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Destiny 2 |OT3| The Token King

Man, I love the new Nightfalls. Every week is different. Every time I play through it's such fun to figure out strategies and builds that work.


for a new page:

We have a few trained sherpas from GAF Gold Warriors that will be running a couple "NOOB" raids Thursday night for NeoGAF folks that have not gotten a chance to run the raid yet and would love to give it a shot.


Thursday night (10/12) "Noob" raids: *Full*

"Noob" Group#1. Starts at 8pm bst sharp.



Sunday night, (10/15)
"NOOB" Group#2 Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)



These guys will be patient and explain everything. Just come eager to learn, ready to listen and clamoring to shoot aliens with guns and aliens with duel blades as well as shooting arrows and lanterns and all sorts of stuff that needs to get shot..

*Warning, some dogs will die in the progress of the raid.

Post here or shoot me a PM if you are available and want to experience the raid with some guided help.

(NA Dates/times and Sherpas to come forth soon)

I'm down for Sunday. Sent a PM but I can't tell if my PMs are sending on mobile.


My favorite thing about IB so far is getting matched against 3 teams of 4 in a row when solo queueing. Did manage to win 2 of the 3, but playing against teams of 4 clan members is just so much less fun.

People wanted their grinds! Now you can play for 20 hours and get 15 fusion rifles!

No one, not any one person asking for "more grind" asked for content to become less rewarding. People are just asking for rewards to come in at the same rate but for there to be relevant rewards gotten from activities for longer periods of time. IB would fail just as hard if you got an engram per game, because then most people would have their whole set and all weapons in 1-2 days and go back to nothing to do.

Gonna repeat that for you: no one asking for "grind" wants rewards to come in slower.

Maybe it will get better? I hope so, IB was one of my favs in D1 and hearing all the negatives here is kinda bumming me out. But I'll give it a shot later to check it out for myself.

I hope so. IB was literally my favorite activity in all of D1. It felt so rewarding each time, and was fun to finally get to utilize all the gear grinding I had done in PvP. But they so thoroughly missed the mark, and I'm not sure how they could fix it given D2's reward structure. Basically all they can do is tie a powerful engram to the weekly so at least you get one reward per week that is actually an upgrade. But that wouldn't change it from being just a re-skinned crucible with one game mode...

E92 M3

My favorite thing about IB so far is getting matched against 3 teams of 4 in a row when solo queueing. Did manage to win 2 of the 3, but playing against teams of 4 clan members is just so much less fun.

No one, not any one person asking for "more grind" asked for content to become less rewarding. People are just asking for rewards to come in at the same rate but for there to be relevant rewards gotten from activities for longer periods of time. IB would fail just as hard if you got an engram per game, because then most people would have their whole set and all weapons in 1-2 days and go back to nothing to do.

Gonna repeat that for you: no one asking for "grind" wants rewards to come in slower.

I hope so. IB was literally my favorite activity in all of D1. It felt so rewarding each time, and was fun to finally get to utilize all the gear grinding I had done in PvP. But they so thoroughly missed the mark, and I'm not sure how they could fix it given D2's reward structure. Basically all they can do is tie a powerful engram to the weekly so at least you get one reward per week that is actually an upgrade. But that wouldn't change it from being just a re-skinned crucible with one game mode...

IB in D2 stinks and barely rewards for our time.

It stinks.

An engram every 2 games would have been perfect. Who wants to play IB all week anyways?


It doesn't seem like any of the guns in IB are worth owning and the armor is ugly...so we'll see how long I can put up with Control and Shores of Time.
After 10 hours of grinding Public Events in the EDZ, I got a total of 3 exotics. All of which I already had. I’m never going to get the Orpheus Rig boots until Xur has them.
I think their "intended" way is for you to do 1-2 games per day and get all the challenges done, instead of blasting down IB milestone in one day. I got 26 tokens in one game when factoring in the 3 daily milestones and reward for doing all 3. This is stupid though since not everyone can play a little every day, and IB is super non-rewarding if you try to do a bunch at once.

The daily challenges will get you one engram a day, sure, and you can get them all done in a single match, cool, but after that the rewards drop off a cliff. And sevenish engrams are nothing if the drop rate of the actual armor pieces are anything like it is for any other factions, which in my experience so far is true. Got all 30 during the faction event, still no chest piece. Am I gonna grind all week in iron banner and never get it their either? At least the faction rally was actually fun.

