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Demon's Souls |OT2| Soulsuckingly brilliant RPG full of Demon's Crack


Any tips for new players. Just started playing this. I have a temple knight and a I'm 1-1. I got to my first blue knight. Dude massacred me.
entrement said:
Any tips for new players. Just started playing this. I have a temple knight and a I'm 1-1. I got to my first blue knight. Dude massacred me.

Just bait enemies on this level, lean in, lean out, and attack them when they're recovering from their own attacks.


Finally beat it last night. Going through a little bit on NG+, took out Phalanx and Adjudicator. Damn Shrine of Storms was kicking my ass though. I'm really really really glad I purchased Warding before beating the game.

Anyone have any tips on what the best upgrade paths are for non-colorless soul weapons? I've got a fair bit of ore saved up, and while I'll probably go for the trophy, I want to get the best bang for my buck.

Right now I'm mostly using the Northern Regalia, Large Sword of Moonlight, Dark Silver Shield, and occasionally Meat Cleaver.

Also, for the Colorless Demon's Souls, any opinions on what I should upgrade? I hear DSS is a good one, and possibly Makoto's Sword and Istarelle?


So what's the best melee Wep to get? I'm about halfway through the game and am still using the cresent falchion...


Any tips on beating flamelurker with a barbarian? I've been stuck on that one for half a year, I've put of playing the game because of the annoyance.


lol for anyone who has the plat or who has played the game a lot, it sure is fun reading posts from people having a hard time. The game starts out quite difficult, but at some point, you will no longer feel that way.
Ben Pierce said:
When I turned the game on today for the first time, I actually spawned in front of the fog where the temple knight is. How can I do this again?

When you exit the game it saves the spot where you are. Since I'm still in my first play-through I found this very helpful when I'm exploring a new place!
Americanmushroom said:
Euhm.. I don't think so no? who is that lol?

But the guy was already in my nexus for a long time, i even learned several miracles

Yurt is killing the NPCs in the Nexus, you need to kill Yurt or he'll keep killing people.
Ok i've free the Saint urbain guy and now he's in the nexus so thanks for that! :)

But Yurt killing people? Is that the thief? edit: ok i checked on wikia. I killed that Yurt immediatley after i free'd him. Cause there was a message on the floor to not trust him. Did i do good or did i miss something valuable?
Americanmushroom said:
Ok i've free the Saint urbain guy and now he's in the nexus so thanks for that! :)

But Yurt killing people? Is that the thief? I killed him already lol
Looking at the wiki it seems that Yurt doesn't kill the miracle teacher but he does disappear from the Nexus if you've spoken to him enough times without rescuing Urbain.

You'll find Yurt
in a cage in 3-2. He wears black armour with spikes on the shoulders and helmet. If you free him you should kill him as soon as you get back in the Nexus before he kills anyone important.
Americanmushroom said:
Ok i've free the Saint urbain guy and now he's in the nexus so thanks for that! :)

But Yurt killing people? Is that the thief? edit: ok i checked on wikia. I killed that Yurt immediatley after i free'd him. Cause there was a message on the floor to not trust him. Did i do good or did i miss something valuable?

The only valuable thing about Yurt is his armor, and you got that when you killed him. Good job.
ok cool ,so i didn't miss a lot. Shame that the miracle teacher is gone though. But i almost learned everything from him. I just needed to change the remembered miracle and now i can thanks to Saint urbain. So thanks to all for helping me out! :)


Novid said:
You have to LET HER GO in order for the old one to sleep[/spoiler] From Software used this game as the biggest inditment of a whole culture trapped between the foolish poltics, the loss of the youth in trying to reach something that can no longer be achived in its present form, how the souls corrupt even with the best of intentions. Its a masterpiece.
Or, you just stab her in the back and be done with it....could the story just be thrown together to support the mood and create the illusion of emotionally epic quests etc? I just wanted to pay back those characters that pushed me around so much it motivated me to keep finding new ways to squish them. There isn't really that much character development?!?!?! Not that I care though, this is my favourite game, any genre, Oblivion was close second....but the game play + online functions are the new standard for RPG.


shiroryu said:
Am playing Trinity: Souls of Zill Oll and this back-to-back every weekend and both are fun, while being wildly different.

