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Democratic Primary Debate VI: Raid Time 2/11 9PM EST

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That crowd wtf
I said beforehand that the venue could be important. Milwaukee is a very segregated city and very very "establishment" Democrat. It's the complete opposite of nearby Madison, which is even more liberal but much farther left.

Clinton played to this audience perfectly. She knew exactly how to tweak things. Even the little stuff like mentioning Flint at the top of a list of major national issues is calculated.


It was pretty much a draw in most respects because they agree on most everything. But I think she's still the more realistic candidate and would be a better President and Bernie hasn't done anything to make me change my mind on that.

Her closing statement was great and she should seize on that going forward because it's a powerful argument.


I thought Bernie did damn good tonight

I don't think it'll help him tremendously going forward, mind you, but I thought he did really well


Looked pretty even to me. Maybe slight edge to Sanders (he's still gonna get dunked in SC so whatever). I don't like that Clinton keeps tying herself to Obama. I care about how her and Sanders would solve issues, and I don't need a history lesson on each candidate's thoughts of him.


It's almost like this is subjective


Your avatar is more modern than her concept of leftist politics.

Just call yourself a centrist non-progressive and I'm fine. It's a legit point. Just don't fake it.
The CNN pundits just insulted millennials by suggesting that we can't even understand American history well enough to know who Henry Kissinger is. They can go fuck themselves.

lol, CNN making fun of millennials having to google Kissinger

I mean, are they wrong? The vast majority of millenials voting for Bernie don't even remember the end of Clinton's 2nd term, let alone Kissinger. Not that means your average 45 year old knows who ole' Henry is either...


If Hillary will be an extension of Obama with some tweaks, sign me up.

So more foreign policy turmoil, endless, pointless and hawkish destabilising military engagements, more invasive anti privacy and freedom measures, and another future inevitable economic crash. Great.

Obama did a decent job with what he had, but we need much, much better. Not more of the same.


I feel Sanders did much better on foreign policy tonight, by looping in an economic slant to it, and he was able to combat the anti-obama argument against him.

I think he nailed Clinton on the anti-obama stuff. Any rational adult (aka, the Democratic base) knows that no president, whether you're Obama or not is above criticism.
Really tired of Hillary namedropping LGBT as if she gives a hoot. For the vast majority of her career, she was okay with throwing us under the bus. And now she thinks she can get our support just by mentioning us every now and then. Not buying it for a second. Words are worthless, actions are what matter.

I wish Bernie would stop mentioning the word "revolution", even if he's right that one is needed. It's just going to make him sound like a loony radical, or worse, like Ron Paul, and he can't afford that if he wants to win the general election.


I think Hillary won this debate, but not necessarily because she made the better points. She won just by making Bernie out to be an opponent of Obama, regardless of how true that actually is.
Bernie crushed her on economics and the tied on FP

I wouldn't say crushed, but he soundly beat her on economics.

I still think he lost on foreign policy because he continues to fail to lay out what foreign policy would look like under his administration. It's one thing to criticize others on their record, but his plan is still incredibly vague.

You're forgetting on another aspect: social issues. I think Bernie really fucked up tonight with his responses in this regard. Trying to tie everything back on Wall Street in regards to systemic racism was really tone-deaf, and it seems his fix for all social issues is financial reform.

The next few weeks should be super dooper interesting.


So we're all just a bunch of uninformed negroes that need to be enlightened apparently.

I'm talking about all Americans. Too many American voters vote on superficial attributes instead of platform and facts / statistics. Same could be said about any citizen but it's more present in America.

Oh, and here's the candidate for my old riding (our political system is different then yours) I had voted for in the past in Canada:


She had the best platform items.


So more foreign policy turmoil, endless, pointless and hawkish destabilising military engagements, more invasive anti privacy and freed measures, and another future inevitable economic crash. Great.

Obama did a decent job with what he had, but we need much, much better. Not more of the same.
Obama is going to be regarded very very highly in the long run. Neither dem running holds a candle to Bama.


