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Demon’s Souls Remake needs to have an Easy difficulty setting


This entire thread only exists because Demon’s Souls is the best looking launch game, and people are getting poochy at the prospect of having to play a difficult game

I thinks this whole easy peasy shit came up, because the demo played in god mode. At least it gave some people hope.


always chasing the next thrill
I love how asking for an easy mode brings out all the hardcore gamers🤣

imagine doing some bowling using those helpers. And then having people show up every 5 minutes telling you how to stop enjoying the game. 🐴


I thinks this whole easy peasy shit came up, because the demo played in god mode. At least it gave some people hope.

Yep. Literally:

”Waah... I want to play this because it looks gorgeous and really uses the power of the new PlayStation, but game is hard, and I don’t like hard games. Make it easy so I can play too!”


I just feel stupid for engaging with it, to be honest.

Last thing I’ll say to the complainers. Try this mentality instead:

”Wow. Demon’s Souls looks amazing. Would love to play it! But I know how hard those games are, so I’ll either have to accept that and give it a go anyway - who knows! I might end up really enjoying it! - or purchase one of the many other game available.”


nah man, let's NOT make this game a walking simulator. It takes all the charm away when you can one try all the bosses and not having any sense of acomplischment. Lets make a deal: you unock easy mode after your 3rd playtrough.

Kev Kev

i don't care about games being difficult so yeah sure

never played any of these games though, never played bloodborn either

Kev Kev

Nah i mean i like these games a lot but take away the difficulty and they wouldnt be half the game they are. The difficulty is what takes a repetative hack and slash game with near zero story, to a much higher level.
so the games aren't fun on their own merit, it's just satisfying when you complete it bc it's difficult? and that's the fun part?

not gonna lie i think all you guys are up your own asses lol.


so the games aren't fun on their own merit, it's just satisfying when you complete it bc it's difficult? and that's the fun part?

not gonna lie i think all you guys are up your own asses lol.

Many people have really jumped on the bandwagon and drank the kool-aid hard.

I find it adorable when some casual fuck thinks they're all hardcore cuz they play Souls and knows fuck all about gaming otherwise. Had this one hipster turd come work with us for a week and he was just like that. Prolly thinks he got some hardcore gamer cred cuz he's played one Japanese game lol. I know people too who know fuck all about Japanese games except for of course Kojima and Souls games.


And I'm not saying they're all like that, but they definitely exist.

These people act like Souls games are better than everything else, that Souls gamed invented difficulty in games, or that they're so cultured they play one Japanese game, and of course only after it blew up and became so popular. Probably haven't even fuckin' heard of King's Field nor would they be caught dead ever playing it.

It's like the only Japanese games these people will condescend to play are Souls/Kojima games.
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I love how asking for an easy mode brings out all the hardcore gamers🤣

imagine doing some bowling using those helpers. And then having people show up every 5 minutes telling you how to stop enjoying the game. 🐴

No. We're not hardcore gamers. We don't like how OP starts of by saying He has a life therefore he should be entitled to easy mode.

The majority of us here have a job, a significant other, kids and other hobbies besides gaming too.

And I've mentioned that it's ok to suck at games. Just don't come in and sound entitled like the developers owe you something and have to change their vision to fit yours.
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Gold Member
I wonder if quicksave would stop a lot of these complaints. Quicksave at fog gate, done. Attempt boss over and over again lol.

Honestly, the only thing that I have reason to complain about in DeS and DSI is the jank and clipping. That is some straight tier I bullshit.
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Many people have really jumped on the bandwagon and drank the kool-aid hard.

I find it adorable when some casual fuck thinks they're all hardcore cuz they play Souls and knows fuck all about gaming otherwise. Had this one hipster turd come work with us for a week and he was just like that. Prolly thinks he got some hardcore gamer cred cuz he's played one Japanese game lol. I know people too who know fuck all about Japanese games except for of course Kojima and Souls games.


And I'm not saying they're all like that, but they definitely exist.