Trinity has me doing double-jumping, air-dashing, in-air combo badassery with Selene; it's like playing on the moon as far as gravity is concerned. If you fall off a cliff or into a chasm, the game brings you back with a minor hit to HP....

...whereas Demon's Souls on the other hand, the atmosphere is goddamn oppressive; it clings to you. If this is how the Palace is, don't want to go into the swamps! I'm walking everywhere with shield up though I know I cleared the area lol. Like playing on Jupiter.

Quick question: Should I be getting a good shield like the Purple Flame Shield for a magic-focused build ( started as a Royal) or is a cheap buckler enough?

The beauty of this game is that certain situations call for different items so there is no oe shield you will carry exclusively unless you donot wish to take advantage of the benefits and weakness on enemies of certain items....to be honest shields are redundant later on. Early on, the PFS will stop most swords etc. (4.1 skeletons) and gives you a decent flame protection even if its just hanging on your back (world 2). It is theonly item I bring to 2-3 as one nudge knocks all rocks clear plus its fire protect helps...styacks with ring water veil, dragon bone smasher.....if people are having problems..... This is my recommendation for early on but you will find that most experienced players will choose a shield for whichever stats they wish to boost for a fight, two hand their weapon and go in for the dance. Rolling around and being elusive is more fun I think and it helps the attack more than parry/repost,but that is fun also.

From memory so take as is.....I am leaving off special hidden powers and usefulnesses for the most part...you gotta do something yourself;) shields for blocking melee ranked in order of stopping power (but weight and unwieldiness are commensurate:)
Tower-1-3,1-4.- you can turtle up and use a spear here and never get hit....until you meet a Large Sword of Moonlight user (like me)in PVP!
Brushwood-(white)1-1; or get from dead Biorr, 1-3 onward.
PFS;- 1-1 dragon perch
steel - can't remember...2-1?2-2?
Dark Silver - 5.3 - these are getting smaller and parry now
Knight-1-4 (but often drops from any blue or red eye knight)

Magic block:
Dark silver-all dark shields are magic bane....and yoiu can upgrade most shields yourself with cloudstone to become more dark....but you will lose guard break if you do this iirc. power. Because this shield is light and blocks all magic its obviously a favourite....but hard to get early, and KILLS your magic attack power.

Rune - 3.2.-1.4 - useless as a melee blocker but magic users and melee alike carry it on their back....a fully upgraded rune gives you REDICULOUS magic defense just for holding it. Man was it fun to say fuck it...I'm killing Maneaters melee, no magic, without the arrow trick, nor any PVP for the first time.....How did I fare? He almost got me when he curbstomped me 3 in row one time, but I Used about six full moon grass total maybe?I did have an awesome weapon at SL70 (fully upgraded Dragon BS with high 30's for strength plus sticky white stuff=500 damage per swing iirc) but I credit the rune shield more than the sword ....the magic attacks barely nicked my health (vitality 29or so.) didn't take the rune off my back obviously. Obviously another option would be to sport a strength ring (endurance 28) and dark silver armour...but I felt a lot better with just leather and the rune. I imagine that stacking dark silver with the rune would stop any mage in their tracks in PVP Hyper mode char. excepted perhaps.)

Dark heater- 2.2 - you can make most shields dark but this one is already at plus 2 when you find it.
a plethora of cheap parrying shields bucklers spiked shield etc....get something else ASAP, and don't upgrade these or make them dark etc..


shiroryu said:

Re: Ostrava, don't you have to talk to him to 'start' the rescue? Or does ignoring him altogether keep him safe for 1-1? Basically, I want the thief ring, but don't want to clear his route in the same playthrough - don't feel confident enough. Is that possible?

What else are going to do with your thief ring??? if you made it that far you can clear all of1-1.

Just clear out the dredglings...hold a shield up...or use crossbow from hidden ledge to cut their mob down to size....firebombs work well but I save those for phalanx...takes 30 seconds. back stab the tougher single guards with your new thief ring...another 30 seconds. Ostrava helps.....or just kill Ostrava yourself! Get that key though get the KEY!

