

Can't hate the job creators after the decades of propaganda that they rightfully earned it and haven't rigged the system against would-like-to-be millionaires.


Jim Webb be like


Fucking hell that shit was awkward, the audience had no idea how to respond.


O'Malley did a great job, which was a surprise to me. He had a strong closing statement.

Bernie has the best message and the strongest plans.
The Silver Fox did a great job tonight. Hope it comes down to the wire between Sanders and Clinton. I would like to see O'Malley stay in the race for as long as he can just to keep Sanders and Clinton on point. More competition is always good.


Clinton was definitely the most consistent debater.
Bernie got better and more relaxed as the evening went on. I almost buried my face in my arms when he didn't hear Anderson Cooper's question early on.
O'Malley should bump up to 5% I think.
Webb and Chafee need to go.
Sanders/O'Malley 2016
"Climate Change Get Wrecked"

Nah, it will be "Cut it out"

You do realize Bernie is older than Clinton right? He's also been in politics just as long if not longer. Your ageist attacks are disgusting and nonsensical at the same time.

Dude, you took offense to an obvious joke post.

Old Clinton is old because of her ideas and standing on policies, not age, so there's no ageist nothing going on by me telling her old Clinton, that explains why I don't tell Bernie Old, he has a fresh, young and exuberant approach to his policies.

Hillary with the win, Bernie with a very strong showing and Carcetti a very distant 3rd. Jim "Did I mention I killed a Viet Cong" and "It was my first day" Chafee are done for.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
1. I liked Bernie's debate best overall

2. But holy shit Clinton calling out Republicans directly and forcefully is by far the most important thing to note from this debate. Hoooooooly crap have I missed that direct aggression toward calling out bullshit. What a refreshing change from Obama.

I feel like its just red meat. Its very easy to call out the GOP, cause they are just insane. Talking about yourself is the problem. You can obviously just deflect and say "i'm gonna be the nominee think about those bad republicans", but that's how a lot of shit gets under the radar, by deflection.

Money in politics is not anywhere near divided behind party lines, and that is the most important thing that needs to be addressed, or else the politicians will never represent our interests to begin with.


Except for the fact they had a landslide victory just a year ago in 2014. And control the vast majority of governorships, state houses, congress, and the senate.

Other than than that, yeah pretty weak. Donald Trump won't be the nominee. It will be an establishment type like Rubio. Don't fool yourself into thinking this election is going to be easy.

The second term midterm "curse" happens consistently. It is not a surprise that it happened. The Presidential candidates for the Republican party are weak. There is a reason why Trump, Fiorina, and Carson are leading the polls. The career politicians are not connecting with the Republican base. If Rubio cannot ignite his base, how is he going to grab the nation's attention?
I'll say I have a more favorable opinion of Sanders than I did before, and not that I disagree with the guy on his issues but I admit I let some of his more extreme supports cloud that thought process.
I feel that Hillary "won" the debate. Sanders can't go for parity. He has to knock the wind out from her at some point. He didn't do that. Sanders hurt himself at the beginning. He cannot talk about foreign policy at all. Unless he can spend two hours talking about economics, he's not in a position of strength.

I was most surprised by O'Malley. With a bit more work, he could definitely have a role in the Cabinet.

Sander's wife is charming, btw.


Sanders and Clinton were about equal.

Sanders is terribly weak on guns, and Clinton's answer on College was pretty poor.

It's essentially an ACA-like proposition for college.

Fix some issues, but never the roots of the problem. I consider that unacceptable.
Sanders > O'Malley > Clinton > The Muppets = Ducktales >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Webb = Chaffee

For this debate. Sanders and O'Malley both did a real good job this time. Clinton just kinda did the usual clinton thing.
Yeah, O'Malley went from a nonentity to someone people will be talking about. Sanders should actually see his numbers with minorities go up too. Chaffee might hang on, but Webb should drop.


The Silver Fox did a great job tonight. Hope it comes down to the wire between Sanders and Clinton. I would like to see O'Malley stay in the race for as long as he can just to keep Sanders and Clinton on point. More competition is always good.

Ehh someone called him out earlier for caring too much about labels. That "Edward Snowden: hero or traitor" question was useless. Candidates did well actually discussing the nuance of the situation at least.


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How do all of you expect this will change the polls?

I'm guessing Hillary might lose some votes to the the three minor candidates, simply because of their new visibility.


Hilary > Sanders > O'Malley >>>>>> Chafee >> Webb

Hilary dominated the first 45 minutes, stumbled and dodged a lot in the next 45, but closed out strong.

Sanders did pretty poorly at the beginning, rebounded in a big way as Hilary started faltering, and also closed out strongly.

O'Malley had a relatively breakout performance imo. Didn't dominate the stage at any point but was consistently good throughout and killed it on the closing remarks. Definitely secured himself a cabinet position tonight.

Webb, I didn't really like anything he had to say, but to be fair he's basically an expat Republican anyway.

Chafee...man, I actually kind of feel bad for him. He's always sounded like a nice guy, and yeah your dad dying and being thrust into a brand new role all at the same time... but holy shit, that is not an excuse for a bad vote and you sure as hell don't admit that on live TV! I think he fared better than Webb but he's just not cut out for a presidential run at all.

Oh, and I think after this, Biden will absolutely not run.
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