It’s just not worth it for someone like me who doesn’t really like competitive mp much. I almost exclusively played crucible during he iron banners in D1, that gave me my fill, and the guaranteed rewards were a nice change. Now, as cool as the armor is, the grind to maybe hopefully probably not get a full set is just way too much. Turns me off of crucible all together. :/

It’s kind of weird to me too cause until now he game has felt very rewarding, certainly a lot more than D1. Shit, you could get 8 tokens from a single public event during the faction rally. Those are easier and faster than a crucible match and they were at least twice as rewarding, even if you somehow failed. Coming into iron banner after that, the grind is insane.


Neo Member
Another weekly milestones reset, another disappointment. I swear they give everything but the fucking Gauntlets I need to reach 305 with my hunter. It's getting absurd.


between one side who complains that the grind is gone and the other who wants their time respected I'm honestly not sure if people are being sarcastic in here.


between one side who complains that the grind is gone and the other who wants their time respected I'm honestly not sure if people are being sarcastic in here.

Bungie will never be able to please everyone. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


for a new page:

We have a few trained sherpas from GAF Gold Warriors that will be running a couple "NOOB" raids Thursday night for NeoGAF folks that have not gotten a chance to run the raid yet and would love to give it a shot.


Thursday night (10/12) "Noob" raids: *Full*

"Noob" Group#1. Starts at 8pm bst sharp.



Sunday night, (10/15)
"NOOB" Group#2 Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)



These guys will be patient and explain everything. Just come eager to learn, ready to listen and clamoring to shoot aliens with guns and aliens with duel blades as well as shooting arrows and lanterns and all sorts of stuff that needs to get shot..

*Warning, some dogs will die in the progress of the raid.

Post here or shoot me a PM if you are available and want to experience the raid with some guided help.

(NA Dates/times and Sherpas to come forth soon)


Keltin99 for Sunday


Just got to 240! Unlocked the Nightfall and stuff.

I haven't joined the Gaf Guild yet (assuming there is one), how does one do that?

Also, had a ton of fun playing with DestinyGaf on Destiny 1, can't wait to do the same with this one.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
between one side who complains that the grind is gone and the other who wants their time respected I'm honestly not sure if people are being sarcastic in here.


Here is Iron Banner his week in a nutshell

It's grindy, so grinders of PvP, you know those that put in 10 hour shifts every day when Trials rolls around for the weekend, this is good for them

For the PvE players, the grinders can or can not stomach that much PvP

Now Bungie has a dilemma, they can give rewards per match + tokens and people grind their sets and leave IB vacant or they can stow away Loot in packages, but make you grind for them at a brisk pace.

They want you to play this over a week but as usual they never have it is a middle ground, always titled to one side of the Destiny player base spectrum

Those 4 man teams who are Paper Champions who boost their K/D ratio in Quick play, will thrive in IB
Same goes for those that are Trials team

IB isn't casual by any means, it isn't grindy to the PvP subset, it is to those that are coming from the other mode to participate

They should have made packages 10 Tokens, hell 8 like Ikora Meditations.
4 for a win, 2 for a loss

That way 2 wins or 4 losses, meaning 4 PvP games gets you a package
Right now you need 4 wins or 10 losses to cover it

Solo players will feel the brunt of it once night time arrives and teams infest IB
I've played 2 IB games, 2 wins. 10 Tokens, +2 for finish 1 of the challenges
I see finishing all 3 chalkenges gives you a Rep Bundle, so an extra +10 daily eacg if you do it on all 3 chars, for +30 Tokens, and +210 Tokens overall, netting you 10.5 Packages from that

Should have had IB Loot drop at end of matches

Now those packages take forever to get, and no way of choosong weapon or armor
So the Package pool is worse with Additional Awards put into lol


IB in D2 stinks and barely rewards for our time.

It stinks.

An engram every 2 games would have been perfect. Who wants to play IB all week anyways?

Um, all the people who actually enjoy Destiny PvP? Which is who IB is made for? My brother and I would play 4-5 matches a night all week in D1 during IB when it had infinite rewards, it was super fun. Most people who enjoyed crucible in D1 played the shit out of IB, both because of the rewards and that they enjoyed it.