PS you get a vendor just after the ostrava strip, a couple good items laying around as well.


Ben Pierce said:
I'm having such a love/hate relationship with this game at the moment! I'm in world 1-2 and trying to kill the temple knight. Problem is, whenever I die, I have to restart at the beginning of the world and waste time to go all of the way back to the boss fight! Is there anyway to bypass this? Or do I just have to keep doing this until I kill the bastard?
you can quit before the you died animation and most on here don't promote it because its A.) cheap
b.) possibly harmful to the HD drive...but if you do it quick or slightly before you actually die you will get a checkpoint....some of your stuff will be gone, and the boss gets his health back.........and I try not to use it.............................but sometimes.............................it must be done....particularly if ganged up on when you're a blue and the host turns on you and the black soul sucks you.


vetrox said:
Any tips on beating flamelurker with a barbarian? I've been stuck on that one for half a year, I've put of playing the game because of the annoyance.
Flamelurker tips:
1.) PVP hire a blue...once he splits his attention....he doesn't chase you around too much. if you both have thief ring on make you stand slightly further from FL than your partner ;) If you have no body, drop your blue stone at the gate and help someone else first, get body back, then ask the guy or gal you just helped to help you back. (do this from the friends icon on the Ps3 menu.) I'lldo it with you if you wish I have three characters right now on my new Ps3...lowest is SL 70 or so....I think my handle is adepterik...just post your handle and I can find you though.....) if you don't have a highenough SL raise your stats a bit more and pump vitality and endurance for rolling. I realize you are trying for a melee build likely, but a little magic doesn't hurt.

2.) dance around and roll a lot....don't lock on to him unless you have to.Bring lots of arrows and magic. Bring flame ring, purple flame shield. Ask someone to let you borrow their dragon bone smasher...holding it increases fire resistance further....if you have enough stamina(unlikely now, but you will want to familiarize yourself with this weapon if going for melee.) BRING THEIF RIng...and wear it....gives you lots of time to heal....with your plethora of grass that you brought also....

3.) last resort cheese methods (and it is last resort for you as you are missing the rest of an AWESOMe GAME:)

get him caught in the dragon ribs nearest the door....whatever side he goes to, you go the opposite.......then spam him with arrows, may have to use the targeting system as hard to lock on through the bones. If you still must not use anything but melee a spear can get through if you time it right and press the L2 OR R2 button depending on the what hand you are holding it in. This is not fool proof as he can jump around and get out.......

when that happens RUN and roll like hell to the other side with theif ring on, heal, rinse repeat.


Finally at that point in the game where I feel more confident with my fighting skills. Managed to nab the Crescent Falcion (died 3 times in the process but i got that sucker). Cheese'd the Vanguard demon with a bunch of arrows and magic.

And just beat the Adjudicator. For some reason, on my first playthrough I was too scared to go down there and just flung arrows at him while avoiding his tongue attack. He's really easy on the ground level too.


Now where to next...
moonspeak said:
Finally at that point in the game where I feel more confident with my fighting skills. Managed to nab the Crescent Falcion (died 3 times in the process but i got that sucker). Cheese'd the Vanguard demon with a bunch of arrows and magic.

And just beat the Adjudicator. For some reason, on my first playthrough I was too scared to go down there and just flung arrows at him while avoiding his tongue attack. He's really easy on the ground level too.


Now where to next...

Sounds like you need a dose of world 5 to get knocked down a peg or two. ;)


5-1 didn't give me too much trouble the first time I played through it.

Till you run into those fucking giant trolls oh god. and the leechmonger is pretty easy I remember.

5-2... yeah fuck 5-2

moonspeak said:
5-1 didn't give me too much trouble the first time I played through it.

Till you run into those fucking giant trolls oh god. and the leechmonger is pretty easy I remember.

5-2... yeah fuck 5-2


I found 5-2 easy as hell compared to the nightmare that is 5-1! I was so glad I got lost in 2 and managed to find my way back to the shortcut lever aha!


Where's a decent place to farm Sharpstones? I've got a Rapier +5 and it does alright for me so far but I'd like to upgrade it again, I think.