These people act like Souls games are better than everything else, that Souls gamed invented difficulty in games, or that they're so cultured they play one Japanese game, and of course only after it blew up and became so popular. Probably haven't even fuckin' heard of King's Field nor would they be caught dead ever playing it.

Yeah, alright cack hands. The only reason you’re moaning is because your big fat thumbs slipped and you killed the blacksmith 😂



Except this game saves when you do anything, from using items to dying and this game system called world tendency effects world when you die.

Let me ask you guys this, I don’t like first person shooter, why games like Doom or COD give me “option” to go third person? Why games like FFXIV don't include “option” to go offline single player mode?

I assumed it was like dark souls, when you die after a checkpoint, all enemies come back and you get one shot to pick up your items - is that correct?

I think the option of having check points before each boss would be ideal. The strategies to beat the bosses take time to learn and killing the exact same regular enemies 50x times on the way to a boss, only to die at said boss, is just irrelevant and unnecessarily mundane to me. I have proven i can defeat those enemies already by reaching the boss area.

Your question and examples aren't comparable and just dont make sense. Difficulty options and settings are an industry standard and I am sure COD includes these settings too.

Why deny someone the option? Its got nothing to do with your experience and literally makes no sense to me.

I can derive enjoyment multiple ways out of these games and diluting the repetition would not hinder the experience for me and many others.

The notion that someone enjoying Dark Souls as it is = doesn't have a life is ridiculous xD

Nice troll post. Bonfires are basically a checkpoints lmfao. "My schedule for enjoyment" XDDDDDDDDDDD

I was requesting additional optional bonfires.

Yep, laugh all you want, most working adults with responsibilites and other hobbies require some sort of scheduling to fit everything in, otherwise you fall behind.

You from reset era? Your "this is a troll post" is straight up reset era immature levels. No offence buddy.

Edit: Just realised I forgot the pivotal word "additional" in my checkpoint remark on my original post. That explains the backlash haha. My points regarding adding an options to make the game easier/less mundane still stand however.
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I wonder if quicksave would stop a lot of these complaints. Quicksave at fog gate, done. Attempt boss over and over again lol.
I think so. I mean Cuphead was a hard game, but at least you could immediately retry the bosses without the boring trash and without farming stuff.


The nicest person on this forum
Your question and examples aren't comparable and just dont make sense. Difficulty options and settings are an industry standard and I am sure COD includes these settings too.

Why deny someone the option? Its got nothing to do with your experience and literally makes no sense to me.
Then Why deny my option to play Doom in third person or play MMO completely offline? If people still have the option to play Doom in first person, it wont hurt the experience....option is always is good thing, right?

People also free to play MMO online if they want but I want the option to play offline without paying any subscription....again "options".

The fact is entire combat system, the death mechanics, the way you progress, the pace of the combat system itself based on that difficulty. The "difficulty" Souls series doesn't come from some complex combo system, it comes from the fact that the game punished your mistake.

And the biggest reason....that not what developers want to make, doesn't matter if other developers do, if FROM doesn't want then they shouldn't be force to do it.

And guess what? it payed off, FROM made name for themselves for that very reason, and many people loved their games.
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Then Why deny my option to play Doom in third person or play MMO completely offline? If people still have the option to play Doom in first person, it wont hurt the experience....option is always is good thing, right?

People also free to play MMO online if they want but I want the option to play offline without paying any subscription....again "options".

Haha, are you seriously saying you want gamers to have LESS options?

Development time to add in say, 8 bonfires and a selection variable is like what, a days work if that. Adding offline and 3rd person modes would be longer. And if they arent, give me those options too.
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Haha you joke, but fuck, are seriously saying you want gamers to have LESS options!?! Dude, what are you smoking.

Development time to add in say, 8 bonfires and a selection variable is like what, a days work if that. Adding offline and 3rd person modes would be 1000x longer. And if they arent, then duh, gimme those options too, why the fuck not.

