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Destiny 2 |OT3| The Token King


So, I got back to D1 tonight because I'm on Xbox and I wanted to try the "new" content we got last week.

I was really surprise to go back to D1 and actually loving it compared to D2. I started simple by giving the "new" strike a try, found some people and we started playing. The Strike was actually really fun, really a shame we didn't get a chance to play it a featured strike for the week.

I ended up unlocking a legendary auto rifle, nothing fancy, but I noticed it had somehow explosive round, which was surprising. I needed to level up the weapon before using this perk.

So, I got back to the Tower to take some bounties, for Patrols, Strikes and PvP. I achieved every bounties I took, so I leveled up my weapon and got gun with it. While I was trying it in the Cosmodrome, somehow, a quest unlocked and I started on a journey.

I went to the Plaguelands for this quest, where I met a lot of players, surprisingly, and we played A LOT of Archon's Forge, we could chose when we wanted to play and how we wanted it to be.

Without noticing it, I played during 5 hours tonight, having fun and doing great things without feeling my time was wasted. I got plenty of engrams, lot weren't useful since I'm already 394 LL, but I had a ton of things to decrypt when I was back to the Tower.

From there, I ended up going for some fun into the Crucible, and dude how fun it was!

I don't miss grinding for materials to level up my weapon, but I do really miss leveling my weapon. The weapon was already good, but the more I played with it, the more it was getting better and powerful, so I feel really satisfied when I unlocked everything thanks to the bounties & cie.

The thing is, Destiny 1 let me play the game the way I wanted to play, thanks to bounties, Archon's Forge, CoO, etc..., and it didn't force me to do anything. It has a really decent amount of content, but more than this, it gave me a ton of excuses, and reasons, to play it again and again.

I don't really care about fixed or random perks, but the fact that when you got a weapon you can't really good further beyond with it is really bad, as I really don't get a sense of progress in D2 with any weapons.

Also, my PvE experience in D1 was crazy thanks to the weapon system. Having a primary auto rifle, a special shotgun and a heavy rocket launcher gave me ton of opportunities to play every encounters I was in in a very different way, something I really can't feel with the D2 and the two primaries system.

Weapons having good perk effects during PvE games was a blast of fun, crazy & chained explosions everywhere. Sometimes I was playing with a sword, sometimes with a shotgun, sometimes with a rocket launcher, and sometimes with a sniper. Something I really don't do in D2.

The gameplay loot was incredibly simple but really effective. I digged from activities to activities without noticing it and having fun. Sure, the game has more content than D2, but it was mostly because D1 was giving me a ton of excuse to play the game. This wasn't really grinding to me, it was just a good reason to keep playing and having fun while don't feeling my time was wasted.

If we can't get good perks and leveling up weapons in D2, at least give us more slots for mods and crazy mods we can go after to make our weapons unique, fun and exciting to use again and again!

I really feel bad D1 didn't get the good formula from the beginning so the game could have evolved over years with new expansions and DLC. Destiny 1 should have been the only Destiny, with a revamped formula thanks to the DLC like Taken King, and good improvements like RoI gave us, like Scored Strike, Moment of Triumph rewards, etc... D2 gave us a ton of QoL improvements, but the gameplay loop really feels weak compared to D1.

I used to call Destiny 2 "Destiny 1.5", but in the end, I'm not even sure it's Destiny 1.5... It's Destiny 0.5. They went back on some many good things it can't be called a Destiny game like the first Destiny was.

I can only hope they will change Destiny 2 like they changed Destiny 1 for the better using DLC and expansion, but I feel like the team working on D2 didn't even look at what the live team was doing on D1. And, I don't want to pay for things I already have in D1, at a much better polished state.

Deku Tree

Destiny 2 has more end game content than D1 vanilla did at launch. It just has less grind to get the same stuff. I don’t miss the grind. Play because it’s fun. Or play other games. WoW and FFXIV are calling if you want to grind endlessly.


I'm at work now. I'll be home and available in 6-8 hours (being an adult sucks). If you're still around then we can go for it. just FYI I haven't done a nightfall in D2 but I've done the strike in question about a dozen times.

Sorry for the late reply. I should be on, if not I'll run you through the nightfall tomorrow during reset.
Increase the number of mods, strikes, and weapons. Please make exotics, exotic. If they ain't gonna be exotic, I want to wear more than one at once. But just more general stuff.

