Wallpaper I just chucked together for you, since I love you guys.
Amazing job!
Wallpaper I just chucked together for you, since I love you guys.
I'm sure this has been done before, but:
EDIT: Avatar version.
Is it really just one more week? It's going to feel like a month...
Probably going to roll a Titan (unsure whether to go Striker or Defender though). Will be playing on PS3; my handle there is SeventhRecon if anyone wants to add me.
Dax bought a dark colored dress, well she thought it was a dress turns out it was actually symbiote and now it has consumed her.
So Dax is now a Fallen or she jumped universes and now resides in 616 (Marvel)
Yeah, I have a feeling though that she's stuck to the side of a building and cannot figure out how to get off. lol!
Poor Dax
She lost her powers due to her blasting her favorite Beatles song "Eight Days a Week" to get hyped up for Destiny, without realizing Sonic vibrations make Venom go mad!
That reminds me, did Paul McCartney work on this?
I thought I remember reading he was going to.
Yeah I'm pretty sure he's involved in the OST
Thank you airjoca for the new avatar :-D
#WarlockGAF where are you my brothers?!?!?
If you do recieve it early would you mind posting some pictures of the LE swag here? especially the Guardian Folio
Won't get mine 'till the 9th most likely.
Has anyone else that has preordered from EB Games (AU) been sent their copy? I just got an email saying my PS4 Limited Edition has been posted. Pity it'll be useless if it arrives before the weekend, though at least I can install it.
getting suited up for midnight release
all i need now is a helmet, some bits of armor, a nerf gun, and some pouches
#WarlockGAF where are you my brothers?!?!?
What are you going to use for a armband? It has to be something epic. No pressure....
#WarlockGAF where are you my brothers?!?!?
ill have to tape some glow sticks together or somthin
#WarlockGAF where are you my brothers?!?!?
But whatever you decide to use, it must be on fire, you're a SunBro right? right?
Lets leave 2nd and 3rd degree burns out of this...
For the good of the Guardian
SunBro's are one with with Sun (wow that's awesome lol)
You will be come an honorary Kiwi Guardian if you do this.Considering getting the digital version so I can have it preloaded and change my time zone to NZ so I can play it early instead of waiting till 3am EST... even though I have the LE physical version preordered.
Choices.... choices.
But whatever you decide to use, it must be on fire, you're a SunBro right? right?
was thinking of one of these, if it cant arrive in time then ill have to tape some glow sticks together or somthin
i cant do somthing as estravigent as that (because monies, and fear for my life)
Since i joined the japanese clan i figured i'd kill some time updating my custom edit for my titan, since i switched my titans name to benisuzume it felt right to do the same for the edit.
I can only dream of a day Bungie let you custom skin your armor, haha
There's a Japanese clan? How does one join?
Seppuku, then you get revived by a ghost 300 years later... Glorious Guardian!
(This a joke by the way, please don't take this shit seriously!)
i´d say we got a problem if you need to put a disclaimer on everything heh
I've told myself I won't be buying this game but the more I read this thread and see peoples' excitement, the more I want it. Marketing, you suck.
I've been warned >.>;, did a mischievous deed to the withdrawal thread to get it locked... early!
I've told myself I won't be buying this game but the more I read this thread and see peoples' excitement, the more I want it. Marketing, you suck.
Seppuku, then you get revived by a ghost 300 years later... Glorious Guardian!
(This a joke by the way, please don't take this shit seriously!)
only 1 more week :O