Later Souls games, 2 and 3 specifically, did add more bonfires. There were many complaints, especially for 3, that there were too many bonfires. It would seem that many players of Souls games enjoy and prefer a more austere experience.
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The nicest person on this forum
Haha you joke, but fuck, are seriously saying you want gamers to have LESS options!?! Dude, what are you smoking.
When games trying to appeal to everybody they usually end up not pleasing anybody. Like it or not, this type of game FROM wants to make and they free to make their games however they want and you are more than free not to like it. Again their game become this well known for that very reason.

Games are at their best when devs are free to make what they want.
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People should spend more time gushing about how they enjoyed the games aimed at their skill level. It would make it easier to take them seriously when they whine that one game / series out of thousands wasn't aimed at their skill level. I've seen the attitude of "this game franchise should update so that I start liking it" so many times over the years, and it rarely benefits the game or the fans who enjoyed the game.

FOMO run amok.


There were many complaints, especially for 3, that there were too many bonfires.

It would seem that many players of Souls games enjoy and prefer a more austere experience.

Too bad. If they had difficulty options then maybe they coulda had their harder game too ;)
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Yep, laugh all you want, most working adults with responsibilites and other hobbies require some sort of scheduling to fit everything in, otherwise you fall behind.

You from reset era? Your "this is a troll post" is straight up reset era immature levels. No offence buddy.

Edit: Just realised I forgot the pivotal word "additional" in my checkpoint remark on my original post. That explains the backlash haha. My points regarding adding an options to make the game easier/less mundane still stand however.
Guess what mate, I'm working adult with responsibilities and other hobbies too, and it's not a problem to fit this game in my "schedule for enjoyment" - I don't need to beat a game in 1 weekend. When I feel like playing something I just play max 2-3 hours and that's it. Getting platinum in Ghost of Tsushima took me a month for example because I didn't have time/didn't have need to play etc. And you won't see me writing on boards that devs should cater to ME because I don't have a time thanks to real life responsibilities to make a game shorter or easier. What you don't understand? And to try and frame me as someone that came here from resetera is just hillarious in itself.
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T The_Dama has shot himself in the foot.
I don't know how much you guys know about gaming (I'm an expert) but gaming is not like reading a book.
Your skill actually matters and commands respect. What this means is the gaming community will not take his casual opinion serious and they will not read any threads he creates.
This is HUGE. He should apologise for his heresy and prove that he platinumed Sekiro, otherwise he can kiss his neogaf account goodbye.


Later Souls games, 2 and 3 specifically, did add more bonfires. There were many complaints, especially for 3, that there were too many bonfires. It would seem that many players of Souls games enjoy and prefer a more austere experience.

Fair complaints, as I'd say the additional bonfires would need to be optional, so regular users can enjoy the game as intended.

When games trying to appeal to everybody they usually end up not pleasing anybody. Like it or not, this type of game FROM wants to make and they free to make their games however they want and you are more than free not to like it. Again their game become this well known for that very reason.

Games are at their best when devs are free to make what they want.

The optional checkpoints was a personal preference. Understandably i wouldn't impose the developer to do so if they didn't see fit.

You make a valid point there, in that the game does have an important reputation to uphold. I did neglect this aspect.

If options were to be implemented, i guess they would need to take this into consideration, and it may just not be obtainable unfortunately.
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I love how everyone gets all riled-up.

OP is right: every game needs to be more accessible. It doesn't take away from your experience, and it doesn't negate higher difficulties levels.

DS can be as difficult as ever, while still providing an entry level for kids, new players, whatever.

And no: no one cares if you're good enough or better than others.

You're all just scared because you'd like to use that easy (or just easier) mode and you know you don't have the guts to ignore it. Just admit it.

Its a prerequisite on a gaming forum to pretend you are an ultra hardcore gamer with god like reflexes who spends 37 hours a day playing games like nes Battletoads on the hardest setting with your feet.

Anything less and you are derided by these *gaming warriors with accusations of rampant homosexuality.