Guys, it's time for crafting and subclass masteries
"Do more with mods. "

Not that simple. If you add more mods that don't make the weapon more effective, people will still complain that the mods don't do enough. (Increased Handling and Decreased recoil mods get entirely ignored).

If you add mods that DO make the weapon more effective, well then you just introduced weapon grind because good mod synergy with a weapon type will make X weapon with Y mod in it essentially the godroll version again. Which means now you're grinding out mats and glimmer to go roll the dice at the Weaponsmith until you get enough blue mods to make the purple mod you need.

All of these systems interconnect more than most are giving credit for or recognizing. There isn't any "simple" way to change things, no matter how little you may think the change is.


Destiny 2 has more end game content than D1 vanilla did at launch. It just has less grind to get the same stuff. I don't miss the grind. Play because it's fun. Or play other games. WoW and FFXIV are calling if you want to grind endlessly.

Yeah it's not even close when it comes to content wise. I've only played Vanilla D1 and obviously Vanilla D2 So I don't have a muddy picture in my head when it comes to D1 as I didn't play the expansions. Not only there is more content in D2, but it also much better and varied. People just use all sorts of shortcuts to level up so fast that they didn't even use most of the content and I'm not sure if that's the games fault. Every week people just clamor to these work around posts to finish content faster then complain there nothing left to do. From PL 200 to 265 most people I know just grinded public events instead of doing the well made adventures to level up.
Shores of Time vs. Distant Shores.

I don't think Bungie has stated that it's a map remake or re-imagining but people are making the leap that it is regardless.

My bet is it's a new map that was loosely inspired by Shores of Time. Not a remake. Not a re-imagining.


IB sidearm is a full-auto Suros gun


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
"Do more with mods. "

Not that simple. If you add more mods that don't make the weapon more effective, people will still complain that the mods don't do enough. (Increased Handling and Decreased recoil mods get entirely ignored).

If you add mods that DO make the weapon more effective, well then you just introduced weapon grind because good mod synergy with a weapon type will make X weapon with Y mod in it essentially the godroll version again. Which means now you're grinding out mats and glimmer to go roll the dice at the Weaponsmith until you get enough blue mods to make the purple mod you need.

All of these systems interconnect more than most are giving credit for or recognizing. There isn't any "simple" way to change things, no matter how little you may think the change is.

It's just an idea

I'm not asking them to do that

I'm saying they have to do something to keep that cycle going
PvE feeds into PvP which feeds back into PvE

I'm just giving examples
Bungie can come up with anything

When anyone comes up with something related to end game to bolster it out, most quickly pull out the see they want grind back in, they can be satiated, Bungie doesn't work like that, just play what they give you

All I ask is for them to make more enticing stuff to do
Nothing crazy but it gets labeled crazy cause even if it has a slight hint of grind, people think floodgates opened, here comes 1000 hours rerolling same Weapon

It doesn't have to be this week or this month, but it'd be nice if they start addressing the PvE side with their sandbox fixes that balance team most likely will do a pass before DLC 1

Everyone is just giving their input
So if you see the hardcore posting, we are wanting more content and using examples that we think that Bungie can maybe put in or hell do one better than us

I to keep myself from 3x Raid, 3x NF @Reset, I stagger my play now
I went and did my last Raid today, why cause at least it kept me busy, but it's not like there's an abundance on the PvE side to do much rather than those things I listed

Not saying everyone's in my "camp" or thinking, but there's a lot of people who do reset raids and have nothing to do for the rest of the week
Just asking if that week can be filled with more activities


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I enjoy PVP and it's the only the thing that keeps my playing, just like D1. It's all the end game I personally need.

Great, I enjoy PvE, Raids and more activities towards that mode

Crazy that both sides can co-exist

Players want their PvP, enjoy your PvP, Trials and Iron Banners

PvE are looking for that same longevity of keep playing but no content to play off of


Pretty sure that map is new

You might be thinking of Shores of Time which was on Venus

It's a Shores of Time remake.

Bungie never names remakes the same as the original map (if you've just joined for Destiny), versus Callmadoots that always keeps a name


Passing metallic gas
Anyone else get one of these?