Now, I will certainly admit that IB is currently unrewarding (except for, you know, the actual enjoyment of gameplay), but giving more engrams wouldn't even help this since the core issue is that the rewards for IB are bad, mediocre guns and armor with bad stats (especially bad stats for PvP which is funny since it is a PvP activity).

And again, just because something has infinite rewards doesn't mean Bungie is forcing you to poop-sock it for 12 hours a day, so if IB had infinite rewards like before, but ALSO had a reasonable rate of rewarding you that would satisfy both camps as long as the "Bungie protect me from myself, I have a life!" can exercise self control and stop when they are no longer having fun and just, well, not grind forever.

between one side who complains that the grind is gone and the other who wants their time respected I'm honestly not sure if people are being sarcastic in here.

Both can coexist. You just need adequate rewards per time invested, and infinitely scaling rewards of some kind. But people would still complain because they feel entitled to "finish" the game and have everything best possible, despite that not being required for any activity, or they feel "forced" to grind despite it also not being required.
IB Weapons worth giving a look to:

AR: Armor-Piercing Rounds, high stability, handling, and reload. Bullet hose style AR with medium-high range). Basically Ghost Primus with one less round in the mag, same impact and better stats everywhere else.

HC: High Impact and Range. Outlaw. Relatively low stability and handling. 8 round mag. May be better suited for PvE. If Better Devils is similar to Hawkmoon.. this would be similar to Ace of Spades.

Fusion Rifle: Avg charge time, nearly max impact and good range.

SMG: Good impact, high range, handling, and reload speed. HCR and Threat Detector.

Sidearm: Full auto Suros design, Ricochet or Accurized Rounds. Maybe a decent full auto if you dont' have The Last Hope or The Last Dance.

This is all just looking at the stats. Doesn't account for actual gun feel. But these may be worth checking out.


After 10 hours of grinding Public Events in the EDZ, I got a total of 3 exotics. All of which I already had. I’m never going to get the Orpheus Rig boots until Xur has them.

In the same boat, it's the last exotic and most wanted exotic for my hunter.

Xur will bless us soon.
I think the best part about IB is that the player pool is so big I'm not getting constantly trounced by people. I'm actually doing pretty well and enjoying myself even though I'm not winning a ton.


for a new page:

We have a few trained sherpas from GAF Gold Warriors that will be running a couple "NOOB" raids Thursday night for NeoGAF folks that have not gotten a chance to run the raid yet and would love to give it a shot.


Thursday night (10/12) "Noob" raids: *Full*

"Noob" Group#1. Starts at 8pm bst sharp.



Sunday night, (10/15)
"NOOB" Group#2 Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)



These guys will be patient and explain everything. Just come eager to learn, ready to listen and clamoring to shoot aliens with guns and aliens with duel blades as well as shooting arrows and lanterns and all sorts of stuff that needs to get shot..

*Warning, some dogs will die in the progress of the raid.

Post here or shoot me a PM if you are available and want to experience the raid with some guided help.

(NA Dates/times and Sherpas to come forth soon)


I would love to do it Sunday but not sure I'll be raid ready for now. Is it possible to reserve a spot with that condition?

Or I'll just wait for the next one, not really sure how long it will take to get raid ready.


IB in D2 stinks and barely rewards for our time.

It stinks.

An engram every 2 games would have been perfect. Who wants to play IB all week anyways?

I just did 5-6 games with 3 characters and opened 4 packages. The daily milestones are worth doing for a change.

Edit: I definitely think year 3 D1 Iron Banner was the perfect system though. I doubt I'll touch D2 Iron Banner much after doing the Daily Milestone.


I mean...they had it right so right at the end of Year 3....

It felt good to grind...get some gear that was slightly better than what you had, potentially get some IB weapons...all with an eye towards rank 5 where you could guarantee buy what offerings they had that time...And it was real fast with alts.

Great system. Fun.

Now...enjoy that kick in the deek.

Guess Ill do my weekly crucible in Iron Banner, and then be done...


