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Democratic Primary Debate VI: Raid Time 2/11 9PM EST

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That's all well and good Senator but could you please respond to the question of how you would resolve the situation in Iraq right now?

As in my idea? Or his? He's already offered his thoughts. To provide the regions in question, direct or neighbouring, with the funds, political weight, might, infrastructure and equipment to fight the fight themselves, only with the tertiary help of allies. A coalition of sorts, united on the fight against ISIS, and then post support to offer infrastructure to prevent further vacuums. It's certainly than just indiscriminate bombing and military aggression.
He was NOT popular at that time - iirc (don't have approval numbers on hand). I myself recall wishing I had voted for Hillary at some points during his first term - he was not doing well and neither were the dems as shown by the previous midterms.

Iirc, he claimed that a more progressive challenger could craft Obama into a stronger candidate and that it could give progressives a better voice.

Trying to Primary a sitting president has NEVER gone well and is the fastest way to ensure you would have ended up with president Romney.

Of course he wasn't doing well at the time, the economy was still recovering from the crash of 08, and democrats had gotten annihilated across the country in 2010. Assuming Hillary, Biden, or even Bill Clinton would have been doing any better is simply false.

To ideologues like bernie it doesn't matter what the collateral damage is as long as his grievances are aired out. Hillary realizes this and called him out on it.


He was NOT popular at that time - iirc (don't have approval numbers on hand). I myself recall wishing I had voted for Hillary at some points during his first term - he was not doing well and neither were the dems as shown by the previous midterms.

Iirc, he claimed that a more progressive challenger could craft Obama into a stronger candidate and that it could give progressives a better voice.
What do you think Obama's approval rating was with Democrats, let alone black voters in 2012? Think about that, and try to tell me again that painting Sanders as anti-Obama was anything but fair and smart.
He also did jack shit about the NSA

Hate to break this to you, but nobody outside of the Internet gives a shit about the NSA or drones.

I think the question to ask is was Ted Kennedy wrong to primary Jimmy Carter?

Yes. It was an idiotic decision, especially when Teddy had no good answer to the, "why do you want to be President" question. However, even with that, the case against Carter is far stronger than the case against Obama who had basically 45-50% approval ratings and an improving economy.


Damnit i wasn't watching live on my stream, then it cut off hillary's closing statement. Bernie's sounded fire though!
I wonder if people are going to call Hillary idealistic for that closing statement?

Bernie: We can start the process to change the workings of politics.
Hillary: I will do it all!!

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, it was a massive truth bomb that differentiates her from Sanders. Continuing Obama's legacy is a big part of her campaign, and Obama is very popular with AA and democrats.

Maybe they shouldn't distanced themselves from him in the midterms.


Sanders just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Democrat culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like Republicans where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw Obama over with Democrats, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is Democrats, after watching this debate, are not going to want to listen to any of Bernie's speeches again, nor will they vote for him anymore in the primary. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Bernie has alienated an entire party with this move.

Bernie, publicly apologize and close your campaign or you can kiss your legacy goodbye.


Honestly, Bernie should have never called for Obama to be primaried. Then he could convincingly say he would continue from where Obama left off and improve from his presidency/administration even further without looking as much of an outsider to the many people who still love Obama.


I don't think Bernie did a thing tonight to turn around his South Carolina prospects.

Everyone knows Hillary ran against Obama in 2008. If it gets out there more widely Sanders called for Obama to face a primary challenge in 2012 he's fucked.


The CNN pundits just insulted millennials by suggesting that we can't even understand American history well enough to know who Henry Kissinger is. They can go fuck themselves.


Okay Bernie had me drinking too much.

But honestly, I don't think anyone should be swayed by tonight's debate. It does sound like Hillary would wife swap with Michelle tho.


I wonder if people are going to call Hillary idealistic for that closing statement?

Bernie: We can start the process to change the workings of politics.
Hillary: I will do it all!!

Won't really matter, it'll just be a soundbyte tomorrow. It was a strong statement more people will actually hear and resonate with.


Burnie crushed it on campaign finance and economics. Foreign policy started off terrible, but got better as the debate went on. Social issues have shown massive improvement, but not enough if you ask me. Clinton hit him hard on foreign policy and toward the end.


And that's the point she's tying herself to Obama because she largely wants to continue his work and progress from there.

Saying I'll be like a third term of Obama is a damn good way to go
Yeah, I think a vast majority of registered Dems really like Obama, and they're the bigger base right now, so I think it's a solid strategy. May have pushed it a little too strong this go-round though.


Obama is popular with Democrats, so I have no idea why Bernie started down that road. There is only sadness there for him.

She had all the Superdelegates already, but yeah, she's showing incredible party loyalty.

That's one of biggest things that confuses me. Why would he even think going after Obama, in any way, was a good idea!? Even if he had any thought of running. What about the Dem party suggested that would work given it's demographic make up and the power players within the party. If Obama had crashed and burned then maybe it would make sense but if he did that he wouldn't have gotten reelected.
I feel Sanders did much better on foreign policy tonight, by looping in an economic slant to it, and he was able to combat the anti-obama argument against him.
Hillary lost the debate for the simple reason that she did not give voters a reason to go with him over Bernie. both can play that game
No, they really can't.

If the election was held tomorrow, Hillary would absolutely crush Bernie.

He's the one that needs to sway voters, not her. She's the establishment candidate and winning in the polls.
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