Pribina D. Not sure if good yet but it's got dare I say fairly good range overall and great impact.
It's just an idea

I'm not asking them to do that

I'm saying they have to do something to keep that cycle going
PvE feeds into PvP which feeds back into PvE

I'm just giving examples
Bungie can come up with anything

When anyone comes up with something related to end game to bolster it out, most quickly pull out the see they want grind back in, they can be satiated, Bungie doesn't work like that, just play what they give you

All I ask is for them to make more enticing stuff to do
Nothing crazy but it gets labeled crazy cause even if it has a slight hint of grind, people think floodgates opened, here comes 1000 hours rerolling same Weapon

It doesn't have to be this week or this month, but it'd be nice if they start addressing the PvE side with their sandbox fixes that balance team most likely will do a pass before DLC 1

Everyone is just giving their input
So if you see the hardcore posting, we are wanting more content and using examples that we think that Bungie can maybe put in or hell do one better than us

I to keep myself from 3x Raid, 3x NF @Reset, I stagger my play now
I went and did my last Raid today, why cause at least it kept me busy, but it's not like there's an abundance on the PvE side to do much rather than those things I listed

Not saying everyone's in my "camp" or thinking, but there's a lot of people who do reset raids and have nothing to do for the rest of the week
Just asking if that week can be filled with more activities

You're missing the underlying point illustrated in my previous post.

When you say, "When someone suggests an idea, others jump on them about grind." That's because, just like my previous post, a lot of us can see how these ideas lead to the necessity of grind.

I understand full well that you're just tossing out ideas. However people then like to cling to those ideas as they think they're feasible "quick fix" ideas. And often times they're not. If the community starts rallying behind these things and gets vocal about demanding them, this puts pressure on Bungie to make design changes before they've been vetted and it can lead to all kinds of unintended side effects.

There's nothing wrong with wanting more activities. However, picking up a pitchfork and rallying behind ideas that aren't well thought out is only going to lead to toxicity in the community at best and rushed design implementation at worst.


There's a reason I went FWC. Best weapons AND easily access to a hunter recovery set. That's my base setup now that I add exotics or raid gear to.

My BIGGEST REGRET is not going FWC on my hunter. Didn't think to check the armor ahead of time, did not yet realize how god damn rare recovery sets on a hunter were. Instead I have a full New Monarchy set which looks super cool but is mobility, so fully worthless. I hope (and am 100% sure I will be disappointed) the IB set is recovery...

Though I will say I hate the aesthetic of FWC the most. Why does every piece of their gear have to be a banner ad with their logo? Really happy with the NM cloak on my hunter. God I wish I could transmog armor to get the appearance I want with the stats I want...


Iron Banner armor got released in the database. Hunter armor isn't restorative. There goes my hype for Saladin's return.


Maybe Bungie should introduce a need/greed system for loot.

I just hope they eventually take a few risks with the mod system. I mean, there are some solid guns/armor drops that feel good, but mods could really put loot in a good place imo. I just feel the game has so much potential and I'm hoping Bungie unlocks it.

Oh, and bring back intellect, discipline and strength stats for the heck of it. Won't happen but I liked that build aspect of Destiny.


Iron Banner armor got released in the database. Hunter armor isn't restorative. There goes my hype for Saladin's return.

God fucking damn it. Wearing a cool looking set isn't worth adding 2+ FULL SECONDS to my delay before regenerating HP... I guess I can use the cloak at least...


I'd like to see them balance the mobility/resilience/restorative stats instead of giving hunters more restoration. Make mobility more useful than it currently is. I like that hunters are the mobility class, it just sucks that mobility has a more limited benefit in the game compared to the other two stats.


I grinded 30 ranks on Io for its recovery set. No regrets.

That's what I'm currently doing hah. Wish I found a better way though, dealing with the chest looting lockout timer is driving me mad. I miss faction token farming from lost sectors, never thought I'd say that!

Armor in Destiny 2 might as well be fully cosmetic as this point.

I wish it was. Unfortunately, while resilience and mobility don't really matter, restoration has a MASSIVE impact, with a full 5 second delay between 1 and 10 recovery regenerating HP. So armor is vitally important to my play experience that it has the correct stats.


Subete no aware
I wish it was. Unfortunately, while resilience and mobility don't really matter, restoration has a MASSIVE impact, with a full 5 second delay between 1 and 10 recovery regenerating HP. So armor is vitally important to my play experience that it has the correct stats.

The thing with Bungie is that they balance very harshly in response to player trends, so I wouldn't be surprised if they nerf recovery and make resilience much more noticeable. There was always this "everything should be used equally" mentality that was used throughout D1's balancing.

Deku Tree

Why can’t Bungie fix the Calus glitch for tomorrow? It’s been known for a while. Never tried to do it because killing adds isn’t even hard.
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