On my first playthrough I've been playing mostly ranged with a focus on enough magic to occasionally get inside and go melee (using water veil in Stonefang, for instance) but I'd really like to improve my close range combat at this point. Should I keep upgrading my rapier or is there another dexterity based weapon that you guys might recommend?
finally beat the temple knight! ahh, felt soooo good! It wasn't even that hard, really. I couldn't beat him yesterday after multiple tries. This time I just didn't give a fuck and ran to him and ankle-bit the hell out of him until he fell and repeated the process.






I don't think I've ever actually looked at my trophies, haha. Sometimes I wish I bothered with them but I know I'd just do a bunch of stuff I don't actually care about.


2AdEPT said:
Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation. Remind me not to meet you in PvP. Soul form forever! :p

First time through the Ostrava section, jumped down, got thief ring, pretended Ostrava didn't exist lol. Decided to snipe dreglings from the platform, forgot I had rapier equipped instead of catalyst, pressing R1 makes me jump into their midst and die in like 3 seconds...panicked and didn't roll past their attacks.

Ostrava: ....don't want to be saved by that.

From the archstone, trudge back to the area. This time, with Thief Ring, go straight instead of dropping down, dispatching guards, Dregs and blue-eyed knight , all the way till Ostrava, again without talking to him, backtrack, get souls from bloodstain. Resume progress, killing another blue-eyed knight, and on till the bowling alley. Try to trigger it with the rapier from the side, doesn't work. So I stand in front of it, hit it, and forget to jump out of the way. It's fun to watch me and dreglings all go tumbling over.

Dragon: They don't make demon hunters like they used to.

Too late in the night for another run. Thank From for the bloodstain system and the save/resume wherever feature, else this would be impossible for me to play.

Edit: What's the current online tendency, and is there a way to know it outside the game, from the Web? It seems white, but don't know if it's pure white.


shiroryu said:
Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation. Remind me not to meet you in PvP. Soul form forever! :p

Edit: What's the current online tendency, and is there a way to know it outside the game, from the Web? It seems white, but don't know if it's pure white.

Funny stuff re: what Ostrava said about you! Trust me he likes your help!

You ccan meet me as a helper anytime....my handle pn Ps3 is...adepterik I think....but if you post yours I should be able to send you a message. I really love this game .......right now, I have three characters on a new Ps3 as my first one died and so did 3 original characters :( ....my faith build guy Archaeopteriks is SL 180, My demon mage asian chick Xienfang is SL 118, and my new Strength melee build, Stalwartig is 72. Ironically, my latest character kicks ass just as much as the others at lower stats ...finally learning how to fight instead of spamming magic. Beat maneaters by self no spam, and cleared out 5-2 including the meat cleaver guy and all 5 giants in one swweep. Garl took only three hits...killed him Before astrea this time! I thought the SL 1 run was out for me but now I am considering doing it.....anyone did it with bare hands no armour? Might have to try it.

I really want to help as a blue and kill some BP's to get white character tendency so any requests for help will be entertained for SL 72...off work all day tomorrow! :)

the tendency is displayed by an icon selection after pressing start button....second onefrom the end on the right......yours will be different and each world is separate but apparently we all are affected by the average, which is just off pure white. If you want to manipulate the world tendency it is best to go offline EACH time before entering the nexus. For pure white, the pillars are a light greyish tinge but there will be a bright whitish pinkish bright spot that indicates pure white....middle it will be blue and toward black it will get darker....until the whole friggin thing turns black which is pure....it should be the same black as the broken archstone. wiki has good example screen shots.


Finally finished my first playthrough last night sl81 (owned for nearly 2 yrs, various half baked chars) after taking out Blue and Red Dragons and slaying Yuria for her hat -now onto ng+ and eventual mastery!
F-ing love this game


2AdEPT said:
Funny stuff re: what Ostrava said about you! Trust me he likes your help!