*this kind of guy....

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Airbus Jr

Gamers react to

Diablo III :

"This game has been bastardize to hell, they made it for casuals. Blizzard is stupid for doing his"

TES V Skyrim :
" This isnt the elder scrolls we used to know like Morrowind, this isnt even RPG game anymore this game is made for casuals. What a mess by Bethesda"

Demon Souls :

" I dont understand the attitude of not providing more options, by making this game easier that should opened up the posiblity for more casual gamer to play"

Demon Souls latter becoming an easier game :

"They fukin made this game for casuals, this is a dumbed down game, they have betrayed their very own core ideas. This isnt the game we used to know its nothing but a shadow of its former self. FromSoft lost their reputation "
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Difficulty is part of the game's design. Remove that and you'll end up with a boring medieval walking sim.


Too bad. If they had difficulty options then maybe they coulda had their harder game too ;)

As a bit of an aside, there are two mechanics in the original Demon's Souls that can make the game easier or harder - world tendency and character tendency. If those mechanics are kept, and a player uses them to make the game harder, it's very much a "hard mode" for Demon's Souls. It will be interesting to see how people react to that. Also, did you ever get the blacksmith to forgive you in Dark Souls? I've never accidentally hit an NPC but I heard many, many stories like yours. :messenger_confounded:
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Guess what mate, I'm working adult with responsibilities and other hobbies too, and it's not a problem to fit this game in my "schedule for enjoyment" - I don't need to beat a game in 1 weekend. When I feel like playing something I just play max 2-3 hours and that's it. Getting platinum in Ghost of Tsushima took me a month for example because I didn't have time/didn't have need to play etc. And you won't see me writing on boards that devs should cater to ME because I don't have a time thanks to real life responsibilities to make a game shorter or easier. What you don't understand? And to try and frame me as someone that came here from resetera is just hillarious in itself.

Everyone's life and playstyle is different, as you made clear in your post, which is essentially the reason why adding simple difficulty options would be beneficial for a large audience.

While I'm not saying it's mandatory they add it in obviously, I'm raising the point that it could have a significant impact for completely minimal development costs. The only issue being the reputation to uphold, which another user pointed out elegantly.

If the shoe fits, sorry.
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The nicest person on this forum
in that the game does have an important reputation to uphold. I did neglect this aspect.
People often say its "industry standard" to include difficulty option but people forget that when Demons Souls first came out in 2009, what made it stand out among other games was because it wasn't following "industry standard" and now other developers desperately trying to copy FROM games. When you make unique games there is aways risk of not appealing to everybody but that how great games are made.
Fear Of Missing Out is mainly to blame. I don't "deserve" to beat a game just because I purchased it. This thinking crept its way into console gaming back in the late 80s and 90s. Before, there was no expectation that because you stepped in front of an arcade machine that you "deserved" to beat it.

Difficulty is what attracts some people to a Thing in the first place. The fact that a lot of people can't overcome the challenge but you could is enticing to a player. Videogames include the competitive spirit of sports/boardgames. Videogames are more than just cutscenes and level-up sound cues.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
10 fucking pages all because of adding an option. Jesus Christ. You can play Doom in easy mode which makes you a God and you dont hear anybody complainig about that. Why? Because you can still play the game the way the developers intended, on ultra Nightmare you peasants.


People often say its "industry standard" to include difficulty option but people forget that when Demons Souls first came out in 2009, what made it stand out among other games was because it wasn't following "industry standard" and now other developers desperately trying to copy FROM games. When you make unique games there is aways risk of not appealing to everybody but that how great games are made.

You're doing a good job converting me, I have to admit. Great points.

I would say the timing of the release, coupled with the limited ps5 launch line up is another contributing factor to the notion of reaching a wider audience having its own benefits, but weighing that up against the number of copies it sells via reputation is something the developer has most likely already thought of.
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There‘s no other game series that gets this. No other games have people who don’t play it telling people who do play it that the game should be changed to suit them.


