I like having dodge on mouse button in games that have a dodge (Hunter class ability) but wouldn't want all class abilities on a mouse button.
For example having a dodge on a hand that isn't also controlling directional movement is superior because if it's on a key such as F then it is hard to hit D and F in an non-awkward way. Suddenly dodging to the right feels clunky.
The way they have it now on V means I guess they want you to use your thumb but hitting V with my thumb isn't super ideal, or at least, I would prefer it on a mouse button.
But why not?
What harm is in having Hunter dodge and Warlock healing circle in same bind, e.g. mouse wheel click?
Air Move also need rebind because it most likely is e.g. Dawnblades air dodge.
Something I doodled up while thinking what to move around.
Character menu most likely to i because "inventory" and class ability to Mouse 3 on top of marked stuff.