I think Bernie won this debate. He actually seemed human compared to his previous debates where he came off as just repeating things over and over again.


I think Hillary won this debate, but not necessarily because she made the better points. She won just by making Bernie out to be an opponent of Obama, regardless of how true that actually is.

She was right about his stance. He felt Obama was a disappointment.

But he was still the best president since Carter or perhaps JFK.


I'm so tired of the "lol guys, you know people under 30 don't know who [insert historical figure from decades ago here] is" point. Not all of us are mindless husks playing on our iPhones all day.
She's the frontrunner.

C'mon, dude. Think.

I'm thinking that your opinion is biased because you're very clearly a devout Clinton supporter. Bernie provided enough reasons on why he should be picked over Clinton.

-distancing himself from kissinger
-distancing himself from poor judgement in regards to foreign policy
-showing he won't settle for half-assed liberalism and wants the Nordic view of healthcare
-wall street


I think he nailed Clinton on the anti-obama stuff. Any rational adult (aka, the Democratic base) knows that no president, whether you're Obama or not is above criticism.


But calling for him to face a primary challenge is not simple criticism, and is something that will doom Sanders if it gets too much coverage.
Hillary was more direct, but did a few low blows right. I think she did much better overall especially earlier in the debate. Bernie did great a the topics he was good at, and did slight better in foreign policy, but didn't do much better.He did good at hitting her a few times.

Although, I think she got close to Obama a little to much, but I think it is a decent strategy considering the demographics coming up now. I think Bernie made him self look fierce, but unpresidential with the finger waving and among other things.
I think they traded shots tonight and both came out of it a bit bloody, but all in all it could have been worse. I think Hillary trying to drag down Bernie because he doesn't worship Obama was a terrible look and I really don't appreciate it. Obama was the first president I actually got to vote for (twice) and I wouldn't have it any other way. That said, the man isn't perfect and Hillary should try presenting herself to the voting public instead of Obama's record. No one won, but no one lost. I guess the mods were not so good.



I'm so tired of the "lol guys, you know people under 30 don't know who [insert historical figure from decades ago here] is" point. Not all of us are mindless husks playing on our iPhones all day.

They have this condescending attitude and then they wonder why young people don't get into politics.


I mean, are they wrong? The vast majority of millenials voting for Bernie don't even remember the end of Clinton's 2nd term, let alone Kissinger. Not that means your average 45 year old knows who ole' Henry is either...

We also must remember that millennials are a large group. Even if they may have a cursory awareness of Henry Kissinger, I simply don't like the dismissive tone that many of these so called "experienced pundits" have toward millennials and their interests.


Obama's presidency has had lots of positives and negatives, but let's not make perfect the enemy of good. It's absolutely ridiculous the level of expectations people have for presidents.
Sanders fans physically can't do that. They're new to the political process in general, they're the type of people that thought Obama was Jesus resurrected and then proceeded to plant their asses to the couch when the 2010 and 2014 elections happened.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I think Hillary won this debate, but not necessarily because she made the better points. She won just by making Bernie out to be an opponent of Obama, regardless of how true that actually is.

Agree with this. She was extremely effective at framing Bernie to not be pro Obama and it really is quite difficult for Bernie to talk about wanting a revolution and support the policies of the last 8 years.


I mean, are they wrong? The vast majority of millenials voting for Bernie don't even remember the end of Clinton's 2nd term, let alone Kissinger. Not that means your average 45 year old knows who ole' Henry is either...

You're right, just makes me laugh because it's true.


Please stop invoking MLK. Good lord

I am responding to someone that said that Obama would be put along with MLK and Jesus. I am saying that I don't believe MLK would have supported Obama after his original election because a lot of his policies were anti-Labour Union, especially TPP.
She was right about his stance. He felt Obama was a disappointment.

But he was still the best president since Carter or perhaps JFK.
That's what scares me about Bernie. I like a lot more about Bernie than I do Hilary (I like them both). But what I don't like about Bernie, such as his views on Obama, I really really dislike.
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