Because Soulsborne games really fucking good, and people don’t like to miss out.

But one of the main reasons the Soulsborne games are so good is because they are difficult.

If they weren’t then none of the people who think they’re missing out would want to play them anyway!
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Haha you joke, but fuck, are seriously saying you want gamers to have LESS options!?! Dude, what are you smoking.
No man, options can really screw games up pretty bad.

It's like people who want everything explained to comprehend a deep and complex story without even thinking about it. They want a superficial experience. It's a attitude, a lifestyle.

If Souls games were unbalanced and unfair people would have a valid point.


How does this game having an easy mode hurt anyone I do not know. You can still play at whatever difficulty you want. So fucking stupid.


There‘s no other game series that gets this. No other games have people who don’t play it telling people who do play it that the game should be changed to suit them.


Because Soulsborne games really fucking good, and people don’t like to miss out.

But one of the main reasons the Soulsborne games are so good is because they are difficult.

If they weren’t then none of the people who think they’re missing out would want to play them anyway!

I heard the games were difficult and gave dark souls a go, so reputation was the appeal for me. However, i found this reputation was false after playing the game.

It wasn't difficult persay, it was repetitive. You can learn and conquer each fight through attentiveness and self learning, which is very rewarding. However, to do so meant playing extremely large stretches of the game you had previously already completed over and over again. Making me believe the initial reputation isn't entirely accurate.

I know this may be the appeal to a lot of people, but as someone else pointed out earlier, I would say many others would start and do not finish these games for the same reason. But I could be wrong here.
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I heard the games were difficult and gave dark souls a go, so reputation was the appeal for me. However, i found this reputation was false after playing the game.

It wasn't difficult persay, it was repetitive. You can learn and conquer each fight through attentiveness and self learning, which is very rewarding. However, to do so meant playing extremely large stretches of the game you had previously already completed over and over again. Making me believe the initial reputation isn't entirely accurate.

I know this may be the appeal to a lot of people, but as someone else pointed out earlier, I would say many others would start and do not finish these games for the same reason. But I could be wrong here.

If it wasn’t difficult, why was it repetitive? There is zero reason to repeat an area if you’re not finding it hard to get through. You can bust through any Souls game without repeating an area once. They can all be finished in a few hours by someone who finds it easy.
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If it wasn’t difficult, why was it repetitive? There is zero reason to repeat an area if you’re not finding it hard to get through. You can bust through any Souls game without repeating an area once. They can all be finished in a few hours by someone who finds it easy.

Its more that each boss fight requires completely new strategies to defeat, which can take multiple attempts to discover. However, each attempt required the prerequisite of essentially backtracking through past conquests. Those of which were meaningless and very time consuming at that point, as they served no purpose to the current task at hand (versing the boss).
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Its more that each boss fight requires completely new strategies to defeat, which can take multiple attempts to discover. However, each attempt required the prerequisite of essentially backtracking through past conquests. Those of which were meaningless, yet very time consuming at that point.

There are no runs to bosses in any Souls game that take all that long, once you’re familiar with the area. Everything can be run past and avoided. Even on the longest runs like Seath, Bloodstarved, Four Kings etc. you’re talking maybe a minute or two maximum. You say you don‘t find the games difficult, but why is it taking you so long to get back to the boss?


There are no runs to bosses in any Souls game that take all that long, once you’re familiar with the area. Everything can be run past and avoided. Even on the longest runs like Seath, Bloodstarved, Four Kings etc. you’re talking maybe a minute or two maximum. You say you don‘t find the games difficult, but why is it taking you so long to get back to the boss?

Yes, a perfect run would be significantly shorter, however my skill level still has me making mistakes and errors on runs already conquered. Single mistakes can occur on many different occasions and thus the multiple run throughs. I could increase my skill by playing the games more and then the issue would be nil, however the reward to time ratio to achieve that just isn't appealing enough when achieved via repetition.
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