I've done the raid about 4 times now. My problem is it feels like I'm constantly missing something. Such as oracle killing. Or "training" while holding the relic. On PS4 I hold the relic, jump in the air, R2 slam and repeat and hope things die. Should I be pressing R1 after (basic swing attack) after slamming or using R1 to "run" from attacks?
And what's a good gun for getting through the oracles? I'm using the Shadow Price and my golden gun (with 4 shots). Shadow Price is okay, but I usually empty a clip without breaking an oracle. It's annoying sometimes.
Jump+R2 is the best for damage and has AoE as well, so it's what I spam the most by far. You really never need to use R1 if you place your R2's in good places. R1 is really situational, if you are going against a hobgoblin who is charging his gun, you won't have time to jump+r2 without being sniped, but R1 will dash towards them much quicker for the interrupt. Keep in mind that you don't need to let your jump reach full hieght before you press R2, you can press it immediately after jump for a more instant ground-pound.
Any machine gun is great against the oracles, especially Corrective Measure. If you're having problems dropping them, use an AR or HMG. Scout rifles and handcannons can get the job done in hard but aren't as fast as AR/HMG. Make sure you upgrade the damage on these guns to drop them even quicker. If you're running a titan, you can place down weapons of light upon being teleported and you'll melt the first few oracles like butter.
Regarding the "R1 for running from attacks"- you can use this, but you should be pretty offensive with the relic. IMO with the relic, offense is the best defense. The only time I run from attacks with the relic is when I'm leaving the gatekeeper portals, and you can jump and spam R1 to air dash, but it does leave you pretty vulnerable to fire from ads.