You ccan meet me as a helper anytime....my handle pn Ps3 is...adepterik I think....but if you post yours I should be able to send you a message. I really love this game .......right now, I have three characters on a new Ps3 as my first one died and so did 3 original characters :( ....my faith build guy Archaeopteriks is SL 180, My demon mage asian chick Xienfang is SL 118, and my new Strength melee build, Stalwartig is 72. Ironically, my latest character kicks ass just as much as the others at lower stats ...finally learning how to fight instead of spamming magic. Beat maneaters by self no spam, and cleared out 5-2 including the meat cleaver guy and all 5 giants in one swweep. Garl took only three hits...killed him Before astrea this time! I thought the SL 1 run was out for me but now I am considering doing it.

I really want to help as a blue and kill some BP's to get white character tendency so any requests for help will be entertained...off work all day tomorrow! :)

the tendency is displayed by an icon selection after pressing start button....second onefrom the end on the right......yours will be different and each world is separate but apparently we all are affected by the average, which is just off pure white. If you want to manipulate the world tendency it is best to go offline EACH time before entering the nexus. For pure white, the pillars are a light greyish tinge but there will be a bright whitish pinkish bright spot that indicates pure white....middle it will be blue and toward black it will get darker....until the whole friggin thing turns black which is pure....it should be the same black as the broken archstone. wiki has good example screen shots.

Thanks for the offer, will keep that in mind if I get stuck down the line - probably not so soon as tomorrow, though. Damn work :)

Tendency-wise, I'm seeing all areas, as very white when I connect, with a bright spot in the middle. However, the gate on the left in 1-1 that leads to Miralda etc. is still closed, so I assume it's not pure white. Will try going offline first, though - I've been letting the game connect each time.
I got PWWT first time after I killed phalanx! I guess I was lucky then... I didn't know at the time that the gate to mirald would ever open - in hindsight I didn't know about word tendencies either. I went and got the purple flameshield which is now maxed out and blocking full hits that otherwise would one-shot me!

I then died in body form and lost PWWT and only managed to get it back after killing the boss in 1-3, not sure why. Roflstomped Miralda and lost the -3 tendency associated with it!
entrement said:
Any tips for new players. Just started playing this. I have a temple knight and a I'm 1-1. I got to my first blue knight. Dude massacred me.

My recommendation for 1-1 is don't leave without the Purple Flame Shield. You can either get it from a random drop from the Red Eyed Knight (but you shouldn't be fighting him anyway starting out), but this can take a very long time to grind the drop. Instead get a Pure White Soul Tendency after you defeat Phalanx (the first boss), and it'll be where the dragons are nesting, and they'll be gone with PWWT. You'll find the Flame Shield there, extremely useful for fighting Flamelurker later on, especially if you upgrade it.

Another thing, look for enemy tells...ALWAYS, when you're starting out. DS is a game primarily about distancing and tells, when you see a Knight back away to heal up, attack, if he misses an attack and goes for another hit him mid strike. This goes for all enemies really.

A tip on beating Phallanx easy, as you'll likely be going through 1-1 multiple times...STOCK UP on Firebombs and Turpentine. As soon as you enter the fog into the boss room, immediately lock-on to the first thing you can and just start spamming those firebombs until their gone. When they are gone, use Turpentine on your weapon and slash until dead. If you do take a lot of damage in between just hide behind a pillar and heal up...then get back to business. Phallanx is super easy when you follow this strategy.

Mana Sin

So, I randomly decided to start playing on an unused character that I started out a while back to help a friend as a blue phantom, and grabbed a claymore and set to killing. I noticed something strange, though.. sometimes, my R1 strike won't be a swing, but a sort of half-assed jerking forward of the hilt. What is that? Can I do it on command? Can I make it stop happening entirely?

It's kinda annoying. I don't -think- that ever happened on my previous character, but I had him using a scimitar for most of the game, so that might have something to do with it.
Mana Sin said:
So, I randomly decided to start playing on an unused character that I started out a while back to help a friend as a blue phantom, and grabbed a claymore and set to killing. I noticed something strange, though.. sometimes, my R1 strike won't be a swing, but a sort of half-assed jerking forward of the hilt. What is that? Can I do it on command? Can I make it stop happening entirely?

It's kinda annoying. I don't -think- that ever happened on my previous character, but I had him using a scimitar for most of the game, so that might have something to do with it.
If you flick the analog stick forward (whichever direction forward is for your character) and press R1 at the same time you'll do the push move.
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