To add some "lightheartedness" to the salt right now, I just did 3 powerful engram sources and got an exotic engram drop (flashpoint, call to arms, clan XP). Guess what I got:

1. Knucklehead Radar
2. Knucklehead Radar
3. Knucklehead Radar
4. Knucklehead Radar

I kind of wish I had recorded that... Not a total loss though since each one was able to infuse into my Foetracer which is now 302.


for a new page:

We have a few trained sherpas from GAF Gold Warriors that will be running a couple "NOOB" raids Thursday night for NeoGAF folks that have not gotten a chance to run the raid yet and would love to give it a shot.


Thursday night (10/12) "Noob" raids: *Full*

Sunday night, (10/15)
"NOOB" Group#2 Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)


- Keltin99
- Ferny

These guys will be patient and explain everything. Just come eager to learn, ready to listen and clamoring to shoot aliens with guns and aliens with duel blades as well as shooting arrows and lanterns and all sorts of stuff that needs to get shot..

*Warning, some dogs will die in the progress of the raid.

Post here or shoot me a PM if you are available and want to experience the raid with some guided help.

(NA Dates/times and Sherpas to come forth soon)

IB Weapons worth giving a look to:

AR: Armor-Piercing Rounds, high stability, handling, and reload. Bullet hose style AR with medium-high range). Basically Ghost Primus with one less round in the mag, same impact and better stats everywhere else.

HC: High Impact and Range. Outlaw. Relatively low stability and handling. 8 round mag. May be better suited for PvE. If Better Devils is similar to Hawkmoon.. this would be similar to Ace of Spades.

Fusion Rifle: Avg charge time, nearly max impact and good range.

SMG: Good impact, high range, handling, and reload speed. HCR and Threat Detector.

Sidearm: Full auto Suros design, Ricochet or Accurized Rounds. Maybe a decent full auto if you dont' have The Last Hope or The Last Dance.

This is all just looking at the stats. Doesn't account for actual gun feel. But these may be worth checking out.

With regards to your last point

Its amazing how important gun feel is in Destiny 2

They tooled around with this part (and the hidden stats) so much that guns that look good on paper (their perks) doesnt mean they are good guns in hand

I pretty much have to take them for a spin and hell... some guns that seem shitty at first are good once you get used to them

Kind of crazy
I've had three characters stuck at 304 for two weeks now because each one keeps getting everything BUT the last armor piece they need. It's almost like the people who made this game learned nothing from the past.

Sick of this shit.


My new favorite quote from Saladin:
"The Iron Banner is an arms race. Can you win it?"

A bit funny to me since IB ignores power level now, so the actual accruing of powerful arms does not in any way help you in IB.


Man fuck this game, this is not DESTINY anymore. I used to love IB but until we see some type of SBMM I'm out completely. Best of luck to Bungie and this mess of a game. They had something great with D1 and decided they'd rather chase the super casual crowd and the terrible team shoot tryhard fanbase. Gone are my powers, and ability to make plays. Played 1 game of IB solo and lost 101-22, nice to see the mercy rule in full effect.
Man fuck this game, this is not DESTINY anymore. I used to love IB but until we see some type of SBMM I'm out completely. Best of luck to Bungie and this mess of a game. They had something great with D1 and decided they'd rather chase the super casual crowd and the terrible team shoot tryhard fanbase. Gone are my powers, and ability to make plays. Played 1 game of IB solo and lost 101-22, nice to see the mercy rule in full effect.

I’m not as far off the wagon as you are but I played close to 1200 hours of D1 and I kind of agree. D2 is a shell of its former self. I really enjoyed my time up to 300 or so on all three but now I really don’t want to play. I hope Bungie can figure it out.


Man fuck this game, this is not DESTINY anymore. I used to love IB but until we see some type of SBMM I'm out completely. Best of luck to Bungie and this mess of a game. They had something great with D1 and decided they'd rather chase the super casual crowd and the terrible team shoot tryhard fanbase. Gone are my powers, and ability to make plays. Played 1 game of IB solo and lost 101-22, nice to see the mercy rule in full effect.

They actually made mercy rules even more strict than in D1 (which were already too strict). It's almost impossible to get any longer.

I do miss being able to make solo plays, but I enjoy the new, more tactical play as well.


Agreed. Shores was my favorite map.

Tell me how great the map is when you spawn on C side.
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